The things I do for you people.
Over the past few days I’ve been catching up with the small flood of Youtube videos that have come out that deal with l’affaire Sarkeesian Effect Breakup. The result is that I’ve spent so much time listening to Davis Aurini explain his terrible side of the story that he’s invaded my dreams.
And I mean that literally: the night before last, I dreamt I ran across a grouchy and dispirited Aurini sitting alone at a table in McDonald’s. When he saw me he declared “don’t even think about trying to sit with me!” As if, dude!
Later in the same dream I was performing improv theater dressed as a hippie, but I doubt you’re interested in hearing more about that, so I’ll keep it confined to my dream diary.
Anyhoo, so I thought I would share a few of the more watchable Sarkeesian Effect videos.
I am aware that not all of you will have the time or inclination to watch all or even any of these videos, so I’m interspersing them with videos of tiny puppies trying to navigate stairs that are bigger than they are. Enjoy!
In this video, am angry Sarkeesian Effect supporter and Reaxxion writer laments that the implosion of the project might (gasp!) lead to Anita Sarkeesian having a good day. Well, her and “all the other SJW shitheads and all their little degenerate fucking beta cuck army of white knight assholes.” Skip ahead to 4:25 for that nugget. I’m tempted to make “Degenerate Beta Cuck Army of White Knight Assholes” t-shirts.
The videomaker later posted a lengthy interview with Aurini. So if you’re into that sort of thing — I don’t judge — you can take a listen. He followed this up with an exasperated and disillusioned third video in which he declared that the Sarkeesian Effect exes look like a couple of “squabbling children.”
Speaking of children, here’s an assortment of dog children — that is, puppies — facing stairs for the first time.
Here, Matt Forney, a leading contender for worst person on the internet, also interviews Aurini at length. The first seven or so minutes of the video, originally streamed live, are derailed by technical difficulties. So if you’ve ever wanted to hear an irritated and incompetent Matt Forney awkwardly try to avoid dead air while repeatedly trying and failing to connect to Davis Aurini on Skype, this is the video for you! (Next time, maybe get your interviewee on the line before going live?)
Here a tiny army of tiny puppies launch a tiny assault on a tiny set of stairs.
Here the clownish far-right pontificator Bernard Chapin suggests that the real lesson here is “never trust a leftist.” Because in his mind the libertarian Jordan Owen is a “leftist.” In other news, night is day and fish are birds.
Here a leftist six-month-old puppy teaches an 8-week-old puppy how to go down stairs.
Here, someone who supports the “messages” of The Sarkeesian Effect blasts both Aurini and Owen, declaring that “neither of you are qualified to do [this] project” and that Aurini is a “pseudointellectual windbag that spews word salad in an attempt to make himself sound sophisticated and intelligent.” As pleasurable as it is to hear a #GamerGater type launch into the two, there’s also some nasty stuff about Sarkeesian and some viciously transphobic crap about Brianna Wu, so be warned.
Here one fearless puppy and one nervous puppy tackle a set of stairs, with the help of an older dog.
Let me finish off with a little poll.
Did he accidentally buy a car? It could happen to anyone.
I voted for “Dog poop” because my feminist friend Katie told me to.
“Degenerate Beta Cuck Army of White Knight Assholes”
What a coincidence! That’s the name of my band!
Wow. Some more highlights from the Forney video:
* They clearly want to push the narrative of “Jordan is having a mental breakdown and needs help. Don’t be mad at him – feel sorry for him”. But they can’t even bring themselves to stick to this fairly simple plan. Every time they’re about to say they feel sorry for Owen, they stop themselves and change it to righteous anger.
* They constantly try to paint Owen as an SJW. So they presumably discovered this just a few days ago? Seems like they understand this is a bit of a tough sell even with their gullible audience, so at one point they qualify by saying “he’s not a full on SJW”. But wait, if this break-up is all down to Owen’s supposed mental illness, that means Aurini would’ve been fine working with an SJW just as long as he’s not mentally ill? As usual, I can’t follow this shit.
* Aurini reveals that Owen wanted to end the movie with a 10-minute unedited John Galt speech. Cool idea, bro.
* Aurini says he’s been doing professional editing for a long time. Not only with his own youtube videos, but also with this other project which he can’t remember the name of. Hahahahahahaha.
