empathy deficit memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA return of kings rhymes with roosh taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny!

Return of Kings featured commenter: Women "fail" at suicide because they're "incompetent … attention whores."

Today, a meme that’s so vile I’m going to hide it behind a link.

Roosh V’s Return of Kings site describes itself as “a safe space on the web for those men who don’t agree with the direction that Western culture is headed.”

Apparently these guys don’t feel truly safe unless they’re saying horrific things about women. Like, for example, this meme, taken from the “featured comment” in the discussion of a recent ROK post, which suggests that women “fail to properly kill themselves” because “women are incompetent.”

And it gets worse from there, which is why it’s behind a link.

Congratulation, ROK meme-maker! You have managed to trivialize suicide, insult women, and weirdly glorify men who kill themselves.

Suicide, not funny.

If you’re in the US, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you’re feeling troubled. Call or click on the graphic below to get help. Or click here to find out how to volunteer.


H/T — r/TheBluePill

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9 years ago

They just told men that suicide is a way to “succeed” and be better than women by killing themselves LIKE A MAN! *beats chest and spits*

What a shitty thing to tell men who may be chronically depressed. I’d love a few less misogynists in the world, but I’d like that to come from changed minds, not because some Dooshfan convinced them suicide was what the cool kids do. He’s even shaming men who have tried to kill themselves in the past by were fortunate enough to live to get help!
Dooshfans are such Heathers.

I lost a male cousin to suicide. He was closeted and ashamed. He he had been the tall, fit, popular, hunting, football playing, blue eyed, honor roll student from an all American family. Mom was a teacher. Dad was a deacon. It was so Ozzy and Harriet. He had so many friends and he was still so alone. No one knew until it was too late.

LGBTQ men are vulnerable to suicidal thoughts. Yet never once have I heard any support for them from the manosphere.

Veterans are vulnerable as well. Yet they do nothing at all for vets with PTSD.

Then again, as a commenter on another thread said, they haven’t done anything to support Black Lives Matter either. They don’t care about men being murdered. They don’t care about them being unjustly given longer sentences for the color of their skin. They don’t care about the black boys who’s childhoods are cut short and their families broken down by our racist police state.

They don’t care about Muslim men being treated as terrorists or being killed for the crime of being brown and Muslim.

They don’t care about the son’s of undocumented immigrant who’s families are being torn apart by our shitty immigration laws.

I think I’d actually respect the manosphere more if they just dropped the pretense and admitted that they are only about hating women.

9 years ago

I read somewhere that the reason why men die from suicide more often is because of the methods they use; men are more likely to use a gun or a noose, which will absolutely kill yourself, but women are far more likely to overdose or use poison, which you are more likely to survive. It’s definitely worthwhile talking about why men are more likely to use certain methods and such, but I never see these types of people doing that. All they do is say “look! A bad thing that mostly happens to men! Checkmate, feminists!” As shown exactly in this comment…. If they really cared about the well being of men, they’d try to find out why men are more likely to use more violent methods of suicide than turn it into a competition like this.

9 years ago

They don’t have any sympathy for men, not at all.

They don’t give a crap about gay men, black men or men who don’t meet an arbitrary level of (often toxic) masculinity. They don’t give a crap about men who have breast cancer. They don’t give a crap about men who have been raped.

That they ALSO don’t give a crap about men who die by suicide is no surprise at all.

They don’t actually give a crap about any men at all, really–except themselves.

9 years ago

take a gun and try shooting a female.

That sounds like a terrible experiment.

9 years ago

“They don’t actually give a crap about any men at all, really–except themselves.”

Not entirely true, Aurini cares deeply about Roosh getting laid in Norway.

9 years ago

Point! I wonder how that reflects on Aurini. Otherwise, I doubt he would.

9 years ago

Shooting a “female”. Not a woman, but a female. Gah. Blech. Argh.

you are so right. Asking for help for depression and/or anxiety is so hard. You have to be strong to swallow your pride and do what you need to do to survive. People who haven’t had to do it don’t know.

