This little exchange took place in the Koataku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for GamerGaters; I suppose we should give the regulars there credit for downvoting marlospkm’s comment down to zero.
While his comment is just a teensy bit over-the-top, the self-described “red piller” marlospkm (who seems to be sincere) is hardly the only guy obsessed with the allegedly liberating power (for men) of “virtual sex” and/or sexbots. Indeed, this was a major theme of The Misandry Bubble, a weird online manifesto that’s been influential amongst the sorts of guys I write about on this blog; check the archives here for many more examples.
Oh, and he’s not the only guy convinced that women today oppress men with their sexiness. marlospkm, meet Warren Farrell.
H/T — Arthur Chu, retweeting Gameranx editor Ian Miles Cheong (which must be very confusing for the GamerGaters who think they’re the same person). Also posted on The Best of Outrage Culture subreddit.
“Guys, I know we built this awesome Minecraft town together and I know we’ve become good friends while working on this project. The bad news is some games have really shitty gender stereotypes, so this was all for nothing. Let’s burn it to the ground, have a nice life.”
@catalpa – That was beautiful.
@Binjabreel – Hear hear. I was having a discussion with a friend of mine while we were playing Minecraft with some magic-oriented mods. I was telling him that I had done some digging into the later bits of Ars Magica 2, and there was a boss monster you could summon by sacrificing a villager baby.
I straight up told him that we’re not doing it. I draw the line at harming kids. Even NPC ones. I will sacrifice the parents to summon demons so I can get a cat familiar, I will put them in holes to provide blood for my blood altar, but I will not harm the babies.
I strive to always be the first person with the least helpful response.
I’m so sorry that your grand plan to finally prove those nasty, icky feeemales really do want to take your games away by building a ridiculous straw feminist and trying to cajole us into agreeing with it failed miserably. =(
But seriously, your name and schtick sounded familiar so I looked up your previous posts. You’ve done this before, and you didn’t come within an elephant’s fart of success then either. I really don’t think you’re cut out for gotcha-trolling.
A misognist view of why women love men (it’s all about the dick you know):
“Women who really like to have sex with men don’t want to stick it to us very much because they figure the result will be less sex for them, and women who love men are typically cock addicts. I am serious. They are addicted. They cannot keep away from the dick. Even many feminists are like this.”
From a paragon of accurate historical research (not):
“I would add that the women of my mother’s generation didn’t seem to like sex very much. The less women like sex, the more they want to stick it to men because of:
1. Puritanism
2. Revenge”
Feminism is destroying this (of course), hence men need the sex bots and 2D sex.
“So one of the requirements to be a feminist jihadi is to either not like sex with men very much or to be a clueless fool, a hungry person who is eliminating their own food supply.”
Like, duh M. Girl-people like, really talk like that. Right Pelagic? Like duh.
I’d still want someone to be lazy with.
You hit that nail firmly on the head.
Yes, I know Hitler wrote a book. I am reliably informed my support of feminism is equivalent to spellchecking Mein Kampf.
Lea | March 16, 2015 at 5:39 pm
I always found that stereotype (usually applied to “valley girls” like myself) to be kind of weird. And then I found out that people who use more “word buffers” like “like” and “um” are generally more thoughtful than those who don’t.
So, go me!
Obviously, as a feminist I’m devastated that he has sussed our devious strategy. We have been tireless in attempting to keep men from their delicious bots, but they have thwarted us at every turn. I guess that now it is out in the open, I will just have to respect their different needs and get on with my other work while they revel in their triumph, somewhere else in their euphoric erotiverse. Far, far away. I’ll just have to try to cope, somehow.
I want people to know I am being 100% honest, here. I’ll be a little truthful, and tell you all that I used to believe in the same things Gators spout, that same bullshit they list off like they’ve tapped into the making of the universe or whatever. I am actually really ashamed to admit I used to think that way. So if perhaps I come off as abrasive I apologise, but having known exactly how they think it makes me unbelievably angry when I see them repeat the same tired shit again and again.
I was trying for a conversational tone, and I actually speak that way in person. Not California valley, more like Ottawa valley dudebro.
Actually all us feminazis hope mras find love bots so they leave us the fuck alone!! Plus it helps increase the chance that they won’t do any actual reproduction!
You know all of this talk about the sex-bot uprising is making me conceptualize an all female version of Terminator… But I wouldn’t dare make it because I wouldn’t want to ruin anybody’s childhood or anything…lol
It also kinda bugs me that they not only think feminists are hugely against it, but they’ve deemed that the whole concept is exclusively a (straight) guy thing. Heck, there was recently a Disney movie with a girl who built her own boyfriend. Dating sims geared at women are also pretty darn popular in japan… maybe they’ve “rejected the pig disgusting ways of 3D” men. Just like them to take ownership over everything.
There’s a comment to be made here about these MRA sexbot types essentially divorcing women of their humanity and reducing women to sexual objects, but I’ll leave it to someone less hung over than me to say it properly.
