![Man saving civilization from crazy broads.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/cad8cda91602e3b74a7f4afe0cb15c58.jpg?resize=573%2C520&ssl=1)
So internet garbage person Matt Forney has written another one of his deliberately awful Return of Kings posts designed to create outrage and deliver page views. This latest one, like his previous attempts in this genre, is a clickbaity list of “5 Reasons Why Girls With Mental Disorders Should Be Shunned” as “unworthy of your love.”
It would be easy enough to point out the irony of the thoroughly grotesque Forney declaring women with mental disorders to be “gross” fatties with stinky butts. (This is item 4 on his list. No, really.) Especially since he’s doing it on a website run by a dude who seems to resent the fact that he has to wipe his own ass.
But I’m more interested in the post’s “featured comment,” a miniature manifesto singled out by Return of Kings’ reluctant-ass-wiper-in-chief Roosh V as the best response to Forney’s post (and sporting more than 80 upvotes from the site’s terrible readers).
In it, someone calling himself Wi Tu Lo — after declaring Forney’s post to be “a major public service” — warns that “a large percentage of American women are dangerous to men.”
As he sees it, women who claim to have been hurt by men are merely indulging in “manufactured victim-hood” in order to gain sympathy and demonize men as
part of the patriarchy and just one step away from murdering the women in their lives.From ADHD over-diagnoses of young boys, to false accusations of rape in college, to workplaces oppressed with the fear of accusations of sexual harassment, society has manufactured a sense that males are inherently mentally ill and this mental illness must be dealt with harshly, without remorse, and even randomly in order to “make a point.”
This is, not to put too fine a point on it, utter bullshit. Pointing out that men are far more likely to assault, rape, and kill women than vice versa is not the same as suggesting that all men are “inherently mentally ill” and/or “one step away from murdering the women in their lives.” Most men who inflict harm upon women are not “crazy.” They’re violent assholes with an overblown sense of entitlement.
In reality, however, men are generally psychologically healthy. The only major disorder that men suffer disproportionately is schizophrenia and that is a tiny percentage of all males. Most men live in an unforgiving environment that quickly knocks out all self-delusion, which is the basis of most psychological and personality disorders.
Even setting aside the ludicrous notion that mental illness can be cured by, in essence, telling someone to “snap out of it,” men aren’t any more or less “psychologically healthy” than women. As the World Health Organization notes, “[o]verall rates of psychiatric disorder are almost identical for men and women.” There are, to be sure, differences between men and women in what disorders they suffer from, with women (for example) more likely to be depressed and men more likely to be diagnosed with “antisocial personality disorder,” known loosely as “psychopathy.”
Schizophrenia is, as Wi Tu Lo notes, very rare. But men don’t “suffer [it] disproportionately.” It’s equally common — that is, equally rare — for men and women.
All this said, mental illness doesn’t cause crime or violence; the majority of violent abusers are, as Wi Tu Lo would misleadingly put it, “psychologically healthy.”
But no matter, because his rant is all about misogyny, not facts.
The real dangers to society today are women. Women today are a danger to themselves, to men, and to other women. The sickness of Western society has created a feedback loop that promotes and even drives female mental illness. Sick politicians and media promote destructive public policy, which in turn promotes the further degradation of women, which in turn requires more policy and media attention …. a feedback loop to societal ruin.
How can we warn men of this terrible danger?
We need educational camps. Even re-education camps. Run by professional men in order to serve men. … A key component of this should be to teach men about the manifestations of cultural sickness into the mental illnesses presented by women in large numbers. How to recognize them, how to avoid them, and how to deal with them on a short term basis while making an escape plan. (There is no long term “dealing” with it).
As Wi Tu Lo sees it, human survival depends on men escaping the clutches of evil, “crazy” women.
From Borderline Personality Disorder to histrionic states to violent expression of psychopathy – the rates of mental illness among women is the largest threat to the human species ever experienced. In our day-to-day lives, we can unwittingly step into it and be engulfed, to our ruin, within a matter of minutes. It’s time to wake up to the threat and do something constructive about it. These women cannot be helped, but we can help ourselves.
Quick question, dude: if you convince all men to “escape” from women, how are these women going to have babies? I mean, I don’ want to be a nit-picker here, but if there were no more babies the human species would simply vanish from the earth once everyone now alive died. And civilization would likely go to shit pretty much immediately.
Of course, neither Wi Ti Lo nor any of Roosh’s other awful followers are really interested in “saving” civilization or anything like it. The manosphere — like the “dark enlightenment” that it overlaps with and takes much inspiration from — is at its heart little more than a nihilistic fantasyland, a weird inverted “safe space” for men who want to blame all their personal deficiencies on women and their, er, “degenerate fucking beta cuck army of white knight assholes.”
Please, fellas, go ahead and make your “escape plans.” And then, for god’s sake, carry them (and yourself) out — preferably to a remote island thousands of miles away from the rest of us.
I totally agree with him that we should put all women who speak to Matt Forney in a re-education camp and force them to read all the horrible things he has said online about women. They can get out whenever they promise to never speak to him again.
Don’t even get me started on what they’d do to trans or non-binary people. *shudder*
Shalimar | March 12, 2015 at 7:54 pm
Or we should force Matt Forney into a re-education camp and leave the women who have spoken to him alone because we shouldn’t be blaming them for having to go through that.
