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"A man’s nut is sacred," pickup douchebag Roosh V declares. And it gets worse from there.

One Warning Sign A Guy Is a Rapey Creep: He's This Guy
Roosh V: One Giant Warning Sign

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The lovely piece of human garbage that is Roosh Valizadeh recently posted a helpful little list of “6 Warning Signs A Girl Isn’t Worth A Relationship.”

It’s a bit of an ironic list, in that Roosh, a self-described expat “love tourist” who makes his living giving men terrible dating advice, inadvertently provides any “girls” reading his list 6 Clear Warning Signs That Roosh is an Angry Sexual Predator Who Should Be Avoided at All Costs.

Roosh starts by warning his readers about the terrible plague of the music changers.

The first thing I do when get a girl over to my shack is put on some music. Depending on the mood I’m trying to set, I’ll go with something like The Weeknd, Vanessa da Mata, or Michael Jackson. As I’m making drinks, if she goes to the laptop, cuts off my music, then pulls up her own music on YouTube, she’s only getting fucked that night and never again. Even though she wants to play “this one song,” I cut her crap off and put mine back on. I say, “If you wanted to listen to your music you should’ve invited me to your place.”

Anyone that touchy about someone changing his music is not exactly great boyfriend material.

Several more items reveal Roosh to be someone who bristles with rage whenever a woman, in his mind, disrespects him. If a woman texts someone while on a date and doesn’t apologize for it, for example, Roosh feels that “you might as well hand her your balls.”

And then his list gets very dark indeed. TRIGGER WARNING for rape apologia dark.




The Fifth Horseman of the Warning Sign Apocalypse is this: Asking you to postpone your orgasm so she can gain more pleasure.”

As Roosh sees it,

If you’re about to bust your nut and a girl does tells you “No” or “Wait,” she’s an inconsiderate slut who is now causing you direct harm.


A man’s nut is sacred, and for her to impede that should be criminal. I’m serious.

Backing away now.

One time a girl postponed my nut and then I lost it completely. I couldn’t get it back and I was left with minor groin pain. I never contacted her again.

What a terrible assault on Roosh’s manhood. He once experienced MINOR GROIN PAIN. That evil harlot should be locked up for life for the crime of a dude not having an orgasm once.

If all this seems a bit rapey, well, it gets worse with item #6: “Not urging you to continue pumping even if it’s starting to cause her discomfort,” in which Roosh explains that girlfriend-quality “girls” shouldn’t be permitted to say “stop” after agreeing to let a dude’s penis in.

I’ll tell you what love is: when a girl begs you to keep going even though you know she already came, even though she’s drying up, and even though you know it’s causing her pain.

I suppose it could be “love.” It could also be a rather different emotion known as “fear.” Fear that the angry, woman-hating asshole fucking you, who seems to erupt in rage whenever a woman disagrees with him, will flip out if you ask him to stop. And will keep going regardless.

If she tells you to stop the millisecond after she gets her nut, without you getting yours, I want you to tell her that the point of having sex with women is so a man doesn’t have to use his hand, and that she has performed below the hand.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

That’s why we do all this shit to bang women—to get our nut. If she can’t do that for us, then she’s useless as a living being.

If anyone tries to tell you that the “red pill” is really just about self-improvement for men, ask them to explain this.

If someone shows you an article from A Voice for Men arguing that “rape culture isn’t real,” show them this, and ask why they ran a long-two part interview with Roosh in which the interviewer wrote that Roosh was “a deep thinker,” and “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals,” adding “I got nothing but respect for the guy.”

Roosh, you may recall, has also proposed legalizing rape on private property, which he bizarrely claims will bring an end to rape. I think it’s fairly clear that Roosh has no interest in ending rape. What he wants is for people to stop calling it rape. As he sees it, women saying “no” or “stop” or “get off me” are all an affront to the “sacred nut.” And we can’t have that.

EDIT: Minor edits to clarify a point.

