The far right racist douchebag-o-sphere has been warning us for some time that Cultural Marxism works insidiously to destroy Western Culture and make women all frumpy and shit. Well, you’ll never guess just how sneaky these Cultural Marxist plotters really are: apparently they have the power to cause women to repeatedly drop their iPhones.
In a new post on Roosh V’s Return of Kings site, some dude called Theodore Gumbril dissects what he sees as the increasing “Degeneracy Of London’s Women.” The four signs of this ongoing Lady-pocalypse?
1) Cracked iPhone screens
Gumbril reports with horror that “London is full of iPhones with broken screens, the majority of them owned by women.” Why? Brace yourself: it’s because these women use their iPhones a lot, and therefore also drop them a lot. No, really — one of them actually ran into Gumbril on the sidewalk, quite literally, as he was walking along minding his own business and pondering just how degenerate London women are becoming.
Even in busy areas of London, British women are walking around intently staring into their iPhones, earphones in, oblivious to all around them as they bathe in Facebook likes and Tinder swipes from thirsty male supplicants online. A girl doing this walked into me on Tottenham Court Road a few weeks ago. I was chastised with an indignant yelp of protestation. It is, of course, men’s duty to move out of the way promptly when this happens.
Yeah, it’s not as if dudes ever march down the sidewalk oblivious to the world around them. Never ever seen that happen. Nope.
Oh, but it gets worse:
2) Women wearing sneakers with business suits on the way home from work
Nothing betrays a Sheryl Sandberg-clone femcunt like sports shoes with business attire. In London, this is the exclusive preserve of Anglo women who have brought into the myth of office-cubicle empowerment. I have yet to see this ghastly mismatch of styles in women from Eastern Europe or Russia.
Huh. I’m pretty sure women in the US started wearing sneakers — known in the UK as “lorries” — on their way home from work way back in the 1980s. You might think they did this because their feet hurt after wearing uncomfortable heels all day, and because they didn’t feel obligated to dress up for random schlubs on the subway. You would be wrong. It was Cultural Marxism all along!
3) Women wearing leggings as pants
“This fashion trend,” Gumbril declares, “is a Chernobyl-level disaster in the field of female attire, and an egregious affront to all decency.” Why? Because this shameless immodesty is a disgrace, an assault on all decent men, at least when the women’s butts are, you know, fat.
4) Increasingly androgynous women (who won’t give Gumbril their phone numbers)
After lamenting “the distinct and often brash lack of femininity” of today’s London women, Gumbril tells this horrifying story of what happened when he tried to pick up one of these women, for some reason:
Over the weekend, I had an unpleasant experience opening an Audrey Hepburn lookalike.
I’m just hoping he means he “opened” her in the pickup artist sense and not in the serial killer sense.
What struck me about this distasteful set, aside from the the snarky disdain and aggressive, relentless shit testing, was the fashion—high cut bangs, a formless cream coat, boy trousers, and boy shoes.
The style is an instant erection killer, and (unfortunately) increasingly common.
Er, quick question: if you think the existence of women like these are a sign of the Cultural Marxist apocalypse, and if the sight of them causes your permaboner to shrink, WHY DID YOU TRY TO PICK HER UP? You’re not actually obligated to start a conversation with anyone or anything you can, at least in theory, put your penis into.
Anyhoo, this dire state of affairs, Gumbril tells us, is all the fault of Cultural Marxism and the evil elites promulgating it, who for some reason benefit when women wear sneakers with business suits.
Similar to the Soviets’ New Socialist Man, the New Feminist Woman is a grotesque pastiche of anti-femininity, Kurzweilian automation, and repugnant narcissism taken to depraved extremes. The men who have to come to terms with these women must deal with androgynous, unfeminine women who are addicted to their iPhones and who live at the centre [of] a CERN-like attention vortex driven by real life and social media validation.
So I guess the only solution is for Gumbril and other dudes who think like him to stop giving these women their attention.
Somehow I suspect this proposal will be acceptable to the women of the world as well.
NOTE: Sneakers are not actually referred to as “lorries” in the U.K. I was just making a joke. They are actually known as “spotted dicks.”
Women! Women everywhere, being busy and doing things and having friends and getting attention that I didn’t personally sanction! All of London is a CERN-like vortex of Kurtzweilian AT-ATs! Why can’t modern females undulate in a parabolic fashion?
Anybody wanna bet he was trying to “open” Audrey Hepburn while wearing saggy cargo shorts and a wizard T-shirt?
“CERN-like attention vortex”? Does this man understand what CERN actually is? Or am I misreading this?
Also, someone used the adjective “Kurzweilian”! You finally made it, Ray! 😀
Not that there’s anything wrong with men wearing comfy clothes, of course, but if he’s looking for Grace Kelly in a cocktail dress, he’d better be wearing a suit and have at least one bath to his credit within the last fortnight.
@Kootiepatra When a guy says “you look so much prettier without your glasses on”, the proper response is “so do you”.
I like “jumper” (for sweater), but I’ve never quite understood “maths”. What’s with the plural, Sceptered Isle?
Well, we learned a couple of days ago that phone cases are for poor people, so…
Also, I have a job interview Monday and need to get some new nice shoes for fancy pants. The ones I have are scuffed and really, really uncomfortable. If anyone has any suggestions, that would be nice.
