Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, A Voice for Men’s pseudonymous PR genius, is definitely an out-of-the-box thinker.
Unfortunately, she seems to be an out-of-the-box thinker in the same way that some cats are out-of-the-box poopers, leaving odorous and disgusting little “gifts” everywhere she goes.
Today I want to take a look at one of her recent gifts: her, well, ingenious attempt to answer the question “How do we make society care about men as much as they care about women?”
I’m going to ignore the fact that even the basic premise of this question is backwards. Because her solution is even more backwards, if it’s even possible to be more backwards than completely backwards.
So what is this solution? Make it a felony for a woman to give birth, if the father doesn’t want a child.
Er, what? I’ll let her explain, because I sure can’t:
I’ve written before about legal parental surrender and allowing men to walk away from children they have contributed genetic material to, just as women may do, but having given the issue more thought, I am convinced that will only lead to increased hatred of men, not less. For a law surrounding reproductive rights to create a society that genuinely cares about men, the law needs more bite. …
Here it comes:
No human child may be born without the on going and affirmative consent of the adults involved.
What? What on earth does this even mean?
Gender neutral and perfectly clear. To give birth to a child without the explicit consent of everyone who contributed genetic material should be a felony and the child should immediately be seized and placed for adoption by the state.
Really? Yes, really:
In the beginning, to be sure, we are going to end up seizing a lot of babies under equal reproductive rights, but it will not take long for reality to sink in: make this choice and you will suffer for it.
I’m pretty sure the kid will suffer, too, but that never seems to be an issue with most MRAs.
So does Bloomfield’s, er, ingenious solution mean that men who don’t want children will be able to force women they’ve impregnated into having abortions? Oh, don’t be silly. They can give birth to all the babies they want, assuming they don’t mind nine months of pregnancy and, oh yeah, having the government seize their babies after they’re born.
[N]o one will be forced into abortions they do not want. If a woman falls pregnant with a child the father does not consent to, she will not be forced to abort that child. She is free to follow her conscience and give birth to that child. She will not be allowed to keep it, but she may give birth to it. Marital status will make no difference. If you do not have the consent of the father, the infant will be seized.
Uh, JB, what about those felony charges? You just said that doing this would be a felony. Is it too much for me to ask that your crackpot solution at least be internally consistent?
Apparently so, since she forgets about the felony bit and moves on to some of the wonderful things she thinks will happen if her proposal were to become law.
The most immediate effect of a law like this is that a market for male reproductive services emerges. A 35-year-old woman that no man on the planet has consented to reproduce with has a choice: she can pay a man to consent to parenthood. His consent means that he is obliged to support the resulting child so his fee will be:
Child support + ongoing expenses over 18 years + premium for looks, intelligence, height, etc.
That could be a very sweet deal, and men will suddenly be rather valued by women who choose to forgo any efforts towards attracting men into a mutually beneficial pair-bond.
The always classy Bloomfield illustrates this last point with a picture of feminist writer Jessica Valenti, a woman whom Bloomfield seems just a teensy bit obsessed with. It’s an odd choice, given that Valenti is married and a mother.
Bloomfield goes on to endorse “the presumption of shared parenting” in the wake of a divorce. This is a bit of an old chestnut with the Men’s Rights crowd, but Bloomfield has some, well, original thoughts about the possible consequences of making this the law.
Wanna break up your relationship? Have at it. But you will not take the children with you.
Really? What if your ex has never shown any interest in raising these children? What if your ex is an abuser? Apparently, in Bloomfield’s world, all accusations of abuse directed at men are false accusations. She skips merrily past this issue and indulges in more fantasizing:
This also creates a market. Let’s say a woman whom no man has consented to have a child with desperately wants children. She will have to prove her worth to the man by parenting his existing children brilliantly. This is gender neutral, of course. A man who wishes to have more children will also have to parent a woman’s existing children very well to prove his worth.
Bloomfield’s repeated attempts to claim that her proposals are “gender neutral” are a bit odd, given that the whole point of both proposals is to punish women. I’m not reading between the lines here: she states it outright.
Women have gotten away with shit from time immemorial because we have the babies. No society can live without us. It is the sole source of our value and always will be.
Wait, what? The only reason women have value is because they can give birth? What about those women who can’t have children?
Actually, wait a minute: if women’s worth is determined solely by popping out babies at regular intervals, why am I even bothering to read a blog post by a woman – a blog post the author evidently thinks is worthless, because it’s not a baby?
A society in which all women are brilliant engineers and not one of them will have children is a dead society.
Huh? A society in which all men are trapeze artists and not one of them will have children is also a dead society. You can’t really have much of a society if half the population works a single job. Or if no one in the society ever has kids.