* Aurini reveals that “breast cancer is a scam”. Huh?
* Aurini brags about being able to figure out how a documentary would end before actually seeing the ending, which totally proves he understands movies.
* Aurini suggests Owen “needs a spanking”.
* Aurini says Owen is not a pretty boy, but he has rugged good looks.
This has been the highlight of my day. 🙂
This is actually a line of reasoning I can follow and somewhat get behind. I imagine Aurini means that the fact that breast cancer gets more funding than prostrate cancer, or is just angry that it’s getting any at all because it mostly benefits women.
Breast cancer itself is not a scam, it’s a terrible, terrible thing. It’s how other people handle it that’s scammy.
Susan G. Komen’s CEO, for example, makes over 600K a year, and they take their donations to sue other “competing” charities who have “similar branding”. So these smaller charities have to take their donation money to hire a lawyer to defend themselves.
Then there’s all the “pink ribbon” merchandise that goes out every October. Only a smidgen of the proceeds for each of those products goes to charity, and most of them pay their dues to Komen.
For instance, while I occasionally watch WWE wrestling, every October, they trot out their poster boy, John Cena, with an announcement about their line of pink shirts for breast cancer awareness month, but only 20% of the proceeds for those shirts go to charity, and they’re a huge supporter of Susan G. Komen. In all honesty, if they donated 100% of the proceeds for just the pink shirts to another organization, I’d feel so much better about the whole thing.
There’s a documentary about it, in case anyone wanted more info on the topic: Pink Ribbon Inc.
And here’s some other organizations you can support instead of Susan G. Komen: http://jezebel.com/5884724/how-to-support-breast-cancer-without-supporting-komen
Also, I don’t support any charity that uses a phrase like “Save second base”. That makes it more about the boobies than it does about the people they’re attached to, and there’s so many women out there who have to get their breasts removed to save their lives, and they only end up being ignored by their lovers because they’re not “attractive” anymore.
[/Paradox’s Teal Dear about Breast Cancer]
Oh boy! Now I’m going to have nightmares with that creepy Aurini kittie
That’s actually great news. My dad didn’t have a physically painful, emotionally draining, and ultimately fatal medical condition, it was all a feminazi conspiracy to get the big buck$. Excuse me while I go tell him that he can quit being dead now.
@Paradoxical Intention
If only he had said any of that stuff instead of “breast cancer is a scam”. :p
I did know that there are problems with the pink ribbon campaign and Susan G. Komen, and to be honest I think Aurini might even have mentioned that particular movie (not sure, I’d have to listen to the “interview” again, and I won’t), so maybe he did have something semi-intelligent thoughts on this topic – who knows? But given his track record I won’t give him that sort of credit unless he actually demonstrates the relevant understanding.
What happened to Matt Forney post?
Um… Never mind. Sorry.
My queendom for a coffee!
Sorry about your dad, Flying Mouse. 🙁
re: kittens v puppies: It’s the little claws and accordion bodies!
Also, the heroic mews of strength!
re: “breast cancer is a scam”: I’ve heard that line of reasoning before.
“The Komen Foundation is corrupt —> breast cancer is a scam.”
No, chucklehead, that just means that some opportunistic people have preyed upon people’s sympathy for and fear of a horrible thing in order to line their own pockets.
*hands conspiracy theorist a “people suck” button*
Welcome to adulthood.
Thanks, Ice and Indigo. He’s been gone for over ten years now, but it still cooks my grits when these guys start in with “look at how much money breast cancer gets, and it’s a wimmenz conspiracy” garbage.
Men *do* get breast cancer, and if they’re like my dad they struggle extra with that diagnosis because it’s coded female (if you have a woman’s disease, how can you be a real man?). How ’bout a little support and affirmation for those men instead of dismissal? I haven’t seen any mention of male breast cancer victims from the manosphere, though if it’s there I’d be really happy to be proven wrong.
A-freaking-men, ParidoxicalIntent. The whole pinkwashing phenomenon makes me ragey. I don’t know how much lower you can go than profiting off of someone else’s illness, which – pittance for charity excluded – is what a lot of the October pink merchandise deluge basically is . And the Komen foundation is just terrible, I go out of my way to NOT buy anything that might support them.
