antifeminism beta males dark enlightenment evil fat fatties evil lying women evil messy ladies evil sexy ladies evil ugly women matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

"Mental illness among women is the largest threat to the human species ever," Return of Kings asshat explains

Man saving civilization from crazy broads.
Man saving civilization from crazy broads.

So internet garbage person Matt Forney has written another one of his deliberately awful Return of Kings posts designed to create outrage and deliver page views. This latest one, like his previous attempts in this genre, is a clickbaity list of “5 Reasons Why Girls With Mental Disorders Should Be Shunned” as “unworthy of your love.”

It would be easy enough to point out the irony of the thoroughly grotesque Forney declaring women with mental disorders to be “gross” fatties with stinky butts. (This is item 4 on his list. No, really.) Especially since he’s doing it on a website run by a dude who seems to resent the fact that he has to wipe his own ass.

But I’m more interested in the post’s “featured comment,” a miniature manifesto singled out by Return of Kings’ reluctant-ass-wiper-in-chief Roosh V as the best response to Forney’s post (and sporting more than 80 upvotes from the site’s terrible readers).

In it, someone calling himself Wi Tu Lo — after declaring Forney’s post to be “a major public service” — warns that “a large percentage of American women are dangerous to men.”

As he sees it, women who claim to have been hurt by men are merely indulging in “manufactured victim-hood” in order to gain sympathy and demonize men as

part of the patriarchy and just one step away from murdering the women in their lives.From ADHD over-diagnoses of young boys, to false accusations of rape in college, to workplaces oppressed with the fear of accusations of sexual harassment, society has manufactured a sense that males are inherently mentally ill and this mental illness must be dealt with harshly, without remorse, and even randomly in order to “make a point.”

This is, not to put too fine a point on it, utter bullshit. Pointing out that men are far more likely to assault, rape, and kill women than vice versa is not the same as suggesting that all men are “inherently mentally ill” and/or “one step away from murdering the women in their lives.” Most men who inflict harm upon women are not “crazy.” They’re violent assholes with an overblown sense of entitlement.

In reality, however, men are generally psychologically healthy. The only major disorder that men suffer disproportionately is schizophrenia and that is a tiny percentage of all males. Most men live in an unforgiving environment that quickly knocks out all self-delusion, which is the basis of most psychological and personality disorders.

Even setting aside the ludicrous notion that mental illness can be cured by, in essence, telling someone to “snap out of it,” men aren’t any more or less “psychologically healthy” than women. As the World Health Organization notes, “[o]verall rates of psychiatric disorder are almost identical for men and women.” There are, to be sure, differences between men and women in what disorders they suffer from, with women (for example) more likely to be depressed and men more likely to be diagnosed with “antisocial personality disorder,” known loosely as “psychopathy.”

Schizophrenia is, as Wi Tu Lo notes, very rare. But men don’t “suffer [it] disproportionately.” It’s equally common — that is, equally rare — for men and women.

All this said, mental illness doesn’t cause crime or violence; the majority of violent abusers are, as Wi Tu Lo would misleadingly put it, “psychologically healthy.”

But no matter, because his rant is all about misogyny, not facts.

The real dangers to society today are women. Women today are a danger to themselves, to men, and to other women. The sickness of Western society has created a feedback loop that promotes and even drives female mental illness. Sick politicians and media promote destructive public policy, which in turn promotes the further degradation of women, which in turn requires more policy and media attention …. a feedback loop to societal ruin.

How can we warn men of this terrible danger?

We need educational camps. Even re-education camps. Run by professional men in order to serve men. … A key component of this should be to teach men about the manifestations of cultural sickness into the mental illnesses presented by women in large numbers. How to recognize them, how to avoid them, and how to deal with them on a short term basis while making an escape plan. (There is no long term “dealing” with it).

As Wi Tu Lo sees it, human survival depends on men escaping the clutches of evil, “crazy” women.

From Borderline Personality Disorder to histrionic states to violent expression of psychopathy – the rates of mental illness among women is the largest threat to the human species ever experienced. In our day-to-day lives, we can unwittingly step into it and be engulfed, to our ruin, within a matter of minutes. It’s time to wake up to the threat and do something constructive about it. These women cannot be helped, but we can help ourselves.

Quick question, dude: if you convince all men to “escape” from women, how are these women going to have babies? I mean, I don’ want to be a nit-picker here, but if there were no more babies the human species would simply vanish from the earth once everyone now alive died. And civilization would likely go to shit pretty much immediately.

Of course, neither Wi Ti Lo nor any of Roosh’s other awful followers are really interested in “saving” civilization or anything like it. The manosphere — like the “dark enlightenment” that it overlaps with and takes much inspiration from — is at its heart little more than a nihilistic fantasyland, a weird inverted “safe space” for men who want to blame all their personal deficiencies on women and their, er, “degenerate fucking beta cuck army of white knight assholes.”

Please, fellas, go ahead and make your “escape plans.” And then, for god’s sake, carry them (and yourself) out — preferably to a remote island thousands of miles away from the rest of us.