Reproductive equality is the key to making a society that cares about men as much as women. Equality leads to more equality?
Lots of women ain’t gonna like that. Tough shit.
Yeah, I don’t think that “equality” is the reason that no decent or sensible person of any gender is going to like Bloomfield’s “solution” here. Somehow I think the whole baby-seizing business is going to be a bigger sticking point. Hell, even a few of the commenters at AVFM had a problem with that part of her proposal.
So the obvious question is: Does Bloomfield really want the government to go into the baby seizing business? Or is this a sort of “outrage clickbait,” an attempt to garner attention by saying the most outrageous thing she can think of?
I’m guessing the truth lies somewhere between these two poles; it’s reminiscent of Roosh’s “stop rape by legalizing it” post not that long ago. Sure, she’s interested in driving traffic to her blog and to AVFM. But she seems to actually believe at least most of the nonsense she posts. And, for what it’s worth, the commenters at AVFM seem to think she’s sincere.
One thing this clearly isn’t is satire – at least not using any definition of the word that anyone outside of AVFM would agree with.
Indeed, the only way this could be considered “satire” would be if Bloomfield was attempting to satirize the sort of terrible person who would actually propose baby seizing as a way to bring about equality.
But Bloomfield isn’t satirizing that sort of terrible person. She is that sort of terrible person.
RE: sn0rkmaiden
Yeah, it’s a shitty situation, for sure. But unfortunately, the person whose body is supporting the fetus, regardless of gender, is the one who gets to decide, because it’s THEIR health on the line. The partner isn’t the one risking a miscarriage or other health problems. It may not be fair, but until we come up with something safer, that’s what we’re stuck with.
“but until we come up with something safer”
If there ever comes a time when there’s a procedure that’s as ‘safe and convenient’ as termination that allows a foetus to gestate outside the womb then maybe that’s a conversation that can be had. but until then; your body, your choice.
Sooo…apparently the plan is to take children away from the parent who wants to take care of them, give them to the parent who doesn’t want to take care of them, and then make that parent’s SO do all the work?
I can think of many folks, myself included, who would absolutely LOVE to be able to have kids without the risks and expenses of pregnancy.
So maybe the MRA’s favor the method in The Giver, where birthmothers are selected by the Elders, pop out three kids, and then are put into hard labor for the rest of their working lives (as punishment for having children, of course).
I have a better idea: How about any man who doesn’t want to risk a pregnancy, take equal responsibility for birth control, go halfsies for an abortion, or be pursued for child support, keep his zipper done up and never have sex?
Yes, I know, not a nice idea. But still a damn sight better and more humane than hers.
I’m wondering if it’ll ever be possible to safely remove a live foetus from one body and safely implant it in someone else’s? I mean, I can see a lot going wrong with that scenario, but I can also see a lot of benefit. Like when for example, a woman has a wanted pregnancy but discovers halfway through there’s some terrible risk to her health, but there’s someone else willing to carry her baby to term for her. But it could also be form of adoption several months early, or IVF several months late.
But I don’t think many of the pro lifers or MRAs would like that development, not the ones who regard pregnancy as a punishment for sex.
RE: sn0rkmaiden
Seeing as how we’re 3D printing some skin and such, I see no reason to believe we can’t come up with a better baby incubator one day.
At the moment, not really. Maybe someday in the distant future, but I’ll be surprised.
There’s a lot of prep work a uterus does to be ready for a kid. A lot. And to get a kid in, the most likely approach would probably be cutting into the womb, which is kind of a huge muscle.
Somehow I don’t see cutting through a uterus (a bunch of muscle) and then telling it to instantly heal so that it won’t reject the kid trying to attach to it going really, really well.
Maybe? Someday?
Ok mras/Antifeminists complain about them and the government paying child support/being in the kids lives but now JB is saying that the government should take the children away, JB flat out admits that she raped a man and now she cares about “consent”? Guys, make up your minds.
Macho Pig
Trolling -1/10
A lot of them really don’t care about the children at all, they call them their “seed” and they compare paying child support to slavery. “Property” is all they are to them.
Nicoluna and Paradoxical intition
I’m so sorry to hear that, I hope things will be better for you two.
JB seriously doesn’t care about men or anybody (but it seems she does care about her children) in evidence that she admitted that she stalked and raped men.
It’s something else that women shouldn’t change their mind about sex but men can change their mind about having children.
About the feminism failing I agree to that. We really did fail them. Evidence: take a look at Jessica R Williams and Tina Fey. We need to speak more about WOC, Trans women, fat women, etc. I really do hope that Femnisim will get better.
Women like Bloomfield throw other women under the bus because they value the short-term goals of male approval and access to male-controlled resources more than they value the long-term goal of justice for women.
