a woman is always to blame anti-Semitism antifeminism grandiosity manginas misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy omega males

The Protocols of the Elders of Mangina

Not Pictured: Manginas
Not Pictured: Manginas

The dude behind the Black Pill blog — formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt — has some harsh words for the conspiracy theorists who seem to be everywhere online.

Does he take them to task for the bizarre anti-Semitism that infects their ranks? No. For declaring everything from the Kennedy assassination to the recent record snowfall in Boston to be “False Flags?” No again. For convincing themselves that TV news anchors routinely shape-shift into their reptilian forms and back again while on the air, just to screw with us? No again, again.

What’s got him riled up is their silence on the Mangina Question.

I’ll let him explain.

As we know conspiracy theorists refuse to believe women have any agency. They blame Jews, or the Rockefellers, or demons, or aliens, or the Illuminati, or pretty much anyone but women themselves for the actions of women. They refuse to hold women accountable.

Boy, don’t you just hate it when these conspiracy goobers blame the reptilians for 9/11 instead of the real criminals? That is, ladies. LADIES DID 9/11.

But wait, what about the manginas?

I realized that there is a corollary to this. Conspiracy theory implicitly denies the existence of manginas.


Manginas can not exist in the conspiracy theorist paradigm because they believe that men are always in charge. Maginas serve women, not the other way around, so that goes against everything conspiracy theorists believe in.


However, this is not how reality works. Manginas do exist, and we see them all the time. One of the reasons why that women are able to get away with murder (both figuratively and literally) is because manginas assist them and block those who would old women accountable for their actions. One thing manginas are not is in charge. Manginas are subordinate to women. While women have a lot to answer for, so do manginas.

This is all pretty mindblowing, but it gets worse. Conspiracy theorists don’t just ignore manginaism. THEY ARE THEMSELVES MANGINAS.

By blaming groups of men for women’s actions, conspiracy theorists are manginas. (And they need to be held accountable for assisting women like any other mangina.) This is why conspiracy theorists don’t believe in and don’t want to talk about manginas. If they did, they would be pointing the finger at themselves in addition to admitting that conspiracy theory is a lie.



H/T — @WizKhalawya on Twitter

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9 years ago

Even the conspiracy theorists are in on the feminist conspiracy.

9 years ago

When I hear “mangina” I unintentionally think of “Mansquito” and other similar cheesy science fiction movies. Then I picture a man in a big foam vulva costume trashing a scale model of Tokyo. As you can imagine, there’s no way in hell I can take these people seriously when that’s going on in my head.

9 years ago

Fortunately, I have Dan Brown on speed dial.

I used to know a guy who thought The Da Vinci Code hid clues to an unrelated but real Bible code that explained how Bush orchestrated 9/11 on the orders of his Reptilian masters. Bush was also a Reptilian in this scenario, naturally. And the FBI and CIA were after him because he knew the truth.

I did not make any of that up.

And that conspiracy theory salad still made more sense than this guy. =P

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I know if it weren’t for my personal army of manginas I would have been locked away years ago for all my murderin’. Oh wait…I don’t have an army of manginas. And I don’t murder.
My life has been a lie. I have let the Feminist High Council Down.

9 years ago

I can’t wait to become a Fifth Ring Inner Circle Mangina, so I can become a Friend of Katie. You folks make her sound so amazing.

Also, claiming the band name Mangina Conspiracy right now.

9 years ago

Accountable? For WHAT? We haven’t started any wars, invaded any countries, stolen any oil, started any internecine squabbles, planted any bombs…

And don’t you find that suspicious? That women haven’t done any of those things? At least, not overtly

9 years ago


Like this? (It’s a man in a big foam vulva costume, so, y’know, NSFW and all that.)

9 years ago


I can’t wait to become a Fifth Ring Inner Circle Mangina, so I can become a Friend of Katie. You folks make her sound so amazing.

I’m jealous. All I have to look forward to is making 5th level, at which point my Dungeon Mistress will allow me to fight the Zombie.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

Mr. Futrelle, the link to the BlackPill site appears to not go via donotlink, at least for me. FYI.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

This guy makes “women” sound like a secret society. Like, it’s not a gender…it’s an underground, evil conspiracy plotting terrorist group. Men can be normal, every day folks, or they can be part of one group or another (like the Jewz or the illuminati) but Women ARE a group…of evil-doers. Because us ladies aren’t individuals, with feelings and ideas and goals of our very own. We are one hivemind, sent here to conquer those poor poor men.

9 years ago

@because reasons:

He reminds me of the people who think Girl Scout cookies pay for abortion and homo sex.

9 years ago

@Falconer “He reminds me of the people who think Girl Scout cookies pay for abortion and homo sex.”

I want to buy me some of those!

9 years ago

Oh shit, he’s on to us! We had a good thing going ladies, but someone was finally smart enough to figure us out.

Maybe it’s not too late. Maybe we can ask Katie to orchestrate a false flag earthquake somewhere to distract people. Then we can have her fire up the mind control cell phone towers to make him forget.

I mean, if we were discovered, our CIA checks that we get for being feminists might stop coming in and then we’d have to actually get jobs. Noooooo!!!!!

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

I mean, if we were discovered, our CIA checks that we get for being feminists might stop coming in and then we’d have to actually get jobs.

– weirdwoodtreehugger

Guessing that would be wrong too. These people seem the type to think that anything that gives women freedom (like economic independence) is bad and heralds the End Of All Things Civilized (or whatever they think civilization is supposed to be). Basically, to them, if women are not slaves to men – kept dependent and in servitude – then something is wrong with the world.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Oh. my. god. I was never comfortable with the cookie-selling because I think the Girl Scouts (which I was in) should be all about the bonding and skills and so forth, not about SALES. I always hated that part of the year. But DAAAAYM that little infographic is both hilarious and chilling. Guess we gotta start those little feminists on the right track while they’re young, amirite?

