antifeminism beta males dark enlightenment evil fat fatties evil lying women evil messy ladies evil sexy ladies evil ugly women matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny PUA reactionary bullshit red pill return of kings rhymes with roosh

"Mental illness among women is the largest threat to the human species ever," Return of Kings asshat explains

Man saving civilization from crazy broads.
Man saving civilization from crazy broads.

So internet garbage person Matt Forney has written another one of his deliberately awful Return of Kings posts designed to create outrage and deliver page views. This latest one, like his previous attempts in this genre, is a clickbaity list of “5 Reasons Why Girls With Mental Disorders Should Be Shunned” as “unworthy of your love.”

It would be easy enough to point out the irony of the thoroughly grotesque Forney declaring women with mental disorders to be “gross” fatties with stinky butts. (This is item 4 on his list. No, really.) Especially since he’s doing it on a website run by a dude who seems to resent the fact that he has to wipe his own ass.

But I’m more interested in the post’s “featured comment,” a miniature manifesto singled out by Return of Kings’ reluctant-ass-wiper-in-chief Roosh V as the best response to Forney’s post (and sporting more than 80 upvotes from the site’s terrible readers).

In it, someone calling himself Wi Tu Lo — after declaring Forney’s post to be “a major public service” — warns that “a large percentage of American women are dangerous to men.”

As he sees it, women who claim to have been hurt by men are merely indulging in “manufactured victim-hood” in order to gain sympathy and demonize men as

part of the patriarchy and just one step away from murdering the women in their lives.From ADHD over-diagnoses of young boys, to false accusations of rape in college, to workplaces oppressed with the fear of accusations of sexual harassment, society has manufactured a sense that males are inherently mentally ill and this mental illness must be dealt with harshly, without remorse, and even randomly in order to “make a point.”

This is, not to put too fine a point on it, utter bullshit. Pointing out that men are far more likely to assault, rape, and kill women than vice versa is not the same as suggesting that all men are “inherently mentally ill” and/or “one step away from murdering the women in their lives.” Most men who inflict harm upon women are not “crazy.” They’re violent assholes with an overblown sense of entitlement.

In reality, however, men are generally psychologically healthy. The only major disorder that men suffer disproportionately is schizophrenia and that is a tiny percentage of all males. Most men live in an unforgiving environment that quickly knocks out all self-delusion, which is the basis of most psychological and personality disorders.

Even setting aside the ludicrous notion that mental illness can be cured by, in essence, telling someone to “snap out of it,” men aren’t any more or less “psychologically healthy” than women. As the World Health Organization notes, “[o]verall rates of psychiatric disorder are almost identical for men and women.” There are, to be sure, differences between men and women in what disorders they suffer from, with women (for example) more likely to be depressed and men more likely to be diagnosed with “antisocial personality disorder,” known loosely as “psychopathy.”

Schizophrenia is, as Wi Tu Lo notes, very rare. But men don’t “suffer [it] disproportionately.” It’s equally common — that is, equally rare — for men and women.

All this said, mental illness doesn’t cause crime or violence; the majority of violent abusers are, as Wi Tu Lo would misleadingly put it, “psychologically healthy.”

But no matter, because his rant is all about misogyny, not facts.

The real dangers to society today are women. Women today are a danger to themselves, to men, and to other women. The sickness of Western society has created a feedback loop that promotes and even drives female mental illness. Sick politicians and media promote destructive public policy, which in turn promotes the further degradation of women, which in turn requires more policy and media attention …. a feedback loop to societal ruin.

How can we warn men of this terrible danger?

We need educational camps. Even re-education camps. Run by professional men in order to serve men. … A key component of this should be to teach men about the manifestations of cultural sickness into the mental illnesses presented by women in large numbers. How to recognize them, how to avoid them, and how to deal with them on a short term basis while making an escape plan. (There is no long term “dealing” with it).

As Wi Tu Lo sees it, human survival depends on men escaping the clutches of evil, “crazy” women.

From Borderline Personality Disorder to histrionic states to violent expression of psychopathy – the rates of mental illness among women is the largest threat to the human species ever experienced. In our day-to-day lives, we can unwittingly step into it and be engulfed, to our ruin, within a matter of minutes. It’s time to wake up to the threat and do something constructive about it. These women cannot be helped, but we can help ourselves.

Quick question, dude: if you convince all men to “escape” from women, how are these women going to have babies? I mean, I don’ want to be a nit-picker here, but if there were no more babies the human species would simply vanish from the earth once everyone now alive died. And civilization would likely go to shit pretty much immediately.

Of course, neither Wi Ti Lo nor any of Roosh’s other awful followers are really interested in “saving” civilization or anything like it. The manosphere — like the “dark enlightenment” that it overlaps with and takes much inspiration from — is at its heart little more than a nihilistic fantasyland, a weird inverted “safe space” for men who want to blame all their personal deficiencies on women and their, er, “degenerate fucking beta cuck army of white knight assholes.”

