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The lovely piece of human garbage that is Roosh Valizadeh recently posted a helpful little list of “6 Warning Signs A Girl Isn’t Worth A Relationship.”
It’s a bit of an ironic list, in that Roosh, a self-described expat “love tourist” who makes his living giving men terrible dating advice, inadvertently provides any “girls” reading his list 6 Clear Warning Signs That Roosh is an Angry Sexual Predator Who Should Be Avoided at All Costs.
Roosh starts by warning his readers about the terrible plague of the music changers.
The first thing I do when get a girl over to my shack is put on some music. Depending on the mood I’m trying to set, I’ll go with something like The Weeknd, Vanessa da Mata, or Michael Jackson. As I’m making drinks, if she goes to the laptop, cuts off my music, then pulls up her own music on YouTube, she’s only getting fucked that night and never again. Even though she wants to play “this one song,” I cut her crap off and put mine back on. I say, “If you wanted to listen to your music you should’ve invited me to your place.”
Anyone that touchy about someone changing his music is not exactly great boyfriend material.
Several more items reveal Roosh to be someone who bristles with rage whenever a woman, in his mind, disrespects him. If a woman texts someone while on a date and doesn’t apologize for it, for example, Roosh feels that “you might as well hand her your balls.”
And then his list gets very dark indeed. TRIGGER WARNING for rape apologia dark.
The Fifth Horseman of the Warning Sign Apocalypse is this: “Asking you to postpone your orgasm so she can gain more pleasure.”
As Roosh sees it,
If you’re about to bust your nut and a girl does tells you “No” or “Wait,” she’s an inconsiderate slut who is now causing you direct harm.
A man’s nut is sacred, and for her to impede that should be criminal. I’m serious.
Backing away now.
One time a girl postponed my nut and then I lost it completely. I couldn’t get it back and I was left with minor groin pain. I never contacted her again.
What a terrible assault on Roosh’s manhood. He once experienced MINOR GROIN PAIN. That evil harlot should be locked up for life for the crime of a dude not having an orgasm once.
If all this seems a bit rapey, well, it gets worse with item #6: “Not urging you to continue pumping even if it’s starting to cause her discomfort,” in which Roosh explains that girlfriend-quality “girls” shouldn’t be permitted to say “stop” after agreeing to let a dude’s penis in.
I’ll tell you what love is: when a girl begs you to keep going even though you know she already came, even though she’s drying up, and even though you know it’s causing her pain.
I suppose it could be “love.” It could also be a rather different emotion known as “fear.” Fear that the angry, woman-hating asshole fucking you, who seems to erupt in rage whenever a woman disagrees with him, will flip out if you ask him to stop. And will keep going regardless.
If she tells you to stop the millisecond after she gets her nut, without you getting yours, I want you to tell her that the point of having sex with women is so a man doesn’t have to use his hand, and that she has performed below the hand.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
That’s why we do all this shit to bang women—to get our nut. If she can’t do that for us, then she’s useless as a living being.
If anyone tries to tell you that the “red pill” is really just about self-improvement for men, ask them to explain this.
If someone shows you an article from A Voice for Men arguing that “rape culture isn’t real,” show them this, and ask why they ran a long-two part interview with Roosh in which the interviewer wrote that Roosh was “a deep thinker,” and “a layered, tempered and earnest guy, who truly wants to help other men in their most basic and primal of life goals,” adding “I got nothing but respect for the guy.”
Roosh, you may recall, has also proposed legalizing rape on private property, which he bizarrely claims will bring an end to rape. I think it’s fairly clear that Roosh has no interest in ending rape. What he wants is for people to stop calling it rape. As he sees it, women saying “no” or “stop” or “get off me” are all an affront to the “sacred nut.” And we can’t have that.
EDIT: Minor edits to clarify a point.
Interesting! He was so pissed off that holding off orgasm because I woman wanted to get hers caused him minor groin pain that one time, but he insists that a woman experience most likely much more pain so he can get his orgasm… or else she’s worthless as a living thing. Such a horrible human being.
In my experience if there’s driness after an orgasm, there was no orgasm. I bet some poor girl(s?) tried the old “alright you made me come, stop it now” alarm with no success. It works on some guys who need the ego boost of pleasuring a woman over the edge, but how were they to know what Rapey-Roosh really thinks about their silly vaginas.
This guy looks insane. The dark writing and negative publicity drove him there. Ill never read his shit again. Im a fan of this blog now
Honestly, all of Roosh’s problems could be solved by his dominant hand and a palmload of Jergens lotion. When do you suppose he’ll finally realize that?
(Well, aside from hygiene. Which could be solved by him getting acquainted with a shower stall, a bar of soap, and some shampoo.)
And wiping his a**
He really seems to want to orgasm as fast as possible and then leave. This explains a lot: he doesn’t actually like having sex with humans. That’s quite sad since he’s built his whole life around it.
6 Warning Signs A [Person of Any Gender] Isn’t Worth A Relationship:
1. They get ridiculously jealous – not even of other people, but of your music choices, phones, and anything else you pay attention to except them.
