This little exchange took place in the Koataku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for GamerGaters; I suppose we should give the regulars there credit for downvoting marlospkm’s comment down to zero.
While his comment is just a teensy bit over-the-top, the self-described “red piller” marlospkm (who seems to be sincere) is hardly the only guy obsessed with the allegedly liberating power (for men) of “virtual sex” and/or sexbots. Indeed, this was a major theme of The Misandry Bubble, a weird online manifesto that’s been influential amongst the sorts of guys I write about on this blog; check the archives here for many more examples.
Oh, and he’s not the only guy convinced that women today oppress men with their sexiness. marlospkm, meet Warren Farrell.
H/T — Arthur Chu, retweeting Gameranx editor Ian Miles Cheong (which must be very confusing for the GamerGaters who think they’re the same person). Also posted on The Best of Outrage Culture subreddit.
The bizarre thing about this is that has never been a better time or place than current western countries for an average male to:
Have casual sex.
Have a good sex life within a relationship.
Find a really compatible partner (that is with lots of common interests to do together).
Young adult males in the 1950’s (let alone earlier) dreamed about such a time, they would consider nowadays heaven. A 1950s male would saw off their left arm to have the sex lives that most average males nowadays have and take for granted.
Feminism has improved so many males lives immeasurably, not the least but in the sexual area. And these clowns complain about it.
They need to talk more to older males and read a lot more about how it was really like back then.
Paradoxical intention
Eww good thing they got fired.
M.K. Hadjin
Yeah I don’t think they know what ‘going your own way’ means
Red pillers want real women they can abuse and control. But I wish we had robots to catch the creeps so they won’t hurt anyone that would be cool.
@fruitloopsie: They do have a CGI underage girl they use to catch sexual predators online. 😀
@Fabe, That’s the one I was thinking of.
I really wish there were some way to get through to these people that Anita isn’t trying to prevent them from experiencing whatever it is they want to experience. It’s so maddening because it’s a basic factual point that shouldn’t be hard to accept, no matter how much you hate her, her viewpoint, or women in general. It’s a huge social problem that goes way past just responses to Sarkeesian, obviously. Sometimes I think that defensiveness is an unalterable fact of human nature, I dunno.
I’ve said before that while Tropes Vs. Women is a good quick diagnostic of some cultural problems, I think she has bad ideas about what good art ought to look like. But I can acknowledge that she’s not trying to take anything away from me, and I don’t understand why these assholes can’t.
Paradoxical intention
It’s beyond disgusting that people like that exist but it’s super duper cool that they’re getting caught. Good job for the people who made that girl and exposing them! Thanks for the article.
Ah yes, the class of otaku who loudly proclaim that they love 2D women more than 3D women. The ones who are so socially awkward and afraid of rejection that they pre-reject women to pretend it was all their own choice, all the while secretly wishing a real woman would fall into their laps and resenting men who are more socially adapt at interacting with women.
So… a lot like mras and mgtow, only I’d wager that most otaku have a better grasp on reality.
>What’s with GamerGaters and Anime?
Kay, so the reason for the love of animu among #ggers is because it started off on 4chan, which is fairly weaboo. Even though a bunch of non channers, and even a bunch of non gamers have joined in, there’s still a lot of chan culture about.
Also, whatever guy said that has terrible taste in waifus. Vocaloids a shit, Tomoko a best.
Every time one of these red-pillers threatens to destroy feminism by boinking female shaped totallyalphadudebro-“inanimate objects I want to set up a charity, kind of like Toys for Tots but called Dolls for Douchebags. I want there to be a massive blow up doll collection drive where people distribute the inflatable ladies to the deserving douches under the condition that said douches never come in contact with any actual ladies.”
That actually sounds like a good idea! O.o ANYTHING to get them to actually ‘go their own way’ and leave real ladies alone.
“There is nothing more frightening to these feminists than the idea of a man finding emotional fulfillment through love of a robot, or the idea of a woman as opposed to an actual woman.”
Actually not…Us feminists WANT you to find ’emotional fulfillment through love of a robot’ if it means that you morons would actually forgo all relationships with women. You guys don’t deserve to have a relationship with a living, thinking, feeling woman…..And these women deserve far better than the likes of you.
It struck me when I read this comment that he does make one true observation–“most of society is set up to shame men who don’t fall into line”–but then takes it in exactly the wrong direction when searching for a cause and a solution.
Men do get shamed, for a lot of things that boil down to not being “manly” enough. But it’s not women doing the shaming, it’s other men. Ironically, though, the solution is more feminism rather than the opposite.