Please, fellas, go ahead and make your “escape plans.” And then, for god’s sake, carry them (and yourself) out — preferably to a remote island thousands of miles away from the rest of us.

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9 years ago

RoK: *mocks suicidal women as being pathetic attention seekers, and not genuinely ill*

RoK, within days: *armchair-diagnoses women as having genuine mental illnesses*

The cognitive dissonance, it burns.

9 years ago

Fuck this, I’m having frozen yogurt for breakfast.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

That’s pretty ambitious of Maat Forney to attempt to gaslight an entire gender. I guess because he doesn’t have anyone specific to abuse.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago


Meant to say, “ambitious of Matt Forney and Wi To Lo to gaslight an entire gender”. This is what abusers do when they fear their control is slipping away: try to undermine the victim’s credibility so no one will take them seriously. Doing that to an individual is despicable. To scale up and do it to all women is laughably pathetic.

The thing is, mental illness/health is beyond a person’s control. However, the kind of person you are is well within your control – how you choose to use your power and time, whether you have a need to control and dominate and seem important and stick it to those who cross you, the type of narratives you pursue. Selfish abusive douchecanoes are far more of a danger to society than independent, self-confident women.

Quiet Wolf
Quiet Wolf
9 years ago

Apparently this guy didn’t get the memo that hysteria isn’t an actual mental illness. There’s histrionic personality disorder, but that is not what he thinks it is.

Depressed people have poor hygiene? When was the last time YOU had a shower, Forney?

Oh, and lets not forget the bit of advise to emotionally manipulate the vulnerable for a quick one. That’s not skeezy at all.*

@Paradoxical Intention
Wait, how do they feel about trans/genderqueer/nb folks? I know their attitude towards trans woman is limited entirely to rabid transmisogyny (surprise, surprise) , but I don’t believe I’ve heard about their stance anyone else under the T?

*By which I mean that it totally is.

9 years ago

We need educational camps. Even re-education camps. Run by professional men in order to serve men

“It’s a cookbook!”

9 years ago

On the question of why they condemn mentally ill women yet recommend dating a girl with an eating disorder, remember that RoK also said that the reason women get eating disorders is that they’re too weak willed and silly to stand against the rigid beauty standards of today (Barbie, apparently, is the ideal that all women wish they could be). Ergo, EDs are not actually mental illnesses, just that bitches be stupid.

And yet RoKers set rigid beauty standards for women all the fucking time.

9 years ago

He got one thing right. We are not worthy of a douchebro asshat’s love. We’re worth so much more. I’m so glad Forknob discourages assholes from bothering any women. YAY!

9 years ago

In an attempt to exorcise the growing wish to go after these guys with an ecraseur and a meat grinder, I’m posting some pictures of a postbound photo album I made for my mom. No photos in it; she has those– I just made her the album.

9 years ago

I just run into this, I had read two paragraphs before I realised I was at Reaxxion, and that explained why I keep muteri “what an asshole” to myself:

This is the PAX policy:

PAX has a strict ‘no booth babe’ policy with the purpose of creating an environment where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome, and the focus is on games, not hired booth staff.

Booth babes are defined as staff of ANY gender used by exhibitors to promote their products at PAX by using overtly sexual or suggestive methods. Partial nudity, the aggressive display of cleavage and the navel, and shorts/skirts higher than 4” above the knee are not allowed.

Cosplayed characters that are playable in-game are an exception to this rule (within reason), and exhibitors must obtain permission from show management prior to the show.

And this is the conclusion of the article:

Booth babes & cosplayers need to join together and prevent this from happening. They basically need to unionize. I know that’s a dirty word to people, but I’m not talking about a government run union; I’m more talking about a coalition so that they can lobby for their rights against these increasingly foolish and increasingly irrelevant conventions.

And nothing is complete without a meme, right? right?×799.jpg

9 years ago

Typical Roosh, whining that not be able to see scantily clad women at a gaming (repeat: GAMING) convention is unfair and oppressive.

But not to him, oh no. To the poor booth babes who will no longer be able to enjoy being leered and groped at by the likes of him.

9 years ago

Exactly! So they should be doing something about it, the lazy femwhorecunts!

9 years ago


9 years ago

Wow, I had no idea that roleplayers were the first to fall. I wonder what I’ll tell my friends who livestream DnD…

9 years ago

Note how that meme only lists “male gamers”. Not female or even gamers in general.

Wait, are the “they” in “they came for” supposed to be female gamers? We’re the ones causing all this havoc? Oh wait, it’s Over-Reaxxion. Of course we’re the bad guys.

9 years ago

The ADHD diagnosis being unfair to boys is so much bullshit. First of all, having a proper diagnosis to work with is a good thing. When autism began being diagnosed more often it wasn’t because there was more autism. It was because doctors were better able to diagnose autism.

