antifeminism entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil women female beep boop gynocracy icky lady fluids men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam vaginas

Men's Rights leader: "Gynocentric" females are lazy prostitutes with smelly vaginas who assault men with their cleavage

Temple of Gynocentrism
Temple of Gynocentrism

Noted Men’s Human Rights Activist Paul Elam reported, in a statement earlier this week, that “female gynocentrics” are smelly, lazy prostitutes who assault men with their cleavage and expect men to pick up the tab. Elam believes we live in a “gynocentric” culture, and seems to believe that most women and possibly most men are “gynocentric,” which means (if I remember this correctly) that they worship gynecologists.

I may not be remembering that correctly.

It is believed that Elam’s mention of the alleged smell of female gynocentrists is a reference to vaginal odor. A Voice for Men illustrated his statement with a photo of a “Taco 12 Pack” from Taco Bell. Vaginas are sometimes casually referred to as “tacos” because they traditionally contain a spicy meat or fish filling, as well as an assortment of other foodstuffs that can include cheese, onions,  lettuce, tomato, cilantro and/or salsa. (I may not be remembering this correctly either.)

In his statement, titled “12 ways to spot a female gynocentrist (other than the smell in the room),” Elam explains that the gynocentric female, among other things,

insists on taking the softest, lowest paying job she can, uses that as the excuse for depending on men to finance her social life, and bitches endlessly that she is not being paid fairly.

She talks to you while wearing a blouse cut so low you can see her navel, then leans over directly in front of you to indignantly point out where her eyes are. …

She spends 45 minutes at dinner reminding you she does not need a man, then looks the other way when the check arrives …

She expects you to lavish her with wining, dining and expensive gifts, just to spend time with her, then looks you in the eye and denies she is a prostitute. …

When you put a stack of irrefutable evidence and logic in front her that everything forming her worldview is false, she falls silent, starts to tremble, then suddenly turns into Captain Queeg.

Gynocentrism, Elam explains, is funded by a mysterious source known as “Daddums” — much as Elam’s blogging career has been funded in part by “Long-suffering Girlfriendums” — and enabled by gynocentric males who “are standing there with their thumbs up their butts, allowing it to happen.”

Elam and his collegues at A Voice for Men are not thought to have anything blocking their butts, which serve as the source for most of their information about the world.


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10 years ago

But the thing is that *even if* women were like this, men would still want to date her if she looks hot. Someone else in another thread posted this, and it seems highly relevant here:

10 years ago


Don’t you know, when a woman goes on a date with an asshole man, it’s due to her faulty biology, and when a man goes on a date with an asshole woman, it’s due to her faulty biology.
Now everyone is stunned by flawless logical facts.

10 years ago

Honestly, these guys would probably prefer to date a woman like that, as long as she were good looking. They’d get to be seen with a hot girl, which is all they care about anyway when it comes to “dating,” and at the same time get to keep complaining about what a nightmare it is to be with a woman.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
10 years ago


2) Paul, if you’re looking for a woman with Traditional Values, one who makes it her goal in life to be an SAHM, she’s ging to want you to pay for things.

He seems to be complaining that he has to pay for dinner and expensive gifts, and in return he gets nothing but short-haired, job-having, tattooed gynocentrists.

Why is he even dating them in the first place? Nobody’s making him ask these women out.

Or are they all submissive and traditional when he meets them, and suddenly they peel off the Donna Reed mask in the middle of dinner and – surprise! – reveal themselves to be a radical vegan Wiccan?

When you put a stack of irrefutable evidence and logic in front her that everything forming her worldview is false, she falls silent, starts to tremble, then suddenly turns into Captain Queeg.

Did Captain Queeg say “Shut up, Woody” a lot? I don’t remember that part.

I think he’s trying to sound authoritative here, like a movie trailer voiceover: “In a world….where everything feminists know…is WRONG” (cue Carmina Burana soundtrack, scenes of Spinstergeddon, scented fucking explosions, stunt cats, etc.)