Sort of related: Barbara Ehrenreich wrote an essay about how feminism made open talk about breast cancer possible, but at the same time how infantalizing a lot of “pink ribbon culture” can be. It’s a good read.
I never dreamed that anything could ever threaten the OT3 status of MRAs x coal miners x free weights in my heart, but now that Davis/Jordan + dog poop is in the running, I just don’t know what to think anymore. It’s all just so fucking sexy.
RE: Dreadnought
Using “SJW” as an insult makes as much sense as attempting to slight someone because they’re against infanticide.
It reminds me of how Pervocracy once said that you can’t say a neutral or positive thing in a nasty voice and instantly make it nasty. I think it was intended to be a play on the ‘weekend warrior’ or ‘keyboard warrior’ thing, but I don’t think it quite works.
RE: Xanthe
Hi all, I must confess to all here present, that I voted for Aurini
There, there. We forgive you.
RE: PussyPowerTantrum
And mangina, don’t forget. Also possibly cockubine?
Oh man, my hubby desperately wants to be a cockubine. He says he’s bi, so he magically gets the title.
(Also, alas, the magazine rejected the story you betaed for me. Thanks for helping!)
RE: Flying Mouse
Excuse me while I go tell him that he can quit being dead now.
I’m sure your father would be thrilled to hear!
RE: Flying Mouse
Here, here. Obviously, I had top surgery for reasons other than cancer, but seeing how both my grandmothers have had breast cancer and my mother had to watch out, not gonna lie, I am NOT sorry to have decreased my cancer risk. (Not eliminated, obviously and unfortunately, but still, drastically reduced.)
A couple of things I noticed after watching the non-kittie videos above.
Aurini keeps repeating how he’s not going to tell everyone about things he knows about Jordan because they’re not relevant. And he keeps alluding to them. All. The. Time.
re: the videos of the futurama guy there. I find it hilarious how important they believe this film is. It’s like they honestly believe that they are uncovering some massive conspiracy that will finally convince the world that men are victims of an all-powerful matriarchy.
@Paradoxical Intention:
Further, they’ll somehow twist it to be her fault. Because, I don’t know, her body parts made him do it.
that’s really interesting, thanks! I really thought this was kind of fixed knowledge. But yeah, HD is genetic and I guess breeders tell you all kinds of stuff to not acknowledge the fact that it’s basically breeding itself that produces certain illnesses. Nevertheless, I loved my giant Schnauzer.
Re: pink ribbons
Barbara Ehrenreich is the best! My mother had breast cancer and quickly learned to shy away from people who told her to “think positive.” Luckily, she found a good support group. And even more luckily, she was allowed to take part in experimental hormone therapy, which is much, much less painful than chemo.
What is it with these guys and shitty youtube videos? Even if your livestream is basically ten minutes of “Oh shit, I didn’t plan any of this in advance”, why can you not just edit that out when uploading it on youtube? I mean, seriously, all it takes is one click. Editing is misandry, I guess.
Yeah, riiight.
I voted Dog Poop because we have an incidental chance of seeing a dog.
RE: Moggie
I meant that it just doesn’t make logical sense. People DO it all the time.
RE: Bernardo Soares
My mother had breast cancer and quickly learned to shy away from people who told her to “think positive.”
Ugh, I LOATHE that whole ‘thinking positive’ thing. Sometimes, no, you really just need to get mad or sad and realize you’re in a shitty situation. It’s fine if you manage to keep your chin up, but I can’t fault anyone for being down or miserable WHEN THEY HAVE CANCER. I’m not going to ask them to pretend they’re happy when they’re not, just to make things easier on ME.
OMG, even in other people’s dreams, the dude can’t stop negging. That’s pretty sad.
Also, what is it with the LOOOOOONG videos they all seem to favor? No wonder no one likes them — these guys are windier than the streets of Chicago!
BTW, while breast cancer does receive more funding than prostate cancer, the gap closes considerably if you factor in both frequency and 5-year fatality rates. If I recall, the frequency was pretty close between them, but fatality rates for prostate cancer were considerably lower. There’s still a discrepancy, but that doesn’t make breast cancer research funding a scam, it just means that prostate cancer funding needs an increase. But of course, these asshats insist that everything is a zero-sum game.
@Sparky – Justforyou: http://youtu.be/g2ah2mwo1oM