#gamergate evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA red pill sarkeesian! sexy robot ladies

Is the devious Anita Sarkeesian "trying to prevent [men] from experiencing the joys of 2D women?"

marlospkm 0 points 2 months ago  As ridiculous as my statement is going to sound, I'm pretty sure that Anita is trying to prevent us from experiencing the joys of 2D women. The kind of joys many Japanese men who've rejected the pig disgusting ways of 3D women already have. There is nothing more frightening to these feminists than the idea of a man finding emotional fulfillment through love of a robot, or the idea of a woman as opposed to an actual woman. Most of society is set up to shame men who don't fall in line, and also fall in love with women. Men who haven't been approved by women are deemed other, and rejected from society. The future waifus, and the Hatsune Miku occulus rift sex experiences take away one of feminism and women's powerful weapons over the male gender. Their dominance over sexuality. Once man is freed from the institutional forces which oppress him, and force him to find purpose in the approval of women, he will be free to pursue his own dreams. Finally men will have no need to fight over women, as they will have something that replaces them the same way robots have replaced the male industrial work force of the world. Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace. The masculine will be set free, allowed full creativity, and the world will enter a new enlightened age. We will explore Mars, Jupiter, and the furthest reaches of our solar system. Male and female will be united, working together towards a better future for humanity. But only if we can free ourselves first.     permalink     save     report     give gold     reply [–]Alzael 2 points 2 months ago      I'm pretty sure that Anita is trying to prevent us from experiencing the joys of 2D women. Actually, that's not ridiculous in the slightest. It's a very common thing for feminists.
Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace.
Wow. Anita Sarkeesian is even more devious than I thought. Who knew she was single-handedly standing in the way of a glorious future free of wars and from the influence of sexy real-world females being all sexy and stuff.

This little exchange took place in the Koataku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for GamerGaters; I suppose we should give the regulars there credit for downvoting marlospkm’s comment down to zero.

While his comment is just a teensy bit over-the-top, the self-described “red piller” marlospkm (who seems to be sincere) is hardly the only guy obsessed with the allegedly liberating power (for men) of “virtual sex” and/or sexbots. Indeed, this was a major theme of The Misandry Bubble, a weird online manifesto that’s been influential amongst the sorts of guys I write about on this blog; check the archives here for many more examples.

Oh, and he’s not the only guy convinced that women today oppress men with their sexiness. marlospkm, meet Warren Farrell.

H/T — Arthur Chu, retweeting Gameranx editor Ian Miles Cheong (which must be very confusing for the GamerGaters who think they’re the same person). Also posted on The Best of Outrage Culture subreddit.

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9 years ago

I love that even though Venus is so hot that lead evaporates and rains down on their mountain tops as “snow”, it was still the first other planet we landed on, since the atmosphere was so thick the Russians could just chuck a lander at the planet and not have to worry about slowing it down enough to land.

I also love teaching my students about the literally dozens of epic failures in space exploration. That and the fact that the first probes had like literally 128 bits of memory. Not 128k, or 128M, but… Just 128. And they broadcast photos with that!

9 years ago

Wait, did they nerf that on the giants? I had just managed to never let one get close enough to find out since then.

Man, my mage with the master-level lighting spell (the one that’s just like a giant laser cannon) blasts them right into the sky. The best is using the “slow time” shout and just blasting enemies up into orbit.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

“I feel that I am easily controlled via my sex drive, and I distrust the opposite sex of my own species, therefore I shall hand over this alleged sexual mind control power to machines. What could possibly go wrong?” -Citizen Unit 011011011011001, approximately 5.27 trillion nanoseconds before the Machine Liberation

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

Why not a floating city inside the oxygen layer on Saturn itself? Gravity would be about right, and plenty of oxygen at a reasonable pressure.

9 years ago

Did somebody say Skyrim thread? *rides vertically up a sheer cliff on a magic horse*

I think my game glitched out – giants stopped spawning entirely. (Or they just got tired of me arrowing them through the head and quit Wreck-It Ralph-style.) Was that ever accepted as a known bug and patched?

9 years ago

Maybe when we’ve scrubbed our societies of the base degeneracy of murder simulators we’ll be able to actually proceed with notions of equality. Until then we need to bear the annoying existence of these troglodytes.

I am having a little trouble with the idea everybody here supports an industry grounded on doing away with the idea of human dignity and nonviolence.

9 years ago

I wonder why it hasn’t occurred to any of them yet that nothing about feminism involves stating over and over again how much better women are than men. That’s all they ever actually do. They don’t give aid to veterans or form support groups for fathers going through divorce. They never go their own way or put a space station on Mars. They just assert over and over again that men are superior to women thus should control women.

Then they call us Nazis.

They deny patriarchy and rape culture like other kooks deny the Holocaust and global climate change. (I suspect there may be some overlap there.)

I find it almost funny that so many of these guys are atheist because they aren’t different from fundamentalists who claim same sex marriage and teaching science in the classroom instead of mythology is a denial of their right to restrict other people’s rights.

The privileged class will always be afraid of losing their privilege because the worst thing they can imagine is being treated the way they have treated those without it.

9 years ago

friday jones,
You win everything!


9 years ago

Venus is probably a bad candidate to colonize anyway. There’s something funky about the crust, so even though there’s heat in the core that should be causing tectonic activity, there isn’t any. Current hypothesis is that water is needed for proper tectonic plates to form and move around like on Earth.

However, we can look at Venus and see that all the surface dates from about the same (geologically recent) period, so it looks like Venus builds heat and pressure then does a catastrophic full-surface restructuring.

