The things I do for you people.
Over the past few days I’ve been catching up with the small flood of Youtube videos that have come out that deal with l’affaire Sarkeesian Effect Breakup. The result is that I’ve spent so much time listening to Davis Aurini explain his terrible side of the story that he’s invaded my dreams.
And I mean that literally: the night before last, I dreamt I ran across a grouchy and dispirited Aurini sitting alone at a table in McDonald’s. When he saw me he declared “don’t even think about trying to sit with me!” As if, dude!
Later in the same dream I was performing improv theater dressed as a hippie, but I doubt you’re interested in hearing more about that, so I’ll keep it confined to my dream diary.
Anyhoo, so I thought I would share a few of the more watchable Sarkeesian Effect videos.
I am aware that not all of you will have the time or inclination to watch all or even any of these videos, so I’m interspersing them with videos of tiny puppies trying to navigate stairs that are bigger than they are. Enjoy!
In this video, am angry Sarkeesian Effect supporter and Reaxxion writer laments that the implosion of the project might (gasp!) lead to Anita Sarkeesian having a good day. Well, her and “all the other SJW shitheads and all their little degenerate fucking beta cuck army of white knight assholes.” Skip ahead to 4:25 for that nugget. I’m tempted to make “Degenerate Beta Cuck Army of White Knight Assholes” t-shirts.
The videomaker later posted a lengthy interview with Aurini. So if you’re into that sort of thing — I don’t judge — you can take a listen. He followed this up with an exasperated and disillusioned third video in which he declared that the Sarkeesian Effect exes look like a couple of “squabbling children.”
Speaking of children, here’s an assortment of dog children — that is, puppies — facing stairs for the first time.
Here, Matt Forney, a leading contender for worst person on the internet, also interviews Aurini at length. The first seven or so minutes of the video, originally streamed live, are derailed by technical difficulties. So if you’ve ever wanted to hear an irritated and incompetent Matt Forney awkwardly try to avoid dead air while repeatedly trying and failing to connect to Davis Aurini on Skype, this is the video for you! (Next time, maybe get your interviewee on the line before going live?)
Here a tiny army of tiny puppies launch a tiny assault on a tiny set of stairs.
Here the clownish far-right pontificator Bernard Chapin suggests that the real lesson here is “never trust a leftist.” Because in his mind the libertarian Jordan Owen is a “leftist.” In other news, night is day and fish are birds.
Here a leftist six-month-old puppy teaches an 8-week-old puppy how to go down stairs.
Here, someone who supports the “messages” of The Sarkeesian Effect blasts both Aurini and Owen, declaring that “neither of you are qualified to do [this] project” and that Aurini is a “pseudointellectual windbag that spews word salad in an attempt to make himself sound sophisticated and intelligent.” As pleasurable as it is to hear a #GamerGater type launch into the two, there’s also some nasty stuff about Sarkeesian and some viciously transphobic crap about Brianna Wu, so be warned.
Here one fearless puppy and one nervous puppy tackle a set of stairs, with the help of an older dog.
Let me finish off with a little poll.
I had to go with poo because the question was of qualifications. Truth is we kind of need to see Aurini do more action scenes. Because the last super extra ninja cool fight added 3 years to my life, and with the amounts I drink every bit counts.
I live in an apartment block with a large dog who refuses to go any direction on “open” stairs. (I have no idea if there is a word for them in English, but you know, the kind of stairs that you can see under each step?) So when the lift is broken I have five floors of carrying 30 kilos of protesting dog. Actually it may be closer to 60 kg, dogs have an ability to double their weight when they don’t want to be lifted.
Holy heck, does Aurini have a hard on for Roosh or what?
I imagine him saying about Roosh: “You can take my life, but you can never take away my high opinion of THIS MAN!”
Also, why does Aurini sound like a muppet? Is it done on purpose?
“An admitted racist who’s deified an admitted rapist” is a pretty good summation of the moronosphere as a whole, really.
OK David, ‘fess up.
You’ve been lighting candles, crossing all your fingers and toesies, and casting spells and curses and incantations to make this fustercluck happen, haven’t you.
Even you couldn’t have predicted exactly how much of a clusterfuck it would turn out to be. I think you should put away those things and not play with them again.
One of the videos has Aurini claiming that Roosh isn’t a PUA. He says Roosh just talks about Game.
What are words?
But could the puppies get laid in Denmark?
