a woman is always to blame alex jones antifeminism entitled babies imaginary oppression mansplaining mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men

Alex Jones heads further into MRAland with a video on "the antihuman transhumanist super-Nazis who are the feminazis.”

Is the bellicose conspiracy doofus Alex Jones moving further into Men’s Rights territory?

In this video, posted on his Infowars site today, Jones introduces a special report on what he calls the “bizarre excesses of the anti-human transhumanist super-Nazis who are the feminazis.”

In the report itself, Infowars’ Paul Watson – like Jones, a bit of a yeller — describes an evil plot spearheaded by Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and the National Basketball Association to – brace yourself – encourage men to do more housework and child care. This includes, Watson reports ominously, scrubbing the dishes and even doing laundry.

Is nothing sacred to these depraved superfeminazis? Don’t men already have enough chores to do? Indeed, as Watson notes, there are reports of men taking out the trash, shoveling snow and even mowing the lawns.

Never mind that surveys suggest that women do anywhere from twice to three times the amount of housework as men. Never mind that this includes working women, and even working mothers. Indeed, as Bryce Covert noted in a Nation piece last year, “even mothers who work full-time will still put in a week and a half’s worth more time on household tasks than their male partners each year.”

I’m sure Watson and Jones would dismiss all this evidence as femisupernazi propaganda. Indeed, Watson starts in on a very Men’s Rightsy rant about how men work more hours than women and do more dangerous jobs and so on and so on.

Never mind that even men who don’t work do less housework than women and that overall, if you add up paid work and housework, men work three hours less a week than women do.

Watson even throws suicide rates into the equation, as if the fact that men are more likely to succeed at suicide than women has anything to do with who is washing the dishes and changing the diapers.

“Isn’t it ironic,” Watson bellows,

that Sandberg, architect of the ‘ban bossy’ campaign is now bossing men on how to behave in the privacy of their own homes?

Uh, dude, the whole point of the “ban bossy” campaign was to point out that women invariably get called “bossy” for acting the same way as men who are invariably not described as bossy.

The fact that you’re calling her “bossy” for urging men to do more housework kind of proves her whole point.

After noting that Sandberg’s new campaign has a number of – gasp! – corporate sponsors, Watson declares that it

has nothing to do with advancing equality and everything to do with creating more division between the sexes through social engineering and the promotion of 

– wait for it –


Even the evil Hillary Clinton has signed on to the campaign.

Watson rails on about sky-high divorce rates – even thought the rate has been dropping for decades. But never mind:

Feminism has clearly been a disaster for relationships between men and women. Feminism is a cancer to marriage in America. This campaign is only going to lead to more pressure on men, more resentment, more arguments and the breakdown of more relationships.

So, in conclusion, I guess, women should never suggest that men do anything differently?

Apparently. Watson, after lecturing us all about the evils of feminism, demands that Sandberg et al,

stop lecturing people on how to behave in the privacy of their own [explosion sound effect] home.

Shouting now, he orders the nazisuperfemis

Stop being bossy by dictating how gender roles in household tasks should be decided upon by couples.

Dude, you’re sounding a little, dare I say it, bossy.

Stop implying that men are deficient or losers because they’re not doing enough laundry or not cleaning up enough dirty dishes …

And so on. His voice dripping with contempt, Watson continues on with his tirade, sounding like nothing so much as an angry Men’s Rights Redditor on a rampage. Jones, muttering incoherently into his microphone, can be heard over Watson’s rant.

Watson throws in a reference to “cutural marxism.” He describes Sandberg et al as “joyless feminist harpies.” Then the segment lurches to a halt and Jones starts up again, declaring the evil plot to get men to wash a few more dishes as “a plan to wreck women” and give more power to the “megabanks raping us.”

It’s a little weird to see dudes who think the world is run by Moloch-worshipping Illuminati parroting so many MRA talking points – or, in this case, yelling points.

