a voice for men antifeminism memes misogyny MRA rape culture

The MRA Meme That Would Not Die: "Teaching men not to rape is like teaching drivers not to run people over!"

Found on A Voice for Men's Facebook page.  Clicm on pic for link.
Found on A Voice for Men’s Facebook page. Click on pic for link.

Yes, MRAs, you’re right: Teaching men not to rape IS like teaching drivers not to run people over.

Where you go wrong is in assuming that teaching people either of these things is ridiculous. Learning about consent is a good thing for men, and for women. So is learning to drive before you get behind the wheel.

That’s why driver’s ed classes — which generally promote a “no hitting people with your car” doctrine — are a standard part of the high school curriculum, and why would-be drivers have to take a driver’s test before they get their licence. Running people over during  the test itself is generally frowned upon, and may preclude you from passing it.

Should we assume that MRAs would also prefer it if men didn’t have to pass driver’s test in order to drive? Are they so insulted by the notion of anyone telling them what to do that we should abandon any and all moral and practical teachings aimed at boys and men?

Are they still pissed off at their mothers (and/or fathers) for insisting, when they were young boys, that they not run around punching people? Are they still angry that their parents forced them to start using the toilet instead of shitting their pants?

I suppose these questions are better left up to the professionals.

In the meantime, here are a couple more iterations of this ridiculous meme. The first one I found on AVFM’s Facebook page a while ago. I don’t remember where I found the other one.




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9 years ago

Indeed, if a typical rape was truly an accident, then *both* parties would find themselves raped.

The thing is, they kind of do see it that way – one person’s been actually raped and one person (the, you know, rapist) may get “raped” (since they love to throw the word around – “raped by the system”, “raped in the game”) by allegations and their fallout.

And it’s totes not fair that they should be subjected to such abuse.


9 years ago

The crossing guard one: “Women are like children that need to be told by men what is best for them. They don’t know most places just aren’t safe for them to play. Places like colleges, work, social gatherings, public, and in their homes.”

They want us to be afraid of the dark. They literally want us to be too afraid to walk alone. But it doesn’t stop there.

The word “accountable” keeps being used by these nasty rape apologists. Does anyone actually think that means anything other than being raped or having our autonomy removed in some other way?

I can’t help but notice how often these people confuse women with kids and kids with adult women who can consent to sex.

If they think women’s crystal clear consent is not necessary so it is up to a woman to keep away from men and twelve year olds are women….

Yet they want more access to “women’s” bodies and power over our lives. If mature women and sexually experienced women are gross, yada, yada.

Nauseous now.

I really don’t like where that line of thought goes. Somebody tell me I’m wrong.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I don’t think they’ll ever get that rape isn’t about sex. They tend to think rape is sex that the woman regretted or sex that needed a little extra “game” to get or sex with a partner that most of society would view as a victim (i.e. a minor). But it’s totes just sex, u guyz! Clearly, if they ever had the misfortune to experience a rape firsthand, they’d know it’s all about power, fear and anger. Even though it’s a sexual act, there’s nothing sexy about it. Excuse me while I barf-bawl.

9 years ago

I don’t recall hearing about an epidemic of people telling folks who have been run over that they shouldn’t have had the audacity to walk.

That’s because you haven’t been reading comments in my local paper about the rash of pedestrians and bicyclists getting hit by bad drivers! Many, many readers asserting that it’s because: A) it’s far too dangerous to walk or ride a bike, and anyone stupid enough to do it gets what’s coming to them; B) Bikes and people don’t belong in the street so it’s no one’s fault but their own if they get hit by cars and besides only drivers pay for the road; or C) I see pedestrians and bicyclists breaking the law, why doesn’t anyone arrest THEM and why do car drivers need licenses when bicyclists in particular are so shitty and ignorant? So far no one has gone so far as to suggest that you need a license to walk yet, but I’m sure that’s coming.

Victim-blaming and outraged privilege know no bounds.