Is ADHD over diagnosed? Probably. We’re only just now realizing that bipolar disorder can start showing symptoms very young and as symptoms of several disorders overlap, it is likely that there are kids being misdiagnosed. For instance, PTSD can look like Oppositional Defiant Disorder and disorders don’t just occur one at a time because it’s easier for the doctor that way. So, the one disorder they are trying to treat may be several disorders together. It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just very difficult.

When my eldest was diagnosed as being severely hyperactive I was told that had she been a boy, her activity level would not have been considered severe because it is officially considered normal for boys to act out and be more restless and active than girls. In other words, a girl “acting like a normal boy” is seen as having something wrong with her. Combine that with the fact that girls are seen as talking more than boys when they are not and it is girls getting the shit end of that stick. Our behavior is policed differently from boys at a young age. At the end of the day, I was just happy to see my child’s needs served at all. she did need help. Still.

Then there is dyslexia, which my daughter also has. Girls are diagnosed less often because boys are more likely to try to hide their disorder through doing things that get them sent to the principal’s office whereas girl tend to hide theirs by acting too shy to read allowed and other less noticeable behaviors. The squeaky wheel is far more likely to get the grease.

What would be great is if kids didn’t hide their needs at such a young age out of shame. Dyslexic children seem especially genius in keeping their needs a secret. Some may not even realize that they see things differently from other people because they don’t know how other people see. But even when they do, they tend to try to hide it away. People like Forknob are the reason for that shame.

He can swim a sea of Legos.

Doctors may well diagnose with gender bias. They’re only human. Men more commonly get diagnosed with APD and women more commonly get diagnosed with BPD. Is that because we’re actually predisposed to different disorders or is it that we are perceived differently or show different symptoms in culturally acceptable ways based on our genders?

I think it is very hard to say.

9 years ago

“Government run union”?

9 years ago

Oh my dear sweet pickles, that meme. 😮

9 years ago

is it that we are perceived differently or show different symptoms in culturally acceptable ways based on our genders?

Those are the parts I find hard to tell apart, not the bio gender difference. Sorry for the teal deer.

Having been misdiagnosed myself and having been the advocate for kids and teens with special needs, I get passionate about this stuff.

9 years ago

Moggie | March 13, 2015 at 8:50 am

“Government run union”?

Ah, so I wasn’t the only one who choked on that phrase? Unions are never ‘government run’ in the West (I honestly have no clue about how they might work in, say, China or North Korea, so I am willing to include the modifier). Even unions of government employees are actually in an adversarial role to ‘the government’, attempting to garner better wages, benefits and job security than the government would offer them otherwise.

I guess add ‘labor movements’ to the long, long list of things that the manosphere knows fuck all about.

9 years ago

I think that because there are regulations on unions and how employers can behave towards them, they’re under the misconception that they’re government run. They’re libertarian doofuses.

9 years ago

Typical Roosh, whining that not be able to see scantily clad women at a gaming (repeat: GAMING) convention is unfair and oppressive.

But not to him, oh no. To the poor booth babes who will no longer be able to enjoy being leered and groped at by the likes of him.

Meanwhile, Paul Elam got a huge man-boner for Roosh, gushing over what an intelligent guy he is. (I know, I know. Hang onto your barf bags.)

Isn’t Paulie the same guy who also claims women “taunt” men with their bodies? Or was it some other AVFMoron?

9 years ago

Aaargh. I guess what I’m trying to say here is, these guys have no business pulling this “bitches be crazy” shit. They can’t even make up their OWN damn minds, so how dare they presume to slam ours? Which is it, guys: are crazy bitches a good thing (because they’re easier to get in the sack), or a bad thing (because they could get furious with you, undoubtedly quite deservedly)? Booth babes yea, because T and A? Or booth babes nay, because don’t taunt me with your bod-ay? MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MINDS, YOU IDIOT MISODGES. You can’t have it both damn ways.

9 years ago

I’ve been also reflecting on the fact that excluding “booth babes” does not mean “exclude all publicity people”, all it means is they won’t be in a sexualized attire.

But of course, women who are not there as mere eye candy for the dudes are as good as invisible for these assholes.

And of course if a feeeeemale is not there to be a sex object, whatever company would hire her at all, amirite?

9 years ago

I love how he seems to think that men are able to just “get over” whatever psychological disorders (or “self-delusion”, as he calls it) that they have. If my ADHD is just the result of self-delusion or “evil wimminz trying to feminize the men” or whatever, then why is it that I do better when I take my meds, and have more difficulties when I don’t?
I’d like to give him an offer: try switching brains with me for a day, and see if you can pay attention in class without medication.
Meanwhile, I’ll be using the ForneyBrain to post new articles for him. I can see it now: “DEAR WORLD: I AM SORRY”. Ooh! And how about “FEMDOM IS FAB!”
(I’m not trying to kink-shame anyone when I say that. I just think the idea of a TRPer like Forney having a secret femdom fetish is wonderfully ironic, given their philosophy.)