a woman is always to blame alex jones antifeminism entitled babies imaginary oppression mansplaining mantrum men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men

Alex Jones heads further into MRAland with a video on "the antihuman transhumanist super-Nazis who are the feminazis.”

Is the bellicose conspiracy doofus Alex Jones moving further into Men’s Rights territory?

In this video, posted on his Infowars site today, Jones introduces a special report on what he calls the “bizarre excesses of the anti-human transhumanist super-Nazis who are the feminazis.”

In the report itself, Infowars’ Paul Watson – like Jones, a bit of a yeller — describes an evil plot spearheaded by Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and the National Basketball Association to – brace yourself – encourage men to do more housework and child care. This includes, Watson reports ominously, scrubbing the dishes and even doing laundry.

Is nothing sacred to these depraved superfeminazis? Don’t men already have enough chores to do? Indeed, as Watson notes, there are reports of men taking out the trash, shoveling snow and even mowing the lawns.

Never mind that surveys suggest that women do anywhere from twice to three times the amount of housework as men. Never mind that this includes working women, and even working mothers. Indeed, as Bryce Covert noted in a Nation piece last year, “even mothers who work full-time will still put in a week and a half’s worth more time on household tasks than their male partners each year.”

I’m sure Watson and Jones would dismiss all this evidence as femisupernazi propaganda. Indeed, Watson starts in on a very Men’s Rightsy rant about how men work more hours than women and do more dangerous jobs and so on and so on.

Never mind that even men who don’t work do less housework than women and that overall, if you add up paid work and housework, men work three hours less a week than women do.

Watson even throws suicide rates into the equation, as if the fact that men are more likely to succeed at suicide than women has anything to do with who is washing the dishes and changing the diapers.

“Isn’t it ironic,” Watson bellows,

that Sandberg, architect of the ‘ban bossy’ campaign is now bossing men on how to behave in the privacy of their own homes?

Uh, dude, the whole point of the “ban bossy” campaign was to point out that women invariably get called “bossy” for acting the same way as men who are invariably not described as bossy.

The fact that you’re calling her “bossy” for urging men to do more housework kind of proves her whole point.

After noting that Sandberg’s new campaign has a number of – gasp! – corporate sponsors, Watson declares that it

has nothing to do with advancing equality and everything to do with creating more division between the sexes through social engineering and the promotion of 

– wait for it –


Even the evil Hillary Clinton has signed on to the campaign.

Watson rails on about sky-high divorce rates – even thought the rate has been dropping for decades. But never mind:

Feminism has clearly been a disaster for relationships between men and women. Feminism is a cancer to marriage in America. This campaign is only going to lead to more pressure on men, more resentment, more arguments and the breakdown of more relationships.

So, in conclusion, I guess, women should never suggest that men do anything differently?

Apparently. Watson, after lecturing us all about the evils of feminism, demands that Sandberg et al,

stop lecturing people on how to behave in the privacy of their own [explosion sound effect] home.

Shouting now, he orders the nazisuperfemis

Stop being bossy by dictating how gender roles in household tasks should be decided upon by couples.

Dude, you’re sounding a little, dare I say it, bossy.

Stop implying that men are deficient or losers because they’re not doing enough laundry or not cleaning up enough dirty dishes …

And so on. His voice dripping with contempt, Watson continues on with his tirade, sounding like nothing so much as an angry Men’s Rights Redditor on a rampage. Jones, muttering incoherently into his microphone, can be heard over Watson’s rant.

Watson throws in a reference to “cutural marxism.” He describes Sandberg et al as “joyless feminist harpies.” Then the segment lurches to a halt and Jones starts up again, declaring the evil plot to get men to wash a few more dishes as “a plan to wreck women” and give more power to the “megabanks raping us.”

It’s a little weird to see dudes who think the world is run by Moloch-worshipping Illuminati parroting so many MRA talking points – or, in this case, yelling points.

It’s also a bit weird to realize that Watson’s “argument” is actually a good bit more coherent, and less obviously misogynistic, than the Youtube rantings of most MRAs. Hell, he didn’t even call Sandberg a bitch or, you know, that word that starts with c.

Jones et al may need to step up their game — and crank up the hatred —  if they really want to make inroads into the Men’s Rights movement.

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9 years ago

I’d reckon that it isn’t necessarily Jones and Watson who are trending towards sounding like MRAs, but rather that MRA rhetoric draws upon taken-for-granted misconceptions that are prevalent throughout common discourse. It becomes easy for these ideas to be included in their talk when dorks like Alex Jones get all worked up.

Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
9 years ago

It’s ironic that he calls feminists transhumanists, considering that many of the biggest supporters of transhumanism are actually neoreactionaries at sites like LessWrong and MoreRight.

9 years ago

Watson sounds like a kid whining about how “unfair” it is that his mom makes him clean up his room.

The great thing about kids, though, is that they usually grow out of it.

9 years ago

Further proof that some forms of fanaticism have much the same effect as methamphetamine.

ſoǝ Klǝɯɯǝɹ (@JoeKlemmer)

@Sparky –

Heh, still waiting for my 18yo son to grow out of it. (Yes, I know… This is an inane post. I am the prince of inanity)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
9 years ago

Wait, what does washing dishes have to do with megabanks?

Should I switch to bitdetergent?

9 years ago

Wash your dishes and do your laundry = cultural Marxism and feminazi-ism. And they call us hysterical.