Out in the real world, where things don’t work like a simplistic action movie, their “evidence and logic” wilt whenever they’re exposed to sunlight by the mainstream media, resulting in a manosphere shitstorm and panicked brigading of comment sections. If they really had the facts and public opinion on their side, they wouldn’t have to intimidate and silence women and drive them off their internet and out of their homes.

10 years ago

(cue Carmina Burana soundtrack, scenes of Spinstergeddon, scented fucking explosions, stunt cats, etc.)

10 years ago

The only time I was given a really expensive gift for no particular reason was when I was dating someone who liked going biking and liked me enough after the first date, that he decided he wanted to do a lot of bike riding with me. So he bought me a recumbent bike because my back problems kept me from riding the regular kind. And it wasn’t just any recumbent, it was a top-of-the-line model and he’d had it pinstriped and added my name. And then, he even did the thing where someone holds onto the bike and runs along until the wanna-be rider gets it, because recumbents are a totally different center of gravity. And I rode the heck out of that thing, both with and without him. Still have it, in fact. And still very grateful for the gift of it.

What Elam and company would really not understand at all here was that this particular guy was not interested in sex much, like maybe a couple of times a year at best. After a few years of dating, we decided that we were better off as friends (partly because I found the lack of sex extraordinarily frustrating, and partly because he has a need to periodically get rid of all his possessions and move someplace else for awhile when adventure beckons and I am a homebody). Twenty years after living together, though, he is still my friend, and we see each other a couple of times a week for biking, lunch or music now that he’s back in town.

10 years ago

Keep it classy, Elam!

10 years ago

At first I read that headline as “gynecologists are lazy prostitutes with smelly vaginas who assault men with their cleavage.” What it actually says doesn’t make that much more sense. If ‘gynocentric’ means ‘centered primarily around women’, that’s a really stupid term to describe individual women, whose lives ARE centered primarily around women–themselves. Just like everyone’s lives are, and not even in the sense that people are selfish, as a good chunk of both men and women’s times are spent procuring food, money, emotional satisfaction, and other things necessary for survival. Feminists use the term ‘patriarchy’, but the individual term ‘patriarch’ is only used to describe men who are paternalistic heads of their families and such, not all men who benefit from patriarchy. That’s just linguistic correctness.

You can tell a man has serious self-control and entitlement issues when he sees hot women showing off what the matriarchy gave them and his reaction is not (quiet, respectful, non-creepy) appreciation, but anger that he can’t molest them. If hot men were showing off their assets (in appropriate places like the beach, and not unsolicited dick pics) most women don’t RAGE AT THESE EVIL MEN OPPRESSING ME WITH THEIR CHISELED ABS.

@jaygee: I’m also quite fond of that article not just for that reason, but because it also illustrates how ‘dating jerks because they’re hot’ is hardly a female-only phenomenon.

10 years ago

Re: Ben Moyniham.

Whole news item begins at 02:53 (only available for the next couple of hours, may not be viewable outside UK)
From 04:42
“Moyniham was described in court as a dangerous man but that is partly caused by his autistic spectrum disorder. He lacks empathy and perspective, he fails to understand the consequences of his actions. He also shows psychopathic tendencies but the judge said these conditions could not be treated so he ruled out sending him to a secure hospital, instead jailing him for twenty one years.”

What kind of mood will he be in after 21 years inside? I know who he’ll blame. 🙁

10 years ago

insists on taking the softest, lowest paying job she can, uses that as the excuse for depending on men to finance her social life, and bitches endlessly that she is not being paid fairly.
Btw, which jobs are simultaneously soft and low-paid? Low-paid jobs tend to be hard. Seriously, I can’t think of a single job that is soft and low-paid.

10 years ago

Ops, block quote monster attacked me. Well, I guess you can see where my own comment is supposed to begin: At “btw”.