It’s also a bit weird to realize that Watson’s “argument” is actually a good bit more coherent, and less obviously misogynistic, than the Youtube rantings of most MRAs. Hell, he didn’t even call Sandberg a bitch or, you know, that word that starts with c.

Jones et al may need to step up their game — and crank up the hatred —  if they really want to make inroads into the Men’s Rights movement.

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9 years ago

I really wanted to past the link of this article on the video, but I made the mistake of reading the comments! O.o The level of support for this video is astounding. No way I’m going to do that now. I would have got flamed for sure! (and the comment section of this article would have got flamed, too) Nothing gets more hate on Youtube than feminism. The MRM is deeply entrenched there.

9 years ago

ParadoxicalIntent-Is he married? If he is, I feel so sorry for the poor wife…..

9 years ago

@suffrajitsu: Cultural Marxism is basically a conspiracy theory belief that left wing values were created by a marxist think tank in the 1930s to subvert traditional western values.

9 years ago

So evil… housework… worse than slavery, worse than death!

Bernardo Soares
Bernardo Soares
9 years ago

Re: Cultural Marxism
They use it as a one-size-fits-all boogeyman, but there really is a strain of marxism that gives culture a bigger role in the development of society. Basically, this started with Antonio Gramsci and György Lukacs in the 1920s. Particularly Gramsci (who had died in fascist prison without publishing a book) was rediscovered after the War through his prison notebooks, in which he insists on taking culture seriously as a factor in revolution (mainly because he had realised the power the Catholic Church held over workers in Italy) and develops the notions of ideology and hegemony with which we are familiar today. Cultural Studies, drawing partly from Gramsci, was a decidedly marxist project in the beginning. Althusser, Foucault, Deleuze all draw from marxist theory.

Although I don’t know of anybody who would call themselves “cultural marxist”, this is what they mean when they talk about the conspiracy. They think that talking about influencing culture in such a way that society changes is sneaky and conspiratorial. Funnily enough, a part of the extreme right (the so-called “New Right” or “Nouvelle Droite”, because it started in France) in the 70s decided to read Gramsci and translate the strategies they found there to their own political agenda.

9 years ago

I shudder to think about the level of squalor these paragons of manhood live in- plus, their neighbours might get an infestation of six-legged cockroaches as well.

9 years ago

Well, huh. That can’t be right.

My feminist friend Katie is perfectly nice. Yah, sucks, boo to people calling her nasty names like that.

Matthew Chiglinsky
9 years ago

There isn’t one right answer for every couple. It’s not like there’s simply patriarchy or feminism. If a woman has a job, then obviously she has less time to do housework and so it should be more balanced. But if she DOESN’T have a job, then it would make sense for her to fall back into the traditional role of homemaker.

Also, on the “bossy” issue, it’s the same thing. Most women are not natural leaders. It’s just biology.

I think the problem with feminism is this assumption that every woman should be reprogrammed to be a feminist, but most women are not and should not be feminists.

Or, here’s an idea. Feminists should never get married, because we (men) don’t want them.

I believe in both freedom and nature, but feminism seems to only care about the first one.

9 years ago

Megabanks made me cook a delicious meal last night. Thanks, Megabanks! 🙂

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

I don’t understand how feminazis can also be Marxists.

Or, for that matter, what an “antihumanist trans-humanist super-Nazi feminazi” even is. Is that better or worse than a trans-Nazi super-Feminist humanazi?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
9 years ago

Well, the Nazis were the National Socialist German Workers Party, so obviously Nazis and Marxists are the same thing. Obama is also a fascist Communist. It is STEMlogic.

Megabanks made me cook a delicious meal last night. Thanks, Megabanks! 🙂

Lucky! I’m still waiting for Megabanks to make good on their promise to make my husband do the dishes. He’s gone on a business trip until the end of the month and keeps using that as an excuse. C’mon, Megabanks, step it up! Things are getting a little gross around here, and I’m running out of clean forks.

