alpha males bad boys creepy douchebaggery men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill

Win A Date With a Red Pill Douchebag (Plus bonus Taylor Swift/Ninch Inch Nails mashup video)

I found this video on the alternately entertaining and infuriating Blue Pill subreddit, devoted to mocking Red Pill horribleness. In it, a perfectly nice young woman relates a comically terrible date with a dude who’s obviously been reading too many Red Pill/PUA websites.

Ironically, she went out with him because he sent her a note about Taylor Swift. I’m sure he thought it was a super-clever neg. Unaware that she was dealing with a massive shithead, she thought that he, like her, actually liked Taylor Swift. I guess that’s what she gets for not assuming that all guys are shitheads?

If you’re not into watching videos, a Blue Piller gives a detailed rundown of the woman’s story here.

The unfurtunate woman should probably send her douchebag date a link to the video below; I suspect he’d be horrified that some mean person had sullied his precious Nine Inch Nails (because you just know he’s a fan) by mashing up one of their songs with the terrible Taylor.

Oh, and while I’m at it, here’s an amazingly catchy NIN/Carly Rae Jepsen mashup, which I have to say is a massive improvement on the highly overrated NIN original. (Sorry, Dean Esmay, but it had to be said.) I’ve literally listened to it four times while writing/formatting this post.

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10 years ago


10 years ago

The rationalization hamsters of the YouTube commenters pretending that she was the real problem are spinning fast.

10 years ago

Thank you for the Reddit link! YT creates in me the urge to read the comments and they’re almost always horrific.That poor woman having her time wasted like that. And is NIN an MRA thing now? That would be sad. I loved them in high school and have random nostalgia moments, sometimes. Also, dude seems like the type to hate pop music because it’s pop. Groce.

10 years ago

Sorry for the mispost T_T I meant to say, the YouTube comments are hilarious and depressing. I couldn’t imagine anyone having a beef with her points, yet the comments section was full of Manospherians taking her to task for feeling entitled to be treated like a queen (WTF?) and being a gold-digger (LOLWHUT). Fortunately these commenters had a lot of pushback, but these vocal few sure do post a lot. Seriously, mad props to the young woman for her poise and confidence. I’m, like, oodles older than she is and only recently learning to stand up for myself.

10 years ago

They ruined the reputation of games players and tried to do it to metal as well – Nine Inch Nails would be a small target by comparison D:

Shortly after I met my now-wife I discovered that my favourite band Iron Savior had ruined one of her favourite musicians’ songs, This Flight Tonight by Joni Mitchell. I think it was a great bonding experience for the both of us.

10 years ago

I’m taking gaming back! And metal! And fedoras and trilbies! (Unpopular opinion, I know but I adore them both.)
MRA’s can have propellor beanies and Himalayan salt lamps.

andrea harris
10 years ago

Those are both catchy tunes! As for “red pillers” they are sad creeps, which is not news.

10 years ago

It seems that mashing up NIN with anything is an improvement.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago

I couldn’t bring myself to read the YouTube comments, but I can imagine it’s the usual assortment of Forever Alone morons who think a woman wanting basic kindness and respect is being a “princess”.

Cthulhu's Intern
10 years ago

Wow. Just reading red pill tactics sound ridiculous enough, but they sound even worse when they’re actually described being applied.

What do you think the terper said next day after that? About how he got laid on Tinder with some Taylor Swift fan?

10 years ago

“Phone covers are for poor people.” HAHAHA. Oh my God. That is hilarious.

Sad, but hilarious.

10 years ago

I totally disagree with her ‘being treated like a queen’ attitude, but the rest of it seems reasonable. Expecting someone to talk to you, make eye contact with you and not be on his phone or telling you to get him a beer is just basic stuff – that is not princessy attitude.

10 years ago

Buttercup Q. Skullpants | March 7, 2015 at 7:10 pm

I couldn’t bring myself to read the YouTube comments, but I can imagine it’s the usual assortment of Forever Alone morons who think a woman wanting basic kindness and respect is being a “princess”.

The Reddit link David provided did have some examples of YouTube comments in it at the end of the story.

You were absolutely correct. Here’s some of them:

So in other words, he didn’t suck up to you? I guess those long locks and skinny ass makes you someone to worship. Guess what? I’d get bored of you pretty quickly too!!!!!

“Because being treated with a smidgen of respect and some basic human decency is “sucking up”! How dare you feeeemales ask for such things of us! We shouldn’t have to suck up to you to get laid!

And how dare you be boring! Feeemales are supposed to be entertaining to men at all times!”

Why should anyone care? How many guys have you ‘swiped’ on Tinder because they weren’t good enough for you. Sounds like you’re a gold-digger and thought you’d get lucky but learned that rich guys tend to be assholes the hard way. I’m sure he put up photos that gave off the sign that he was wealthy. Good you got burned. I treat people the way they treat me. If you’re good to me, I’ll be the same, vice versa….the rest I don’t care about. Since the fact is that most women wouldn’t give most guys the time of days-so most women and guys don’t deserve our sympathy-which includes you.

