Janet “Judgy Bitch” Bloomfield, A Voice for Men’s pseudonymous PR genius, is definitely an out-of-the-box thinker.
Unfortunately, she seems to be an out-of-the-box thinker in the same way that some cats are out-of-the-box poopers, leaving odorous and disgusting little “gifts” everywhere she goes.
Today I want to take a look at one of her recent gifts: her, well, ingenious attempt to answer the question “How do we make society care about men as much as they care about women?”
I’m going to ignore the fact that even the basic premise of this question is backwards. Because her solution is even more backwards, if it’s even possible to be more backwards than completely backwards.
So what is this solution? Make it a felony for a woman to give birth, if the father doesn’t want a child.
Er, what? I’ll let her explain, because I sure can’t:
I’ve written before about legal parental surrender and allowing men to walk away from children they have contributed genetic material to, just as women may do, but having given the issue more thought, I am convinced that will only lead to increased hatred of men, not less. For a law surrounding reproductive rights to create a society that genuinely cares about men, the law needs more bite. …
Here it comes:
No human child may be born without the on going and affirmative consent of the adults involved.
What? What on earth does this even mean?
Gender neutral and perfectly clear. To give birth to a child without the explicit consent of everyone who contributed genetic material should be a felony and the child should immediately be seized and placed for adoption by the state.
Really? Yes, really:
In the beginning, to be sure, we are going to end up seizing a lot of babies under equal reproductive rights, but it will not take long for reality to sink in: make this choice and you will suffer for it.
I’m pretty sure the kid will suffer, too, but that never seems to be an issue with most MRAs.
So does Bloomfield’s, er, ingenious solution mean that men who don’t want children will be able to force women they’ve impregnated into having abortions? Oh, don’t be silly. They can give birth to all the babies they want, assuming they don’t mind nine months of pregnancy and, oh yeah, having the government seize their babies after they’re born.
[N]o one will be forced into abortions they do not want. If a woman falls pregnant with a child the father does not consent to, she will not be forced to abort that child. She is free to follow her conscience and give birth to that child. She will not be allowed to keep it, but she may give birth to it. Marital status will make no difference. If you do not have the consent of the father, the infant will be seized.
Uh, JB, what about those felony charges? You just said that doing this would be a felony. Is it too much for me to ask that your crackpot solution at least be internally consistent?
Apparently so, since she forgets about the felony bit and moves on to some of the wonderful things she thinks will happen if her proposal were to become law.
The most immediate effect of a law like this is that a market for male reproductive services emerges. A 35-year-old woman that no man on the planet has consented to reproduce with has a choice: she can pay a man to consent to parenthood. His consent means that he is obliged to support the resulting child so his fee will be:
Child support + ongoing expenses over 18 years + premium for looks, intelligence, height, etc.
That could be a very sweet deal, and men will suddenly be rather valued by women who choose to forgo any efforts towards attracting men into a mutually beneficial pair-bond.
The always classy Bloomfield illustrates this last point with a picture of feminist writer Jessica Valenti, a woman whom Bloomfield seems just a teensy bit obsessed with. It’s an odd choice, given that Valenti is married and a mother.
Bloomfield goes on to endorse “the presumption of shared parenting” in the wake of a divorce. This is a bit of an old chestnut with the Men’s Rights crowd, but Bloomfield has some, well, original thoughts about the possible consequences of making this the law.
Wanna break up your relationship? Have at it. But you will not take the children with you.
Really? What if your ex has never shown any interest in raising these children? What if your ex is an abuser? Apparently, in Bloomfield’s world, all accusations of abuse directed at men are false accusations. She skips merrily past this issue and indulges in more fantasizing:
This also creates a market. Let’s say a woman whom no man has consented to have a child with desperately wants children. She will have to prove her worth to the man by parenting his existing children brilliantly. This is gender neutral, of course. A man who wishes to have more children will also have to parent a woman’s existing children very well to prove his worth.
Bloomfield’s repeated attempts to claim that her proposals are “gender neutral” are a bit odd, given that the whole point of both proposals is to punish women. I’m not reading between the lines here: she states it outright.
Women have gotten away with shit from time immemorial because we have the babies. No society can live without us. It is the sole source of our value and always will be.
Wait, what? The only reason women have value is because they can give birth? What about those women who can’t have children?
Actually, wait a minute: if women’s worth is determined solely by popping out babies at regular intervals, why am I even bothering to read a blog post by a woman – a blog post the author evidently thinks is worthless, because it’s not a baby?