9 years ago

Good stuff. xD Was kind of waiting for it from him. The MRM represents such a sizey online audience for clownball entertainers like Jones to pander to, I’d be surprised if he didn’t jump on board sooner or later.

@Elliott Rogers Was A Terrorist

Here’s my guess: It’s an example of how teh femanazzis take advantage of men who are vulnerable to low self esteem in order to win them over to the mangina army, and a promotion of fat acceptance for the misandry cherry on top!

9 years ago

Bossy= strong woman

Strong men= strong men…

Its ridiculous. ..

9 years ago

Crank magnetism at its very finest.

9 years ago

What a baby. A woman suggests he should wash a few dishes and fold his own socks and he starts screaming that it’s the end of the world. He’s so angry that a woman might be telling him what to do IN HIS OWN HOME. (Which may or may not be on the beach.)

I bet dating him is like doing time.

9 years ago

I have known for years that getting my sons to participate in the housework *that they mostly create* would turn them into manginas of the highest order. My 18yo even irons his OWN clothes every morning – THAT is how oppressed he is by the yoke of the feminazi conspiracy! My 15yo actually CHOOSES to do the washing up, so indocrinated is he to my complete and utter dominance of his will. Last night he even helped me make dinner!

Goodness knows how they will cope in the outside world, being able to look after themselves and clear up their own messes.

I still do ALL the shopping, 90% of the cooking, 50% of the cleaning, pay the bills, ensure their safety, mentor them when necessary, and the thousand other things necessary. Funnily enough all this has created an extremely harmonious family environment, they are sweet and affectionate to me, snipe at each other constantly, have interesting opinions about the world etc etc. And I did it all on my own.

These stupid fuckers can take a running jump. If a man feels emasculated because he is expected to clean up after himself his problem is NOT feminism!

9 years ago

… Also, what in the remote-controlled flying fuckcopter does transhumanism have to do with anything? We’re women, not bloody genetically-engineered cyborgs.

9 years ago

I bet dollars to donoughts that the same men who shit their pants (and refuse to wash them) about having to wash some dishes are the very same men who rail against “lazy” and “spoiled” stay at home moms who have the audacity to admit that they find housework to be drudgey. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander boys; don’t bitch about how tiring and shitty housework is and then expect every woman to be this stereotypical 50s housewife that smiles wildy in a daze as she starches her man’s slippers.

With that being said, those time logs are being a little bit misrepresented. Men may be doing less housework, but *in general* they’re doing more paid work, so rants about how men *in general* need to do more housework are *in general* pretty poor form. Most husbands, with children, are already under terrible amounts of pressure to work more hours from their bosses, and terrible pressure from our patriariarchial society to be the perfect breadwinner, and then terrible pressure from home to be super involved with their children and good husbands for their wives, and yadda yadda yadda yadda. Yes, I know that women are under their own set of terrible pressures, and *some* men are just plain old lazy, but again, statistics show that, *in general*, men are pretty overworked as well, and just like with women, something’s going to have to give.

The solution; fuck housework. Yes, some housework is necessary to live a healthy life, but the cleanliness standards in our society are over the top. If you can generally walk through your house, don’t need a biohazard team to clean up, and can eat dinner and change clothes every day, good enough. No-ones ever died in history from unmade beds or messy counters. Men shouldn’t be doing *more* housework, women should do *less*, and not be view as being “lazy” for doing so.

9 years ago

suffrajitsu | March 9, 2015 at 9:38 pm

The housework gap is one reason I have a little bit of an issue with how often people use “family court bias” as an example of prejudice against men. The different expectations of men and women in domestic work and childcare *is* a very real symptom of patriarchy, mind you, and I personally don’t blame individual men who have been conditioned to have lower standards of how much housework they have to chip in, but I mean, let’s be realistic: play the numbers game and in most cases the spouse that puts in more hours with PTA, kids’ extracurricular activities, taking leave when the kids are sick etc. is going to get custody.

