a woman is always to blame alex jones antifeminism entitled babies imaginary oppression mansplaining mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men

Alex Jones heads further into MRAland with a video on "the antihuman transhumanist super-Nazis who are the feminazis.”

Is the bellicose conspiracy doofus Alex Jones moving further into Men’s Rights territory?

In this video, posted on his Infowars site today, Jones introduces a special report on what he calls the “bizarre excesses of the anti-human transhumanist super-Nazis who are the feminazis.”

In the report itself, Infowars’ Paul Watson – like Jones, a bit of a yeller — describes an evil plot spearheaded by Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and the National Basketball Association to – brace yourself – encourage men to do more housework and child care. This includes, Watson reports ominously, scrubbing the dishes and even doing laundry.

Is nothing sacred to these depraved superfeminazis? Don’t men already have enough chores to do? Indeed, as Watson notes, there are reports of men taking out the trash, shoveling snow and even mowing the lawns.

Never mind that surveys suggest that women do anywhere from twice to three times the amount of housework as men. Never mind that this includes working women, and even working mothers. Indeed, as Bryce Covert noted in a Nation piece last year, “even mothers who work full-time will still put in a week and a half’s worth more time on household tasks than their male partners each year.”

I’m sure Watson and Jones would dismiss all this evidence as femisupernazi propaganda. Indeed, Watson starts in on a very Men’s Rightsy rant about how men work more hours than women and do more dangerous jobs and so on and so on.

Never mind that even men who don’t work do less housework than women and that overall, if you add up paid work and housework, men work three hours less a week than women do.

Watson even throws suicide rates into the equation, as if the fact that men are more likely to succeed at suicide than women has anything to do with who is washing the dishes and changing the diapers.

“Isn’t it ironic,” Watson bellows,

that Sandberg, architect of the ‘ban bossy’ campaign is now bossing men on how to behave in the privacy of their own homes?

Uh, dude, the whole point of the “ban bossy” campaign was to point out that women invariably get called “bossy” for acting the same way as men who are invariably not described as bossy.

The fact that you’re calling her “bossy” for urging men to do more housework kind of proves her whole point.

After noting that Sandberg’s new campaign has a number of – gasp! – corporate sponsors, Watson declares that it

has nothing to do with advancing equality and everything to do with creating more division between the sexes through social engineering and the promotion of 

– wait for it –


Even the evil Hillary Clinton has signed on to the campaign.

Watson rails on about sky-high divorce rates – even thought the rate has been dropping for decades. But never mind:

Feminism has clearly been a disaster for relationships between men and women. Feminism is a cancer to marriage in America. This campaign is only going to lead to more pressure on men, more resentment, more arguments and the breakdown of more relationships.

So, in conclusion, I guess, women should never suggest that men do anything differently?

Apparently. Watson, after lecturing us all about the evils of feminism, demands that Sandberg et al,

stop lecturing people on how to behave in the privacy of their own [explosion sound effect] home.

Shouting now, he orders the nazisuperfemis

Stop being bossy by dictating how gender roles in household tasks should be decided upon by couples.

Dude, you’re sounding a little, dare I say it, bossy.

Stop implying that men are deficient or losers because they’re not doing enough laundry or not cleaning up enough dirty dishes …

And so on. His voice dripping with contempt, Watson continues on with his tirade, sounding like nothing so much as an angry Men’s Rights Redditor on a rampage. Jones, muttering incoherently into his microphone, can be heard over Watson’s rant.

Watson throws in a reference to “cutural marxism.” He describes Sandberg et al as “joyless feminist harpies.” Then the segment lurches to a halt and Jones starts up again, declaring the evil plot to get men to wash a few more dishes as “a plan to wreck women” and give more power to the “megabanks raping us.”

It’s a little weird to see dudes who think the world is run by Moloch-worshipping Illuminati parroting so many MRA talking points – or, in this case, yelling points.

It’s also a bit weird to realize that Watson’s “argument” is actually a good bit more coherent, and less obviously misogynistic, than the Youtube rantings of most MRAs. Hell, he didn’t even call Sandberg a bitch or, you know, that word that starts with c.

Jones et al may need to step up their game — and crank up the hatred —  if they really want to make inroads into the Men’s Rights movement.

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Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

I’m so glad you gave me that image, proxieme, because a) PRINCESS PONY and b) google searching it brought me an aweome John Oliver clip. Thanks! 😀

Though I am a little bummed that the guy with the pretty princess pony wasn’t Bobby Flay like I initially thought.