9 years ago

He was a little obsessed with making Owen admit it. Why does it matter so much!?

9 years ago

There’s been some speculation that Aurini wants to be a PUA himself, which would explain it–that way it touches on his own credibility.

Jenny (@dontgiveah00t)

*shakes head* what an unbearably shitty way to use a tragedy that affects both men and women. Have these people not considered that if someone (regardless of gender) is desperate enough for attention that they’re willing to even half-ass a suicide attempt (which carries the risk that you might actually succeed or be left with scars and/or lingering health issues, even if you do half-ass it) then maybe someone needs to pay attention to them because they’re obviously in some pretty dire straits?

9 years ago

The hatred oozes out of this meme; it’s palpable. It’s essentially saying to women: die or fuck off. It’s shameful that anyone thinks this way.

Tina S
Tina S
9 years ago

Not funny. On a positive note i saw a commercial today that encourages men to talk to health care providers about emotional and mental diseases.

9 years ago

Breaking my lurking status because this is just so many flavors of NOPE.

Also: Trigger warnings just in case.

Several years ago I was suicidally depressed, thanks to circumstances and thoroughly screwed up brain chemistry. It got to where I began researching “technique”. That was probably one of the things that kept me alive (It was bad) because some remarkable human being has a website out there explaining the terrible side effects of every possible technique, and explaining that most suicide attempts fail (initially) because our bodies are very, very, very hard to kill.

Later, when I got on meds and got therapy, I began reading about what depression actually is because WOW the meds made a difference. Clinical depression is roughly similar to diabetes. It’s a chemical deficiency in your brain. It’s not an emotion, it’s not a feeling, it’s an actual physical problem that does absolutely require medication. Suicidal ideation is like a seizure–it’s a transitory event triggered by an overwhelming sense of pain, and it WILL eventually end. A person is no more responsible for their depression than they are for diabetes or epilepsy.

The tragedy is that because it’s a transitory event, the suicidal individual will likely regret their actions. This, in turn, will mean having to deal with the physical, psychological and financial damage their suicide attempt left them with. All of the common methods for suicide are highly likely to fail, and all of them have devastating physical consequences because trying to kill yourself actually does a lot of damage to your body. The worst is attempted ODs on OTC medications–people who try this usually wind up in the hospital with a renewed will to live, a fried liver and a life expectancy counted in weeks.

For somebody like Roosh to state that successful suicide is a mark of superiority…there aren’t any words, there’s no comparison. Suicide isn’t a triumph, it isn’t a sign of will. It’s a symptom of a potentially terminal disease. And THEN to imply that the drive of a body to live is a sign of incompetence…

PS: IDK if anybody else caught the “Train up a child”…thing that Roosh is quoting in there, but for this former homeschool alumni that has VERY unpleasant implications that hopefully aren’t true at all. “To Train Up A Child” is a child-rearing manual by a pair of truly horrible human beings named Debi and Michael Pearl. They advocate setting children up to fail SPECIFICALLY SO YOU CAN SPANK THEM, and recommends that you start doing this when the child is six months old. Children have died because their parents follow that horror-show of a book. One of them (Lydia Schatz) was literally beaten to death. Seeing THAT PHRASE attached to THAT BLOG…yeah, let’s all pray that Roosh. and the Pearls never hook up. Ever. It’s a match made in Hell.

9 years ago

Wow… So they use male suicide rates as an example of how oppressed men are, but then they talk about how incompetent women are for not being as good at suicide as men? I… I wish I hadn’t clicked on that link. The bottom…

9 years ago

Gah, not that “train up a child” book again! That thing is twisted.

9 years ago

The Duggars are Pearl followers. Just one more reason to stay away from their show.

9 years ago

I can’t fathom how “succeeding” at suicide is a good thing that should be applauded.