I’m with you. If buying thin mints meant supporting abortion and gay rights, I’d gladly shell out a few bucks.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants


I used to know a guy who thought The Da Vinci Code hid clues to an unrelated but real Bible code that explained how Bush orchestrated 9/11 on the orders of his Reptilian masters. Bush was also a Reptilian in this scenario, naturally. And the FBI and CIA were after him because he knew the truth.


The Bible knew about 9/11 and the FBI? Which prophet saw that coming? Or is it one of those vaguely worded Nostradamus passages that could be about anything?

Actually, I could easily buy the part about Bush being a Reptilian.

My sister and I are currently trading snarky margin-notes in a thrift-store copy of The Da Vinci Code. At one point I remarked on the tendency of conspiracy theorists to cast a wide net and see evidence everywhere. First it’s anagrams…then it’s the Mona Lisa…then it’s roses!…and grails!…and blood!…and the Golden Ratio!…and Venus!…and the number 5!…and the letter M!…and the letter V! There’s clues everywhere you look! Everything has deep significance!! I’m only on page 250, and I’m starting to get really bored with all the Portentous Meaning. The characters can’t even have a mug of tea without being clubbed over the head by an Illuminati clue, followed by a Wikipedia article and pointless flashback.

(As an aside, the whole “sacred feminine” thing in that book bugs me: the idea that sex with women enables men to experience direct contact with the Divine. So by implication, women, being the appointed gatekeepers, have a sacred duty to help men achieve higher union with God by making themselves freely available. That sounds like standard manosphere entitlement, dressed up as “female empowerment”. Gay men and lesbians apparently don’t exist in this scenario, and what exactly is in it for women? Do we get to experience divine contact too? Oh, we get to carry babies and be “holy vessels” for men, as codified and mandated by the sex rituals of this totally not made up pagan goddess religion? Thanks, Dan. You’re so much more enlightened than those sexist Christians.

Sorry for the teal-hued rant. This book is melting my brain, and not in a good way.)

As we know conspiracy theorists refuse to believe women have any agency. They blame Jews, or the Rockefellers, or demons, or aliens, or the Illuminati, or pretty much anyone but women themselves for the actions of women. They refuse to hold women accountable.

Well hey, maybe that’s because conspiracy theorists have a better grasp of reality than you do? I mean, if even the moon-hologram crowd draws the line at blaming women for all of these vague unspecified social ills, that should tell you something.

As for what women are supposed to be held accountable for, it’s probably the usual “existing happily and not meeting my sex demands” that he’s so angry at. I can’t think what else we do that’s got him in such a tizzy. Buying groceries? Running mini-triathlons? Walking dogs? What?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

My favorite part of that cookie infographic: a portion of cookie sales are being used to “pay New Age consultants to train Girl Scout executives”.

They had one Taoist speaker in 2008, but the flyer makes it sound like they’re instituting merit badges in crystal healing and aura recognition.

And even if they did, so what? What’s so bad about inclusiveness?

Besides, the infographic is preaching to the choir. The kind of person who buys Girl Scout Cookies is obviously the kind of person susceptible to the evils of worldly temptation. Personally, I’d sell my soul for Thin Mints.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

I’m reading his tirade (in part) as: “I am expected to not murder people or act like a total turdsnorkel because accountability, but all these wimminz get to walk around all high and mighty, withholding sex whenever they feel like it and expressing opinions that displease me without repercussion? Not fair, WAH!”

9 years ago

I don’t know about the rest of you, but my most recent check from the Illuminati/Freemason/Jewish Banker/Chemtrail/Faked Moonlanding and JFK assassination/Soros/Obama’s Birth Certificate conspiracy fund which arrived on the appointed day of the Ides of March was enough for me to order a new Mangina from Thanks to Blessed Soros’ generosity, I was able to upgrade to the latest model complete with accessory make-up bag, scented candle holder and spiked heel sharpener (the better to figuratively and literally murder people). He should be arriving any day with free shipping! I’m so excited.

9 years ago

And in Swedish news today, a 52-year-old woman was just sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering and dismembering another woman.
Things like this does happen in the real world, you know. Whereas in the world of MRA:s everyone would have got “Oh, but she was a lady, she couldn’t help it, she might have been driven to it by hormones or something, let’s get her off scott free!”.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago


9 years ago

The more I see the word “mangina” the funnier it gets. Mangina, mangina, mangina. Try putting it in the name game song: Mangina ina bobina, fee fi fofina …

Do these guys remember to switch to regular spoken English when they try to convert new members, or is it a word-salad spew of mangina, white knight, femicommie, gina tingle, date fraud, alpha beta zeta omega then too?

9 years ago


Totally stealing that.

9 years ago

The Bible knew about 9/11 and the FBI? Which prophet saw that coming? Or is it one of those vaguely worded Nostradamus passages that could be about anything?

I suppose we could train some of these handy manginas we all have hanging uselessly about the place to Level 3, Advanced Word Salad. That way they’d be able to read Revelations. No need for an old testament prophet, just one more guy addled by magic mushrooms on top of chronic malnutrition – you can read whatever you want into that stuff, but there has to be that magical thread that makes the similarly inclined read it and nod sagely as they acknowledge the sharing of obscure wisdom..

(I used to have one of those bible interpreter guys working for me. Every couple of weeks or so, he’d stick a list onto the wall of the cloth-covered cubicle we shared with one other person yet another list of utterly daft predictions/analyses/forecasts of what was going to happen in the next few weeks, months, years. Not one of them ever happened or was ever likely to happen. Most of it was fantasy invented on the base of the luridly fantastical Book of Revelations.)