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Sarkeesian Effect Makeup! Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini are reunited, and it feels so weird

Woah, as Keanu Reeeves, playing Neo or possibly some other character, might say.

Jordan Owen and Davis Aurini, the Sarkeesian Effect duo, are BACK TOGETHER AGAIN, and plan to finish their, er, “film” together shortly! Aurini posted the video above yesterday, announcing the reunion and giving a timetable of sorts for finishing the film, which obviously won’t be met, but hey.

Owen seems to have confirmed this, posting this video consisting of nothing more than the Owen/Aurini logo — yes, they have a logo — and the classic Peaches and Herb song “Reunited.”

Then again I haven’t seen Owen on camera announcing the reunion, so it’s possible that the wily Aurini has him tied up in the trunk of his car.

Also, Aurini is missing his goatee, which raises the possibility that the person making the “Aurini” video is actually his evil twin — or maybe his good twin, I’m not sure — from an alternate universe. You know, like in Star Trek.

Ah well. I’m going to assume this is legit. I was really looking forward to two Sarkeesian Effects, but I suppose I will be able to make do with just one.

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Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

The most hilarious part of this is Aurini’s delusions of being some kind of Hollywood mogul.

9 years ago

Anyone else suspicious this was a hoax to get people talking about their little film again?

9 years ago

I can almost believe it was set up, but at the same time…if they wanted to bother making up drama I feel like even they would find a more dignified excuse (rather than psssst OWEN CAN’T GET LAID HAHA).

9 years ago

Oh god, getting back together never works. Just walk away, dudes!

9 years ago

His little cowboy look is cute, is that new? I was kind of disappointed to not see any skulls though.

9 years ago

I’m reading through the comments on the video, and it’s hilarious how their commenters are praising them for handling the situation like grown adults.

Not quite how I would have put it.

9 years ago

Also, just not surprised…. the whole thing was just to get some more publicity for their limp project.

(sorry for double post, brain not working today)

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

I wonder what kind of blackmail Aurini used to bully Owen into this “reunion.” Owen’s terse written statement — extremely odd from a guy who clearly loves to hear himself talk — sets off all kinds of alarm bells.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

I am genuinely curious on how this moving train wreck will turn out.

Almost as curious as I am about what they think their obvious little propaganda piece will accomplish.

A film filled with their distilled misogyny and woman-bashing-theories will not really reveal anything other than that theese creeps really, REALLY hate feminists and SJWs – like, for REALZ, realz!

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
9 years ago

I guess this is how logical men who don’t make emotional decisions do things?

David N-T
David N-T
9 years ago

Everything in Aurini’s mannerisms is so ungenuine. Is the new third voice in the project Alan Smithee?

Film Runner
9 years ago

Holy shit, Aurini almost looks like an actual human being!

9 years ago

Oh, wow. I’d have thought I’d learned that the manosphere will always live down to my expectations but I actually didn’t see this one coming.

I also wondered for a second whether the whole breakup was a hoax, but…I mean, would it really help? It’s not like they were all that on the radar to begin with, heh. Unless they were trying to get more funding on Patreon somehow, and admittedly I wouldn’t put it past them.

As others have said, it is rather unusual that Jordan Owen wasn’t actually in the makeup video.

Film Runner
9 years ago

1:35 – He literally just compared his ‘film’ to The Godfather
2:41 – Only a week and a half to edit a documentary, Aurini? It takes me longer than that to put together a ten-minute Youtube movie review (one of which will be coming for The Sarkeesian Effect)
4:01 – I don’t think my mind is capable of preparing for a five-minute animated sequence about how to out-argue Anita Sarkeesian, written by this guy. Insert Scanners clip here.

All this reminds of is a bit from Greg Sestero’s masterpiece The Disaster Artist:

‘I started showing them some of Tommy’s greatest acting hits. “Oh my God,” one of them said, laughing. “This is so terrible.” Another one, looking back so as not to be overheard by anyone, said, “Seriously, Greg. Does he think this is serious? This is real?”
“Completely,” I said. “Tommy thinks this is the next Streetcar Named Desire.”
“What’s he planning to do with this movie?”
“Submit it to the Academy Awards.” Everyone laughed, but I wasn’t kidding. That was Tommy’s stated goal.’

9 years ago

The RationalWiki article on Aurini is now lacking a reference, because Jordan took the original announcement video private:

#TheSarkeesianEffect: Cutting Ties with Davis Aurini (jordanowen42, 3 March 2015)

Did anyone take a copy?