People, used to say that, yeah, And I guess a lot of people still do. However, AFAIK no research has been able to confirm any link between hip dysplasia and walking in stairs. The only study I know of found the opposite correlation (although that, as always, does not imply causation – perhaps most dogs who were allowed to walk in stairs lived in houses whilst most dogs being carried lived in apartments, for instance, and there are further differences in lifestyle between house- and apartment dogs).
What we do know is that genetics play a big part, but in order to really get the frequency of hip dysplasia down it’s very much insufficient for a breeder to only breed parental animals who are free from dysplasia. One must choose free parental animals, whose parents were also free, and who had mostly free siblings. The latter may be fairly tricky if you live in a country where your kennel club doesn’t encourage the X-raying of non-breeding animals or keep any conscientious records of X-ray results for dogs, but it’s necessary if you really want to get the frequency down.
I suspect that many breeders want to hang on to the idea that the most important hip dysplasia factors are things that the puppy buyers do, such as letting the dog walk in stairs or feeding them kibble rather than a raw diet, rather than something the breeder does, such as breeding an animal with several siblings with hip dysplasia.
Shaenon | March 9, 2015 at 2:07 am
I don’t know about you, but I find that a love of small animals always gets me in with the ladies. And gents. And people of other genders.
We all sit around and play with the puppies and kitties and ferrets. It’s great.
Never before have I been so proud of being a beta cuck white knight.
And mangina, don’t forget. Also possibly cockubine? I think the last one applies if you get birthday texts from your female friends.
No guilt here: this has been glorious. It was obvious from the first seconds of unveiled footage that they were about as capable of making a technically proficient and commercially releasable documentary as my daughter’s hamster, so it’s been clear for months that this project would collapse in ignominy at some point – but the sheer amount of WTFery has been amazing.
I mean, how disconnected from reality do you have to be to think that blowing a substantial chunk of your crowdfunded budget on a car is a good idea? Even without the rather crucial factor that you’re setting yourself up as an exemplar of ethical behaviour in journalism?
And splitting up because of a difference of opinion over Roosh V’s rape theories?
And making all this public?
I don’t know about you, but when I’ve had impassioned professional disagreements, I don’t merely not put them out on social media, I don’t even put them on private email – I have them out in person, face to face, with no recording devices present.
Don’t worry, I’m sure the supporters of this charade will find some way to justify Aruini’s expenditures while simultaneously decrying Anita for not documenting every red cent she spends on her project.
After all, it’s totally okay when a man (who despises Anita Sarkeesian as much as they do, otherwise he’s a simpering beta cuckubine) does it!
My father looks and acts exactly like the protagonist of Basic Instructions. It’s uncanny.
I voted Dog Poop, but from those two, I hope Owen doesn’t make the video because it will probably have shower scenes with him =/
I think their recent infatuation with the word ‘cuckold’ really is emblematic of the whole Woman-Hating Internet Shitbag movement. It’s a position that would elicit sympathy from most people, but they use it as an insult; most of them apparently don’t know what it means, as they throw it around so randomly, regardless of whether the target is even in a relationship; and while it’s a word that has existed for centuries, the first they heard of it was when it became a genre of porn.
Rightwingers have long since repurposed and rewritten MLK as “one of the good ones”. They have this fever dream in which he politely asked white people to give him some rights as long as he was very nice and then sat quietly and waited for them to do so. Now they bring up imagination MLK every time they want to berate a minority for protesting a thing.
I voted for poop! Thanx for all these cute puppy videos, too! <3
I figured the poop would be able to make the most unbiased piece.
I watched the puppies.
Thank you, David.
Team Poop all the way!
Of course, despite Imagination MLK being so meek and respectful of white people, he still got shot in the face. It’s tough being an imaginary black hero in America.
Loved the beginning of that Matt Forney vid, where he’s being oppressed by Google+. He’s so frustrated, you can tell he’s so close to blaming the technical difficulties on feminists and manginas.
Hahahaha. “Sounds like you’re speaking through a tin can.” Dude, that’s how he always sounds!!!
“Degenerate Beta Cuck Army of White Knight Assholes”
What a coincidence! That’s the name of my band!
Oh god I’m gonna die listening to this Matt Forney thing. @15:30 or so, Aurini says they wasted a lot of money for reasons that were “really nobody’s fault”. The example he gives is picking a hotel way out in Queens when they visited NYC for some reason or other, and apparently they had no way of knowing that Queens is not in Manhattan. Nope, no way of knowing this at all. Wtf is google btw?