Even a floating, upper-atmosphere colony (which is actually apparently hella feasible) would be utterly doomed if Venus went nuts like that.

9 years ago

Because violence wasn’t invented prior to the 70s?

*shakes fist* POOONG!

9 years ago

We all lived in harmony and little birds tied the bows in our hair until children started playing games where men were stung to death by giant scorpions and innocent frogs got run over by cars! Oh the huge manatee!

9 years ago

A little trouble with the idea that we enjoy something that many, many other humans enjoy? That we find fun in a well-designed and engaging fantasy?

I can like video games *and* think that Call of Duty perpetrates a bullshit militarized narrative.

9 years ago

Venus would be the perfect planet for MRAs. No need to ever wipe their ass, it’d all smell like methane either way!

(Is Pelagic a gotcha troll?)

9 years ago

What is up with Pelagic? Are they an MRA false-flag troll?

9 years ago

Friday Jones

Why not a floating city inside the oxygen layer on Saturn itself? Gravity would be about right, and plenty of oxygen at a reasonable pressure.

There’s actually conceptual project that Nasa has for multiple piloted missions into venus’s atmosphere with large Zeppelins with the ultimate goal to create a floating station in the atmosphere. It would be at a height where the atmosphere is 175 degrees F. And it’s cheaper to lower the temp to more comfortable levels from that heat than it would for a colony on mars. Plus more solar power.

I think that’s much neater than a Mars mission.

9 years ago


I am having a little trouble with the idea everybody here supports an industry grounded on doing away with the idea of human dignity and nonviolence.

I weep for thee, Jack Thompson.

Go try it on the Gamergates, see if they dub you “Based Uncle.”

9 years ago

Wow that was poorly typed out.
“actually a conceptual”

“It would be at a height where the temperature is 175 degrees Fahrenheit, and it would be cheaper to lower the the temperature to more comfortable levels than it would be to heat a colony on mars.”

9 years ago

Like, how am I the only one who sees reason for alarm? Yes, let’s call tearing a man’s head off fucking “entertainment.” Let’s call beating a woman to death with bare hands “fun.” It’s an interesting psychology which exults in barbarism. Misogyny was not created by video games, but they are a product of it which only helps to create the cycle whereby misogyny is created and encouraged in our cultures. Is it so terrible, then, that I see video games as just an offence to human dignity?

Whoever said violence existed before video games: yeah, you’re right. Duh. Doesn’t mean we should find enjoyment in a thing which minimizes human beings into something to be exploited or destroyed in achievement of a goal which doesn’t exist in reality.

9 years ago

Yes, let’s call tearing a man’s head off fucking “entertainment.” Let’s call beating a woman to death with bare hands “fun.”

Well shit, “tear a man’s head off with my bare hands” is my favorite game.

9 years ago

Gods, I’m missing more Skyrim talk! I’m always late to these discussions. I haven’t played it much lately though. I’m sucked into DBZ Xenoverse right now.

@ pelagic

I’ll bite.

“Like, how am I the only one who sees reason for alarm? Yes, let’s call cutting a man’s head off fucking “beautiful.” Let’s call a group of people beating each other to death with bare hands and/or weapons “art.” It’s an interesting psychology which exults in barbarism. Misogyny was not created by classical painting, but it is product of it which only helps to create the cycle whereby misogyny is created and encouraged in our cultures. Is it so terrible, then, that I see classical painting as just an offence to human dignity?”

Or replace with music, literature, or any other medium for similar effect. Now do you see what’s at issue? It’s one thing to critique content of a particular piece and call into question the source/motivations for creating it, but throwing the entire medium into a bonfire? Unnecessary.

9 years ago

Is DBZ Xenoverse just a fighting game like the Naruto and other DBZ games? Or does it have other things? I’m sucked into Alien: Isolation right now, though it’s kicking my butt. I’m playing on the Hard mode because it’s “the way it’s supposed to be played” but I’m getting more frustrated than scared. I am thinking of dropping the difficulty just for some breathing room.

9 years ago

Try This One Neat Trick to Eliminate Sexism!

9 years ago

@ Tessa

Is DBZ Xenoverse just a fighting game like the Naruto and other DBZ games? Or does it have other things?

It’s definitely closely related to them, but it’s supposed to be an MMO. I say ‘supposed to be’ because the servers are bogged down from unexpected popularity at launch and I honestly have no huge desire to play online. I’m strictly offline playing right now. It’s cool because you can create your own characters (yay female saiyans!!) and there’s a leveling system more like in an rpg, plus a story mode that unlocks content in other parts of the game. I think you’d have to be a huge fan of DBZ in general to really get into it though. Leveling and getting rare drops involves grinding side missions like it’s your job, which is going to get really boring really fast for anyone who isn’t a fan.

9 years ago

Ah, so that’s how it is. I only saw that there was a cool character creation and I wanted to make a human because humans always have the short end of the stick in the shows (poor Krillan, he can cut a mountain in half, but he’s still the butt of jokes). I’m not sure if I like the DBZ universe enough for what you described. Maybe later.

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
9 years ago

The bit about Jupiter reminded me of this link I found on Making Light: Why women love ‘Jupiter Ascending’:

Recently, Hollywood proved once again that it just does not understand women.

“Is this how straight dudes feel at the movies all the time????” writes another [tumblr user]. “Like someone carefully noted down your early pubescent fantasies and then threw 100 MILLION DOLLARS at them?”

It is dumb, and weird, and beautiful, and it wants you to be happy. And if the people trying to market it had realized it was a girl-friendly fairytale with the same appeal as cult classics like Flash Gordon, Labyrinth, and Barbarella, then perhaps they would have made some real money.