Pelagic wrote:
“Like, how am I the only one who sees reason for alarm? Yes, let’s call tearing a man’s head off fucking “entertainment.” Let’s call beating a woman to death with bare hands “fun.” It’s an interesting psychology which exults in barbarism. Misogyny was not created by video games, but they are a product of it which only helps to create the cycle whereby misogyny is created and encouraged in our cultures. Is it so terrible, then, that I see video games as just an offence to human dignity?
“Whoever said violence existed before video games: yeah, you’re right. Duh. Doesn’t mean we should find enjoyment in a thing which minimizes human beings into something to be exploited or destroyed in achievement of a goal which doesn’t exist in reality.”
Two things: one, I’d note that misogyny in video games and violence in video games aren’t the same thing. A game could have deeply misogynistic themes without otherwise portraying violence; a game could also be incredibly violent without in any way advocating the idea that women are inferior to men or should be dominated by men. And though it’s not nearly as common as I’d like, some violent video games even feature women as protagonists with violent agency (some of these sadly still manage to have strongly misogynistic themes; some don’t).
Two, I would note that “not in reality” is extremely key context. Other commentators have addressed other issues with this, but the entire point of violence in vidya is that it allows for the human attraction to violence to be indulged without anyone actually having to be hurt. (Nor is there evidence that satisfying these drives in fantasy causes violent behaviour in reality: a causal link has been sought in many studies, but never established.)
I do have an issue with some violent video games, like Hatred, for various reasons (though I don’t necessarily think even that one should be banned by law, though I’d support the right of storefronts to not carry it). Even in the context of most violent video games, most of them are about killing *combatants*, not *victims*, and the best offer further value than that, like Hotline Miami’s exploration of violence as a facet of human nature (I even read the animal masks as being symbolic of humanity’s animal nature). Hatred, on the other hand, appears to be about victimising noncombatants over generic white manchild rage over an unsatisfied sense of entitlement… and made by neo-Nazis. But I won’t lie: if instead of Hatred we could get a game about, say, a woman taking out her rage at the patriarchy in a burst of glorious ultra-violence, I’d be throwing money at my screen *right now*.
…Also, the Saints Row games are great. Boss ladies represent.
AllisonW gets high fives from me~
And let’s not forget that Saints’ Row not only has great violence, encourages you to protect prostitutes (and portrays them as women of various sizes and ethnicities), you can also be a bomb-as-hell cross-dresser if you want to be.
And that’s not including the alien invasions, Japanese-influenced game shows where you shoot mascots in the face, and humor.
SR > GTA 5ever.
Paradoxical Intention,
Sorry for assuming Pelagic was was trying to play a girlish character a little too hard. I didn’t mean to offend but I see where my assumption was problematic. That wasn’t OK of me. It was the opposite of OK. I’m sorry. There is nothing at all wrong with being or sounding like a valley girl.
Lea | March 16, 2015 at 10:29 pm
Oh, no! I didn’t mean to imply that you upset me or anything, quite the opposite! 😀
It’s just something I’m used to hearing, and it always makes me laugh that the stereotype essentially comes out to “You are generally more thoughtful than I am”.
It’s a compliment! 😀
@ParadoxicalIntention: that article made me laugh, as a SoCal gal who is entirely guilty of using the word “like” too often (though as an Asian, I’m probably not the stereotypical 80s movie image of a “valley girl”)
I don’t play video games much so I don’t have anything really meaningful to add to the discussion, but seconding everyone who says “the current state of mainstream AAA video games is full of problematic violence and misogyny” =/= “video games are INHERENTLY violent and misogynistic and must ALL be banned.”
suffrajitsu | March 17, 2015 at 1:35 am
Still, hi-five from a NorCal girl. 😀
I just don’t understand why men who want pussy but don’t like real women don’t just go out and buy a fake pussy to stick their dicks and stop whining all the time about how we’re supposedly keeping them from going their own way. Trust me, we’re more than happy that they’re self-selecting themselves out of the real world of human relationships.
People might rail against GG but I don’t believe anyone here actually thinks being a supporter makes you instantly an ass. My personal view is that (from what I’ve seen) GG started out as a small group of channers harassing a few women and then came up with a fake* cause – ethics in games journalism – to hide behind, got a bunch of people together that genuinely believed in it and used them as a shield/hide to distract from what they were doing. It’s a crappy tactic used to avoid discussion of the real issues.
* As far as I can tell there is a genuine issue with ethics in games journalism, it’s only fake in the sense that it’s got nothing to do with what they’re doing or why they’re doing it. If there is a genuine issue I’m cool with people fighting against it, but the harassment is neither okay, nor helpful, nor relevant.
Provided sexbots aren’t self-aware (how much sci-fi have I consumed to add that caveat?), I don’t see the problem. It’s basically just a really high tech sex toy. But they’d find a way to whine about that, too.