Free age: Got it. And It’s entirely understandable.
Has ROK always been this loathsomely awful? Because between this and that horrible suicide meme, they’re really on some kind of horrible winning streak for the “Worst Human Beings on the Internet” prize.
Shalimar: Yeah, that’s a level of cruelty I’m not willing to support.
Maybe we could make Forney read all of his own stuff for as long as he stays locked up. Forney can’t be released until he grows a brand new frontal lobe (which, of course, would never happen.)
Wait. Aren’t these the same bozos who insist that antidepressants are only a substitute for having a REAL man take care of you and your vulnerability? But now men shouldn’t come near crazy ladies… so what is it guys? Do you want vulnerable, sweet girls with eating disorders or are the lunatics dangerous to the poor menz?
I just felt like leaving this here. Enjoy.
“In reality, however, men are generally psychologically healthy. The only major disorder that men suffer disproportionately is schizophrenia and that is a tiny percentage of all males. Most men live in an unforgiving environment that quickly knocks out all self-delusion, which is the basis of most psychological and personality disorders.”
These are men’s rights activists.
Here are the activists for our rights chucking us under the bus if we have mental health issues.
They care oh-so-much about bringing attention to the plights of men but #notallmen
Schizophrenia: la la, no big deal, nothing to see here, let’s not generalize a whole gender because of a tiny minority. Men are healthy! Men are the norm!
And then there’s Return of Kings, which not only encourages self-delusion, it lavishly rewards it.
I unironically love that picture. I will strive with all my being to enjoy mowing the lawn as much as that man.
I read the RoK article and wonder if this guy has ever met a well treated (I.e getting what ever treatment they need) mental ill person. I was completely unstable until I found a great doctor and an amazing therapist.
However, if Mr. Forney wants to avoid everyone who struggles with mental illness, I would happily wear a t-shirt advertising my condition. All the better for me and people like me. 🙂
They can go ahead and start their camp, and stay there. Forever. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.
In Brain Bleach news, Mari the Shiba Inu is back with a new cooking show.
That’s what I was wondering, too.
And this is how we know for sure that none of these guys are actual scientists, let alone psychiatrists. They’re all too dim to get into med school, for all their silly prattle about how men are the only ones who can STEM. Otherwise, they would realize that anorexia and bulimia (in all their forms) are mental disorders, not just extreme dieting — which even the original Nazis must have understood. But I guess they figure that anything that physically weakens a woman is a “good” mental illness, if they’ve thought this through even a little bit at all. (Which I highly doubt.)
As for the concentration — er, “re-education” camps…well, there’s ANOTHER fine projection by The Men Who Will Never Rule The World, Thank Goddess.
Quite a few psychologists think that different diagnoses in personality disorders for men and women are partly because of cultural bias (for example, there’s some speculation that cases of borderline personality disorder, which is more common in women, are often PTSD misdiagnosed because of the age-old truism, “bitches be crazy”), but momentarily putting that aside, antisocial personality disorder (also known as sociopathy) and narcissistic personality disorder are more commonly diagnosed in men. So, no, men’s rights activists don’t get to put down mental illness as bitches be crazy.
The idea that *women* are the major threat to humanity would laughably ridiculous if it wasn’t so commonly believed. Men commit the vast majority of all violent crimes against not just women, but all genders, as well as all more large-scale crimes like mass extortion, inciting wars etc. Not because they’re inherently evil, but because male violence is encouraged and glorified and men get a disproportionate shore of the power. But of course women are the problem, because–and this simply cannot be stressed enough!–bitches be crazy.
Fuck humanity
I think that if we gave these guys Yellowstone or Isle Royale or something, just so they’d get out of our hair, and they all went there to “escape”, it’d probably end up turning out to be like Lord of the Flies before long.
Why would you waste Yellowstone or Isle Royal on these guys? What’s wrong with that garbage island in the middle of the Pacific? Or just some random ice floe in the Arctic Ocean?
No, they don’t get to have Yellowstone. Yellowstone is awesome. I’ve seen bears there, and bison, and all sorts of antlered creatures.
I also saw a moose with a small calf out on an island on the road to the east entrance to the park. You needed binoculars to see the calf, but it was awesome.
Matt Forney either: 1. Does not truly believe that mentally ill women are especially dangerous and is doing this for attention or 2. Truly believes that we are dangerous and is too stupid to not insult those he thinks are dangerous… I honestly believe he might just be that stupid…
It’s ironic that they don’t want to date women with mental health issues. Because no sane woman would want to date them.
Scratch that, no woman would want to date them
MRA Action Plan:
Phase I: refuse to take your diarrhea medication, sparking misogynist rebellion
Phase II: refuse to wipe the diarrhea from you ass when it comes out
Phase III: blame women
Phase IV: restoration of civilization
Phase V: rejoice that no one will ever ask you to wipe your bunghole ever again
Wow. They’re not even playing ‘I don’t hate women, I’m just saying…’ any more, are they?
My curiosity got the best of me. Would WHTM still be around if manosphearians made their escape plan? I do notice the odd blog post features solely cat videos and ‘personal’ themes.