a voice for men antifeminism crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies evil drunk ladies lying liars memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim rape culture shit that never happened

"The right to kill, maim, and berate husbands," and other Straw Feminist demands | Memesplaining

Well, someone has a vivid imagination, huh?
Well, someone has a vivid imagination, huh?

I‘ve said it before, but the imaginary feminists that Men’s Rights Activists spend their lives fighting bear about as much resemblance to real feminists as the imaginary Elders of Zion do to actual Jewish people.

But even by typical MRA standards, the meme above (from A Voice for Men’s Facebook page) is a doozy. It’s hard to say which of these imaginary feminists demands is the most ridiculous. That idea that feminists demand “the entitlement to rape men and young boys” or “the right to take money from men under any pretense?” Or that they want “20 men in prison for each woman who commits a crime?”

As ludicrous as these are, I think the most insidious of the bunch is the complaint that feminists want women to have “the right to intoxication with no consequences.”

No, feminists aren’t campaigning for women to be able to drive drunk with no legal repercussions. The “consequences” being referred to here are, of course, rape and other forms of sexual assault. Yep, AVFM is angry that feminists don’t think that women should face the “consequence” of rape if they go out to a bar on Saturday night. AVFM is angry that feminists want the actual rapists to face the consequences of their actions.

The March of the Straw Feminists continues with more AVFM memes from their Facebook page, below.

(Straw) Feminists want to take away funding for prostate cancer:




(Straw) Feminists like to make shit up, as this made-up example illustrates:


(Straw) Feminists demand that fire departments hire women wearing “sexy firefighter” Halloween costumes.


I … don’t even know what the hell the point of this next one is supposed to be. That it’s wrong to talk about the dangers of rape? That women can’t have successful careers and happy lives unless they have children? That … I give up.







You’d think the guy would have noticed. I mean, those finger-clipping shears are fucking gigantic.

For more, many more, straw feminists, check out the rest of the memes on AVFM’s Facebook page.

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9 years ago

How can he not see this?

Hate is a hell of a drug.

9 years ago

@sunnysombrera “When it comes to radical groups, to create a stronger bond within its members an enemy must be invented.”

Even non-radical groups do something similar, I think it’s called infrahumanisation, a process whereby the ingroup is considered to be superior/more human than members of an outgroup, to possess more positive human qualities like courage/empathy/intelligence/etc.

More extreme groups presumably have to hold stronger negative views of their enemy to justify their own conspiracy theories, theories they use as an excuse to hate the outgroup. Kind of forming a feedback loop, they create their illogical conspiracy theories because they hate, and use those theories to justify their hatred.

9 years ago

I guess you could say we do the same thing but…god damn it out of everyone in the world MRAs genuinely deserve all the shit talk about them.

9 years ago


Oddly, MRAs also seem to dehumanise themselves a lot, like when claiming men can’t/shouldn’t be made to control their sexual urges. Makes them sound like animals. But they spin it to be about evil wimminz not giving them the sex that they “earned” simply by having a penis. They don’t need to consider what their lack of self control says about themselves if they can make it the outgroup’s fault.

9 years ago

Spindrift: You are correct; anti-feminists make some of the most hateful statements about men that I’ve ever heard.

Daisyrawks (@daisy20071)

@ sunnysombrera

I forget who said it before, but it’s like they think that by screeching ‘CONTEXT!’ at us it’ll act like some sort of magic word that makes us shut up.

It’s not me you’re remembering but I often say that ignorant people of all stripes use words as if they’re magical incantations. They say some shit and when the implications are pointed out to them, they deny that they meant any of it that way. At which point you’re clearly expected to simply go “oh, alright then” and drop the subject.

9 years ago

What else would be the point of using statistics to make men seem evil and as the perpetrators of raping 25% of women and supposedly commiting 95% of Domestic violence? Oh I don’t know, to perhaps, as suggested by feminist B Sheehee in “Defending Battered Women on Trial” to use said fake DV as an excuse to murder your husband and get away with it legally? NO that would be crazy right?
Anywho, you are clearly a male genocide advocating troll, you have yet to name a single feminist leader who doesnt hate men, and thus cant even be taken seriously.
the fact that you went OUT of your way to use circumcission when you and I had already used the correct term is the sign that you are for male butchery. it’s not that hard to see through you and into your evil black corrupted cunty heart, It helps that you are the cliche of every MGA, upto and including encouraging false statistics against men, nafalting, promoting male genital mutilation, and using We Hunted the mammoth(literally the most misandric hate filled shitblog on the web).
Honestly I’m surprised you haven’t misquoted the SPLC yet!