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9 years ago

Dvär re: “nut”: I’ve heard it used in the context of a male orgasm, usu. “bust a/my nut”.

re: Roosh and women post orgasm: I fall into the “Big O as Prelude” camp, but every body’s different. His insistence on a singular reaction makes me think thst (gasp) he doesn’t have as much experience as he touts…or atleast very little that led to orgasmic satisfaction for the other person.

9 years ago

This is repugnant. In a perfect world, Roosh would have to wear his sleaziest, most disgusting advice while trying to pick up women. See how far that gets him.

9 years ago

Good advice for keeping a healthy sex life:
1) Listen to what Roosh says.
2) Do the opposite.

Warning: point 1, however, is not good advice for keeping a healthy mind.

9 years ago

I’m with those here who think that Roosh has less experience with women than he boasts. He seems to have thought up some imaginary behaviors he objects to.

(1) Like others have said, on a first date if a woman goes over to change a tune while the guy is getting drinks, esp. without asking if it’s alright, this shows boundary issues. I can see this happening in the context of a couple playing tunes they like to gauge music compatibility or the woman saying “I heard this today, I really liked it, what do you think?” Most of the time, though, I think the music is just background and unless it is really objectionable, a person wouldn’t go over to change it.

If this really happened (and it is likely a dreamed-up scenario), we don’t know what the context was; what happened before; what the woman was saying

(2) I have never heard his expression about getting one’s nut. I find it really strange.

(3) I also wonder if the woman telling Roosh to stop is real or fantasy. Most of the time, unless there’s pain involved, don’t both partners want to get off and get each other off? Isn’t that kind of the point of sex? Even if a woman comes first, I would guess she would enjoy her partner’s orgasm (not nut, for crying out loud!). Again, unless she is in pain, in which case Roosh is beyond horrible thinking his own “nut” is more important than her pain.

(4) I like the out-and-out admission that women’s worth is based solely on him getting off. These types can dance around it all they want, but there are telling phrases like this one.

9 years ago

Urgh, that term “bust a nut” is one of the more repulsive things I’ve ever heard said about male orgasm (or rather, ejaculation, which may or may not be accompanied by one.) Not only is it gross, it’s also completely wrong about the nature of the thing. Testicles don’t actually burst during ejaculation. In fact, they’re not directly involved at all; the sperm is already sitting in the vas, waiting to make its exit at whatever time is convenient (or not). Someone really needs to take Roosh aside and explain to him about how his little head works, because his big one is clueless about…well, everything, really.

And yeah, female lack-of-orgasm also can lead to a mildly uncomfortable bit of pelvic circulatory congestion, which, like “blue balls”, goes away if you only wait it out. But I guess he doesn’t care about that. Good thing that it’s not nearly as bad as period cramps. Now, THOSE are real bitches.

Gawd, Roosh is such a fuckin’ wimp.

9 years ago

Th1stle: In a perfect world, Roosh would be a well adjusted, happy member of society, and anthropomorphic piles of slime wouldn’t exist.

9 years ago

To add to what others have said, the whole ‘drying up’ thing is really rather baffling. I mean, I absolutely can understand the discomfort of continuing with sexual stimulation post orgasm. Depending on the type of orgasm I have, it can really leave me down for the count and sensitive. But full on drying up? I just can’t even comprehend how that would take place unless the woman in question wasn’t very aroused in the first place or there was something else causing it.

Also, I agree with @Scarlettathena that he has to be inflating his partner count and sexual success stories. The way he talks and writes suggests to me (pardon the armchair analysis) that he has very, very little human interaction. The things that annoy him, the weird scenarios he comes up with, and the stilted word choice just smack of someone who doesn’t spend a lot of time around, well, anyone.

9 years ago


In a perfect world, Roosh would be a well adjusted, happy member of society, and anthropomorphic piles of slime wouldn’t exist.

