This little exchange took place in the Koataku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for GamerGaters; I suppose we should give the regulars there credit for downvoting marlospkm’s comment down to zero.
While his comment is just a teensy bit over-the-top, the self-described “red piller” marlospkm (who seems to be sincere) is hardly the only guy obsessed with the allegedly liberating power (for men) of “virtual sex” and/or sexbots. Indeed, this was a major theme of The Misandry Bubble, a weird online manifesto that’s been influential amongst the sorts of guys I write about on this blog; check the archives here for many more examples.
Oh, and he’s not the only guy convinced that women today oppress men with their sexiness. marlospkm, meet Warren Farrell.
H/T — Arthur Chu, retweeting Gameranx editor Ian Miles Cheong (which must be very confusing for the GamerGaters who think they’re the same person). Also posted on The Best of Outrage Culture subreddit.
Bad children get time out. It’s a shame their creepiness and weirdness ruin a good thing for the rest of us.
Go rot in the same hell as Jack Thompson
I think it is because the manosphere seems to recruit among the atheists who happen to support the status quo.
@Parodoxical Intenion re: cupcakes rejecting teh menz
That guy you described feeling rejected by a thing is bizarre. If I’ve understood, his character was rejected by a lesbian character in a game which follows a certain amount of script, and he took it as a blow to his own ego? This led him to anthropomorphize objects like junk food?
He sounds just like the guy in the post lusting after “2D women”! They should buddy up and GTOW!
This. Absolutely this.
It wasn’t that great being a teenager in the 1980s either – you couldn’t communicate anything like as directly as you can now, what with there being a strong probability that a disapproving parent would answer the phone after you’d spent ages plucking up enough courage to ring the number. Now, I can strike up a rapport with someone online in a matter of minutes, and although I haven’t been in the dating game since about 2001, I suspect I’d find it one hell of a lot easier than it was pre-internet.
(Another curse of being a 1980s teen was that sexual maturity coincided almost perfectly with the first big AIDS scare…)
This is actually a crystal clear image of the pathology of gamergate. They’ve tightly bound their identity to fiction, possibly because they’ve given up on living real life.
And so they view all criticism of that fiction as attacks on their own internalized identity. This causes them to respond with reactions of violence and defensiveness.
“2D women” instead of “fictional women” or “cartoons”, highlighting an almost sort-of reverse objectification. The inability to distinguish between women and objects, either way.
“Men and women will be united”. Lol. You’re the one preventing that in the first place. And
pretty sure men start those phony wars which are not beneficial towards women, considering the majority of people killed are civilians and a considerable amount of them women, far more than the few soldiers that die in the western world that’s for sure. Second,
the robot goes sentient and kills him during sex because of the overuse and misuse as well as abuse it suffered. The irony of it.
You would be surprised to see how often men at RoK talk about freedom from women by artificial wombs and robots. These guys want more than a 2D woman. But still they want her to be fake.
YAY for Lith!
That brings a question to mind. Why do these guys need to wait for robots to have sex with? Why not real men? If the problem is that women are too gross and sexually dominate, why not just love your fellow men? Give eachother the sexes women cruelly deny you. Get the warmth, honesty, intelligence and loyal devotion women lack by dating men. You won’t have to worry with those smelly old pussies anymore if you start fellating your Nice Guy pals. These are men who wax rhapsodically about the virtues of the masculine gender. Surely it would be easier to summon a boner for a real man than woman shaped toy? Why, you could go your own way together. Maybe it isn’t ideal, but neither is wanking to a videogame, unless that’s something you already get alot of pleasure and fulfillment from.
Why is having a romantic relationship with a cartoon less of a stretch for them than one with the only other humans they claim to respect? Men are not women, but neither are cartoons or Real Dolls. If they were simply more attracted to a drawing or a silicone toy than to other humans I don’t think they’d make such a production out of women driving them into the arms of a Real Doll.
Is that all this is? Is this just men with an innocent fetish who are so bottled up and ashamed that they are taking it out on women? Is this a way to make it women’s fault that they do not have the sexuality of a “Real Man”?
“If you were being a woman right I’d want to fuck you instead of this thing I like to fuck. This is your fault! *has fab orgasm thinking about his waifu* *immediately feels like less of a “man”* *hatred of women grows*”
Could that be it? Otherwise, I just don’t get it.
Thanks 🙂
On MNGTOW (that’s ‘Not’):
Isn’t the made up fact that feminists want to do away with men entirely exactly what they’re proposing in reverse?
I think you have a point, there does sound like there’s a disparity between what they say they want and what they do. I suppose the cause could vary from individual to individual but it could be about the pressure of conformity.
I believe this oglaf and the following strips is relevant:
Maybe they’re worried they’ll get confused into doing what they’d be happier doing anyway if they could get past the need to conform. I don’t know, it just feels like they over complicate things and end up being terribly unhappy about it. And then blaming a large group of people who had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
The artificial wombs sound so awesome. Pregnancy and birth aren’t exactly a picnic for women. The freedom that would come from not having to gestate your offspring in your body would be revolutionary. Why they think feminists would be afraid of the option of not risking pissing their pants when they sneeze, puking for a few months and then having a ripped vajay-jay, I do not know.
It is the messiness and complexity of human interaction they want to avoid. They do not like anything that has a will of its own. That makes me seriously doubt their desire to actually raise children. Kids are not remote control. They get sick. They get hungry, dirty and grouchy. They do not exist to feed the egos of adults.
