The far right racist douchebag-o-sphere has been warning us for some time that Cultural Marxism works insidiously to destroy Western Culture and make women all frumpy and shit. Well, you’ll never guess just how sneaky these Cultural Marxist plotters really are: apparently they have the power to cause women to repeatedly drop their iPhones.
In a new post on Roosh V’s Return of Kings site, some dude called Theodore Gumbril dissects what he sees as the increasing “Degeneracy Of London’s Women.” The four signs of this ongoing Lady-pocalypse?
1) Cracked iPhone screens
Gumbril reports with horror that “London is full of iPhones with broken screens, the majority of them owned by women.” Why? Brace yourself: it’s because these women use their iPhones a lot, and therefore also drop them a lot. No, really — one of them actually ran into Gumbril on the sidewalk, quite literally, as he was walking along minding his own business and pondering just how degenerate London women are becoming.
Even in busy areas of London, British women are walking around intently staring into their iPhones, earphones in, oblivious to all around them as they bathe in Facebook likes and Tinder swipes from thirsty male supplicants online. A girl doing this walked into me on Tottenham Court Road a few weeks ago. I was chastised with an indignant yelp of protestation. It is, of course, men’s duty to move out of the way promptly when this happens.
Yeah, it’s not as if dudes ever march down the sidewalk oblivious to the world around them. Never ever seen that happen. Nope.
Oh, but it gets worse:
2) Women wearing sneakers with business suits on the way home from work
Nothing betrays a Sheryl Sandberg-clone femcunt like sports shoes with business attire. In London, this is the exclusive preserve of Anglo women who have brought into the myth of office-cubicle empowerment. I have yet to see this ghastly mismatch of styles in women from Eastern Europe or Russia.
Huh. I’m pretty sure women in the US started wearing sneakers — known in the UK as “lorries” — on their way home from work way back in the 1980s. You might think they did this because their feet hurt after wearing uncomfortable heels all day, and because they didn’t feel obligated to dress up for random schlubs on the subway. You would be wrong. It was Cultural Marxism all along!
3) Women wearing leggings as pants
“This fashion trend,” Gumbril declares, “is a Chernobyl-level disaster in the field of female attire, and an egregious affront to all decency.” Why? Because this shameless immodesty is a disgrace, an assault on all decent men, at least when the women’s butts are, you know, fat.
4) Increasingly androgynous women (who won’t give Gumbril their phone numbers)
After lamenting “the distinct and often brash lack of femininity” of today’s London women, Gumbril tells this horrifying story of what happened when he tried to pick up one of these women, for some reason:
Over the weekend, I had an unpleasant experience opening an Audrey Hepburn lookalike.
I’m just hoping he means he “opened” her in the pickup artist sense and not in the serial killer sense.
What struck me about this distasteful set, aside from the the snarky disdain and aggressive, relentless shit testing, was the fashion—high cut bangs, a formless cream coat, boy trousers, and boy shoes.
The style is an instant erection killer, and (unfortunately) increasingly common.
Er, quick question: if you think the existence of women like these are a sign of the Cultural Marxist apocalypse, and if the sight of them causes your permaboner to shrink, WHY DID YOU TRY TO PICK HER UP? You’re not actually obligated to start a conversation with anyone or anything you can, at least in theory, put your penis into.
Anyhoo, this dire state of affairs, Gumbril tells us, is all the fault of Cultural Marxism and the evil elites promulgating it, who for some reason benefit when women wear sneakers with business suits.
Similar to the Soviets’ New Socialist Man, the New Feminist Woman is a grotesque pastiche of anti-femininity, Kurzweilian automation, and repugnant narcissism taken to depraved extremes. The men who have to come to terms with these women must deal with androgynous, unfeminine women who are addicted to their iPhones and who live at the centre [of] a CERN-like attention vortex driven by real life and social media validation.
So I guess the only solution is for Gumbril and other dudes who think like him to stop giving these women their attention.
Somehow I suspect this proposal will be acceptable to the women of the world as well.