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9 years ago


They want women to give them boners, but also be mad at women for giving them boners. Especially if said woman then refuses to allow physical/sexual access to her body. If she does allow it, they then want to shame her as being a slut who is degrading herself and decreasing her value by having sex, because it means some poor other man doesn’t get a Quality Woman with a low notch count and tight vagina. It’s that PUA paradox where they think every man deserves to sleep with a woman who is inexperienced/a virgin every time, but all men also get to sex as many virgins/inexperienced girls as they want. It can’t be done, even if you take the issue of consent and female autonomy out of the equation.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


I think that because there are regulations on unions and how employers can behave towards them, they’re under the misconception that they’re government run. They’re libertarian doofuses.

They lump any collective endeavor under “bad”: government, unions, the feminist hivemind. Apparently it’s wrong for people to band together and propose improvements to society.

No, the only acceptable purpose for joining together is to hound and terrorize women off the internet and out of their homes.

Emmy Rae
Emmy Rae
9 years ago

Lea, I liked your teal deer.

9 years ago


Apparently it’s wrong for people to band together and propose improvements to society.

This can’t at all be because these improvements involve them growing the fuck up and taking responsibility for themselves.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

If you don’t like their booth policy, don’t attend their convention. Market-based solutions!

9 years ago

Response I don’t dare put to the OP:

I’m female cis gender with ADHD, and also a physician. I didn’t get diagnosed until I was 27. It is not a “bad behaviour”, it is not “boyish rambunctiousness,” it is a legitimate biological disorder that is highly heritable. It does not got away when you become an adult. Screw you and your “over diagnosis” and dismissal that meant I lived with paralyzing anxiety for 20 years for no good reason. Treatment of ADHD is mostly through behavioural intervention and environmental control, and the medications do not sedate you into a stupor. If I’d been treated and identified as a child (when my symptoms were most prominent, but ignored because ADHD is a “boy” disease) I wouldn’t have had to be one of those crazy bitches you so apparently loathe. Garbage like repeating the “over diagnosis” trope PREVENTS BOYS AND MEN FROM GETTING HELP WHEN THEY NEED IT.

I support the mental health of boys, teens, and men every single day. I talk to them about how “mental illness” diagnoses can be incredibly empowering and why anxiety/depression/ADHD/bipolar/autism spectrum/etc are sort of like super powers once you learn how to use them in a healthy way instead of a destructive way. (i.e. they give you access to information or skills most people neglect, grow your empathy, and teach you how to be a boss at self-care.) What the fuck have you done?

/end rant

9 years ago

Also, re: borderline personality disorder – I was under the impression that antisocial PD and borderline PD are gender socialized expressions of similar underlying lack of empathy and manipulative tendencies. I certainly wouldn’t be opposed to losing BPD and creating a unifying diagnosis for those who do have an underlying personality disorder rather than an alternative diagnosis like PTSD.

I’m interested in what the alternative proposals for the DSM classification are, could somebody point me in the correct direction to do some reading? Google is only giving me commercial self-help book websites.

9 years ago

I’m not sure how to go a quote on here, I hope that works. Quoting Mitchel upthread. Anyway, there are some funny tweets on there, but it looks distressingly like the writer thinks the biggest problem with Return of Kings is that it’s not racist enough.

9 years ago

Crap, trying again. Here’s the comment I’m trying to quote:

Best twitter account EVER…..

9 years ago

@Flora: I could be wrong, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of antisocial and borderline personality disorder being linked or even similar. Symptoms of borderline personality disorder are usually considered to be impulsivity and fear of abandonment, not lack of empathy.

9 years ago


Blockquotes work like this:

Quote goes here.

9 years ago


“Racists Told This Swarthy World Famous PUA Ebook Writer He Was A Degenerate: His Perfect Alpha Response Will Astound You (He Blocked Them)”

“The Wisdom Of Mao Tse Tung: Forcibly Industrializing & Collectivizing Your Agrarian Wingmen Can Make For A Great Leap Forward In Your Game”

“The 7 Negs That Work So Well She’ll Be Fucking Your Friends Instead”

HAHAHAHAHAHA oh man, I can’t stop laughing

9 years ago

The bit in this piece that made me laugh the most was the bit about men not being self deluded. I did prostitution for a while 25 years ago, and my experience, and that of the women around me, was of many of our customers being incredibly deluded about themselves, and our reasons for being in prostitution.

NOT, of course that it is only men who go to prostitutes that delude themselves, and of course not all of them do.

Considering that MGTOW are REALLY focused on prostitution as their way for getting sex, and this piece apparently encouraging MGTOW by telling men to stay away from all us crazy women I am prepared to wager that most of the men that read Forney’s shitty pieces ARE incredibly self deluded, believing themselves to be considerably more desirable than they actually are, and if they GTOW we will be left with ‘pathetic’ betas – I can think of worse situations.

This would of course be great, if they did actually go their own way, as the PUA’s and other assorted shitbags must be making some women’s lives a misery.