9 years ago

I hate living in a messy house more than I hate housework. I am also a FLYlady fan. Clutter makes my skin crawl and I used to have a problem with it. I disinfect as much as I can because it keeps us healthy. I live with pets and children. I just assume everything is swarming with e coli. I think housework is very important. That does not mean you can see yourself in my dishes or the my baseboards aren’t cruddy. You may even find a cobweb or three. We’ll live. A home does not have to be sterile and Better Homes and Gardens isn’t coming here to do a spread on my house anyway.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Oh, goody! Matthew’s back! And by “goody”, I mean “why are you still here”?

Matthew Chiglinsky | March 10, 2015 at 5:10 am

There isn’t one right answer for every couple. It’s not like there’s simply patriarchy or feminism. If a woman has a job, then obviously she has less time to do housework and so it should be more balanced. But if she DOESN’T have a job, then it would make sense for her to fall back into the traditional role of homemaker.

Why would it make “more sense” for a woman to fall back into the role of “homemaker”? What is it about women that makes us better at “homemaking”? (I, for one, suck at housework. I’m not good at keeping up with it because I don’t like doing it. It’s boring and tedious. I’ll cook, but that’s about it.)

Because it’s not “biology”. It’s social conditioning. Women have been “homemakers” because they were taught from a young age “that’s what you’re supposed to do”. You hear it all the time in old media “You can’t find a husband if you’re not a good cook!”, “Men don’t like a messy girl!”, ect.

Also, why should the woman settle back into all of the “homemaking”, simply because she’s looking for work, or chooses to be a stay-at-home mom? Why does that mean that the man of the house can’t help out a little more anyways? More “biotroofs”?

Also, on the “bossy” issue, it’s the same thing. Most women are not natural leaders. It’s just biology.

You know what this smacks of? “Women can’t be president because what if they’re on their period?! They could get cranky and just launch a nuclear strike whenever they want!”

You DO realize that men have hormonal cycles too, right?

And that women, despite being on their period, are still expected (unless it’s really bad that particular month) to act as if everything’s normal? And we do it all the time? I’m willing to bet you know a woman on her period right now.

I think the problem with feminism is this assumption that every woman should be reprogrammed to be a feminist, but most women are not and should not be feminists.

Ah yes, please tell me Mr. Manly, what your problem with feminism is. Because I really want to hear it. [/sarcasm]

Okay, one, no one is saying that feminism thinks every woman has to be a feminist. No one. Except you. The obvious non-feminist.

Two, do you have data for that “most women are not feminists” statement? Because I would like to know how many women, specifically, you mean by “most women”.

Three, no one cares about your opinion on who or who should not be a feminist besides you.

Or, here’s an idea. Feminists should never get married, because we (men) don’t want them.

Considering that many of us female feminists (funny how you ignore that there are, in fact, male feminists. I mean, you’re on a male feminist’s blog) have dated men before, are currently dating men, or are even married with children…*snicker*

I believe in both freedom and nature, but feminism seems to only care about the first one.

“Why don’t feminists believe in my biotroofs?! They’re full of truthiness!!!! Surely, I must be right about this because I am a man! No, it’s the feminists who are wrong!”

I believe in nature too. That’s why I’m very pro-green energy, and I like going to visit national parks when my budget allows. (I went to Muir Woods once for a field trip for my college science class and it was glorious.)

As for the nature you’re speaking of, human nature is fluid and ever-changing. It’s not a rigid set of rules that every human being must follow at all times or else they’re not homo sapiens anymore.

Of course, what you’re thinking of is society. Not nature. You and people who think like you are just upset that we’re not back in the 1950s, where the straight, white, cis-gendered Christian male was the be-all, end-all of humanity, and everyone else was “quiet” and “knew their place”.

Not surprising that those of us who didn’t meet one or all of those criteria said “fuck that”, and started to make noise in favor of change.

9 years ago

How do MRAs manage to say such terrible things that simultaneously sound hilarious and silly? “Antihuman transhumanist super-Nazi who are the feminazis.” I can’t.

9 years ago


Please do, I laughed muchly.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Flying Mouse | March 10, 2015 at 2:53 pm

Though I am a little bummed that the guy with the pretty princess pony wasn’t Bobby Flay like I initially thought.

That wasn’t Bobby Flay? 🙁

Now I’m sad. I wanted to see Bobby Flay with a pink princess pony…

9 years ago

“Antihuman Transhumanist Super-Nazi Who are the Feminazis”

Okay, this has to be the name of Bina’s goth-cowpunk band, the one whose first song is gonna be, “Your Evil Black Corrupted Cunty Heart”.

9 years ago

Orange is the New Black Corrupted Cunty Heart

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

@ParadoxialIntention – IKR? Bobby Flay really needs to work that into his next cooking show. Maybe the pony can be his wisecracking sidekick.