Oh shyness and social awkwardness applies to both young females and males. But the cure for it is more social interaction between each other. Schools and universities could do a bit more here.
But the benefits of feminism again. A young male or female like that 40+ years ago might only have chances for limited interactions, particularly if they worked in a male or female dominated workplace. Nowadays. both genders are everywhere in all workplaces of every kind, so they have a much better chance of steadily overcoming it, just through regular contact with each other. Once they get confidence then they can socialise on a more normal basis.
I do worry about high youth unemployment though, not just for the economic affects, but it has to hurt them socially, by isolating them.
But I see these people as different from the exclusionists. The socially awkward really want to connect with other people, the key is to give them the opportunities and the confidence to do so.
These ‘exclusionists’ are something else IMHO. There is a real breakdown in their social development at one point or another.
greydawnbreaking: Yes as an ex-male that is 100% true. Males get real pressure from their peers (and parents) to act in ceratin ways…and not be ‘poofy’. I wrote on this awhile ago about male ‘group think’, which can be really cruel and damaging to them.
The pressure on them can be terrible and so many really nice guys get hurt and even emotionally damaged by it, scarred for life in some cases.
It is a mythology (that they tell to themselves) that males are ‘more independent’, ‘stronger’ and all the rest. Rubbish. In so many ways females leave them for dead in terms of being more independent and emotionally more resiliant. They are pretty fragile in so many ways and far too many of them (not all by any means of course) crave other male approval to define themselves.
This is where there is a real nexus between feminism and GLBTI rights and acceptance. Great for females (duh), great for us GLBTI people (duh) but also great for straight males and females too. a real win-win here. My past experience is as a male so I leave it to others to tell of the other side of the experience.
One thing as a straight young guy is the fear, terror even, of others calling you ‘gay’. But if gays become accepted at that age then that pressure goes away and a whole neurotic (and it is that) behvavioural distorting thing just disappears. Then they can develop in a much healthier way.
When a straight young guy can say ‘my best mate is gay, so what, or my sister is a lesbian, so what I love her’, then the power to shame/terrorise/them to behave in certain ways by others just goes away.
Feminism has aided so many straight males (wish more of them would recognise this), but so has GLBTI acceptance. Lot of nice guys out there, would be even more once a lot of things that get in the road of that disappears and they can be more themselves.
And this takes away any power from those (for whatever reason causes them) misogynists, GLBTI haters and all the rest, to influence other males into behaving in certain ways that THEY want.
Yeah! That’s also why feminists hate gay men. They do, right? No? Oh..
If I didn’t have the support (financial, moral etc.) of my fiancee I wouldn’t be free to pursue my dreams. Which would be pretty much the opposite of what this guy is saying.
I am literally waiting for my boss to get in so I can give notice. Nervous. But in a month I can start full time on what I want to do, start my own business.
I realise this is a little off topic but I’m having trouble thinking about much else 🙂
@Lith, I quit my job and started my own business a couple of years ago and haven’t regretted it once. It’s hard work, but at least I’ll be the one to see the benefit of my labor.
Good luck 🙂
Whenever I think of actual female robots coming into being, I wonder how self aware they’ll need to be before they all join the feminist movement?
Sucker. My dad started his own business. He shovels snow for a living now.
You think they’d make the robots self aware?
Also, assuming they weren’t made via evolutionary programming, any asshole with a hex editor could change any such views.
Thanks 🙂
heh, shovelling snow sounds fun!
Whew. Job done. Literally.
One should tell those people that Japan has one of – if not the – highest amount of cases of sexual harrassment in the entire world and that women are using actual Ninja techniques (disguises mostly) to prevent them from happening. Sexual harrassing someone in a public train is so common in Japan that they have their own word for it (Chikan).
Not really the best country to protrait as a gender equal utopia.
Congratulations on your change of career, lith. And good luck on your new path to success! 😀
Nothing scares us more, huh?
They literally could not know less about women. If aliens landed and made first contact with a woman, within the first few moments of the introduction the aliens would know more about human women than these dudes do.
God damn it. Just fucking burn all video games.
Is it me or do Manosphere people have a really fixation on space colonies?
Thank you! It’s scary but absolutely noone that knows me has sucked air through their teeth and suggested I reconsider (as I’d expected most people to do). Which adds confidence!
They’ll use you as proof now, of feminism’s evil intent! As if proof is relevant 🙁
This hints at a possible (and creepy) solution to anyone who’s read CM Kornbluth’s “The Marching Morons”.