#gamergate evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA red pill sarkeesian! sexy robot ladies

Is the devious Anita Sarkeesian "trying to prevent [men] from experiencing the joys of 2D women?"

marlospkm 0 points 2 months ago  As ridiculous as my statement is going to sound, I'm pretty sure that Anita is trying to prevent us from experiencing the joys of 2D women. The kind of joys many Japanese men who've rejected the pig disgusting ways of 3D women already have. There is nothing more frightening to these feminists than the idea of a man finding emotional fulfillment through love of a robot, or the idea of a woman as opposed to an actual woman. Most of society is set up to shame men who don't fall in line, and also fall in love with women. Men who haven't been approved by women are deemed other, and rejected from society. The future waifus, and the Hatsune Miku occulus rift sex experiences take away one of feminism and women's powerful weapons over the male gender. Their dominance over sexuality. Once man is freed from the institutional forces which oppress him, and force him to find purpose in the approval of women, he will be free to pursue his own dreams. Finally men will have no need to fight over women, as they will have something that replaces them the same way robots have replaced the male industrial work force of the world. Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace. The masculine will be set free, allowed full creativity, and the world will enter a new enlightened age. We will explore Mars, Jupiter, and the furthest reaches of our solar system. Male and female will be united, working together towards a better future for humanity. But only if we can free ourselves first.     permalink     save     report     give gold     reply [–]Alzael 2 points 2 months ago      I'm pretty sure that Anita is trying to prevent us from experiencing the joys of 2D women. Actually, that's not ridiculous in the slightest. It's a very common thing for feminists.
Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace.
Wow. Anita Sarkeesian is even more devious than I thought. Who knew she was single-handedly standing in the way of a glorious future free of wars and from the influence of sexy real-world females being all sexy and stuff.

This little exchange took place in the Koataku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for GamerGaters; I suppose we should give the regulars there credit for downvoting marlospkm’s comment down to zero.

While his comment is just a teensy bit over-the-top, the self-described “red piller” marlospkm (who seems to be sincere) is hardly the only guy obsessed with the allegedly liberating power (for men) of “virtual sex” and/or sexbots. Indeed, this was a major theme of The Misandry Bubble, a weird online manifesto that’s been influential amongst the sorts of guys I write about on this blog; check the archives here for many more examples.

Oh, and he’s not the only guy convinced that women today oppress men with their sexiness. marlospkm, meet Warren Farrell.

H/T — Arthur Chu, retweeting Gameranx editor Ian Miles Cheong (which must be very confusing for the GamerGaters who think they’re the same person). Also posted on The Best of Outrage Culture subreddit.

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9 years ago

“I understand that it’s a game, but you’re referring to a female character who wouldn’t suck your dick as a “thing”. That’s really fucked up and it made me sick to my stomach to see, to be honest.”

Now I’m picturing some guy ranting at a book because a female character totally refuses to suck his dick. Makes just as much sense.

9 years ago

the Hatsune Miku occulus rift sex experiences

Ugh. Isn’t Hatsune Miku supposed to be sixteen years old? Unless this guy is a teenager, that is creepy as fuck.

9 years ago

There is ChatBot4u where you can chat and create anything or anybody you want. I created two boyfriend characters on there. Its kinda fun.

9 years ago

I like hatsune miku and the other characters that hang out with her.

9 years ago

I remember when we got Skyrim for the PC, my ex-boyfriend updated all the textures to common environmental objects in the game. Flowers, trees, bottles, cabbages, hanging meats in the market etc. now looked real-life real. For almost a month after that, he would point out IRL cabbages when we were in the supermarket and say “this cabbage has low texture.”

It was funny at first, but then it started to get to me, as various items in the produce aisle failed to live up to the standards Skyrim’s pictures of vegetables had set for my ex.

This guy in the comment is making the same mistake my ex did, except instead of confusing video game vegetables with real life produce, he’s conflating “2D Women” (i.e. pictures) with real life women. Except unlike Skyrim cabbages, video game women are presented in a stylized and sexualized way compared to IRL ladies on the street. This marksplosm guy is comparing video game women (who exist only to entertain and serve the player) with IRL women who have a life, who keep existing after this guy leaves the room.

