a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism grandiosity manginas misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy omega males

The Protocols of the Elders of Mangina

Not Pictured: Manginas
Not Pictured: Manginas

The dude behind the Black Pill blog — formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt — has some harsh words for the conspiracy theorists who seem to be everywhere online.

Does he take them to task for the bizarre anti-Semitism that infects their ranks? No. For declaring everything from the Kennedy assassination to the recent record snowfall in Boston to be “False Flags?” No again. For convincing themselves that TV news anchors routinely shape-shift into their reptilian forms and back again while on the air, just to screw with us? No again, again.

What’s got him riled up is their silence on the Mangina Question.

I’ll let him explain.

As we know conspiracy theorists refuse to believe women have any agency. They blame Jews, or the Rockefellers, or demons, or aliens, or the Illuminati, or pretty much anyone but women themselves for the actions of women. They refuse to hold women accountable.

Boy, don’t you just hate it when these conspiracy goobers blame the reptilians for 9/11 instead of the real criminals? That is, ladies. LADIES DID 9/11.

But wait, what about the manginas?

I realized that there is a corollary to this. Conspiracy theory implicitly denies the existence of manginas.


Manginas can not exist in the conspiracy theorist paradigm because they believe that men are always in charge. Maginas serve women, not the other way around, so that goes against everything conspiracy theorists believe in.


However, this is not how reality works. Manginas do exist, and we see them all the time. One of the reasons why that women are able to get away with murder (both figuratively and literally) is because manginas assist them and block those who would old women accountable for their actions. One thing manginas are not is in charge. Manginas are subordinate to women. While women have a lot to answer for, so do manginas.

This is all pretty mindblowing, but it gets worse. Conspiracy theorists don’t just ignore manginaism. THEY ARE THEMSELVES MANGINAS.

By blaming groups of men for women’s actions, conspiracy theorists are manginas. (And they need to be held accountable for assisting women like any other mangina.) This is why conspiracy theorists don’t believe in and don’t want to talk about manginas. If they did, they would be pointing the finger at themselves in addition to admitting that conspiracy theory is a lie.



H/T — @WizKhalawya on Twitter

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because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Off topic, but I just read this (TW for consent issues):
I’m glad they are bringing this out into the open because I’m sure it happens all the time in private, but it’s disturbing that so far they are only getting what seems to be a slap on the wrist for being “naughty”. Just thought you guys might be interested.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

@Falconer WOAH.

@M. You have my blessing lol

9 years ago

@Lea – It’s like Inception.
We are the bottom layer.
Or the top.
Or maybe it’s the Reptilians after all. I bet they’re matriarchal…damn egg-laying species.

9 years ago

As for what women are supposed to be held accountable for, it’s probably the usual “existing happily and not meeting my sex demands” that he’s so angry at. I can’t think what else we do that’s got him in such a tizzy. Buying groceries? Running mini-triathlons? Walking dogs? What?

Squarely on the head. This is why the personal is political. Men like this really do think everyone else is just the supporting cast of the Them Show. Anything suggesting that isn’t so threatens his place at the center of everything. Why should he think like that? Why do men like this think everything from history to comic books needs to be about people like them and only about people like them? For the most part, they are. That’s why he feels entitled to it. This is what the world has told him about himself. He sees himself as human and everyone else as inferior variation of him. The first thing the big three religions tell men is that they have dominion over everything, especially women. Eve is literally created by God from Adam to serve him. The stories we tell today continue to tell a similar narratives. It’s no surprise that many men buy into tales of masculine superiority. To men like this, we really are all mascots, tokens, sidekicks, objects to be obtained or villains to be punished. Stepping out of the roles he’s assigned us ruins his whole world view. In a world where different sorts of stories were told would there be men so frightened of women’s equality?

I don’t think I could make a better argument for more changes to media and everything else. Our culture should not cater to this sort of entitlement.

Austin Dahl
9 years ago

MRAs have no business preaching accountability in any way, as their entire “movement” depends on pretending that men are never guilty of anything. It amazes me how readily they expose themselves as sexist hypocrites while convincing themselves that they are faultless.

I am a man who holds men accountable for their actions. According to MRAs, this makes me a traitor to the entire male gender. Frankly, I find the whole men vs women worldview laughable.

I hope that this is a passable first comment.

9 years ago

@Falconer: those are, um, … incredible. I’ll have to check my mangina model to see its heel-sharpening capabilities.

9 years ago

But, but – these guys are «entitled» to do stuff like threaten rape when a woman voices an opinion about a sporting event:

Because that’s a valid rebuttal to a woman expresses herself in a public space (which is, obviously, all male space that has to be defended from such incursions).

9 years ago

Buttercup, that is a great Spock GIF.

Fortunately for me, I read “Foucault’s Pendulum” before reading “Da Vinci Code”. It shows how conspiracists can turn two grams of fact and two kilos of cornstarch into a beautiful work of silly. It’s also a fun read in itself.

Falconer – dang! I had to be 8th Level before my DM let me fight The Zombie.

I have read a lot about conspiracy theories, being a former Crap Artist myself (Philip K. Dick reference). It always surprises me how unhappy the True Believers seem to be, despite being so much better informed than us sheeple. But this is a new layer to the onion (or parfait, if you prefer).

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

@Robert – I wonder if True Believers are unhappy because they’re frustrated that the rest of the world can’t see How Things Really Are (and worse, people are refusing to behave The Way People Should Behave, Given The Way Things Really Are). It has to be pretty lonely being a conspiracy theorist. They have all this inside information, they’re smarter than the sheeple, so why isn’t the world fawning all over them for having dared to break out of the mold?