Paradoxical Intention
9 years ago

Watson: “I don’t want to have to do more dishes! I’m the man, damnit!”

Watson’s wife (I hope not, holy crap): “I take care of the kids, I work, and I still do a lot of the housework! All I’m asking is for a little help around the house!”

Watson: “Stop bossing me around, feminazi! You’re not my mom! You can’t tell me what to do! I’ll yell about you and the other feminazis on YouTube! That’ll show everyone how unfair you are!”

9 years ago

Watson throws in a reference to “cutural marxism.” He describes Sandberg et al as “joyless feminist harpies.” Then the segment lurches to a halt and Jones starts up again, declaring the evil plot to get men to wash a few more dishes as “a plan to wreck women” and give more power to the “megabanks raping us.”

Well, Watson (in dire need of a Holmes), which is it? “Cultural Marxism” (which is not an actual thing, as Marxism is a politico-economic philosophy that doesn’t touch on culture), or “megabanks raping us”? Because an actual Marxist is opposed to bankster-rapey shit, y’know. If you’re going to declare yourself to be against things, you might want to take an actual coherent stance. (It wouldn’t hurt if you could be against an actual thing, instead of a straw-thing, either.)

9 years ago

The housework gap is one reason I have a little bit of an issue with how often people use “family court bias” as an example of prejudice against men. The different expectations of men and women in domestic work and childcare *is* a very real symptom of patriarchy, mind you, and I personally don’t blame individual men who have been conditioned to have lower standards of how much housework they have to chip in, but I mean, let’s be realistic: play the numbers game and in most cases the spouse that puts in more hours with PTA, kids’ extracurricular activities, taking leave when the kids are sick etc. is going to get custody.

Again, not that it’s not a real issue. Just that it’s not as extreme an example of sexism against men as it’s often made out to be.

9 years ago

Whoa wait a minute! I literally just finished the dishes and now you people tell me it was all because of a secret cabal of megabankers pushing misandry on me? I knew it!

9 years ago

Robteix’s comment wins the internet.

9 years ago

He describes Sandberg et al as “joyless feminist harpies.”

Of course the first word that comes to mind when I think of Alex Jones and his followers is joyful. They definitely seem fun.

Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
9 years ago

I’m wondering how the Manosphere guys reacted to Dancing Man.

Dancing Man was being ridiculed by the (largely male) 4chan posters because of his weight. The post went viral, and most of the people who sympathized with him were women.

Then, a group of several thousand women donated money to throw a party for him so he could dance without being bullied. They invited several celebrities and Ellie Goulding, among others, is planning to perform there.

I just don’t see how one could possibly explain this whole sequence of events if the Manospherians’ worldview is true.

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

There’s a great doco on Jones and other conspiracy devotees called New World Order. It’s sympathetic to its subjects (who are depicted as generally well-intentioned and intelligent, if misguided), but Jones is most the only one whose beliefs are evidently compounded by other issues (though they aren’t speculated on). The sequence where he is convinced he’s going to be “taken out” and forces the whole doco crew to change hotels in the middle of the night is very telling.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@Ghost Robot: That sounds familiar, I feel like I may have started to watch it and fell asleep or wandered off or ran out of wine or something. I need to revisit it, see if I’ve still got it saved somewhere. Do I remember a guy selling or giving away DVD’s or something? Exposing conspiracies?

Also, this is a completely different matter but what do they (antifeminist types) mean when they say Cultural Marxism? I hear it thrown around everywhere but I’ve no idea what it means when they say it. And based on a number of conversations I’m not too sure they have a very clear idea either.

9 years ago

Uhh, so this is my first comment here (I’ve been following for a few months), and I wish it was to say something more profound. I’m just wondering–is there actually a reason he calls them transhumanists, or is this just another case of using whatever fancy words he thinks he knows to sound intelligent? I ask because I’m not watching that video. I rarely watch videos of things I’m interested in, I’m not going to watch a misogynist.
[Also, I tried to comment earlier, but maybe it didn’t get through? I dunno, it did this weird thing on me where when I entered my info it insisted on logging me into WordPress. Or maybe it was awaiting moderation for some reason? Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate comment.]

Ghost Robot
Ghost Robot
9 years ago

@Leda Atomica: Yep, I recall that bit. I think it can be found on YouTube, on an account belonging to the film’s production company, so it’s not a pirated version, as far as I’m aware.

Leda Atomica
Leda Atomica
9 years ago

@Ghost Robot: Thanks, I’ll check their youtube, wasn’t in my digibox anymore.

9 years ago

MRAs, when the people happiest to give you a platform outside the bubble literally believe that Obama and the Queen of England are shape-shifting alien lizards with mind control powers, it might be time to finally admit that you’re just another sub-group of right-wing conspiracy theorists.

9 years ago

As a transhumanist myself these kinds of conspiracy theories always amuse me.

Where’s my illuminati membership card? Did it get lost in the mail?

9 years ago

@Leda Atomica: as far as I can tell, “Cultural Marxism” is the supposed SJW belief in cultural policing in the name of a phony ideal of egalitarianism, but I confess I’m not entirely sure either as 99% of the time the term is used, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Marxism.

9 years ago

“Watson sounds like a kid whining about how “unfair” it is that his mom makes him clean up his room.

The great thing about kids, though, is that they usually grow out of it.”

And those that don’t, become MRAs. 😀

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