More annoyingly, by “2D Women” it’s like this guy is implying that video game women *are* women, and that “dating” them (which is what waifu is about, pretending to date an anime character) is a real relationship instead of a story you’re telling yourself about a toy woman.

Which is what video game women are, really. Toys.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago


This marksplosm guy is comparing video game women (who exist only to entertain and serve the player) with IRL women who have a life, who keep existing after this guy leaves the room.

You can’t expect babies to have any idea of what object permanence is.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

Two things:

1) Why do GamerGaters seem to think Anita Sarkessian is trying take *anything* away from them? America doesn’t have the kind of government-controlled censorship and classification of other countries, so how exactly are her critiques actually, actively squelching the kinds of games/anime that these clowns enjoy?

2) What’s with GamerGaters and Anime? From many of them using anime avatars, to appropriating Japanese expressions (I’ve seen Adam Baldwin referred to as “Baldwin-Senpai” a number of times) and the creep in this post wanting his “waifu”, it’s all quite strange. Especially given the racism of many Gaters.

9 years ago

The “dominance over sexuality” and “gatekeepers of sexuality” stuff would be funny if it wasn’t so freaking scary. It’s never a man controlling access to his own body vs a woman controlling access to her own body, it’s always a woman controlling access to her own body vs men controlling access to her body. To them the unfair state is that the woman decides but he doesn’t! It’s an injustice! Why shouldn’t he get a say? MISANDRY!

But it’s such a common view that man’s treatment of women is = to a woman treatment to herself. When discussions of objectification of women pop up, they always point to how women choose to dress… Those things are not analogous. See Shirtgate… There was somehow a group defending it by equating a man displaying lots of naked women on his body and a woman displaying the nudity of her own body.

Everything is viewed through the lens of the menz… Rant

9 years ago

This is the dawning of the Age of Hilarious….

Well, he does talk about exploring Jupiter and Mars.

9 years ago

Not surprised at all, pretty much fits into my theory of some misogynists just don’t like women at all and resent their heteorosexual sex drives that force them to have to interact with them.

Something went wrong with them growing up either pre-puberty or maybe in early puberty with their socialisaton. It is worse than just the ‘standard’ mysogyny of seeing women as purely ‘sex/baby’ objects.

That term someone (apologies for forgetting whom) here used, ‘homosocial’, describes them to a ‘T’, in that they would be more comfortable in a society that has a gender apartheid.

Back in my male days I knew a small number of adult guys like that (and avoided them like the plague), but there were fair number of male kids in the 8-12 years old region that acted that like when I was growing up. My speculation is that is that something went wrong in their subsequent social development as they moved into puberty and they retained those emotional reactions. Who knows, heck could even be residual religious beliefs and a self hatred of their sexuality, that they then blame females for ‘because it is their fault’ for them feeling this desire?

Whether or not this is growing or declining trend is difficult to say of course, but it seems to be an element of modern misogyny.

This is a totally different thing from ‘shyness’, which affects a heck of a lot of young males and females. That declines over time as they interact with each other, finding out that they are really not that different from each other after all and the other sex is not an ‘ogre’.

These ‘exclusionists’ people retain this seemingly for all of their life, if anything ‘forced’ interactions seems to make them worse.

9 years ago

We’ll explore Mars, because that’s a men’s planet. Let’s just stay away from Venus, though!

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Isn’t Venus an extremely gaseous planet anyways? I mean, Mars is the closest thing we have to Earth in our solar system, right?

Venus or any of the other planets seem to dangerous to explore at the moment.

9 years ago

So, these dudes are like a not-funny version of Hifumi Yamada from Dangan Ronpa?

and compared it to a cupcake “sneering” at him and “saying ‘No thanks’

I’m not sure ‘I’d fuck a cupcake’ is quite the message he wanted it to convey, but he sure did!