9 years ago


The Pearls are a truly horrible couple. I haven’t read TTUAC but I have looked at “Created to Be His Helpmeet” which is the BIGGEST pile of abuse apology I have ever seen. More so than 50 Shades. And that’s saying something.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Lea | March 10, 2015 at 5:52 pm

Dooshfans are such Heathers.

I know you were referring to the movie, but, being someone with the name Heather myself…


9 years ago

Don’t click on the link. Just don’t.

I have no emotional triggers, at least that I’m aware of. I’m lucky enough to not know anyone who’s committed suicide, nor have I attempted suicide.

I figured, I’d click on the link, since it wasn’t likely to affect me.

Behind the link is one of the most loathsome things David has ever featured on this site. I feel sick right now.

So don’t click on the link.

9 years ago

Trigger warning-

I often think the manosphere can’t get any worse, then they prove me wrong. I was deeply depressed when I was in my teens. I prayed nightly to never wake up. I think I only survived because my mother frequently told me how suicide could be screwed up. And, if I thought my life was tough now, it only gets worse after I fail. Two years after I graduated a guy I went to school with doused himself in kerosene and then set himself on fire. I decided then I would do whatever I could to make sure no one ever felt they had nowhere to turn.

As for that piece of crap book, I had a babysitter who really believed in it. Thirty years later I am still trying to work through the physical abuse scars. My therapist says that abusers want to abuse and they will find some twisted reasons to do so. If you were abused, it is NOT your fault.

Zen hugs to anyone who bares the scars of depression and/or abuse survivors.

9 years ago

Nope. Nopenopenopenopenopenope.

I’ve had to care for patients who had suicidal ideation and survived attempts. For these fuckwits to say such heinous things about people like those patients….just……. I’m just speechless.

Elektra Kenway
9 years ago

You wouldn’t believe how many agree with them. It’s not “just” ROK. It’s everywhere.

This happened to me, I suffered it myself. I was just back from hospitalization and I used to be active in some random forum in Spanish. When I got back, I logged in and read that they were hoping I had effectively died, and laughing all together celebrating because no-news = I was dead (I guess a class-mate from college told them, because she was a member of that forum too).

I was also told I was just “stupid” and “an @ss” for being suicidal. “That’s for idiots”, some said.

I didn’t respond and just got away from all of it. (And no, my class-mate didn’t join the laughter, but she didn’t say anything against it either.)

Now it seems so easy and clear, but back then I was deep into depression, and my judgement was clouded. They gave away their souls and any kind of empathy “for the lulz”. They’re merciless.

Some time afterwards, I looked at older messages of theirs and noticed repetitive mentions of 4chan. They were active there too. Those people had been harassing me on the phone and everywhere online for about a year. (This was many years ago.) For being fat, for being a slut, etc.

That was the first time I realized 4chan existed, and what those inside were like, when I decided to check it out.

You can expect literally anything from those monsters. None of this surprises me, sadly.

They’re many more than you’d think. They’re everywhere, and they’re highly destructive (and they find it “funny”). I can’t believe they sleep well at night.

9 years ago

The Pearl book is nothing more than an instruction manual for child abuse. If I was reading this about anyone else I would think it was a Poe or a really clouded cry for help, but it’s just Roosh being Roosh- a guy, who by his own admission, wouldn’t bathe, wipe his own ass or trim his eyebrows so they don’t grow into his eyes if “FEMALES” didn’t make him.

9 years ago

This has got to be the most disgusting things I have ever seen! And I have seen MANY disgusting things in the manosphere.


I can’t fathom how “succeeding” at suicide is a good thing that should be applauded.

Neither can I. All this does is show that they have no empathy for suicidal men and for the families of those who lost loved ones to suicide. They are truly morally bankrupt and poor excuses for human beings.

Bewildered Ape-Isn’t just? You are not the only bewildered ape here. As a human, I am just as bewildered by Roosh as you are and he is human too! (supposedly)