Okay, so here’s what I got from this alphabet soup:

Correct use of the English language is also misandry! Proper spelling, punctuation and use of apostrophes is male language mutilation! Reading comprehension is castration!

Honestly, would it kill these guys to actually read a book and comprehend it? Would it totally destroy them to sit down and learn proper language usage? Would it utterly devastate them to understand that words mean things, and not the things they WANT them to mean? Apparently, it would. Because everyone knows little boys can’t sit down and shush and learn something in class, and they all have to be drugged into submission. Which, as we all know, is chemical castration! Public schoolin’ is MISANDRY!!!


Also, I’m getting together a goth-cowpunk band. Our first hit will be “Your Evil Black Corrupted Cunty Heart”.

9 years ago

Bina: I’d buy that album. Just sayin’.

9 years ago

I apologise for the lack of link to the Facebook conversation, but soon after I’d first mentioned it here he suddenly stopped talking and deleted all of his posts before I could screen cap. Which did take me by surprise but maybe he thought that he’d better destroy the evidence, as since I’m affiliated with WWTH I might inform you guys about him and we would mock him unabashedly. Which is exactly what we’re doing anyway.

Plus I don’t want any lurking MRAs to see my Facebook profile.

9 years ago

I’d totally buy that album too and I don’t even like goth-cowpunk music.

I think I might turn that insult into a personal bumper sticker. It rolls off the tongue so well.

9 years ago


They say some shit and when the implications are pointed out to them, they deny that they meant any of it that way. At which point you’re clearly expected to simply go “oh, alright then” and drop the subject.

To quote the fly episode in Breaking Bad: “I truly believe there exists some combination of words — there must exist certain words in a certain specific order that would explain all of this, but with [feminists], I just can’t ever seem to find them.”

Only there seems to be this assumption that, as you say, you should just assume they said those words in a certain specific order and accept it, end of argument. They shouldn’t have to actually think of those words and put them together for themselves.

9 years ago

Can someone clue me in to these “handsome rewards” women receive for making up rape stories? So far as I’ve seen, whether her story is legit or not, victims are eaten alive by the entire world.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

your evil black corrupted cunty heart

…And now he crosses into the realm of unintended poetry.

Are you sure it was unintended? It’s in iambic pentameter, after all.

9 years ago

What I want to know is: where were all these sex-mad girls who wanted unlimited hookups with male students when I was in university? And why do the MRAs want sex with men punished – isn’t that a bit self-defeating, especially when they’re all for getting the age of consent down to 13 or so?

I’m not sure either of these have an answer.

9 years ago

As somebody who likes doodling (admittedly not very good) surrealism, especially of the body horror type, I’m kind of tempted to take on the idea of a “Cunty heart.”

9 years ago

Can anyone make any sense out of this? This is from a dude who calls himself John-Galt on Facebook, from the same comment thread I shared with the Cunty Heart troll.

[My name] PROVE what you say ‘with links’ – because that is proof?. If the CDC can fabricate a 1 in 5 rape lie then ‘proof’ is not a statistic it is what we see around us every day. What we see then are ALL feminists(with perhaps the exception of women like Christina Hoff Summers) pointedly ignoring MGM, male suicide, homelessness etc. The IRA tried that trick here in Northern Ireland by always claiming that ‘splinter groups’ or ‘radicals’ were responsible then using them as scapegoats while they continued a campaign of hate and violence. Feminism is a hate movement not just by it’s ideology(proven in pretty much all feminist literature) but by its actions. The MRM does not segregate based on sex, Feminism pointedly does as sure as someone who says that ‘all jews are the same’. Furthermore Feminism by its actions have proven over 50 years worth and more that it has no place dictating anything, least of all what men should believe. Not only does your movement have no credibility but it has a long history of lies and self praise – most often at the expense of men. Incidentally the reason why the UN is considered a feminist movement by many is because of its actions in claiming genital mutilation is only a female problem, just as the claim honour killings the same, despite the fact that 3/4 of them are men. They use mens’ natural instinct to protect to gather support and encourage women’s own gender preferences to garner votes. If your’re stupid enough to believe that Feminism speaks for women in the light of all that then talking to you is pointless. Feminism is a hate movement.

