#gamergate evil sexy ladies grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA red pill sarkeesian! sexy robot ladies

Is the devious Anita Sarkeesian "trying to prevent [men] from experiencing the joys of 2D women?"

marlospkm 0 points 2 months ago  As ridiculous as my statement is going to sound, I'm pretty sure that Anita is trying to prevent us from experiencing the joys of 2D women. The kind of joys many Japanese men who've rejected the pig disgusting ways of 3D women already have. There is nothing more frightening to these feminists than the idea of a man finding emotional fulfillment through love of a robot, or the idea of a woman as opposed to an actual woman. Most of society is set up to shame men who don't fall in line, and also fall in love with women. Men who haven't been approved by women are deemed other, and rejected from society. The future waifus, and the Hatsune Miku occulus rift sex experiences take away one of feminism and women's powerful weapons over the male gender. Their dominance over sexuality. Once man is freed from the institutional forces which oppress him, and force him to find purpose in the approval of women, he will be free to pursue his own dreams. Finally men will have no need to fight over women, as they will have something that replaces them the same way robots have replaced the male industrial work force of the world. Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace. The masculine will be set free, allowed full creativity, and the world will enter a new enlightened age. We will explore Mars, Jupiter, and the furthest reaches of our solar system. Male and female will be united, working together towards a better future for humanity. But only if we can free ourselves first.     permalink     save     report     give gold     reply [–]Alzael 2 points 2 months ago      I'm pretty sure that Anita is trying to prevent us from experiencing the joys of 2D women. Actually, that's not ridiculous in the slightest. It's a very common thing for feminists.
Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace.
Wow. Anita Sarkeesian is even more devious than I thought. Who knew she was single-handedly standing in the way of a glorious future free of wars and from the influence of sexy real-world females being all sexy and stuff.

This little exchange took place in the Koataku in Action subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for GamerGaters; I suppose we should give the regulars there credit for downvoting marlospkm’s comment down to zero.

While his comment is just a teensy bit over-the-top, the self-described “red piller” marlospkm (who seems to be sincere) is hardly the only guy obsessed with the allegedly liberating power (for men) of “virtual sex” and/or sexbots. Indeed, this was a major theme of The Misandry Bubble, a weird online manifesto that’s been influential amongst the sorts of guys I write about on this blog; check the archives here for many more examples.

Oh, and he’s not the only guy convinced that women today oppress men with their sexiness. marlospkm, meet Warren Farrell.

H/T — Arthur Chu, retweeting Gameranx editor Ian Miles Cheong (which must be very confusing for the GamerGaters who think they’re the same person). Also posted on The Best of Outrage Culture subreddit.

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9 years ago

Why would feminists (or anyone) be “frightened” at the thought of the least attractive members of society turning to technology-enhanced masturbation instead of harassing them?

And which recent wars were caused by men fighting over women? And by “recent”, feel free to go back centuries.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

The masculine will be set free, allowed full creativity, and the world will enter a new enlightened age. We will explore Mars, Jupiter, and the furthest reaches of our solar system.

This is the dawning of the Age of Hilarious….

9 years ago

Wars aren’t about greed and power? They’re about getting laid? Who knew!?

9 years ago

Ah… a world of male and female freemartins. What fun! Can hardly wait!


9 years ago

I mean, I’ll credit them for not thinking Anita is single-handedly trying to prevent this, but seriously? Have they not seen what’s happening to those same Japanese men that are “liberated”? They live in a society with one of the highest rates of suicide and depression in the entire world! A society that’s oppressive to everyone and incredibly stifling to live in, and they know that and address it often in their media.
I mean, I’m all for the technology to have virtual sex, mostly because I believe this will help ease some of the frustration of people in long distance relationships, but come on. Development of it isn’t going to be some massively world changing event. (Although it might just stop the gene flow of some people who just don’t need to reproduce.)

9 years ago

There is nothing more frightening to these feminists than the idea of

I’m entertained by the idea of anti-feminists revealing their own priorities by how they finish that sentence.

9 years ago

Every line in that post is just wrong.
And sad.
And pathetic.

Yeah,cbecause the “idea” of a 2D woman is what’s going to give them that warmth and companionship they’ve been longing for. Companionship they could have, if they didn’t actively hate 3D women, I guess.

And when the sex replicants revolt, I won’t say “I told you so.” I’ll just rewatch my 3D copy of Bladerunner and gloat.

9 years ago

“As ridiculous as my statement is going to sound…”

Well, at least he has that much self-awareness.