10 years ago

As far as I can tell “bad boy” means “not me”, when said by these people.

Or simply “guy who gets laid”, regardless of how he treats people. They define “bad boy/jerk/caveman/etc” as “guy who gets laid”, and then they complain that women only want to have sex with bad boys/jerks/cavemen/etc. Well, naturally. Since anyone who gets laid is a bad boy by their own definition, trivially, women only sleep with bad boys.

10 years ago

These guys are very invested in blaming every action they actively choose to take on a woman. “It’s not MY fault I was staring down your shirt, you filthy temptress with your plunging neckline!” “I didn’t really mean to willingly buy you a gift you never asked for, you held me up at ass-point!”

And, on a more disgusting note: “women exist to tempt men into raping them so they can ruin their lives!”

Fuck, these guys are allergic to taking any kind of responsibility. Mind control rays don’t exist, ya dirtbags, and they certainly don’t come standard with every set of breasts.

10 years ago

I’m positive someone has probably brought this up before but….Closeted homosexuals forcing themselves into an eternal de-gaying camp? This could explain their obsession with “icky, smelly vaginas?” I mean really think about it… Imagine if you were homosexual but because you bought into toxic-masculine patriarchy so much that you really believed you were not allowed to be homosexual and you had to force yourself to like women…… you’d probably hate yourself and hate women too and try to find a way to blame everybody else for a problem is actually quite simple….not that it’s justified in any way, just a thought.

10 years ago

I suspect by soft and low-paid he means things like teaching, nursing, etc. Positions that are nurturing in some way. Because obvs teachers just sit on their asses and get paid for babysitting (that was sarcasm – I am a teacher so I know that’s not true, but teaching does have that reputation among morons)/women are just made to take care of others so nursing isn’t really a job/whatever. In other words, he’s a total moronic idiot who has never worked a day in his regrettable life at anything but being a hateful little brat.

Kate Minter
Kate Minter
10 years ago

“”A woman like he describes WOULD be an awful person,”

Yes, she would.

“but I am just not buying that these are common characteristics for a lot of women.””

They aren’t. What IS common is the *experience* men who come to the Manosphere have with the same type of woman.

There are better women. There is a better way to live. This is not a very popular notion.

10 years ago

Kate Minter,
So you’re saying that manospherians seek out shallow and high maintenance women and then blame either feminism or women as a whole? Even though most women aren’t like that? Judging from your past posts here, I’m guessing you meant to defend these guys, but by admitting that as a whole, most women aren’t like that, you’re really just making our point for us. That the manosphere are whiny brats who’d rather blame women for their problems than take any kind of responsibility for their own lives.

10 years ago

Gay man here. Guarantee Paul Elam’s dick smells, too. Gar-On-Tee.

10 years ago

I wouldn’t expect Elam to watch a show like Red Dwarf. I’d feel icky if I found out he did. Very icky.

10 years ago

Also absent from Elam’s thought process is an understanding that sex workers are business people and businesses, with few exceptions, only accept hard currency.

Or does he actually also walk into shops and offer to pay for goods with dinner and a bracelet? What a jerk!

10 years ago

I’m not sure Elam’s ideal woman could exist in our dimension.

10 years ago

What I don’t understand is, if the woman’s vulva smells that bad, why did you take her out on a date in the first place?

10 years ago


Which just leaves me saying, huh? Because that’s entirely true.
I know they’re inconsistent and self-contradictory, but I still boggle over it occasionally.
Maybe the honey badgers really support them with some form of therapy? “Look, your logic isn’t even internally consistent, you should fix that!”
No, wait, they have the same warped logic. I can’t understand how people get to that place.

10 years ago

I’m positive someone has probably brought this up before but….Closeted homosexuals forcing themselves into an eternal de-gaying camp? This could explain their obsession with “icky, smelly vaginas?”

Pretty sure straight men are plenty capable of this particular flavor of misogyny.