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

I don’t know why I consistently slaughter you ‘nym, Paradoxical Intention. I need to just copy-pasta from here on out. Sorry 🙁

Michael Lindsay
9 years ago

Wait, transhumanist now?

Aren’t they the ultra-nerds who want to upload their brains into supercomputers to live in cyber-heaven. How is feminism remotely, distantly, in any way shape or form transhumanist, huh-eh, what? Seriously. What?

9 years ago

It is from a spectacular John Oliver clip 😀

In fact, I couldn’t find it with a quick (half-assed) search, so I found the video and took a screenshot.

Here’s the other screenshot I took:

And here’s the reactions of Jean Luc Picard and Riker to just about everything chronicled about the MRM:

(I actually had it on my phone to use re: Lindsey Graham, a member of the Senate Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law never having sent an email in his life.)

Reg Roper
Reg Roper
9 years ago
Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Flying Mouse | March 10, 2015 at 6:01 pm

I don’t know why I consistently slaughter you ‘nym, Paradoxical Intention. I need to just copy-pasta from here on out. Sorry 🙁

Aw, it’s totes fine, Mouse! 😀

If it helps, Paradoxy, Paradox, or Para all work just fine too (As long as another ‘nym with Paradox in it doesn’t come around)!

Bobby Flay really needs to work that into his next cooking show. Maybe the pony can be his wisecracking sidekick.

I hope he does. He’s got a lot going on right now though. He’s doing commercials for Fage yogurt, and he’s got quite a few shows on both Food Network and Cooking Channel.

Since we only have one of those on our satellite package though (Food Network), I can’t watch some of the good stuff like Good Eats with Alton Brown, or Throwdown, where Bobby Flay challenges other people to their best dishes. >3<

9 years ago

Meanwhile, on the MGTOW comment section:


Turk manvor 5 Monaten (bearbeitet)

Why i went MGTOW ? because female nature is selfish , self serving , greedy, manipulative , they’re almost reptilian.

I’ve been loving , sweet to women … only to be broken hearted and treated like garbage back , i know my self worth , an a great person , with caring and nurturing qualities ( and people say this about most women HA ! ) , helpful, but as i learned from years of bullshit from the opposite sex to be aware , and untrustworthy.

Oh women have all the power.(# # yeah really, fuck you##)

who choices weather you are in a romantic relationship or not ? women (## he has a weird view on relationships and men##)

Daddy government taking care of her if she pops one too many kids ( yeah she doesn’t have an ulterior motive for having so many kids except for love , not to live off of the tax payers no of course not * note the sarcasm * )
(## because THATS such a horrible thing! How dare the government helps people who are not male!## and women get totally kids because of…errr… the money##)


Why is she believe without evidence on a rape allegation ?

wearing revealing cloths to attract a man ..admittedly there is power in the female form , and they know this , that’s why it’s funny to me how they say they ” just like dressing that way

” it’s obvious what there intentions are (### intentions to be raped/harassed?? or just wanting to look sexy and still be treaten like human..maybe?##)

… it’s only harassment if the guy that is looking at them isn’t attractive to them. (### or if he is a cat, miau!##)

Ahhh yes that old chest nut , men being in ” power ” …. the question is …. who benefits from the laws and policies from it …. women , biased family court , child custody etc.


I don’t even know how to comprehend this disgusting words….they doesnt make any sense….

This comment has 50 upvotes.

9 years ago

Meanwhile in the MGTOW comment section:· ‘reffering to evil ”dead beat mom”’ (while blaming women for being single moms…and Dead beat moms….and married moms……)

mec locvor
all whores should be fucking slapped

Adam Gheevor

mec locvor
+Adam Ghee: you know I am right

Adam Gheevor
+mec: loc​: you are

mec locvor
+Adam Ghee: lol

mec locvor
+Nagaserpent Killer: hahahaha exactly

james zurichvor
We need a new genocide on whores

Nagaserpent Killervor
+james zurich: Now you are talking my language.War on feminism,these bitches want the same rights as men; so why not fight them like we do men! 

mec locvor 6 Stunden
+Nagaserpent Killer: whenever you wanna get it started count me in.

Alina Stettevor
+mec loc: you sound abusive, but what to expect from a mgtow.

mec locvor
+Alina Stette 🙁 I am a good guy who has been done wrong by many women. You have no idea…I would tell you but I know you would not care..but what do you expect from a anti-mgtow ( feminist probably)?