You’re right; THAT would be a perfect world. No RoK. No pick-up blogs. Just men and women happily forming healthy relationships. *sigh*

9 years ago

It just occurs to me that for a blog so hugely concerned with eradicating what its denizens consider to be vulgarity in women (i.e. no rock music, blue jeans, etc.), these guys are the most vulgar bunch of pig-men there ever was. Eg., Roosh refers to his own ejaculation as a “nut”. Roosh hates to even wipe his own ass, fergawdsakes. They are inanely picky about every last detail of a woman, but hopelessly slovenly when it comes to themselves.

And then they wonder why the world won’t recognize their innate superiority and bend itself to their unbending will. Yeah, funny that.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

I’ve seen people refer to orgasms as “nutting” or “getting my/your/his nut.” Those authors tended to be teen boys and twenty-something men posting on reddit, though. I’ve never heard people in my cohort refer to finishing that way (and I’ve spent my time in some crude company over the years). But I’m thirty-five, the same age as Roosh. Which makes me think that all of this nutting phraseology is an attempt on his part to seem relevant to his target audience. Perhaps it makes him seem hip to the under-thirty crowd, but it’s personally reminding me of the “cool” aunts and uncles in my nineties adolescence who used to ask us kids if we’d heard the new single from Pearl Jelly.

Whatever the case, the whole sexing up the ladies thing doesn’t seem to be working for Roosh anymore. I think he needs a new hobby. Maybe macrame? That way he couldn’t hurt anybody, and he’d have colorful crafts to gift and keep.

@Hambeast – Aw, thank you! I’m pretty taken with that visual myself. I kind of want to mock it up in MS Paint and have it printed on a coffee mug now, but I need to come up with an alternate explanation of the image first. I really don’t want to explain it to my MIL the next time she visits.

9 years ago

@GhostBird “Also, I agree with @Scarlettathena that he has to be inflating his partner count and sexual success stories.”

Or maybe just inflating his partners.

9 years ago

Had a look around his site…Good god, what a sad, pathetic revolting piece of shite he is. How many strange 19 year olds can he “game”, like ANYONE gives a sweet fuck besides any hollow, empty and useless husks just like him.

9 years ago


Zing! Also, that might explain the previously discussed drying up weirdness.

9 years ago

Oh god that last bit was one of the grossest thing I’ve ever read. If I could I would totally make it so that when these guys try to pick up women, they end up saying all the disgusting truths about themselves. But considering the women having to hear those things in their daily lives is too cruel, maybe just excile all the scum to another planet.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Hang up your chick habit…hang it up daddy…you’re just jonesing for a spill

Lyrics from a song from the movie Deathproof.

Ice and Indigo
Ice and Indigo
9 years ago

Nah, he couldn’t use a blow-up doll. Dolls can’t suffer, meaning he couldn’t rant about how its suffering is totally unimportant. Doing a doll would involve getting it up over an object he didn’t hate, and I don’t know if he could even do that any more.

9 years ago

I don’t know, with everything else serving as a giant red flag for how much of an abusive control freak rapist he is, I’m thinking number 1 if it was real and not apocryphal went something more like some poor woman inquiring if he could shut off his shitty music so they could talk or interpreting the silent faced putting on of music as an invitation to share musical tastes and she asked if she could show him some of her favorite songs as well. If true, that she tried to switch off music without running it by him, it was probably because she was already terrified of this guy and was hoping to diffuse the straight train to railroading her into sex and seeing if there was any possibility of just speaking initially.

I don’t know, the whole run makes me worry for the girl if she was anything other than hypothetical.

Also, I definitely noticed the little chestnut that was his “oh, she’s only getting one night if she dares defy me” bit. He wants a girlfriend. He wants love and a real relationship and something beyond this endless raping of women in the name of meeting some artificial masculinity standard, but he wants to be viewed as still manly and too manly to be controlled in even the most minimal ways by a woman much much more.