9 years ago

We have “dominance over sexuality”? When did THAT happen? Because the last time I looked, a good 90% of porn was males-dominating-females. Put me right off my feed, that did.

But hey! If this guy wants to wank away in a fantasy world, he can go right ahead. No one will miss him. He grossly overestimates the number of men who would join him there, though.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Wetherby | March 15, 2015 at 3:24 pm

And which recent wars were caused by men fighting over women? And by “recent”, feel free to go back centuries.

I kind of want to say the battle of Troy in Greek mythology, but that was started because goddesses were fighting over who was prettier, wasn’t it? (And even then, it’s fictional so *pbbbbbbbt*.)

But holy shit, this comment is a goldmine of hilarity.

There is nothing more frightening to these feminists than the idea of a man finding emotional fulfillment through love of a robot, or the idea of a woman as opposed to an actual woman.

First and foremost: Please go and love your “waifus”. Please leave us alone. Shoo. We don’t care. We’d actually prefer if you did.

Secondly: What makes you think that there aren’t women (and furthermore, feminsts) who don’t love 2D characters too? Shit, I have more 2D crushes than I do 3D. (Though we don’t talk about running away with them and rejecting real people for them.)

Oh, wait. I forgot: when a woman does it, it’s “creepy” and “weird”, but when YOU (men) do it, it’s totally fine because you’re rejecting reality because it can’t handle your awesomeness. Uh huh.

The future waifus, and the Hatsune Miku occulus rift sex experiences take away one of feminism and women’s powerful weapons over the male gender. Their dominance over sexuality.


Really? You sincerely think that we have “dominance” over sexuality? Why? Because we ask you to ask for consent before you attempt to get your dick wet and Miku doesn’t? Are you fucking serious?

Men’s sexual desires STILL dominate the entirety of our culture. Women are expected to dress to please men’s boners, and then that’s used to blame us when we’re sexually assaulted. Men apparently can’t do wrong with their boners, and they blame women ALL THE TIME for their boners not being appeased.

Nah, we’re just not fucking you. That’s literally all it is.

Finally men will have no need to fight over women […] Wars will be ended, and we will achieve world peace.

Yeah, because wars are always the fault of women, not men wanting power or resources or having a mighty need for a dick-measuring contest. Sure. It’s always women’s fault that men are violent. Never the men’s fault, oh no. [/sarcasm]

The masculine will be set free, allowed full creativity, and will enter a new enlightened age.

YOUR narrow definition of masculine. That’s what you want. The ability to do what you want with no consequences and blame it all on being “masculine”. You don’t give a shit about men who don’t want to conform to your definition, either.

Women asking you to stop being terrible and/or not fucking you is not limiting your precious “masculinity”. Feminists want “masculinity” to not be defined simply by “what isn’t feminine”, nor by “violent, heterosexual sex-crazed, emotionless dudebro”.

This dude surely has high fucking hopes for himself, don’t he? It takes a special kind of delusion to think that loving Miku instead of an actual person is going to make all the world’s problems go away because feeeemales are eeeeevil.

9 years ago

I love how convinced they are that we’re terrified of them going their own way, no matter how many times we tell them good riddance.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

On the subject of unleashing full male creativity, an awful lot of humanity’s paintings, sculptures, music, and novels have been inspired by yearning, love, and sex. What’s going to replace that creative drive when every man has a perfect obedient sexbot at his beck and call?

“Romeo And Back-Ordered Unit #382899-07-B” doesn’t quite have the same tragic, star-crossed ring to it.

9 years ago
I see the “misogny in a nutshell” is at it again and what makes him think we want creeps like him? Shoo! Go away and leave us alone and take your imaginary “waifus” with you, Actually nevermind leave everyone alone while you are at it, move to a place where there are no people around.

9 years ago

I like how it starts with a modicum of self-awareness: “As ridiculous as this is going to sound,” complete with savior comma holding back the little bit of understanding of how unhinged from reality the rest is going to be. It’s like “I’m not racist, but…”

Also, I’m not sure how someone saying, “yo video games are a little sexist and we would really like games to appeal to more than just your white cis-het dudebro” is removing dude’s infatuations with characters.

On a different topic, I remember seeing a documentary about men who were in love with life-size fuckable dolls. They would dress and pose these dolls, take care of all their (ahem) hygiene, and talk to them. It was really weird, but you know, whatever, those dudes are not bothering me or harassing women on the streets, or you know raping anyone, so you know, enjoy your fantasy.

9 years ago

I also love how the thing holding us back from exploring Mars, Jupiter and Rigel – 8 is dudes wanting sex. That shit is hilarious.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

I’ve heard this before – the idea that wars are fought because women. It has been a way for MRAs to blame women for wars started by men, making it seem like women are practically eliminating countless men with the power of, well, existing with vaginas.
The bit about sexual dominance made me chuckle. As if the ability to say no to sex is actual, downright dominance. This sort of thinking is funny but it has a frightening side. I’ve read MRAs dreaming about being able to control women’s food and water, because it’s the same thing as rationing their sex intake, apparently. As if coming is a basic right or a life sustaining factor.

9 years ago

“Once man is freed from the institutional forces that oppress him, and force him to find purpose in the approval of women, he will be free to pursue his own dreams…

…Male and female will be united, working together towards a better future for humanity.”

This part of that redpiller diatribe is actually inadvertently spot on. The “institutional forces” of patriarchy and sexism ARE oppressing men by telling them that masculinity and worth are tied to sexual dominance, and that any man who can’t command sex and affection from a woman whenever he pleases is a loser PoS.

Feminism wants men as well as women to be freed from those institutional forces that oppress BOTH men and women by claiming that men are automatically entitled to sex from women and shaming men who don’t get sex from women.

Of course, feminism would prefer to see the problem solved by men’s rejecting sexist stereotypes and developing a masculinity of self-respect and personal fulfillment irrespective of their sexual activity or relationship status, rather than by just swapping out male dependence on sex for male dependence on sexbots.

But hey, any step away from the attitude than men must obtain sex from women by hook or by crook in order to avoid the stigma of unmanliness is a step in the right direction. Sort of.

9 years ago
9 years ago

Is there some reason they can’t just buy a fleshlight or a tenga and bog off now?

9 years ago

“2D women.”

Drawings, dude. They’re called drawings.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Scarlettathena | March 15, 2015 at 4:02 pm

Also, I’m not sure how someone saying, “yo video games are a little sexist and we would really like games to appeal to more than just your white cis-het dudebro” is removing dude’s infatuations with characters.

Actually, you reminded me of something. I saw some YouTube comments recently where a guy was slamming Sera from Dragon Age: Inquisition because she rejected his male inquisitor character. Another person stepped in and said that Sera is canonically a lesbian, to which he replied that he can’t believe he got rejected by a thing, and compared it to a cupcake “sneering” at him and “saying ‘No thanks’.” I understand that it’s a game, but you’re referring to a female character who wouldn’t suck your dick as a “thing”. That’s really fucked up and it made me sick to my stomach to see, to be honest.

Back on topic: These guys seem to believe that games and representation are finite resources, and if someone other than them gets some, they somehow get less.

Minorities (queer people, women, PoC) asking for some good representation outside of importance to the cis, white dudebro main character is foreign to them, because they all see said minorities ONLY as how important they are to their “main character”, i.e. themselves, and trying to see them as their own characters with their own stories to tell is too hard for them to wrap their brains around.

9 years ago

2D boy-crushes, anyone? <3 My friend animated this:


I might question whether the surrogacy of human women with compliant 2D fantasy girls is just further fueling the dehumanisation of women in men’s eyes, but fuck it. If these creeps are happy to stay far away from real human women, so much the better.

What I want to know is… is anyone developing cybernetic male sex-bot experiences for the horny lonely woman? I mean, if she can get a simulated intimate experience without risking a barrage of dick pics and a terrible date with a raging misogynist who may or may not attempt to slip her a roofie, then where’s my Coin-Operated Boy?

9 years ago

Is there anything that Anita Sarkeesian isn’t being accused of doing to oppress men? If they did have sexbots they’d probably blame her for dangerous wet floors like the one in this totally real future tragedy she’ll cause with feminisms, somehow.

9 years ago

That can’t possibly be someone’s genuine opinion, even if they were intentionally exaggerating. But for a troll it’s way too obvious. The powers of Poe’s Law make my brain hurt.

Personally I also prefer 2D over 3D, but that’s kind of inevitable when I only seem to have crushes on giant transforming robot aliens

9 years ago

I find it very telling that their ideal woman is a flat cartoon character. One that they can literally never embrace, unless they do like some sad guys do in Japan, and buy human-sized pillows with those cartoon characters printed on them. Which still leaves the sad fact that they’re inanimate, and this “love” is very unidimensional (and one-way), to say the least.

Apropos robo-husbandos, anyone else here see “Making Mr. Right”? Or read The Silver Metal Lover? Because if anyone ever makes artificially-intelligent men like those, these guys will truly have cause to shake in their redundant boots…

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