empathy deficit memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA return of kings rhymes with roosh taking pleasure in women's pain that's not funny!

Return of Kings featured commenter: Women "fail" at suicide because they're "incompetent … attention whores."

Today, a meme that’s so vile I’m going to hide it behind a link.

Roosh V’s Return of Kings site describes itself as “a safe space on the web for those men who don’t agree with the direction that Western culture is headed.”

Apparently these guys don’t feel truly safe unless they’re saying horrific things about women. Like, for example, this meme, taken from the “featured comment” in the discussion of a recent ROK post, which suggests that women “fail to properly kill themselves” because “women are incompetent.”

And it gets worse from there, which is why it’s behind a link.

Congratulation, ROK meme-maker! You have managed to trivialize suicide, insult women, and weirdly glorify men who kill themselves.

Suicide, not funny.

If you’re in the US, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you’re feeling troubled. Call or click on the graphic below to get help. Or click here to find out how to volunteer.


H/T — r/TheBluePill

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Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

You know, my day has been going along quite nicely. So I think I’ll avoid clicking that link.

9 years ago

Not even going to click that link. Just gonna buy my ticket to Nope-ville right now.

Anne Mette
Anne Mette
9 years ago

How Deep can those Guys sink ???

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Yet another (hideous) example of “If men do it, it’s awesome! If women do it, they’re bitches/attention whores/butch/ect”.

I’m not going to click that link either. I’m not having their bullshit ruin my day right now. I don’t think I could take it.

9 years ago

Yeah, no. I think I’m just gonna leave that right there.

9 years ago

It’s as if the people at AVfM and Return of Kings are both locked in a game of one-downmanship to see who can make the most utterly despicable and morally reprehensible statement.

9 years ago

If nothing else this will be the perfect thing to link to when MRAs are complaining about how feminists are the ones who don’t care about suicide.

9 years ago

It’s genuinely horrible, but I still think Roosh is worse.

9 years ago

Huh. That existed.

This also exists.

For example, suicide attempts were rarely the result of impulsivity, a cry for help, or an effort to solve a financial or practical problem. Of all motivations for suicide, the two found to be universal in all participants were hopelessness and overwhelming emotional pain.

It also finds that suicide attempts influenced by social factors — such as efforts to elicit help or influence others — generally exhibited a less pronounced intent to die, and were carried out with a greater chance of rescue.

MRAs talk about men “successfully” committing suicide as if it were a badge of honor, but in reality that’s just an indication that those men view their situation in even more black-and-white terms than normal. It means they have even more hopelessness, an even greater sense that they are alone in their struggle.

These bastards have no right to talk about suicide when they are the ones that promote the toxic culture that glorifies man as the solitary king of his castle who shoulders every burden alone, and treats it like a badge of honor when the inevitable collapse is more sudden and more deadly.

If they cared about male suicide at all, they’d be wishing that men chose to die by pills instead of by bullets, that men would reach out over social media when they were in pain so that someone might stop them. They’d see this outreach as emotional strength, not weakness.

But no, we get a meme that literally tells women to fuck off and die. I guess that’s one version of equality.

9 years ago

Trying to rate which Manosphere personality is worse must be like trying to rate faeces based on odour.

9 years ago

Men are so great, we even kill ourselves better than you dumb bitches. But we have to fight feminism because we’re are totally oppressed by our higher suicide rates.

… The manosphere needs to shut the everloving fuck up about suicide. Apparently not one single goddamn one of you sees the issue as anything but a horrible football.

Bewildered Ape
9 years ago

I clicked on the link… my favourite statement is “His friends were unaware that the two had been dating, and at least one had never heard of her. That’s very strange, since teenage boys (and really, all men in general) are known for showing off their women like a trophy.”

It’s great learning that all men are show-offs who treat women like trophy objects. I’m learning much about humans from Roosh.

because reasons
because reasons
9 years ago

Beyond disgusting. I’m NO expert, but when I was going through training to be a peer counselor in school (after a friend, did in fact, kill himself), they told us that the only reason most men are more “successful” is they tend to go with more lethal methods, like guns, hanging, etc. Whereas women tend to use pills or other potentially less fatal methods. Just throwing that tidbit out there, but it really doesn’t matter. This is still a big mountain of nope and grossness.