And that’s what screams out the most with these PUAs, MRAs, and angry misogynist gators (yeah, I know, all the same thing). They have gotten so wrapped up in this toxic masculinity performance that they’ve eliminated any chance they’ll have the things they want to feel less scared and worthless all the time about meeting these bullshit standards and so they can’t stop being worse and worse to try and desperately keep the toxic mess of “friends” they have from thinking they are the worthless losers they are. See, look, how much I can hate women, I’m still cool and manly, right? Right? I rape women on the regular and flip out if they so much as touch my shit when I’m silently ignoring them, I’m a real man now, right? I can stop worrying that it can be all taken away if I admit to liking a showtune or actually want something real, right?

And I’d have sympathy for that plight if this fuckers weren’t abusers and rapists making women’s lives worse owing to a worldview they could abandon at any time.

9 years ago

Every time he has a woman over?

Dollars to donuts that literally never happens.
He’s an abusive rapist. He’s ignorant scum and so is any man who would take advice from him. I’d rather french kiss an eel than shake that nasty piece of trash’s hand. Speaking of, does he think women don’t have hands? Unlike Doosh, most women can work a clit with delightful precision. He has nothing at all to offer a woman. He isn’t fun or interesting or sexy. He is not fun in bed. He’s a hate filled, lonely shit spigot without the briefest notion as to how to please a woman. No wonder he thinks he needs some stupid secret game to compete with other men. He protests too much that he is more likely to give women Gonorrhea than orgasms because he’s so macho. I think the only person who actually believes that line is that ice clinking Lex Luther impersonator in a cowboy hat.

That’s why he hates “selfish sluts”. They’re women who are having great sex with men who aren’t him. He seems miserable that men are giving women the shivers every day and he’s too scared to even try.

He’s not confident. He’s a scared little shit head. He’s not an “alpha”. People who naturally lead do not look for reasons to feel undermined. He’s positively paranoid. They are not threatened by other people easily. Not Doosh. He’s hypervigilant. He’s always looking for an excuse to assure himself he’s superior and unappreciated rather than just not remotely impressive. Confident people don’t need to be constantly reassured that they are the center of attention. They don’t need to convince themselves other people are shit in order to feel any pride in themselves. They’re egos are tough enough to take responsibility for failure and share success. They don’t treat happiness as a finite resource to be stolen from other people when you can’t make your own.

This asshole is swimming in a toxic brew of in inconsequence and pomposity. It must eat him alive.

I hope so. 🙂

9 years ago

then she’s useless as a living being.

living being.

He won’t even say human. If he can’t use and abuse women then we are useless as “living beings”? What other sort of beings are there?


He really likes to dance around how much he’d like to kill women who won’t fuck him. This man needs to be put away before he kills someone.

9 years ago

I think the only person who actually believes that line is that ice clinking Lex Luther impersonator in a cowboy hat.

… *snerts*

When no-one was looking, Davis Aurini took forty skulls. He took 40 skulls. That’s as many as four tens. And he’s terrible.

9 years ago

But Manboobz Futrelle has never, ever succeeded with women at all. He cannot provide any evidence that any woman of even middling looks would be caught dead in a relationship with him.

So how is Manboobz qualified to declare Roosh’s advice as terrible?

9 years ago

(Lea, you may cuss for me if you want to) and for any woman who has or will be with him

What? Why?

I feel sorry for her too. It would be a knife in my heart to raise a person who could think like him.

I’m sorry I’m so combative. I’ll get a handle on it. Toning it down now. 🙂

9 years ago

Hang up your chick habit…hang it up daddy…you’re just jonesing for a spill

Lyrics from a song from the movie Deathproof.

Tina S,

That is totally my jam. 😉

9 years ago

On top of everything else, this list makes Roosh sound like a epically shitty lover. You’d think a guy who’s whole existence revolves around getting with women would learn some skills, but no.

9 years ago

I usually get a kick out of it when PUA garbage unintentionally announce to the world “I’m lousy in the sack!” While thinking they’re bragging about how alpha-as-fuck they are. But this one is just unusually cold. I just hope it was click bait, and nothing more.