A society in which all women are brilliant engineers and not one of them will have children is a dead society.
Huh? A society in which all men are trapeze artists and not one of them will have children is also a dead society. You can’t really have much of a society if half the population works a single job. Or if no one in the society ever has kids.
Reproductive equality is the key to making a society that cares about men as much as women. Equality leads to more equality?
Lots of women ain’t gonna like that. Tough shit.
Yeah, I don’t think that “equality” is the reason that no decent or sensible person of any gender is going to like Bloomfield’s “solution” here. Somehow I think the whole baby-seizing business is going to be a bigger sticking point. Hell, even a few of the commenters at AVFM had a problem with that part of her proposal.
So the obvious question is: Does Bloomfield really want the government to go into the baby seizing business? Or is this a sort of “outrage clickbait,” an attempt to garner attention by saying the most outrageous thing she can think of?
I’m guessing the truth lies somewhere between these two poles; it’s reminiscent of Roosh’s “stop rape by legalizing it” post not that long ago. Sure, she’s interested in driving traffic to her blog and to AVFM. But she seems to actually believe at least most of the nonsense she posts. And, for what it’s worth, the commenters at AVFM seem to think she’s sincere.
One thing this clearly isn’t is satire – at least not using any definition of the word that anyone outside of AVFM would agree with.
Indeed, the only way this could be considered “satire” would be if Bloomfield was attempting to satirize the sort of terrible person who would actually propose baby seizing as a way to bring about equality.
But Bloomfield isn’t satirizing that sort of terrible person. She is that sort of terrible person.
Every time I think the next torrent of hateful shit that erupts from this person’s mouth is the last, that it can get no more vile, she manages to rise to the challenge and become an even worse person.
Um… has JB never heard of sperm donation/buying sperm before?
Why is she presenting “You can pay to have a baby even if you’re single!” like it’s some kind of benefit of her crackpot system?
Can I just say that I adore your literary talents? Those first two paragraphs should be bronzed and put on a plaque. And not the sort of plaque that has a mechanical singing fish, either, the classy kind.
JB should probably be bronzed as well, but she can have the fish platter.
Right, because the state is already doing SUCH a good job meeting the needs of the children under it’s care, let’s go ahead and dump SEVERAL THOUSAND MORE into a broken system.
I don’t want to dignify this with a serious response, but does she realize that what she is proposing has been inflicted on mothers for all manner of reasons since virtually the beginning of time? This isn’t some revolutionary idea.
Well, at least she flat out admits that she thinks that nothing she does at AVFM has any value, since it’s not her children.
If she added the clause that women couldn’t abort and simply had to give birth, the GOP would be all over this like flies on dog shit.
Politics aside, this is the most ridiculous bull I’ve ever read. NO ONE will support the idea of government mandated child abduction any more than the idea of government provided girlfriends.
Yeah clearly this horrible, horrible person is utterly fucking ignorant of the magdalene laundries.
Wow. I would say “Now I’ve heard it all,” except every time I think that, I’m proven wrong. And yes, Button, I too was thinking “Have you not heard of sperm banks?” I don’t even know where to start with this nonsense. I’m betting it will be called satire, even though it doesn’t meet the definition at all.
Also, from everything I’ve read MRAs don’t care about the well being of children at all. I have never seen a single thing to suggest otherwise, other than some crackpot “we can’t let our future generation be raised by feminist mothers!” schtick. Even when that YouTube video of a boyfriend sucker punching his girlfriend went around, Paul Elam sat back and went “she was asking for it” and didn’t comment once on the fact that the FUCKING CHILDREN SAW IT AND WERE TRAUMATISED.
So wait. What if a guy withdraws consent while she’s in labor or late in the pregnancy? Or after the birth? What if the father dies during the pregnancy?
Wouldn’t these people be the same assholes complaining about “those people” abandoning their kids to the system.
But even engaging on this is awful. Why lend any credibility to something so obviously shit? (This is more for me. I am not saying anything negative about this post.)
I find it troubling to read this pile of junk after reading about how Wisconsin has passed laws that effectively close down several branches of Planned Parenthood and the governor is proud that his state is standing for fetal rights or whatever and also after reading how the governor of Kansas more or less said that women = baby incubators and that is good for the economy of the state.
Also considering that bio of Paul Elam where he accused his wife of being a whore and left his marriage without any child support ever, I have trouble thinking that women are the only ones who are acting inappropriately.
Also, is it just me or do these types seem to equate money with human lives? I mean, I’m sure it’s annoying to pay child support, but does it escape them that these are human beings with needs, desires, emotions? JB is a mom, right? Does she think her child is just a possession? Or is it just other people’s?