The first two sentences are especially baffling since all I did in my previous comments was ask the other dude to prove his claims. Also they’re just terrible English so I’ve no idea what he’s trying to say here.

(The UN thing is in reference to what the other guy did, which was when I asked him to prove ‘all feminists support MGM’ he linked me to a report that says the UN is approving of more circumcision in Africa to try and bring down the rates of HIV in men over there).

9 years ago

TIL that war was invented by feminists 150 years ago. Before that, all of humanity sat around, hand in hand, and never fought or got in an argument. 150 years ago, feminists decided that chill men were “fags”, invented violence, convinced Christianity (which is totally femaled controlled) to rewrite the bible, and convinced female chimps to force their males to go to war against each other.

The scope of power of feminism is truly terrifying. Five years after feminism unvented war for men and male chimps only, it convinced male fruit flies to die younger than female fruit flies with arguments of chivilary and white knights. Is nothing mle sacred to you, feminism?

9 years ago

*nothing male sacred

9 years ago

Wasn’t “My Cunty Heart” a county song? Or maybe a cuntry song….. XD

9 years ago

Country: “My Cunty Heart”

Goth/Punk: “Your Evil Black Corrupted Cunty Heart.”

Jazz Ballad: “She’s Got a Cunty Heart (And She Broke Mine)”

Pop: “Cunty Heart Party”

House: “Cunty Heart Forever [DJ Feminist Remix]”

Classical: “Cunty Heart Sonata in C”

Any other ideas?

9 years ago

Paradoxical Intention:

There’s a theory that ergot poisoning was a factor in the so-called “werewolf hysteria” in France.


John-Galt is basically saying, “Words mean whatever I want them to mean and I can’t come up with any actual facts or logic to support my claims. A lot of reality and facts directly contradict my worldview, so I’m going to claim that there’s a vast conspiracy in which feminists secretly control everything from the POTUS to the CDC to the UN. Nevermind how unrealistic that sounds, my worldview can’t possibly be wrong, so that must be the explanation!”

9 years ago

Not quite sure how I managed to blockquote a link…

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
9 years ago


What I want to know is: where were all these sex-mad girls who wanted unlimited hookups with male students when I was in university? And why do the MRAs want sex with men punished – isn’t that a bit self-defeating, especially when they’re all for getting the age of consent down to 13 or so?

I’m not sure either of these have an answer.

I know this is a facetious question, but imma answer anyway. We were there*; there weren’t a lot of us (that I know of) and we weren’t necessarily HB10s, but because of the ‘punishing sex with men’ thing you mention (slut shaming has always been a thing) we had to operate on the down-low. It was so frustrating to me to know that I would suffer socially if I wanted to openly give these guys what THEY constantly said they wanted!

So I became a super-sleuth with the super power that enabled me to find guys to have sex with who would keep it to themselves and who wanted to have fun sexy times with me as opposed to getting them from me. I was pretty damn good at it, too and I feel very fortunate because I’m sure not all the ‘sex-mad girls who wanted unlimited hookups’ were as lucky. I can’t state this as fact, because I never met anyone like myself in all those years, on the other hand, I sincerely doubt I was some sort of unicorn!

*”there” for me was the USAF, but I’m sure it applies to university as well as other places where young people find themselves in large groups.

9 years ago

I’m very glad that you could make it a positive experience for yourself 🙂 It’s… revolting and very self-defeating that we as males have somehow grown a culture that craves sex with women and then punishes them for their own sexuality.

I went to university in Britain, though, where we had hot-water bottles instead of sex.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

sunnysombrera | March 10, 2015 at 9:06 am

I forget who said it before, but it’s like they think that by screeching ‘CONTEXT!’ at us it’ll act like some sort of magic word that makes us shut up.

That might have been me. I do remember making a parody of The Raven about context.

sparky | March 10, 2015 at 1:10 pm

Paradoxical Intention:

There’s a theory that ergot poisoning was a factor in the so-called “werewolf hysteria” in France.

Huh. Well then.

History is fun, kids! You’ll learn all about how mold caused an entire town to turn on itself and have people murder people, and how it caused people to believe in werewolves!