a voice for men antifeminism drama kings entitled babies evil ex-wives irony alert lazy women eating bon bons men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed white men straw feminists

American Carper: The Onion's fake editorial cartoonist channels Men's Rights Activists, again

The Onion's fake fake cartoonist Kelly channels MRA rhetoric
The Onion’s fake editorial cartoonist channels MRA rhetoric

I love, love, love The Onion’s fake editorial cartoonist “Kelly,” who so brilliantly parodies the terrible reactionary cartoons that infest the op-ed pages of so many of America’s crappy local newspapers. Men’s Rights Activists, take note: this is what real satire looks like.

The cartoon that “Kelly” posted yesterday is an only slightly exaggerated take on MRA rhetoric, depicting an evil ex-wife as the “REAL American Sniper,” gleefully targeting an innocent ex-husband to pelt with bon-bons and endless criticism.

Wait, did I say exaggeration? If anything, “Kelly” is more restrained than many MRAs. Yesterday, you may recall, I posted an A Voice for Men meme claiming, among other things, that feminists were demanding “the right to kill, maim, and berate husbands.”

In “Kelly’s” cartoon, the evil ex-wife only demands the right to target her ex with a “barrage of carping” — no killing or maiming.

The Men’s Rights movement, beyond parody.

H/T — Long Waves Radio on KYRS FM

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9 years ago

Beyond parody indeed…

9 years ago

If you’re looking for satire on the Mens Rights Movement, there is no better place to find it then on the AVfM website. They really do perform a good job of parodying themselves regardless if it intentional or unintentional; perhaps that’s Elams master plan which is to rob all the business from satirical artists and create a monopoly.

9 years ago

I love the labels on everything – it seems to be a job requirement for political cartoonists to have a completely absent sense of metaphor.

My favourite one ever was a cartoon about Henry Gates being arrested outside his Massachusetts home a few years ago – it showed a scene where Henry Gates was wearing a T-shirt helpfully labelled “GATES”.

9 years ago

I love the bonbons. Is Kelly a WHTM reader?

9 years ago

The “kill, maim, and berate husbands” line just makes me giggle. I know it’s a little quibble, but if you’ve already killed them isn’t it a little overboard to then maim, and berate the body?

9 years ago

I feel like The Onion itself hasn’t been as funny as of late–too many inane idiosyncrasy-based stuff like “Area Man ___” and not enough really well-written satire like the classic “Harry Potter is drawing kids into Satanism” editorial–but Clickhole is amusing and their cartoons are so great.

Between this, the women oppressing men with their butts cartoon, and this,38152/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=LinkPreview:2:Default, I’m almost positive that The Onion’s been drawing inspiration from MRAs/PUAs.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

No, no exaggeration there. If anything, Kelly’s too kind — or unfamiliar with MRA.

9 years ago

*direct inspiration from AVFM. I just realized what I initially wrote was too obvious.

9 years ago

Other relevant cartoons:,37467/,37796/

Anybody know where I can get that female-symbol print skirt the straw feminist is wearing?

9 years ago

Country: “My Cunty Heart”

Goth/Punk: “Your Evil Black Corrupted Cunty Heart.”

Jazz Ballad: “She’s Got a Cunty Heart (And She Broke Mine)”

Pop: “Cunty Heart Party”

House: “Cunty Heart Forever [DJ Feminist Remix]”

Classical: “Cunty Heart Sonata in C”

Any other ideas?

9 years ago


9 years ago

So how long before this gets posted on the AVFM Facebook page because this “Kelly” really “gets it?” Given their track record, I don’t think they’d get that the jokes on them.

9 years ago

β€œthe right to kill, maim, and berate husbands.”

What’s that old Sesame Street song?

“One of these is not like the others.
One of these things just doesn’t belong … “

9 years ago

Haha. This is so tame compared to actual AVfM memes and MRA cartoons.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

suffrajitsu | March 10, 2015 at 1:00 pm

Anybody know where I can get that female-symbol print skirt the straw feminist is wearing?

I attempted a Google search, but Google got confused. It kept presenting me with women’s printed skirts.

If anything, I’d try to see if you can find someone who can print one for you. At least that way, you can choose your colors and the size of the print! πŸ˜€

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

I would take the elevator to the mezzanine for some of those super bon-bons!

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

@SunnySombrera What about the soundtrack album for the film “No Cunty for Old Men?”

9 years ago

@friday jones: LOL! That’s brilliant. Though if you don’t mind me saying, statistics have shown that the elderly are in fact getting quite a lot of cunty. Much more than most PUAs.

Michael Healy (@MichaelHealy18)

I saw a lot of Kelly cartoons reposted on other sites and thought they were serious for the longest time.

9 years ago

I’m so jelly of her bonbons.

9 years ago

I assumed she was eating (not throwing) the bonbons, a symbol of her unwomanly decadence, paid for with her totes unfair divorce settlement.

9 years ago

No way is that enough bonbons for a lifetime.

Miss Diketon
Miss Diketon
9 years ago

Just a note: I actually agreed with the Leonard Nimoy/JJ Abrams cartoon. Star Trek: Into Darkness made me angry.

Grrr. Stop wrecking things I like Hollywood!

9 years ago

Those comics are so spot on. From the excessive labeling to the sad little artist-commentary puns in the corner.

9 years ago

The constantly crying Lady Liberty is always the best part of a Kelly cartoon.