MGTOWs are going to need drawings of children to pretend to raise too.
I say put em’ all on a spaceship and tell them the water balloons are artificial wombs.
It makes sense. They are angry at women for refusing to conform because their gender identity unravels if we refuse to participate. With no women to dominate, control and feel superior to, they can’t feel like “men”. We’re scaring them because as long as men are defined as being “not like women”, they can’t be men unless we stick to our strict, submissive gender role.
If they want sex from women but cannot get it, they aren’t Real Men. If they want the wrong sort of sex or sex with someone who is not a “proper” (read as: Not cis, thin, sexually inexperienced, submissive and in many cases white) woman, they aren’t Real Men.
Gay men are always left out of these dreams of a woman free utopia. That’s a glaring omission, isn’t it? Why don’t men who like other men the most ever get a mention?
Is it because if gay and bi men existed in their utopia, they could still risk not being Real Men and it wouldn’t be a utopia anymore?
That explains why they are angry at women for existing outside of their ideals and at women within those parameters for not wanting them. This isn’t about women at all. This is about their feelings of inadequacy. This is about their shame.
They’d create a utopia if it wasn’t for us smelly girls. It isn’t their fault the male dominated world we live in is up to its neck in shit. It’s women’s fault for not being pretty enough / being too pretty. Whatever it takes to absolve them of any failure ever, especially the failure to be a Real Man.
Toxic masculinity is causing them frustration, loneliness, shame and confusion. Yet their response is to protect it. I guess they’ve been conditioned to.
It’s sad.
It’s like when poor people or women vote Republican.
Love these delusional shits think artificial wombs are a feminist’s nightmare.
No, my wife would not love to be able to have a second child without worrying about a serious risk of dying or heart complications. No, I don’t know like four women who have talked about wanting a kid but are terrified of pregnancy.
Oh, right, none of these shitstains have talked to a woman who wasn’t an NPC. Fuck, even Lydia has more depth than these shmuckknuckles.
Binjabreel |
Right? Zero risk of Uterine rupture? Oh noes!
I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard the words, “Dammit Lydia!” from my daughter. Apparently, she gets in the way. I don’t play, but I feel like I know Lydia.
@Paradoxical Intention
Nope, Venus belongs to “Earth-like planets” class. There’s a very similar planet (in composition) under that churning mass of clouds.
What’s up with Venus is a hot, corroding atmosphere, which blocks the sight of the surface from space.
Bluntly put… Venus is like Earth, except it decided to take hotboxing/greenhousing gases to the extreeeeeeeeeeem.
Actually, scientists as of recently reckon the most inhabitable part of our solar system aside from Earth is Enceladus, sixth moon of Saturn, because of its warm liquid oceans. Other close contenders include the upper atmosphere of Venus and Europa.
Lydia says, “I am sworn to carry your burdens,” in such a defeated tone that I let her go.
Venus kills every probe we land on it within a matter of hours, even if we can get a clear signal through the atmosphere.
Dammit, Mars needs canals and Venus needs dinosaurs. That is the Way It Ought To Be.
Lydia was better when giants had insane punting abilities, she had some purpose then.
They don’t give women much value beyond reproduction, so they can’t imagine we’d see much more value in ourselves than reproduction. Also, they are so obsessed with the idea of the “use of men” that any time a woman wants to do something that a man is “supposed to do,” feminism is trying to create a world with no use for men! So the very idea we’d want to get rid of our “use” is madness! MADNESS I SAY!
Oh man, I kinda love that passive-aggressive “sworn to carry your burdens”. Little things like that help flesh out what would otherwise be a non-character.
Also, lol at the first time a giant did that club-smash thing and I just watch helplessly as my Dragonborn goes sailing through the stratosphere.
Oh, did they nerf that? I know I had to go get a goat back from a giant because some developer thought “Let’s do The Hangover: Skyrim Edition!” and for once I didn’t get to join the Kerbal Space Program without a ship.
Yessss we are now talking Skyrim on BOTH most recent threads.
Wait, the giants no longer launch you into the sky with a single hit?
I guess drowning in toxic masculinity would also explain why the only emotion these people show is anger. They sneer. They never cry. Victim is a bad word and even male rape victims are just a reason to be angry with feminists.
It’s never “I feel these feels and I need help. I am a victim and I need help.”. It’s “Women are the worst and they ruin everything!” Fuck their shit up! They’ll be sorry when I’m wanking to anime on the moon!”
That would tie right in to RoK’s message that Real Men blow their brains out like a boss instead of being little girly-men who want attention for their weakness and “self-delusion” that comes from not being toughened up like a Real Man. These are real people with real human emotions saying these things. They know they feel a full spectrum of emotion. Yet they mock relentlessly any harm done to other people as if feeling pain or fear was a personal failing. We know they are pretending. They know they are pretending. They are not super alpha bad-ass tough guys. The manlier than though chest beating and Denmark banging is so much over compensation. They are grown men too cowed by their fear of being thought effeminate to communicate with any authenticity. You know why I think they really hate trigger warnings? I think it’s because people being brave enough to say they have feelings and needs related to trauma reminds them that they are still hiding and hurting behind their macho facade.
Verbally beating up on girls really is just to make them feel like Real Men and they need to feel like Real Men because girls get beat up. What a trope.