Conspiracies are always evil, too, and I’m sure that contributes to their general crankiness and suspicion. There’s never a conspiracy of benevolent angels plotting behind the scenes to make everyone richer, freer, happier, and healthier. Nope, the goal always has to be sinister. People in groups are untrustworthy.

9 years ago

I once read a book review blog that had made a really snarky review of the Da Vinci code, at its heyday. A commenter asked back whether the author of the blog didn’t think it was important at all that all this business that the church has been covering up for ages is brought to light? The blog author asked, with even more snark, whether the commenter had read Firestarter by Stephen King? Because, you know, it’s really important that it’s brought to light the way our government hides pyrokinetic children in secret facilities and stuff.

9 years ago

Conspiracies are always evil, too, and I’m sure that contributes to their general crankiness and suspicion. There’s never a conspiracy of benevolent angels plotting behind the scenes to make everyone richer, freer, happier, and healthier. Nope, the goal always has to be sinister. People in groups are untrustworthy.

Although, in fiction, there’s the benevolent secret robot conspiracy in Asimov’s books. 🙂

9 years ago

I stopped and gawked at the shoes. Husband walked by, said “That doesn’t look like an annotated bibliography!”

don’t know if that’s holding me accountable or being a mangina, since non-manginae presumably don’t think women have any business getting more than a very rudimentary education anyway. or maybe he’s not holding me accountable, as surely true accountability is being left to manage one’s own time w/o even lighthearted commentary.

those are some seriously scary/beautiful shoes, though.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago


ſoǝ Klǝɯɯǝɹ (@JoeKlemmer)

Yeah, ok. I initially read that as mangas.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

When will Jodie Foster finally be held accountable for trying to assassinate Reagan?

9 years ago

Conspiracies are always evil, too, and I’m sure that contributes to their general crankiness and suspicion. There’s never a conspiracy of benevolent angels plotting behind the scenes to make everyone richer, freer, happier, and healthier. Nope, the goal always has to be sinister. People in groups are untrustworthy.

that’s a good observation, hadn’t really thought of that. Yeah, that is strange. Sure, there are a lot of historical examples of groups who wind up doing truly horrible things but I think most groups are basically driven by some kind of positive vision. Groups that are purely focused on doing evil for its own sake don’t really seem to attract many converts and don’t really hold on to members… groups really seem to need some kind of positive vision to sustain them long-term. Not unlike (most) individuals.

If you really, really believed the world is a bleak place where even your nearest and dearest are hiding their sociopathy behind a mask of politeness, just waiting for the right moment to manipulate you for their own benefit… (maybe even manipulating you RIGHT NOW, unbeknownst to yourself!) then I can’t see how you’d even get out of bed in the morning, let alone carry out the normal tasks of living.

And forget about bringing children into such a world! What would be the point?!

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

Also this

9 years ago



Tinfoil hat territory, right there.

9 years ago

…just found more boots by the same folks, and they’re even more confusing. Like, I see the legs going into the boots, but I can’t figure out where the feet go. Much less how the heck you’re supposed to walk in them.


They look cool, but I don’t understand how they even.

9 years ago

My problem is whenever I see the word ‘mangina’ my mind immediately goes to Old Gregg who claims to have one. Old Gregg appeared in a sketch comedy show called ‘The Mighty Boosh’ in the early to middle 2000’s and bears little resemblance to the ‘mangina’ myth promoted by the MRA/MRM.

Sockweasel Pokémon (@RicksWriting)

The Bible knew about 9/11 and the FBI? Which prophet saw that coming? Or is it one of those vaguely worded Nostradamus passages that could be about anything?

“The Bible Code” was (is?) a brief fad-book from the mid-90s based on this, I suppose, form of bibliomancy where the hebrew scriptures were treated like a word find puzzle. Find words up, down, diagonal, only the letters didn’t have to be contiguous, they just had to be in A pattern (diagonal but skip every two rows, every fourteenth letter in this line of 500 letters etc). And then if you get words to cross or run flush with one another, or ANY vaguely defined, justifiable pattern, and ta-dah! You have a prophecy.

Critics pointed out that you can do this with ANY large body of text, to which the rebut was “Yeah, but this is the BIBLE, so it must have actual prophetic powers.”

9 years ago

Someone on the Tumblr I found those one said they’d be like walking in ice skates with guards on.

That pair you found, the feet look like they go along the top, but I still don’t see how you walk in those.

Probably why they’re all photographed hanging in mid-air.

9 years ago

I think some others have already said this, but my brain feels like a turning bicycle wheel with a stick thrown through the spokes after reading this post, and I have to express this:

So, if “conspiracy theory is a lie,” then is this made-up mangina conspiracy also not “a lie”? Or is it only a lie because it doesn’t place everything that’s ever happened at the feet of women — in which case, are we just supposed to take his word for it or is there, like for many of these actual conspiracies, actual evidence?

These asshats always seem to expect us to take their words for it, as though if we all just “looked around” we’d see the self-evidence Vaginocracy all around us.

9 years ago

I knew that if I posted without rereading, I’d find an mistake: I meant “self-evident Vaginocracy….”

9 years ago

The feet are definitely in the upper portion. The toes are above that closed loop part. If the lower part weren’t angled so far back, I’d almost say they were simply really bizarre platform shoes. But if you were to put the full surface of the boot (the portion that has that triangular wedge at the back and the long spike in the front) on the ground, your body would be at, like, a 45 degree angle with the ground.

I have an oWoD Sorcerer who could wear them, but then, she has magical bracers that let her pull off wire-fu stunts.