9 years ago

Yeah, 10 bucks says Owen isn’t exactly on board with this venture, but Aurini strong-armed him into it.

Which is still frikken weird given how much shit Aurini has publicly put out about Owen being mentally unstable and potentially dangerous and not at all competent.

If this was all a hoax, then hats off to a pair of wonderful actors. I don’t know why it would be… the story seems pretty believable. Even the getting-back-together part.

As for Aurini’s new look (cowboy hat and mug of beer instead of Fedora and whisky, still gotta have that cigarette he never smokes)…



Also, I am super childish and broke out laughing at the logo of the A inside the O, given how much Aurini seems to be fucking over Owen on this venture.

TOPAZ! (@TheExpatterson)

OMG! They got back together “for the kids” (aka the ones who were whining “you guys are letting the social justice warriors win!”)

Also, anyone have any bets on who the “mediator” is?

9 years ago

@Film Runner: oh, yes, The Disaster Artist! I love that book! When the first “teaser” came out, I couldn’t help but think of this:

““Probably the most wasteful and pointless aspect of The Room’s production was Tommy’s decision to simultaneously shoot his movie with both a 35mm film camera and a high-definition (HD) camera. In 2002, an HD and 35mm film camera cost around $250,000 combined; the lenses ran from $20,000 to $40,000 apiece. And, of course, you had to hire an entirely different crew to operate this stuff. Tommy had a mount constructed that was able to accommodate both the 35mm camera and HD camera at the same time, meaning Tommy needed two different crews and two different lighting systems on set at all times. The film veterans on set had no idea why Tommy was doing this. Tommy was doing this because he wanted to be the first filmmaker to ever do so. He never stopped to ask himself why no one else had tried.”

I thought at the time that The Room was the maximum achievement in wastefulness, but those teasers juxtaposed with what they’re getting on Patreon weren’t *all* that far off…

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

What are the odds that this “reunion” hasn’t happened at all — that this is some kind of power-play by Aurini to embarrass/pressure Owen into reuniting the team? I’ve seen similar things attempted by manipulative douchebags, of which Aurini certainly is one.

9 years ago

I just saw someone on Tumblr griping that Sarkeesian was showing disrespect for her Kickstarter contributors by not using all of the money they gave her on the project.

She’s making the videos she wants to make, in the fashion and manner that she wants. Not her fault if she gets more money than that takes.

But no, now some hateful people are convinced she’s up to shenanigans with the money, and we have bozos like Aurini and Owen who (while they have provided nearly endless amusement) have some really malevolent presumptions.

9 years ago

@Judas Peckerwood:

What are the odds that this “reunion” hasn’t happened at all — that this is some kind of power-play by Aurini to embarrass/pressure Owen into reuniting the team?

If that isn’t what happened, then it’s almost assured that Aurini strong-armed Owen behind the scenes. If Aurini admitted any wrong-doing or fanaticism towards Roosh (and meant it), I’ll eat his new hat.

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
9 years ago

kirbywrap – I don’t think that’s a beer. For one thing, there’s ice in it, so it’s either ice water or a big ol’ mug of something else that’s clear on the rocks that Aurini’s been nursing long enough that the ice is mostly melted. Vodka? Gin? Sambuca? Diet lemon water? Pondering this was way more interesting than what he was talking about, anyhow.

He also sounds more like a normal person in his speech patterns this time (rather than a super-villain) for whatever reason. But still a horrible videographer (seriously, who leaves their flailing shadow in the shot??)

If you need a prop, why not just get an e-cig and put plain water in for the vape? No good reason to expose yourself to 2nd hand smoke just for theatrical effect.

9 years ago

Kirbywarp: If, gods forbid, that happens, make sure you boil that thing thoroughly. Don’t wanna have to eat whatever funk oozes from his pores.

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
9 years ago

@ Falconer

I just saw someone on Tumblr griping that Sarkeesian was showing disrespect for her Kickstarter contributors by not using all of the money they gave her on the project.

Personally, I really hope she bought herself some expensive shoes.

I say this because the misogynist atheist-minus types criticized Greta Christina over on FTB for buying shoes and blogging about it after receiving contributions from her readers for an illness she had. Fluevogs FTW!

Also, pleeeze be nice to me today, blockquote monster…

9 years ago

The Aurini video is fake. There’s no skull in it.

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