“You should have known that rich men are all assholes! It’s all your fault! You just wanted his money!

I treat people good if they treat me good (but women are all bitches so I treat them as such all the time, even if they’re nice to me because OBVIOUSLY they’re just being nice to me for my money)!”

Sounds like you’re the problem here, if there is any truth to this story. You’re a dating coach? Your ego is massive and it’s majorly unattractive.

“I didn’t even watch the video, but I know you must have asked for some basic respect and thus, you’re in the wrong because wanting basic respect is the sign of a huge ego and I don’t want to put my wee-wee in you!”

Cool guy, that’s what you get when you expect to be treated as a princess on a date. Your turn to talk about stuff and not wait for questions.

“Of course it wasn’t his fault, he’s rich (and a dude), and therefore he’s awesome! You shouldn’t have asked for respect, and you should have spoken up and interrupted his diatribe about how awesome he is and how he just wants to give you unsolicited advice about your work and how much money you make!”

Basically, if you’re not a millionaire then don’t even bother dating. Yeah. fuck women.

“I didn’t watch the video either, but a feeeemale made it, so I’m going to assume she banged the guy even though she said he was terrible and she didn’t bother going home with him because he’s rich and all women are gold-diggers.”

I kind of want to do a social experiment where a guy relays this exact same story, except it’s about him dating a woman he met on Tinder who bragged about how much money she made and wouldn’t shut up about herself and how she tried to get the guy drunk because he said he was a lightweight.

I already know the results though.

10 years ago

Thank you for introducing me to Amy Young. I kind of love her right now.

I shouldn’t have read the comments on that video though. How can anyone listen to that story and think that she is the reason the date was bad?

10 years ago
Reply to  ej

They hate women. They feel it’s their duty to have sex with them to prove their masculinity to other dudes. Or something like that.

10 years ago

I found this in the YouTube comments:

Proof that nice guys finish last. It pays to be a dick. I don’t know who you are, but the world would be a better place if women stopped incentivizing assholes and stopped punishing good guys. That guy probably has been friend zoned most of his life, and realized the secret in his early 20’s, and has been swimming in p*ssy ever since.

How exactly is this proof that nice guys finish last? He was a dick, so she didn’t go home with him and he didn’t get laid!

This kind of logic hurts my brain.

10 years ago

This has nothing to do with red pill.

I love the Johnny Cash cover of Hurt. Watching the video for it, it really seems like he knew he was about to die. It stirs up feels every time I watch it.

10 years ago

I’ll be really upset if NIN has become an MRA thing. I really enjoy NIN and “The Downward Spiral” was my entry into Industrial.

I really want these misogynists out of my video games, out of my historical hats, and out of my music!

10 years ago

ej | March 7, 2015 at 7:41 pm

I found this in the YouTube comments:

Proof that nice guys finish last. It pays to be a dick. I don’t know who you are, but the world would be a better place if women stopped incentivizing assholes and stopped punishing good guys. That guy probably has been friend zoned most of his life, and realized the secret in his early 20’s, and has been swimming in p*ssy ever since.

How exactly is this proof that nice guys finish last? He was a dick, so she didn’t go home with him and he didn’t get laid!

This kind of logic hurts my brain.

She literally says “This guy was a terrifyingly gigantic fucknugget, and women should stop giving guys an incentive for rude behavior by kowtowing to them when they’re assholes because the patriarchy tells you you have to be kind to guys no matter what.” and this guy comes along and says “See? it pays to be a dick!”

I have no words. I sincerely hope someone explained the video to him, because he either didn’t watch it, or he did and obviously missed the point.

10 years ago

I was going to respond, but that comment is 2 months old, so I’m not going to bother.

10 years ago

Shortly after I met my now-wife I discovered that my favourite band Iron Savior had ruined one of her favourite musicians’ songs, This Flight Tonight by Joni Mitchell. I think it was a great bonding experience for the both of us.

Perhaps this is more her speed? It certainly does it for me:

Also, those mashups are super catchy. They improve NIN no end.

10 years ago


That is the perfect gif response to that comment. There’s just nothing you can say.

10 years ago

I love that this PUAsshole tried to act like she barely existed in person, pretended to ditch when it turned out he was waiting for her, then skipped straight to nonstop pestering after she had enough of his rude ass. A note to “play it aloof” d-bags, if you’re desperate, there’s nothing you can do to hide your desperation. You just end up looking like an obvious fool trying to strategize his way into someone’s pants.

10 years ago

held me up at ass-point!

Amazing. 1 internet for you.

10 years ago

Dammt, that was for the gynocentric post.

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