9 years ago

Thanks so much, Kirby! So, yeah, some of those tweets are REALLY funny, but others are basically mocking Roosh for not being racist ENOUGH. Which I didn’t think was even possible.

9 years ago

Oh. Well.

I assumed that Twitter was something like Dana Schwartz’s brilliant satire accounts GuyinYourMFA and DystopianYA, so I checked the original Twitter hoping for more laughs at the expense of the Dark Enlightenment and…it’s an actual “Dark Enlightenment” account.


9 years ago

@ Ellesar

I don’t have a source right now, but I read once about prostitution in the Nazi concentration camps. Essentially, women prisoners were used as prostitutes for Nazi soldiers and guards, but also for male prisoners to “prevent homosexuality”.

Survivor women described this experience as the most absolute horror, while men prisoners were convinced their encounters with these women were fun for both parts involved.

Men, unless they are constantly working for more awareness, can’t be trusted to judge women’s experiences, especially those related to sexuality.

Lady Mondegreen
9 years ago

Most men live in an unforgiving environment that quickly knocks out all self-delusion, which is the basis of most psychological and personality disorders.

This is hilarious on a couple of different levels.

First, there’s Wi Tu Lo’s, er, interesting take on the etiology of mental illness.

Then there’s the notion that “most men” live in “an unforgiving environment that knocks out all self-delusion.” I have no idea how many men live in such an environment–and neither does Wi Tu Lo, of course–but judging from the grandiosity on display, “self-delusion” is a prerequisite for belonging in the Manosphere. Delusions of superiority, delusions of persecution, delusions of entitlement, delusions of rationality–these dudes are steeped in fantasy and delusion. Wi Tu Lo himself is suffering from a delusion of intellectual competence.

zoon echon logon
zoon echon logon
9 years ago

“I’m really honest with myself and in touch with reality” is the most common self-delusion.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Quiet Wolf | March 13, 2015 at 6:59 am

@Paradoxical Intention
Wait, how do they feel about trans/genderqueer/nb folks? I know their attitude towards trans woman is limited entirely to rabid transmisogyny (surprise, surprise) , but I don’t believe I’ve heard about their stance anyone else under the T?

Judging from their reaction to trans women, and the fact that they despise anyone who bucks their precious sorting system (in that they’re above everyone else, but they like to try to separate people into their little boxes), I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if it went like this:

Trans women: Disgusting traps who are trying to get me sleep with a dude!

Trans men: Disgusting women who are trying to be men!

Genderqueer folks: How the fuck am I supposed to sleep with that?!

Non-Binary folks: How the fuck am I supposed to sleep with that?!

Pretty much, if they can’t put their peen in someone that looks feminine, or they can’t try to convince the someones who are male to join them, they’re “worthless” and “self-deluded” or in this case “mentally ill”. It’s all rather sickening.

Booth babes & cosplayers need to join together and prevent this from happening. They basically need to unionize. I know that’s a dirty word to people, but I’m not talking about a government run union; I’m more talking about a coalition so that they can lobby for their rights against these increasingly foolish and increasingly irrelevant conventions.

Really? Really? They’re mad because PAX wants to make their conventions more welcoming to anyone who isn’t a straight dude by taking out the “sexy booth babes”? Ew. Ew. Ew.

And they’re using that stupid meme. AGAIN.

Protip for douchebags of the lowest order: STOP using that poem to make yourself seem like victims. You don’t respect the history it came from, and no one thinks you’re victims of a “holocaust” because other people want to be (and should be) included in your precious hobby.

suffrajitsu | March 13, 2015 at 2:02 pm

I assumed that Twitter was something like Dana Schwartz’s brilliant satire accounts GuyinYourMFA and DystopianYA […]

I heard that a guy tried to mansplain GuyinYourMFA to her and said it was something “that only male writers can relate to”.

As far as I can tell, she hasn’t stopped laughing.

9 years ago

Omg, yay, thanks RoK! All those years of therapy, medication, psychiatrists when really all I needed to do just get over myself and stop being deluded! I’m cured, no more dysthymia and ptsd for me.

9 years ago

Beloved asks me time and again not to mow the front yard in my nice slacks and Sunday shoes, but dammit, I have an aesthetic to maintain.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Tumblr has forever ruined (?) the word “aesthetic” for me. Now all I can see is coconut halves being filled with blue shower gel, someone pouring glitter into their coffee, and someone submerging their iPhone in a sink full of water.

9 years ago

Gosh, I would love to hear from the ROK OP’s girlfriends about this. Anyone else?

9 years ago

Does anyone not find it odd that Forney is constantly complaining about how fat women are yet he’s easily 50 lbs overweight himself? I don’t understand some these guys sense of entitlement on ROK. I guess you have to be a douhce like Roosh V to post on it. What a TERRIBLE site!

9 years ago

someone pouring glitter into their coffee

That sounds like a good way to ruin a cup of coffee, but I do have tea that is supposed to have sparkles. It has gold sugar balls mixed in with the loose leaf tea. They dissolve when you steep the tea and the tea ends up full of sparkles. It’s amazing!

If anyone is interested: