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Sarkeesian Effect Makeup! Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini are reunited, and it feels so weird

Woah, as Keanu Reeeves, playing Neo or possibly some other character, might say.

Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini, the Sarkeesian Effect duo, are BACK TOGETHER AGAIN, and plan to finish their, er, “film” together shortly! Aurini posted the video above yesterday, announcing the reunion and giving a timetable of sorts for finishing the film, which obviously won’t be met, but hey.

Owen seems to have confirmed this, posting this video consisting of nothing more than the Owen/Aurini logo — yes, they have a logo — and the classic Peaches and Herb song “Reunited.”

Then again I haven’t seen Owen on camera announcing the reunion, so it’s possible that the wily Aurini has him tied up in the trunk of his car.

Also, Aurini is missing his goatee, which raises the possibility that the person making the “Aurini” video is actually his evil twin — or maybe his good twin, I’m not sure — from an alternate universe. You know, like in Star Trek.

Ah well. I’m going to assume this is legit. I was really looking forward to two Sarkeesian Effects, but I suppose I will be able to make do with just one.

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9 years ago

I agree. Something is fishy about this whole situation. After the obvious gaslighting from the original breakup and Jordan not appearing in his reunion video, it definitely seems like there is something else going on.

I honestly hope we’re wrong about there being blackmail or manipulation going on. I may not like either of these guys, but no one deserves to be emotionally abused like that.

9 years ago


They’ve already accused her of that. She addresses it in this speech.

@ pzmyers: I thought so too.

And just this morning I happened to be laughing over this video:

9 years ago

We all know Aurini’s narcissistic enough to spend hours and hours watching/reading every single Sarkeesian Effect video/blog post/twitter mention/tumblr meme.

What did he get from all that? “Oh dear! My goatee is weird and ditch the skull.” All the “Horrible person doing horrible things” stuff just went whizzing over his shiny little head.

9 years ago


My theory is close. Basically he needs to paint himself as the friendly, reasonable one after having publicly lambasted his former-ex-partner. Therefore, nix the goatee, skull and whiskey, and put on a goofy hat. And pray that his audience has an extremely short attention span.

The day Aurini actually takes feedback seriously, rather than as a short-term ploy to manipulate people, hell will open up a ski resort.

9 years ago

I will be able to make do with just one.

To be honest I still think this is a bit of a high estimate 🙂

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Wow he is long winded and boring. We didn’t really need the explanation of editing. And where’s the other guys part.

9 years ago

The delusional force of narcissism and megalomania is strong with these ones…

Love how Aurini makes an oblique allusion to the Godfather having issues with its production as if their moronic film is in the same category of Coppola’s work. I recall Owen once stating that the content of the film should lead to mass protests and his own testimony in Washington regarding the corruption of “freedom” due to “political correctness” and “social justice warriors”. Aurini has more than once stated that he believes he will be remembered as a “great man of history” .

9 years ago

They have a mediator.
Oh my god.

9 years ago

Did anyone else bust out laughing at “It’s like planning a wedding every single day”?

9 years ago

Also, anyone have any bets on who the “mediator” is?

Roosh. Almost guaranteed.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

I think this entire Owen-Aurini bruhaha was actually an extended marketing campaign for the new “Odd Couple.”

“On November 13th, Jordan Owen, a man-bear-pig hybrid, was asked to stop being a douchebag. That request came from all women everywhere. He knew they were right, but he also knew that some day he would refuse to respect their agency. With nowhere else to go, he arrived at the home of his bro, Davis Aurin. Several years earlier, Aurini had also been rejected by all women everywhere, asking that he never return. Can two misognyistic goofball douchebags share a project without driving each other even more cray-cray? Doo de doo dee DOO dee doo dee doo dee doo dee DOO dee doo dee!

9 years ago

I think they heard about this ( and freaked out.

9 years ago

Initially I thought this video was fake, on account of the skull being absent. Now I expect the skull has stormed off in disgust at both of them. I checked out Aurini’s blog, he’s taken down that lengthy post airing all his dirty gaslighting laundry accusing Owen of hallucinating. Did anyone screen cap it?

9 years ago

I’ve always wondered how you kidnap a human-bear hybrid. Maybe that’s where all the skulls went.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Judas Peckerwood | March 13, 2015 at 1:32 pm

I wonder what kind of blackmail Aurini used to bully Owen into this “reunion.” Owen’s terse written statement — extremely odd from a guy who clearly loves to hear himself talk — sets off all kinds of alarm bells.