I thought about that before. Maybe we could place the fetus in a artificial womb? So no one has to risk their health and lives. That I would fund.
I am guessing that JB absolutely does not care about the MOUNTAINS of evidence that say that a child, in almost all cases, is best off being raised with biological family, and that state raising of children leads to higher rates of criminality, addiction and general poor outcomes.
Women ‘giving up the power’ of giving birth only makes sense in the Marge Piercy novel Woman on the Edge of Time, where women and men have true equality (in the ‘utopian’ part of the world she creates) and defining as male or female has lost most of its importance.
The ‘equality’ that this dreadful woman proposes comes with no advantages that I can see. It would lead to extraordinary family fracture and suffering, (particularly for children), raised taxes to pay for all that care as adoptions often fail. Plus there would be unlikely to be enough people wanting to adopt, as presumably JB would only want married heterosexual couples to be adoptive parents. Also, it isn’t just the parents who suffer loss when giving up a child for adoption – other family members are affected too.
There is loads of other stuff, but it is all just too disgusting to contemplate – she is definitely going for complete out there rubbish with this one.
@snork: Dunno, but it’d be pretty cool. I think detaching/reattaching a placenta without damaging or killing the fetus would be super-dicey… but I’m no surgeon.
I’ve talked to a couple of guys whose partners aborted “their child” and who were bummed about it. one I felt a little sorry for, but the other struck me as a total disaster and fundamentally not fit to be a parent at all. If his partner HAD had the child, she’d have been on her own anyway, barring some major, major life changes and substance abuse counseling on his part. Which anyone sensible knows not to COUNT on.
Anyway, you can feel sorry for someone without necessarily wanting there to be some kind of draconian law written or enforced about it. Hell, we do it with women all the time: husband left you with three little bitty kids and didn’t turn up for a solid month til you found him the next state over with a new GF? Well, that sucks! What an asshole! File for divorce and take him to court for child support!
but no one’s like RAH RAH HE OUGHTA BE IN JAIL or whatever When it comes to men I think people (generally) understand that there’s a difference between enforcing reasonable levels of support for dependent children and getting revenge on behalf of a wronged ex. MRAs have never really seemed to untangle the distinction there for themselves, and I doubt very much they’ll ever understand it for women either.
Maybe AVFM should start a campaign to turn men into seahorses so they can carry the baby. Equality!
Oh like Arnold in “Junior”?
here’s a man who was pregnant
And men who try a machine that lets them experience labor pains
I’ll see your “Twins” and raise you one “Red Dwarf” (actually this episode is quite interesting on gender politics)
I wonder how many people realize that abortions are safer (medically) than childbirth? Somehow, I imagine a lot of MRAs indignantly denying that such a thing could be true. It doesn’t match the 8-bit model of reality they keep in their heads, you know.
I suppose I’ll always wonder… how great are the perks for selling out your own gender? Just throwing every other woman on the planet under the bus so you can get head-pats from men who hate you and would turn on you the minute you stopped slavering at their feet for one nanosecond? Those must be some damn good dog biscuits they make her lap up off the ground, ’cause damn.
When her Totes Alpha Man hubby dumps her in the post-wall hag bin and jets off with a 19-year old girl who would never consider aging or having an opinion (as their whole group keeps insisting is an inevitable and utterly natural part of every married couple’s journey through life), I’m sure she will graciously retreat in a suitably quiet and feminine manner and starve alone in a gutter since of course she would never, ever fight for any kind of support or for her own children. Oh wait, sorry. The Totes Alpha Hubby’s children. Have we even proved that children are in any way actually related to their biological mothers? Someone please ask an MRA for me.
Thanks for the info on Bloomfield’s Youtube channel. Regrettably, I can’t look into it myself before I recover from my last Youtube visit, when I was unfortunate enough to hear Jordan Owen talk about Fifty Shades of Grey while naked in the tub.
It might be a long, long time.
Oh wow that is awful Im so sorry I dont there is enough brain bleach in the world to wash that out of your mind but here’s one anyway
Uh, men already HAVE “equal value to women”. But women are paid 70 cents to a man’s dollar, and treated as disposable sex toys and incubators and gruntwork-doers and scullery maids combined. We don’t in fact control anything outside our own bodies, and even that is oftentimes sketchy. We don’t HAVE any fucking power. And you want to penalize us still further? Fuck you and the right-wing high horse you rode in on.
Why does it seem to be so difficult for these men to simply take responsibility for their own sex lives and just use a condom or abstain.
Fortunately, I don’t foresee this happening any time soon. Women are having a hard enough time choosing not to give birth when they genuinely don’t want to because of the old men in legislatures determined to make them carry babies to term. They aren’t suddenly going to give that freedom back.