-…………..yeah of course the poor guy got butthurt by some chick and tries to kill these ”whores” now…

reminds me of elliot Rodger

9 years ago

According to these two articles, men and women apparently put in the same number of work hours
-Reg Roper

Since you give no context here with where you’re going with this, let me point out that I already covered this. yes, men and women work the same amount; men more in paid work, women more in housework and childcare. Yes, those all count as “work” in those studies.

Again, saying “men, you generally need to spend more time doing housework” is generally pretty fucking unfair considering that work hours, paid and unpaid, should be equal between partners.

Re: Lea, unless you live in a hospital or are cleaning guano off of your roof, disinfecting your home statistically doesn’t prevent much illness. (Don’t let the marketing peeps at lysol or Clorox find me!) The exceptions are for cleaning up puke or diarrhea; disinfecting makes a pretty big dent in rotavirus transmission. And of course you should try to keep kids hands clean when out in public, and be careful with food, since that’s where all the germs come in. Quite frankly you and the kids are prolly already immune to any doggy and kiddy E.Coli found in the rest of the house. 😉

Look, when I say that the standards of housework should be lowered, I don’t mean that you should be using Hoarders as your housework muse; I just mean that IMO women shouldn’t be using house porn as seen in magazines and TV either. Mess makes us uncomfortable because we are in a habit of neat. Humans haven’t always been this clean, and no, I’m not suggesting that we make cholera the new thing. there is a happy medium.

Of course, people are free to do whatever they want. Want to be a super neat freak and spend 1000 hours a week scrubbing the house? Cool, just don’t bitch if zie partner doesn’t feel the same way. And don’t raise society’s bar on what constitutes “good enough” for everyone else so high. 🙂

9 years ago

Oh, I got wonky with my writing in the last paragraph. That should be in 3rd person, I just read that and realized that it sounded like I was was speaking directly to a specific someone when I meant to be speaking to a general non-person.

9 years ago

I think that a lot of feminists want dudes to do more housework and childcare because those things, in our current domestic setup, generally 1) don’t pay and 2) don’t even count as meaningful work or life experience. If you pick up poop and launder towels and organize the backroom at the animal shelter, you can put that on a resume; if you do it for your own family you might as well have been doing nothing at all.

So a situation in which a man works for pay 5 more hours a week while the woman spends 5 more hours doing housework is a “fair” exchange on the surface, but a pretty bad deal for the woman, long term. Add that up over the course of a lifetime and multiply it by a couple billion women and it’s like, well gosh; small wonder women still struggle. All that invisible labor takes a real toll. If men did more unpaid housework and childcare, it seems reasonable to me that more women would have the wherewithal to do more paid labor and reap the long-term rewards.

on an individual level it sounds petty, but where’s that amazing piece by the 70s feminist who was like, oh, well, if it’s so PETTY, then why’n’t ya find the mop, Nigel? All of a sudden he’s a seething mass of resentment. Always cracks me right up.

The “lower the standards” gambit works… to a point, for some people. But it has major limitations, because there’s a pretty definite lower limit on how bad you (general you) can let things get before it meaningfully impacts the functioning of the household. I’m not talking ’bout cholera. I’m talking about workflow and resource management.

9 years ago

Oh, here it is. Every time I read it I laugh and laugh!

(I’m not complaining on my own behalf, mind you. I’m sincerely grateful that my own husband pulls his weight and then some on the housework front! Now to recruit the children on a more regular basis…)

9 years ago

I had never heard “transhumanism” before. Along with “super-Nazis” and “anti-human”, I though they were referring to a comic book.

So you don’t have a copy of one of my favourite book titles on your shelf. We had it for years in a prominent position and it always made me smile.

Great Mambo Chicken And The Transhuman Condition is a little dated now, but it’s worth having just for the title.

9 years ago

Did I ask for you to advise me? I made very good grades in microbiology. I’ve worked with animal rescues and taken animal health and pre-vet classes. I have NA and some nursing training. I have been a housekeeper in a hotel and in private homes. Why would you assume I need you to school me on how to clean my house? It’s condescending and I’d rather you not. I’m not ignorant nor do I need cleaning or any other tips from you.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
9 years ago

I am a good guy

… who wants large scale violence against women, because of bad personal experience with them (gee, I wonder why). These people are goddamn vile – and that they themselves genuinely think they are “nice people” is just pathetic.

9 years ago

Matthew Manlyman’s biotroofing reminded me of this stanza by Charlotte Gilman*:
“Cried all, ‘Before such things can come
You idiotic child,
.You must *alter human nature!*’
And they all sat back and smiled.”

Bloviations such as his also make me grateful to have had the parents I did – they did not stuff my head full of dangerous nonsense like that.

*Yes, the woman who wrote “The Yellow Wallpaper”.

9 years ago

Wait, where the hell does transhumanism come into this?