NOTE: Sneakers are not actually referred to as “lorries” in the U.K. I was just making a joke. They are actually known as “spotted dicks.”
Fuck anyone who tries to get me to wear dress shoes, especially open toed ones, on the fucking subway. NO. I have to schlep up and down the broken escalators and avoid trash and weave through lost tourists every day. I’m wearing my sneakers, along with ankle-high socks if it’s raining, with my skirts and pantyhose ala “Working Girl” and fuck anyone who has an objection.
(I have opinions about this, obviously.)
Google image search for suit and sneakers“.
Now find the women.
Yes, heaven forfend that women should be able to commute comfortably, and/or be able to break into a run if some douchebag tries to get in their faces. How dare they be fleet and sure of foot?
And how dare they wear something comfortable that they can sit down in, and which covers their entire legs?
And yet, he tried to pick her up, and refers to this person whose looks he dislikes as a “set”? Frankly, he deserved to get treated to “snarky disdain” at the very least. If you don’t even like somebody, don’t try to sex them! How hard IS that?
Translation: Waaaaaa, tricksy evil wimminzes aren’t paying attention to MEEEEEEEEEE! I’m doooooomed, I tellz ya! I’m never gonna get my dick wet! I’mma die a VIRGINNNNNNN!
Poor baby. Diddums.
“I’ve had my glasses since kindergarten. They are part of my face, and if they don’t like them, or my face, they can fuck right off.”
Hear hear!! 😀
All this talk of unapologetic glasses wearing is reminding me of the Daria episode Through a Lens, Darkly.
So, thank you manosphere for making me think of one of my favorite shows and a character that stands for everything you hate.
weirwoodtreehugger-Awesome! I love Daria! And yes, the manosphere must hate her. Up yours, manosphere! XD
Also love Daria, and my glasses.
Hold on…*goes to bookshelf* Where is it…? AH-HA!
It’s a little old, but it might do. Lemme see…okay. I think I have it.
“Boy shoes” makes me think of those kids’ shoes with the flashing lights in the heels from the 90s.
Which frankly just makes the whole outfit even cooler.
I still have a pair of those light-up shoes, somewhere in the back of my closet. I should dig them out sometime. They’d go great with my leggings.
This makes me so happy because I am doing all of these things all the time. I mean, my phone screen got cracked because I’m just clumsy but I love how unhappy and angry I have been making Roosh without even realising it haha.
Oh wooky. Our widdle fwiend Theodore thinks that there ought to be a “day” devoted to coerced steak-cooking and BJ-providing:
Steak and BJ day?
Why do they think women don’t like steak, anyway? That’s weird.
They think we don’t love them unless we cook it for them. And blow them afterwards.
Don’t most people grill steaks? And aren’t men the one who do the grilling, because stereotypes?
No no no no no. March 14 is Pi day. It is a day for wallowing in pie and tenderly exchanging radian measurements with your partner.
(Happy Day after Super Pi Day, everyone!)
“Me make meat with fire, ooga ooga ooga!”
Yeah, one would think. But they seem to think they need a counterweight of some sort to Valentine’s Day, which everyone knows is for manginas. (Who probably do get BJs, plus their favorite dish regardless of what it may be, on that day. Menz Rightzers be jealous.)
I know the guy who wrote this story. Met him on a dating site few years ago. He played me hard for about four months. Called me from London, texted me daily, told me he loved me, wanted me to move to London, be a stepfather to my son, have children with me, the whole deal. When I refused his demands for naked photos of myself he told me he was “respectfully” (so British of him, lol) dumping me. Which he did. A simple bit of Internet sleuthing led me to his FB account where I learned (shocker!) he was married. He also comments in ROK threads using his real name. Upon perusing his recent posts I’ve learned that he’s spent the last decade “gaming” young women in the EEC for casual sex. He rents high end cars, wears expensive suits, & basically targets barely legal girls for a ONS. Which he prefers to engage sans condom he readily admits. I dodged a bullet with this sociopath.