Tyra Lith
Tyra Lith
9 years ago


“Obviously if the driver is a woman she has to drive at a walking pace while her owner walks in front of the car waving a large flag to warn everyone. And men shouldn’t let most wimminz learn to drive, cause it just gives them silly ideas about independance.”

Right. And who knows, if the woman learns to drive all on her own maybe she’ll notice that she actually doesn’t really like her owner’s car and he’s not a good driver at all and she’ll want to try out different cars. and drivers. now I’m confused.

“With how some of them talk about female on male rape victims, maybe any man who is run over by a woman’s car should consider himself lucky to have gotten free tire marks and stop complaining?”

yeah. and then they’ll yell at feminists for spoiling the fun he must have had getting run over.

9 years ago

Do MRAs not know that drivers are required to exercise extra caution around children? In the US anyway, speed limits are lower near schools. If a driver is behind a stopped school bus, they must stop too. They’re not allowed to pass.

They didn’t think through this analogy, did they?

Also, even if a pedestrian is violating traffic laws, most people are moral enough to try not to hit them. Most people aren’t delighted to get an excuse to run someone over. Most drivers who hit and kill or hurt someone feel guilty even if they aren’t at fault. Because most people have empathy. Not MRAs though. They’re just dying to hurt people and rationalize it.

Of course, if we are going to go with this bone headed analogy, I wonder what percentage of pedestrians who get hit by cars were not even at fault. I’m a frequent pedestrian. I’ve never been hit, but I’ve had many close calls. I was only at fault one time when I thought the light had changed and crossed on a red and almost got hit by a bus. Most of the time though, I’m crossing on a green and a driver almost hits me because they were trying to turn and neglected to check for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Or I’m on a sidewalk and a driver comes barreling out of an alley or parking lot. When I jaywalk, I always make sure there are no cars nearby.

My close calls have been the equivalent of someone going out to a bar alone, but guarding her drink. Only to be go home and be raped by her husband there. That is, quite often women do everything right (according to the don’t get yourself raped crowd). They dress modestly, don’t accept drinks from strangers, don’t go alone with strange men, don’t overdo it on the drinking etc. And they still get raped. Because most rape isn’t between strangers.

9 years ago

Can we extend this, um, “metaphor” to other assaults?

Don’t teach people not to mug others, teach people not to walk on sidewalks with or without cash!

Of course the memes are ridiculous in lots of ways. In lots of states in the US, drivers are supposed to stop for pedestrians in crosswalks. In NJ where I live, I was actually on a jury for the case of a woman who was walking outside a crosswalk and got hit. By law, she was responsible for looking out for cars. (She actually sustained very little damage because the guy was backing up and lightly tapped her – maybe. He said he didn’t feel it.)

There are also laws concerning school zones and school buses. All cars are supposed to stop until the school bus says all the kids are safely wherever they are supposed to be.

Anyway, lots of people have already pointed out, cars running over pedestrians is usually an accident. Rape is an assault. Even if the woman (or man) is passed out drunk, naked on a couch spread eagle with “rape me” written in sharpie on their stomach you are not obliged to rape that person. You have choices: check the person is okay (breathing normally), cover them up and maybe even babysit to make sure they are okay; you can even just walk away and think “stupid drunk person passed out in public”. You don’t have to rape!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@ becausereasons – Yes! Memes like this unintentionally reveal how messed up their attitudes about sex are. There’s no mutual enthusiasm or fun involved. To them it’s just a game of “picking off” as many “targets” as possible. How the target feels about it doesn’t even matter. It’s always assumed the target is consenting unless they put up all kinds of red flags and barriers. Even then, those are simply obstacles to be removed, ignored, or dismissed.

The problem with MRAs and other rape apologists is that they think the default consent state should be “yes” until proven “no”. It’s not. It’s “no” until proven “yes”. That is, consent should be opt-in, not opt-out. Otherwise, bodily autonomy becomes something women have to explicitly claim for themselves, over and over again; and worse yet, “no” becomes subject to interpretation on the part of the person who’s trying to initiate. It becomes whatever the initiator decides it is. That’s where you get into “soft nos” and PUA techniques of overriding her “natural defenses” by rationalizing away her behavior and hearing only what you want to hear.