Just Plain Neddy
Just Plain Neddy
9 years ago

The difference is definitely down to differences in method. Women tend to use pills and these days there are is many safeguards in pharmaceuticals that it is extremely difficult to actually die that way. Men are more likely to use guns or hanging. I have heard that this is partly because women tend to worry more about the trauma caused to those who find them, which means that they’re both more likely to avoid gory methods and more likely to go away from their homes to avoid being found by family.

9 years ago

If Roosh were to say something not terrible I think I’d genuinely be in shock.

I’ve lost (female) family members to suicide. I’ve also suffered from suicidal thoughts off and on since I was 12 (yay mental health!) and it’s not a fucking joke.

9 years ago

NicolaLuna, anonymous contactless internet hugs your direction.

These guys… I can’t even.

9 years ago

I read the comments there (don’t do it, my eyes bled) and what really struck me, apart from the expected anti-female stuff, was the complete lack of empathy for males who commit suicide.

Not even some ‘rough’ sympathy like “poor b**tard, may he rest in peace” sort of thing.

That is supposed to be supportive space for males…but where is the actual support? Could you imagine someone posting there that they were feeling suicidal, what would they get? Long tirades about women (who more than likely will have nothing whatsoever to do with their depression) and tips on the best guns to do it with…

These people are not just toxic against females, they are toxic against males too. They don’t just hate females they hate other males as well. Unreal. No wonder males who get sucked into this crap are so totally screwed up in their heads.

Sick isn’t the word for them.

9 years ago

Nope nope nope nope nooooooope!

9 years ago

I have internalized this “women attempt suicide for attention” meme and now that I’m depressed (though not quite suicidal) it adds a nice extra layer of self-hatred. I must not actually be depressed, but just doing it to get more attention from my boyfriend (or so my depression tells me.)

9 years ago

One of the biggest risk factors for suicide is having a gun in the house. Men are more likely to use guns when attempting suicide, which is by far the most efficient way to do so, while women are less likely to own guns and resort to things like pills (which are not nearly as easy to overdose on as laymen think). It doesn’t really have anything to do with men being more “capable”, and “capable of successfully committing suicide” is a horrifying litmus anyway.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for calling attention to men being at risk of successful suicides, and I am really all for discussion that would get rid of the stigma of mental illness as being weak and emasculating, but I think it’s a little misleading how often people throw out the “4 times as many suicides” statistic without also pointing out that women are twice as likely to attempt suicide, even in mainstream discussions of men’s issues like Emma Watson’s UN speech. For this reason I have mixed feelings about the suicide rates being taken on their own and discussed as a male issue, not because there’d be anything wrong with focusing on the male perspective of the issue, but because it’s easy to misinterpret that statistic.

Also, Return of Kings is a hellhole of the worst of simultaneously claiming male oppression and perpetuating oppressive standards of toxic masculinity. But what else is new?

Dan kasteray
Dan kasteray
9 years ago

Today I met a guy on the internet who knew this meme. He rapidly changed back and forth from saying it was satire to it was totally true.

That he could put a positive spin on it at all says something about the guy

9 years ago

I clicked the link. The comments are revealing. According to one, men being suicidal is ignored and they can’t talk about it (true enough). And then he has a go at whiny emo types for being attention whores with the suicide talk. Now why would anyone feel unable to open up about it, do you think?
Couldn’t be the idiots with no self awareness mouthing off, that’s for sure.

9 years ago

I think this one was backing up another comment about men being hardwired to protect women:

“take a gun and try shooting a female. It feels wrong on a gut level.”

At least I hope so, because even though that’s the most positive context for it it’s still terrible.
Because either this was spoken from experience or it was meant to sound like it was.

9 years ago

@lith …

I’m sure he didn’t mean it to sound this way, but reading that, the first scenarios that ran through my mind were:

1) He’s been in this situation
2) He’s shot men (not males), and it didn’t feel wrong to him.

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