Again, not that it’s not a real issue. Just that it’s not as extreme an example of sexism against men as it’s often made out to be.

I’m gonna step in here–there is no family court bias in favor of mothers. Instead, what there is, is a bias in favor of the parent who shows up and asks for custody. Depending on the study, between 50 and 80 percent of fathers never even try for custody, or give it up in the early rounds of discussions (typically, this would be right after they get an agreement that they get the house or car, I suspect).

In fact, in cases where an arbiter or family court judge actually has to make a determination on custody, invariably the judge is far more likely to award sole custody to the father than the mother (joint custody is also quite common).

Now, there may be some cultural biases that lead to this in the first place. Men are taught not to view themselves as nurturing caregivers; many divorce attorneys likely still advise their male clients not to fight for custody, instead going for a more favorable material settlement; men may have bought into the myth of pro-mother bias and felt they had no chance. Dear lurking MRAs: We have a name for the source of these biases. It’s called the Patriarchy. Look it up, dipshits.

9 years ago

*Note that I think society needs to agree on new cleanliness standards first. If men want to marry supermom, then its only fair that they get stuck being superdad.

Doesn’t it suck, boys?

Also, fuck typos. 🙁

9 years ago

So evil… housework… worse than slavery, worse than death!

That’s why they expect women to do it. We are their Untermenschen, their sub-humans. Our places are the kitchen, the church, the children’s nursery…because if a man sets foot in there in a non-authoritarian context, his penis automatically dries up and crumbles to dust.

Oh lordy, who’s the fucking Nazi, again?

9 years ago


From my experience, most men don’t want custody because primary custody means that they would have to make sacrifices and cut backs at work. Of course that sucks, so they don’t want to do that.

Our whole society’s approach to childcare is all fucked up. There will always be sacrifices involed in raising children, on the parts of both society and individuals, but instead of just admitting to this so we can find ways to deal with it we just shame eveyone who is not us because we can’t admit that having children kind of sucks.

Children really are the best and the worst things to happen to you. They change everything, even your view if your own mortality.

9 years ago

@Leda Atomica: I’ve read some good explanations of what is meant by “cultural marxism” as they use it (obviously they have zero experience with any actual Marxist theory).

It generally starts with Theorists like Gramsci and some others in the early 20th century who argued the need for cultural change before the marxist revolution could occur and that part of this would come from academia.

The logical leap by the conspiracy squad comes when they assert that did in fact occur. They argue that among refugees from the war were Marxists who infiltrated American academia and cultural institutions (or any institution that’s useful for the current argument) and began to subvert good wholesome American values with godless, socialist, anti-capitalist, anti-corporate, feminist, anti-racist (etc etc) values.

Depending on which tinfoil lover you ask this is either to weaken America with these “inferior” (or divisive or whatever else) values or these values are themselves marxist in nature and set the stage for their evil revolution.

Cultural Marxism is therefore a one size fits all excuse to hate anything progressive people do because they’re trying to “destroy our values” not for any of the good reasons progressives give, but because they are either agents or tools of a vast marxist plot.

It’s easy to see how it hooks people in with certain historical facts being true but then it makes huge leaps of logic to allow this conspiracy to exist without many people ever recanting, confessing or leaking in almost a century of tireless efforts to shape culture by being College professors and Hollywood writers or Feminists or whatever else.

9 years ago

Well, so if feminism is such an antithesis to traditional marriage (as they always seem to claim)… then maybe there is something wrong with traditional marriage?

Ya know, just an idea…

9 years ago

Wait is being transhumanist evil now? Cause I can’t wait for the singularity and to download my brain into a computer simulation of my favorite RPG. Or give my self animal based superpowers withe gene-tweaking or hell just chrome me right up and get me my bionics.

Who opposes that stuff?