I think consent is analagous to spam. In Canada and Europe, marketers need to have the recipient’s express permission before sending them materials. In the US, it’s “opt out”, meaning marketers can spam anyone, and the burden is on the recipient to request that the sender cease. (Same thing with those ‘3 Free Months!’ magazine deals – you then have to explicitly cancel at the end of those three months, which is annoying. They count on the fact that people will forget to do it.) I wonder if there’s any connection between that and the difficulty we seem to have in this country establishing a common, sensible definition of consent?

Oh, and I’m really sorry to hear about your accident, becausereasons. That’s awful 🙁 I hope there weren’t any lasting effects.

Sunny Burn
9 years ago

This only works as an allegory for rape if we imagine some sort of weird dystopian world where people are driving their cars like, on the sidewalks and through traffic barriers (places we assume are safe to walk) and hitting people, and then the people getting hit get told it was their fault for not being more careful.

9 years ago


The word “accountable” keeps being used by these nasty rape apologists. Does anyone actually think that means anything other than being raped or having our autonomy removed in some other way?

I’m not sure, I think so it always seems to come with the implication that men areaccountable for these actions in a way women aren’t? So I’m never really sure how exactly they view it.
Unless it’s simply equating getting raped to an action like driving drunk (I know how they love to do that). Because then it becomes not even something that “just happened” to her it’s something she did.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago


I wonder if there’s any connection between that and the difficulty we seem to have in this country establishing a common, sensible definition of consent?

Spammer/Rapist: I have this fantastic offer that you can’t refuse!

Woman Minding Her Own Business: What? Who are you? Also, not interested.

S/R: For a limited time only, you’re invited to the party in my pants!

W: Nope, no thanks. Blocking you now.

S/R: It’s absolutely free and there’s a 100% satisfaction guarantee!!!1!

W: I thought I blocked you! Get the fuck outta here!

S/R: Hear what other happy customers had to say! You won’t be disappointed!

W: Ok pal, you need to seriously leave me alone. Fuck off.

S/R: Whatever, you’re ugly anyways.

Also, thanks. I only had some bruising and soreness for about a week, nothing lasting that I know of. The driver was never held accountable.

9 years ago

Are they saying not raping as analogous to not getting raped then when they say “accountable”? It was his job not to rape her, but her job not to get raped so she’s at fault too? It wouldn’t surprise me that they’d see that as being a bit too much to put on a man.

They love equating a woman getting raped to an irresponsible and potentially dangerous to others action like driving drunk. Being killed, beaten or in another way assaulted and tortured when drunk is never considered an irresponsible act that the victim probably wanted anyway since they were drunk and all. “How were the assailants to know you didn’t want to be beaten or killed? What if they were drunk too and your lips said “No”, but your eyes said “Yes”.

..and if she’s the drunk driver, who is the rapist? Is he her victim?

Sweet Cheebus. I bet he is.


9 years ago

Unless it’s simply equating getting raped to an action like driving drunk (I know how they love to do that). Because then it becomes not even something that “just happened” to her it’s something she did.

I was responding to this, Tessa^
So true.

9 years ago

The other day I was crossing the road behind a car that had stopped at a T junction with a Give Way sign. I was about twenty feet away from the back of the car but as soon as I stepped foot on the road the fucker deliberately reversed. I jumped out of the way and flipped the bird at him, and he looked at me with a smug “what did I do?” expression. There is no way he did that for any other reason than to try and hit me. I was listening to music at the time, volume low enough to hear his engine rev but if I had been hit, I guess the MRAs would have blamed me for having earphones in.

And of course the driver was behind the wheel of a BMW. Pretty sure the manual has “Drive like a dickbag” written in there somewhere. That’s there times I’ve almost been hit by one.

