antifeminism entitled babies evil sexy ladies evil women female beep boop gynocracy icky lady fluids men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA paul elam vaginas

Men's Rights leader: "Gynocentric" females are lazy prostitutes with smelly vaginas who assault men with their cleavage

Temple of Gynocentrism
Temple of Gynocentrism

Noted Men’s Human Rights Activist Paul Elam reported, in a statement earlier this week, that “female gynocentrics” are smelly, lazy prostitutes who assault men with their cleavage and expect men to pick up the tab. Elam believes we live in a “gynocentric” culture, and seems to believe that most women and possibly most men are “gynocentric,” which means (if I remember this correctly) that they worship gynecologists.

I may not be remembering that correctly.

It is believed that Elam’s mention of the alleged smell of female gynocentrists is a reference to vaginal odor. A Voice for Men illustrated his statement with a photo of a “Taco 12 Pack” from Taco Bell. Vaginas are sometimes casually referred to as “tacos” because they traditionally contain a spicy meat or fish filling, as well as an assortment of other foodstuffs that can include cheese, onions,  lettuce, tomato, cilantro and/or salsa. (I may not be remembering this correctly either.)

In his statement, titled “12 ways to spot a female gynocentrist (other than the smell in the room),” Elam explains that the gynocentric female, among other things,

insists on taking the softest, lowest paying job she can, uses that as the excuse for depending on men to finance her social life, and bitches endlessly that she is not being paid fairly.

She talks to you while wearing a blouse cut so low you can see her navel, then leans over directly in front of you to indignantly point out where her eyes are. …

She spends 45 minutes at dinner reminding you she does not need a man, then looks the other way when the check arrives …

She expects you to lavish her with wining, dining and expensive gifts, just to spend time with her, then looks you in the eye and denies she is a prostitute. …

When you put a stack of irrefutable evidence and logic in front her that everything forming her worldview is false, she falls silent, starts to tremble, then suddenly turns into Captain Queeg.

Gynocentrism, Elam explains, is funded by a mysterious source known as “Daddums” — much as Elam’s blogging career has been funded in part by “Long-suffering Girlfriendums” — and enabled by gynocentric males who “are standing there with their thumbs up their butts, allowing it to happen.”

Elam and his collegues at A Voice for Men are not thought to have anything blocking their butts, which serve as the source for most of their information about the world.


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10 years ago

Wait, Katie is Shelob? Awesome!

10 years ago

@Spindrift – that would be a simpler way of looking at it.

Especially when it’s said by guys who seem to mean, “sleeps around and acts like a dick” when if they were able to pull it off they’d totally sleep around and already do act like dicks.

10 years ago

Well, after all, Paul Elam did admit refusing to take his diarrhea medicine was the inspiration for this “rebellion,” so it stands to reason that he thinks your butthole needs to be open for the crap the flow liberally and not be stifled by any icky gynicentrics who are honestly just trying to get you to stop shitting your pants all the time….talk about the smell in the room….

10 years ago

Hey…quit talkin about me! Lol

10 years ago

The beautiful thing about this is that Elam, who apparently has been revealed to be a huge fan of Roosh and of game, does live in a gynocentic society. PUA. His life would revolve around women, and since he’s such a traditional man he would view each date as a series of events where he as the man gets to try to pick from the group of women in front of him (rather than as a reciprocal judging of interest).

And then he writes rude things about them things don’t go so well.

She expects you to lavish her with wining, dining and expensive gifts, just to spend time with her, then looks you in the eye and denies she is a prostitute. …

You know, I thought I knew what this meant? I thought I understood what it’d be like to be dating a woman who wanted you to buy lots of stuff for her in order to hang out? Now I realize I can’t.

“What do you want to do for dinner?”
“Ooh, there’s this really fancy place that has some great stuff.”
“Eh, I dunno, bit expensive for a normal dinner…”
“Well, it’s either that or eat by yourself.”

… Yeah, I don’t get it. As far as expensive gifts go, when would she be able to ask you to buy something expensive unless you were out shopping with her and she wanted you to pay for everything?

There’s a reason I focused on her bringing up each topic. I get the feeling that some guys see way too many Romantic movies where the guy spontaneously buys expensive shit for the gal, and feel like that’s what they have to do. But these guys do so, then think that it’s the woman that’s forcing them to do it for… reasons.

They adopt a lifestyle that they can’t afford because they think they need to, then they get upset when they have to back off and the woman wonders what’s going on, or when she realizes that she’s not going to be able to live the lifestyle she wants with him. Then they blame the woman for ever having done expensive things in the first place.

McJulie McGalliard (@mcjulie)

A reconstruction of Elam’s apparent thought process:

People are always telling me that I’m an abusive jerk to women.

I don’t want to think of myself as an abusive jerk.

I also don’t want to work on changing any of the behavior that causes people to tell me I’m an abusive jerk. I want to keep on jerking, I just don’t want to think badly of myself while I do it.

So I’ll work really hard to convince myself that anything I do to women is “okay” because they would totally do WORSE to me if I gave them the chance.

Hmm, what could women do to me that is worse than what I do to them? Given that I’m a user of the lowest order, that’s actually a pretty tough call.

I know… what would I do if I were a woman?

Perfect! All the jerk stuff I already do, plus all the jerk stuff I imagine women are doing! (Flirting to get out of parking tickets, faking pregnancies to… get stuff, beating up on men with impunity, etc.)