For reference, I’m a lab worker and I wear Dansko clogs for everyday wear.
My heels all live at the office. This is because I take transit to and from work, and I would rather not destroy my shoes with snow and salt or my feet by walking in them. Commuting in cold climates: misandry. Valuing a woman’s health and safety over men’s boners: unquestionably misandry.
@wrodsp1nner: I’d reccomend some wedges or some nice ballet flats, depending on how graceful you are on your feet.
Also, I’d go with black, because it goes with everything and is considered pretty professional.
Ballet flats:
Though, while I’d personally avoid open-toe, that’s up to you on that one.
I’ve always found Nine West shoes to be comfortable without looking like comfy shoes.
The cracked phone screen thing just reminds me of the post of the date with the PUA who said phone cases are for poor people (and someone upthread also mentioned it being a status thing). This dude needs to watch that video where the woman says it’s just smart to protect your phone with a case. It just seems contradictory, do these douchebags think you should or shouldn’t protect your phone?
Why is it so hard for this guy to move on and find a woman he actually likes instead of complaining how random women don’t perfectly match up to his preferences? It’s because women are a monolith to him and we should all align to his boner wishes, isn’t it?
His anguish at women not being feminine enough makes it a bonus that I buy and wear men’s clothes. I have several men’s jackets and some men’s sweat pants. I don’t ever want to appeal to these douchecanoes.
Ninja’d on the phone case point by wordsp1nner.
My jeans worn with flip-flops (or thongs as we call them in Australia – not a joke!) laugh at this twit. Laugh, I say!
And she had short hair. And was a bit of a feminist who spent her later years working tirelessly with starving children in third world countries. Yeah, not much of an MRA dream girl… =P
Yeah, but they kind of display a walking style closer to what he expects from women. They might as well be wearing high heels, the hussies!
(Hmm. Note to self — that may need to be illustrated at some point.)
1) Anyone who is glued to their phone to the point of bumping into people is either an asshole or overwhelmed by work to such a degree that they can’t separate themselves from it.
2) People also feign interest in their phones to escape the awkward, forced socialization that we used to just have to deal with. A good example would be walking down the street and seeing a lecherously grinning creep trying to make eye-contact and knowing from experience that engaging will result in a lifetime of being trained to “stay sweet, be the one who makes everyone comfortable at any cost” kicking in and making us unable to find an out.
3) Who the fuck cares about wearing sneakers home from work? It’s bad enough that we’re judged for being “unprofessional” if we don’t wear makeup to work, but we have to wear spine-killing dominatrix heels also? No, fuck that.
I’m also not going to stop wearing insensible shoes in DA CLUB and changing into my tottering home drunk flats. It results in less foot pain, not holding people up while roving in feral packs to an all-night taco place, and obviously less falling and face breaking.
4) What is with these dudebros and Audrey Hepburn? It’s like being rejected by the same type over and over again has resulted in this gross fixation where they HATE! these sluts for not sleeping with them but also LOVE! the girlish charm of someone channeling her style– whilst unironically calling it tomboyish, of course. Because stupid.
The MRAmazing World of Gumbril!
It’s Maths because it’s actually an acronym, for Mathematical Anti Telharsic Harfatum Septonin.
David I’m serious, you need to check out this blog: https://archive.today/f0mQ1
Дota is a desi immigrant white-nationalist
“You look much prettier without your glasses.”
“Thanks. You also look better when I’m not wearing my glasses.”
In other news of possible interest, a YA author responded rather dismissively to the criticism that his female characters are few and stereotypical:
When this got a negative response from his female fans and peers, he deleted his Twitter, and now everyone is going “Hate mob! Bullying!”
Other than the androgyny, these are all things that annoy me, too, but I mostly see them in men, not women. The mixing business clothes with personal clothes looks HORRIBLE on men. If I never see another man wearing jeans with a sport coat I’ll be delighted.
It’s pretty telling how mangry they get over women in sneakers. Of course, they hate the very idea of a woman wearing footwear in which it is markedly easier for her to escape.
Comfy shoes? Anyone who can afford them should try out Campers.
Luuuurve these. http://www.camper.com/en_AU/women/shoes/twins/camper-twins-21983-002
This is the “Twins” range for autumn-winter Australia. http://www.camper.com/en_AU/women/shoes/twins
Though I might play at being Dorothy and click these heels together http://www.camper.com/en_AU/women/shoes/agatha/camper-agatha-21847-011
Nothing makes me like modern fashion more than hearing people like this criticize it.
I’m not even saying that out of spite for terrible people like Roosh – all the things he mentions as bad are trends I legitimately like. And he even describes them in ways that make them more appealing – modern women display Kurzweilian automation? As a transhumanist that sounds awesome (not that I’m necessarily endorsing Kurzweil and his timeline as accurate).
Is the Manosphere turning lunkheaded men into clown-shoe-wearing, trouser-dropping clowns?
Oh hey, I saw this Tweet, and thought it was tangentially relevant to this discussion:
So in short, some woman he approached wasn’t interested, and now the female population of London is oppressing him with their iPhones and trainers?
It disturbs me that the redpiller lives in the same country as me.