Yeah, I have to wonder too, this seems all too neat and tidy after their breakup. Especially after Aurini has been such a gaslighting, abusive douchecanoe.

rick | March 13, 2015 at 3:40 pm

The delusional force of narcissism and megalomania is strong with these ones…

Love how Aurini makes an oblique allusion to the Godfather having issues with its production as if their moronic film is in the same category of Coppola’s work. I recall Owen once stating that the content of the film should lead to mass protests and his own testimony in Washington regarding the corruption of “freedom” due to “political correctness” and “social justice warriors”. Aurini has more than once stated that he believes he will be remembered as a “great man of history” .

And yet he thinks of us as the “delusional” ones for not buying into what he’s selling.

Also, The Sarkeesian Effect being as good as The Godfather?

Wow, I can’t wait for this to come out in one of “Atlanta’s great theaters”, and to have people sit down and pay to actually watch this now. It’ll go over like a lead balloon.

Completely unrelated: who here wants to join my pirate crew?

And seconding M.’s assertion that Roosh is behind the “reunion”. In that he most likely helped Aurini gaslight and strong-arm Owen into getting back on the project.

9 years ago

After the comments in the OP about the goatee, I assumed this was a parody. I watched the whole video. I thought “He forgot the skull, and he’s overdoing the cigarette motions. It’s otherwise a convincing Aurini impression.”

Now you tell me this is real? I’ve been thoroughly punked. Also, I’m clearly repressing some memories of Aurini’s mannerisms in previous videos.


Did anyone else bust out laughing at “It’s like planning a wedding every single day”?

I did, but, as noted above, I thought it was part of the act.

Film Runner
9 years ago

I think Owen is basically stuck in an abusive relationship. I kinda feel sorry for him.

9 years ago

>I checked out Aurini’s blog, he’s taken down that lengthy post airing all his dirty gaslighting laundry accusing Owen of hallucinating. Did anyone screen cap it?

Whiny blog post:
Chat log post:

Sadly, nobody else seems to have Jordan Owen’s initial announcement video of the split.

9 years ago

@Paradoxical Intention: ARRR!!!

9 years ago

Yeah, Owen was so thoroughly and viciously thrown under a bus that I didn’t expect them to ever make up. The possibility of Aurini forcing him in some way to make up hadn’t occurred to me, but the more I think about it, the more I think it’s likely…and scary, really.

Unrelated (well yeah, it is related): Did anyone see Anita Sarkeesian’s “What I couldn’t say” speech? It doesn’t have that many views for now, so I imagine it hasn’t been spread very much yet. Mind you, it hasn’t stopped the likes of MundaneMatt and MrRepzion from making video responses hounding it, as they usually do. I wonder how long until Thunderf00t’s “response”? Or Owen/Aurini’s?

On its own, if I didn’t know anything about her, I’m not sure if it would leave that much of an impression on me, although I do think she’s well-spoken. But having followed her situation for, what, a few years now?, it makes me really sad. She mentions not being able to snark or joke anymore lest people turn her jokes against her like she meant them seriously – it’s definitely something I had noticed, actually, but I wasn’t sure if it was intentional, or if it was all in my head. One example she calls out, is how she’s accused of being “not a real gamer” (a nod to the fact that people keep bring up again, and again, and again, and again, the fact that she once said, years ago, tongue-in-cheek, “I don’t really play games, I don’t wanna just shoot and kill things, it’s kinda gross” as 100% undebatable proof that she has never, in her life, played a game).

And then these guys whine about the evuhl SJW’s trying to bring them down. Also, is it me or are they trying to use that term (Social justice warriors) formally? As though it was a serious, respected term? Ridiculous.

9 years ago


Completely unrelated: who here wants to join my pirate crew?

Do ye still have a berth fer a dodgy-lookin’ cook?

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Welcome to th’ crew, yutolia! We be a crew of feminist, misanderin’ scoundrels, who sail the seven seas pirating terrible documentaries for us to mock with th’ utmost sarcasm and snark!

Aye, Falconer, tha’ I do. (Do you look like Tim Curry?)

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Oh good. I was worried that their friends would have to pick sides. And what about their monogrammed towels business cards?

9 years ago

I think it was a publicity stunt that they pre-planned, but I also think they didn’t spend much time scripting out what they would actually say and Owen is still pissed off at the things Aurini said about him during the “break-up”. Yes, he is doing what he agreed to do and continuing with the project, but he isn’t happy at all about working with Aurini now.