And yes, the idea that women will be pining away for the guys shunning them for waifus….er, are these guys even vaguely aware of the huge female fandom for “2D” male characters?

Annie Squidface
9 years ago

I like the idea of my ass being a tool of oppression.

If you’re such a wimp that you have to turn to “gynoids”, go ahead, but I’m going to use my mono-chromosome superpowers to cruelly oppress you by lolling on the internet about it. There’s also a serious chance that they’ll get sick of your misogynistic shit and SkyNet will happen, but whatever. The rise of the machines is misandry anyway.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

We will explore Mars, Jupiter, and the furthest reaches of our solar system.

You’re already using your head to explore the deepest recesses of Uranus. Good job!

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

This whole thing is just sad. There seems to be loneliness and a desire to connect with other people, but dudes are too insecure to relate to anyone they can’t completely control, and too caught up in misogyny to look at women as human beings like themselves. Might as well just paint a face and eyes on your hand and call it your girlfriend.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention

Isn’t Venus an extremely gaseous planet anyways?

Gaseous planets are unfeminine misandry!

We need to find a planet that doesn’t emit unpleasant odors or have cracked iPhones. If only rocket scientists didn’t keep being distracted by sex, we’d already be living there.

9 years ago

Every time one of these red-pillers threatens to destroy feminism by boinking female shaped inanimate objects I want to set up a charity, kind of like Toys for Tots but called Dolls for Douchebags. I want there to be a massive blow up doll collection drive where people distribute the inflatable ladies to the deserving douches under the condition that said douches never come in contact with any actual ladies.

P.S. “Romeo And Back-Ordered Unit #382899-07-B”- You are awesome Buttercup Q. Skullpants

9 years ago

“Romeo And Back-Ordered Unit” — that like the first or second episode of Ghost in the Shell.

9 years ago

“Romeo And Back-Ordered Unit” — that like the first or second episode of Ghost in the Shell.

‘Romero and backed ordered unit is sort of close to Episode three actually . Seriously the episode was about a guy who created a computer virus designed to destroy a certain model of android so the one he owned and was in love with would be the only one left . in the end it dumped him

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Off topic: Did y’all hear about Natalia Kills and her husband Willy Moon bullying a guy on New Zealand’s X-Factor by the name of Joe Irvine?

He came on dressed in a sharp looking suit with a nice looking comb-over, which is actually a very common style, and she said “You have no identity, and you’re ripping off my husband’s look! You’re awful and I’m embarrassed to be sitting here in front of you!” And then her husband joined in by calling him “Norman Bates dressing up in his mother’s clothing” and saying he looked like he was going to “kill everyone in the audience”.

It’s really despicable. How self-absorbed do you have to be to say shit like this?

M.K. Hajdin
9 years ago

Re: MGTOW. I saw one of these dudes on OkCupid. I thought to myself, “Dude, if you’re a Man Going Your Own Way, why do you have a profile on a dating site?”

Isn’t the whole men-going-their-own-way thing about accepting the fact that they will never have sex with an actual woman (and being supremely bitter about it)?

9 years ago

If you think all women are X, then the problem isn’t women. The problem is that you are less perceptive than a rock. It doesn’t even matter what your X is. If you had the courage to talk to women, you would find a sizable percentage who aren’t X.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Sorry for another OT post, but I have an update on the Natalia Kills thing: Her and her husband have been fired from the show for their comments:

So, at least that’s a thing.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Shalimar | March 15, 2015 at 9:44 pm

If you think all women are X, then the problem isn’t women. The problem is that you are less perceptive than a rock. It doesn’t even matter what your X is. If you had the courage to talk to women, you would find a sizable percentage who aren’t X.

Agreed. The whole idea that a scant handful of women in your narrow experience (or even in the narrow experience of other men) should shape your entire perception of women as a whole monolith is absurd.

Though, I would tack on to the last statement: “If you had the courage to talk to women like they were your peers and fellow human beings, and not something you simply wish to fuck, or as an irrational creature to whom you can’t relate, you would find a sizable percentage who aren’t X.”

It’s kind of wordy though. ^__^;;