What if the father dies and can’t consent? What if he’s in a coma? What if he’s incapacitated or goes off to war like all the menz do?
What if I don’t want a baby and my (hypothetical) man-partner does? How do we reconcile this as I am obviously not fulfilling my primary function as a person with a vagina?
My feeble lady-brain cannot handle this logic.
Seriously, think what it’ll be like for the kids if they see Daddy hitting Mummy really hard, and then Daddy tells them “She should have done what she was told if she didn’t want to be punched. It’s her own fault.”
Fuck you Elam. Fuck you JB. Fuck everyone at AVFM with no exceptions.
Janet Bloomfield rocks!!!!
I think they think that spending money on women, even women with children, should always be optional for men. They’re always bitching about husbands supporting stay at home wives and having to pay child support even if he didn’t want custody of the kids. They never once think that the women or the kids are human beings that need to eat drink and live. It’s all about the menz.
Gonna go cuddle my awesome 5 year old boy. The one whose dad ran away the second I announced the pregnancy and hasn’t met him. The one who is doing amazingly well at school, who loves his mama fiercely, who is obsessed with building forts with me.
So he should be in care because. .. ummm… men reasons.
So not only does JB value men more than women (instead of equally), she values men more than children’s welfare. What a massive dickhead.
Ha! I was just thinking that things had been quiet on the troll front for a bit…
…too bad the one that showed is a pretty pathetic excuse for one :-/
I also wondered what would happen if the father withdrew consent. Because it’s actually fairly common for men to say he wants a kid only to abandon the child later. How is consent obtained? Is verbal enough? Or does it have to be written? Once written consent is on file, is it ongoing? Does this proposal include free government provided birth control and abortion services?
Also, what if a woman becomes pregnant from rape and doesn’t want to get an abortion? Does she have to seek the consent of her rapist?
Silly woman – you have a vaginal therefore you want ALL THE BABIES ALL THE TIME.
You’d have litters if you could.
It’s the dual purview of your Insatiable Maternal Drive and your Oppress the Menz Genes.
…yeah. You know, since she’s already using a fake name, she might as well go all the way and call herself Serena Joy.
Is JB mixing up her fiction writing with her op-Ed pieces? Cause “governments seize infants if one parent (in JB’s world, it’s always the man) doesn’t want the child even if the other parent (in JB’s world, always the woman) does” sounds like some half-rate dystopian sci-fi.
Because she’s basically advocating ripping kids away from their mothers in order to punish women. That is exactly what she is saying here. Nothing, not even the well-being of children, is more important than punishing women.
Macho Pig: Your trolling is obvious and weak-sauce. Try harder, or go back to troll school.
@Sunnysombrera – exactly! Only the menz count!
@NicolaLuna – sorry, the state is gonna have to impound your child. How on earth could you possibly think you are doing a fine enough job with your child despite the outward signs of being an intelligent, fun-loving and just plain loving child? Are you a monster?!! /sarc/ (Seriously, it’s great you have a wonderful son and I hope you really enjoy the hell out of your relationship with him.)
@weirwoodtreehugger – My guess is JB is on the consent troll-wagon. She has heard about positive consent and all the bubbleheads getting in a tizzy about sex and consent and figures she’ll troll the hell out of it.
“Oh, so the woman can remove consent from sex at any time?!! I call your ongoing consent and raise you a childcare consent! Now, all parties have to consent forever and ever to having the child! Ha, take that!”
Of course, like the car running over people/rape meme, these ignorant douches don’t get that consent for sex and consent in pregnancy are different. Consent is sex is for a momentary situation. I can say yes now and no tomorrow. I can change my mind about an act that is for now. Pregnancy though is a follow-through act. Maybe I consent now, but in the ninth month I say no? Can that work? Or when the child is age 2? Would courts uphold that?
What do you do when pregnancy is an accident? Let’s say in a committed relationship in which contraception fails? No one “consented” to the pregnancy.
Basically, JB is making a ton of assumptions about the simplicity of human nature and situations. On a humorous note, I wonder if she knows what a felony is….
So wait… if a man rapes a woman, it’s her fault, for “asking for it” or “withdrawing consent when she regrets it”. If a man, consenting, conceives a child with a woman, and later “regrets it”, he’s totally within his right and there’s nothing at all strange about that.
What the fuck happens to the unclaimed babies in this scenario? Will it be like that movie Fortress where they’re turned into cyborgs?