Noted Men’s Human Rights Activist Paul Elam reported, in a statement earlier this week, that “female gynocentrics” are smelly, lazy prostitutes who assault men with their cleavage and expect men to pick up the tab. Elam believes we live in a “gynocentric” culture, and seems to believe that most women and possibly most men are “gynocentric,” which means (if I remember this correctly) that they worship gynecologists.
I may not be remembering that correctly.
It is believed that Elam’s mention of the alleged smell of female gynocentrists is a reference to vaginal odor. A Voice for Men illustrated his statement with a photo of a “Taco 12 Pack” from Taco Bell. Vaginas are sometimes casually referred to as “tacos” because they traditionally contain a spicy meat or fish filling, as well as an assortment of other foodstuffs that can include cheese, onions, lettuce, tomato, cilantro and/or salsa. (I may not be remembering this correctly either.)
In his statement, titled “12 ways to spot a female gynocentrist (other than the smell in the room),” Elam explains that the gynocentric female, among other things,
insists on taking the softest, lowest paying job she can, uses that as the excuse for depending on men to finance her social life, and bitches endlessly that she is not being paid fairly.
She talks to you while wearing a blouse cut so low you can see her navel, then leans over directly in front of you to indignantly point out where her eyes are. …
She spends 45 minutes at dinner reminding you she does not need a man, then looks the other way when the check arrives …
She expects you to lavish her with wining, dining and expensive gifts, just to spend time with her, then looks you in the eye and denies she is a prostitute. …
When you put a stack of irrefutable evidence and logic in front her that everything forming her worldview is false, she falls silent, starts to tremble, then suddenly turns into Captain Queeg.
Gynocentrism, Elam explains, is funded by a mysterious source known as “Daddums” — much as Elam’s blogging career has been funded in part by “Long-suffering Girlfriendums” — and enabled by gynocentric males who “are standing there with their thumbs up their butts, allowing it to happen.”
Elam and his collegues at A Voice for Men are not thought to have anything blocking their butts, which serve as the source for most of their information about the world.
I hope this isn’t unforgivably off-topic, I just thought it was superb and don’t remember anyone having linked to it yet: http://rockstardinosaurpirateprincess.com/2015/03/02/consent-not-actually-that-complicated/
My feminist friend Katie caused the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary extinction event, which is why it’s often called the KT event.
I can’t read the post – it’s all alphabet salad. I can read the messages and the quote in the post, but not the post itself. I’m reading this on my Galaxy Tab 3
A+ archaeology pun, would LOL again.
Well played.
Well, that explains the stench that always seems to waft off of everything a Menz Rightzer ever says. When it isn’t coming from their heads, which always look like they’ve been dragged backwards through a…something.
@A Mighty Teapot Also off-topic
The guy in this story http://www.worldwideweirdnews.com/2015/02/27-w112507.html could really have benefited from that lesson. But consent is hard, threatening your partner with a knife and then burning down your own house is so much simpler…
What kind of person burns his own house down cause his partner doesn’t want to have sex?
@A Mighty Teapot
I saw that the other day and it’s fantastic! The analogy about making tea as a way to explain consent just works so well.
My feminist friend Katie liked it too.
Being a patriarch will all of the privileges and none of the responsibilities is precisely what Paul Elam wants. And that is why he accuses women of wanting it.
As to this OP, he has a (self-imposed?) weekly quota of nasty things to write about women, and he vaguely remembered this old date-from-hell episode from a bad sitcom (written by a man, of course). After all, the manosphere will complain if he’s more than 97% repetitive.
The other thing about ‘soft’ jobs is that A LOT of men have soft jobs! I have known many security guards, all men, and they absolutely sit on their arses all day, or night! Loads of men do desk jobs, and when I have worked in offices the laziest people were usually the men. Those ‘really manly’ jobs like logging and deep sea fishing don’t exactly employ millions. Most men do not do hard physical labour for their job.
Kate Minter – so you are saying that Manospherians have a very restricted pool of women that they date? Anti feminist, gold digging, hypocritical women. And somehow these are the only women that the Manospherians mostly date? It is more likely that these bozos are just lying.
Yeah, I wonder if Manospherians’ girlfriends are mostly of the Lennay Kekua variety.
Oh, and the KT/Katie event is technically paleontology, not archaeology.
Translation: When Paulie throws down with a Gish Gallop of gobbledygook that only makes sense to guys who wouldn’t know good sense if it bit them on the crotch, the poor dear is stunned into speechlessness by the sheer enormity of the bullshit-pile. Then she starts to feel queasy, but manages to keep it together long enough to say a civil goodnight, and skedaddle. Then Paulie gets mad that she bailed, and claims she tempted him with her cleavage, even when she double-stick-taped her neckline in place so that he couldn’t possibly have seen any. Which of course is a total bitch move, right?
Whenever someone refers to him as Paulie I always think of Pauly Shore. There are few things I would hate more than a night of Pauly Shore ‘entertainment’, but it is definitely preferable to a date with Paul ‘women have stinky vaginas and are usually prostitutes’ Elam.
There have been times when I could not stop staring down a woman’s shirt. It was called being 16, she was busty, and in a bikini. And I knew I shouldn’t do that and I nearly burst a blood vesicle in my eyes trying to keep focused on her eyes. Not once did I ever blame her for it.
It’s been said before on this thread but this:
“Elam and his collegues at A Voice for Men are not thought to have anything blocking their butts, which serve as the source for most of their information about the world.”
Made me literally laugh out loud, which I almost never do. Well played.
As someone who isn’t straight, I’m really uncomfortable with the insinuations that Elam et al are gay.
Held up at ass-point is my new favorite phrase.
Even though I am straight, I’m with you. Although gay men are certainly capable of misogyny, being gay doesn’t cause it and saying misogynistic things doesn’t indicate gayness.
NonServiam I agree. I don’t know why some seem to consider that the go-to explanation for these bozos’ attitudes.
No, I don’t think it is fair to lump in the MRAs in with gay men–that is a nasty stereotype and anyway they are way too obsessed with women. But that gave me ideas–they seem to be straight men who don’t really want to be straight (not that they want to be gay, but they just hate women too much) and so the “smelly vagina” stuff is all about trying to train themselves not to be sexually attracted to women.
Good luck with that, assholes. It doesn’t work for gay people either.
Pffft. THIS is how you assault someone with your cleavage:
Nth-ing Nonserviam.
I think I have the perfect feeemale response to Paulie.
Thee Headcoatees – Fish Pie: http://youtu.be/NwQ2ou2rOo0
I seriously doubt Paul and co are gay, vaginaphobia is very common among male misogynists (who are typically horrified by periods as well), which I think is because of how vaginas are seen as a specific mark of femininity. It reminds me of that bit in Transformers 4 where the heroes find an imprisoned vagina robot, talk about how disgusting it is, think the slime it gets on one of them is somehow dangerous and then shoot it in the face.