9 years ago

I don’t think they’ll ever get that rape isn’t about sex.

Neither are their complaints about getting consent being too hard and ruining the mood or women being uppity and selfish. It’s all about power. They want it over women. They are so angry that they can’t have it.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago


“no” becomes subject to interpretation on the part of the person who’s trying to initiate. It becomes whatever the initiator decides it is. That’s where you get into “soft nos” and PUA techniques of overriding her “natural defenses” by rationalizing away her behavior and hearing only what you want to hear

I’ve been in situations where it’s clear the guy was trying to override my “defenses” because he was not really hearing or paying attention to the message I was sending out. And I know like me, a lot of women are not raised to think saying NO is ok. I was raised not to ever raise my voice or be rude, or say no. So my version of no was a lot of body language cues, making up excuses as to why I couldn’t stay, trying to change the subject or create a diversion… and these were times when it didn’t turn into rape, but I still felt awful because really, how many times and in how many ways does someone have to say no before a guy stops? Even when I was raped I don’t remember ever saying a clear, definite NO to what was happening. Silly of me to think my crying, choking, squirming to get away and telling him he was hurting me were all indicators that his actions should have stopped!

9 years ago

They complain so much about communism, but they seem to have no idea that they fall pretty much entirely in line with the old Soviet mindset. Something bad happened to you? What were you thinking being born in the first place?!?! Want to stop a particular type of crime, etc? Harass and ostracize a group that has absolutely nothing to do with it and blame them for it!!!

They might not know it, but unfortunately they would do well in that sort of system…

9 years ago


9 years ago

By *they of course I mean MRAs… I’m pretty sure that was clear but then I realized that I never actually mentioned them by name!

Way too tired…

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

FFS! Why would anyone do that? I’m so sorry that happened to you! There really ought to be some kind of testing system to see who’s fit to drive and who’s not. Oh, wait. Well a lot of good that does, eh?

9 years ago

Is everything a car?

No. Some of us are ferrets in car suits.

9 years ago


Thanks. It didn’t really affect me for long but I was shaken that someone would try to do that. Where I live there is the occasional policeman on the beat and I wish there had been one at that time.

On your statement that some women are raised to believe saying no is wrong – there are also women who are, with reason, afraid that a solid no will result in violence. It’s not uncommon for a rape victim to “accept” the rape if they honestly believe that fighting back will get them wounded or killed. If the guy has shown himself capable, such women are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

9 years ago

This quote really bothers me:

Women are just as capable as men (or, if you like, men are just as incapable as women) of being able to consent to sex in any situation.

Yes, women are perfectly capable of consenting to sex, but THEY DON’T HAVE TO. Whoever wrote this clearly has no idea what consent means. The way this is written makes it sound like the problem with rape is not the rape itself, but that the woman didn’t consent. It puts the fault entirely on the victim because she didn’t say yes when she didn’t want to.

No one is EVER obligated to have sex if they don’t want to. PERIOD. Having sex with someone who doesn’t want to is rape. END OF STORY

It’s really not that hard.

9 years ago

Another thing that they appear to be missing is that one actually has to take courses, get a license and pay for insurance should they happen to screw up in order to even get behind the wheel.

Maybe that’s the solution – some of the these people who have proven themselves so illogical about rape and consent that maybe they need to take some sort of “not-rapist’s ed” or something and get a license and some sort of insurance before they think about whipping it out. This is of course assuming that at least some of them are confused and not Roosh wannabes.

Alan Robertshaw
9 years ago

@ sunnysombrera

Sorry to hear about your experience. As to the social conditioning aspect I always say “Don’t die of politeness”. Predatory men rely on the fact that women are brought up ‘not to make a scene’ to manipulate them into vulnerable situations.

It’s always worth fighting back (not that you should have to of course but anyway) for three reasons:

1. It doesn’t increase the risk of injury.

2. It’s highly effective in stopping attacks.

3. It reduces the likelihood of PTSD *whatever* the actual outcome.