2. What’s more, they want you to apologize for having an interest in anything else.
3. They think if you don’t give them an orgasm during sex you are literally a criminal.
4. They tell you that the only reason they spend time with you is that sex is more fun than masturbating. The only reason.
5. Plus, if you don’t get them off the way they like, they say you’re “useless as a living being.”
6. They write blog posts joking about legalizing rape… because they would actually like to legalize some forms of rape. Satire!
Okay so apparently Roosh actually stole this? http://www.nairaland.com/1973834/warning-signs-girl-isnt-worth Or is this a Roosh site, too?
The rapey abusive stuff is all Roosh, of course…
To go way too far into TMI land, I’m pretty much closed for business shortly after orgasm. I don’t know that I literally dry up but it gets sensitive in the bad way.
If anyone tries to tell you that the “red pill” is really just about self-improvement for men, ask them to explain this.
I talked to a guy who tried to explain this. He insisted that I was a mangina and that women deserve what roosh does to them, but also that roosh does nothing but good towards women and its not rape.
In short he was a garbage person, just like his hero
As I’ve said before, men who don’t like women but still crave pussy can easily purchase pussy-simulacra or, for dedicated DYI-ers and those who lack the means to acquire a ready-made sex toy, there are many ways to fashion a ‘fifi’. If Roosh cares only for his ‘nut’ and doesn’t give a damn (or enjoys the fact) that he’s hurting a woman, then he should buy himself an ersatz vagina that is always ready and willing to receive his dickishness.
I’m curious though: Has Roosh ever actually had a girlfriend? Any reports from women who’ve actually had sex with him?
Someone needs to tell Roosh that a fifi will never touch his precious playlists.
(This video is NSFW and totally hilarious; be sure to watch to the end for the final pro tip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZVm6YaEFF8)
Flying Mouse, that is a thing of beauty. I hope the blockquotes work, I’m on my phone.
Oh, and just a note about vaginal dryness: This can occur at any time, even if a woman is totally turned-on. A considerate partner keeps lube on hand and uses it, and if lube happens not be available, there’s always saliva. Yet another bit of common-sense advice that’s completely missing from Roosh’s vast trove of wisdom on matters of sex and relationships.
Weeeeell. 1) There are differences between people.
2) And there’s sex that goes for hours and hours, and/or is repeated for hours and hours and hours. There’s a limit – differing from time to time as well as person to person – to how long lubrication can be maintained no matter how many orgasms are involved. Even if you use a lubricant, all night or all day long mostly PIV sex can damage your skin.
As for Roosh’s partner-with-a-problem, I’m also more inclined to the ‘faking it’ answer.
From the title I thought this would be a rehash of the Seed is Liquid Gold crap. But alas, it’s Legalize-Rape-on-Private-Property Guy. That would have been too much of an improvement.
What strikes me is that Roosh is working on a false premise; that he is in a position to be accepting or rejecting women as girlfriends. From the morose, self pitying posts I’ve read on his blog, most girls can’t get away from him fast enough after they’ve slept with him. Naturally he concludes this is a fault with them. Could he be any less self aware.
I also discovered recently that he is a regular commenter on the Daily Mail web site. Nuff said.
Uh… Not being a native speaker, I thought that “nut” was slang for “testicle”, not “orgasm”? I’m confused…
And as others have said, people are different when it comes to continuing intercourse after they’ve come and won’t come again… For some it’s fine, for others it’s not. But if a woman belongs to the latter group, surely the solution is to try to work something out, like trying to time orgasms better, or finishing the guy off by hand, not having her endure pain and discomfort in the name of “love”.
So. Fucking. Creepy.
Somebody should really sit him down and run him through how the male orgasm work scientifically. Because currently he seems to be an adherent of the “overpressured airgun” idea.
Person with vagina here – I know that I can get a little bit of groin pain if I get aroused and don’t have the opportunity to get any “release”, so why shouldn’t it happen to people with penises? Obvs it’s no excuse to pressure your partner, it’s not that big of a deal, though.
My guess is it’s because blood flows to those parts making them swell, and if the blood then just “sits there” for quite some time, it creates this uncomfortable and slightly achy feeling.
“I also discovered recently that he is a regular commenter on the Daily Mail web site. Nuff said.”
What handle does he use?
Why should anyone demonstrate their “love” to someone who clearly doesn’t give even the tiniest shit about their well-being? Roosh must be the most disgustingly selfish prick in the world. I hope his penis shrivels up and he never has another “nut” ever again.
You guys are absolutely right about there being (a huge amount of) differences between how people’s bodies behave during sexual activities. I was too eager to reason my Roosh’s Girls Are Faking It plot. :/
It just sounded like he thought it was a universal truth that everyone dries up all of a sudden after they have received an orgasm, which lead me to think that Roosh believes wet = aroused, not wet = not aroused.
Which leads me to think he knows exactly as much about vaginas as you would expect him to.