10 years ago

Maybe it’s just because I don’t have rich friends, but… I don’t know anyone who includes “expensive gifts” as a routine part of dating, or even marriage. Because most couples like to do things like eat and keep the lights on. I mean, yes, you’ll see moments like, “I saved all year to get you this thing you really wanted, because I love you. Happy anniversary”, but you don’t get things like, “Welp, seeing as this is our third date, here’s a plasma TV.”

And if you’re dating a woman, and you feel like she’s just trying to mooch off of you, you can always—you know—just not date her any more. You don’t even have to call her a prostitute.

10 years ago

She spends 45 minutes at dinner reminding you she does not need a man, then looks the other way when the check arrives …

Who spends 5 minutes at dinner ranting about how they don’t need a man to a man? I’m kind of assuming this is a date setting, because I can’t fathom Elam having any experiences with dinner with a female friend unless they were family, in which case he’d probably be the one paying for dinner anyway.

What an odd thing to talk about when you’re currently trying to find a partner.

10 years ago

I wouldn’t go so far as to worship my GYN, but I may make her a saint (as is my right as an Erisian pope) for, you know, saving my life. Or at least saving me from ovarian cancer, while completely curing my terror of getting pregnant AND the hellish monthly agony of cramps…

10 years ago

Come to think about it, the only way I can get the “reminding you she does not need a man” to make sense is if Elam starts ranting about how women should depend on their husbands to blah blah blah, and his date responds, “wait, no. Women don’t need a man, and shouldn’t for anything! We’re people too, we can have jobs and our own lives. I hate this regressive notion that women are properties of their fathers until they are given away to become properties of their husbands.”

And Elam’s sitting there thinking “oh boy, here we go. She’s a strong independent woman that don’t need no man.” Then he pays the check because again, regressive traditional values. Then he blows it up in his head and puts the pieces back together into something that sounds bizarre, then writes it up on his blog.

10 years ago

@kirbywarp “Who spends 5 minutes at dinner ranting about how they don’t need a man to a man? ”

Someone on a date with a dude who’s sole topic of conversation is how women can’t possibly surive without a man to support them.

10 years ago

Guess I got ninja’d, well played!

10 years ago


I think I committed a foul or something with that self ninja…

10 years ago

He blames women for having low paying jobs. He claims that women in low paying jobs aren’t getting paid a living wage as a tactic to manipulate men into buying her dinner? Whaaaat?

Jesus. Even what jobs we have are all about this asshole and some sort of threat to him.

The worst sort of women he could think of were poor women who when you say a bunch of sexist, hateful bullshit to them turn into cowardly corrupt navy captains who fail at everything?

What horrible thing will this sort of woman do if Elam doesn’t buy her things? She’ll stop dating him?
So? That’s not a problem. People do not dump you to be mean to you. They dump you because they no longer wish to date you. Does she not have the right to reject any man for any reason? Should she be forced to date raving misogynists who talk down to her for being poor and female? Is that how Elam sees a fair an equitable world?

WT actual F?

to indignantly point out where her eyes are.

Riiight. Women commonly trick Elam into looking down their blouses just so they can be mean to him. He’s the victim. Boo-hoo.

Why do these guys not yet get that if you have to invent pretend women in order to make your point, you don’t have one?

10 years ago

Maybe it’s just because I don’t have rich friends, but… I don’t know anyone who includes “expensive gifts” as a routine part of dating, or even marriage. Because most couples like to do things like eat and keep the lights on. I mean, yes, you’ll see moments like, “I saved all year to get you this thing you really wanted, because I love you. Happy anniversary”, but you don’t get things like, “Welp, seeing as this is our third date, here’s a plasma TV.”

I honestly can’t think of a single gift that my wife and I gave each other, expensive or otherwise, when we were dating, unless you could trips abroad together – but that was a mutual thing.

As for meals, we’d alternate – more out of convenience than for any other reason. I’d pick up the tab one time, she’d do it the next. Since we were earning similar salaries at the time, it was a good way of regularly making one of us feel that we’d treated the other without any hint of exploitation. Or sexism, come to that.

And with birthdays, we prize obvious signs of effort far more than we do financial expenditure – if you demonstrably spent a fortnight physically making something, it’s clearly far more unique and therefore valuable than if you’d spent a couple of seconds clicking on Amazon. For her last birthday, our son made a little stop-motion birthday greeting on his iPad and got me to email it to her – the total cost was absolutely nothing, but it was about a gazillion times better than a glossy card from the local newsagent containing somebody else’s jokes.

10 years ago

“What I imagine going on a date with a gynocrat and other inane musings” by Elam.

I agree with the folks here who have said this is projection. From that Buzz Feed interview and other articles, it appears that Elam has been trying to mooch off women while working as little as possible.

I wonder what it means for his part of the date – what he is projecting. I have been out of the dating scene for over a decade, but as I recall first dates often revolved around exchanges of personal information (family, work, hobbies) and looking for things in common, maybe talking about movies, books, bands, shows or whatever that both people have liked.

It may be that both people try to project an air of being self-sufficient or even earning a good living. When they’re not assholes, this is just a means of making sure the other person knows that they aren’t going to be a drain. What I guess I’m wondering is if in Elam’s world a woman talking about her job would translate into “I don’t need a man”.

And like Kootiepatra said (love that nym!), if you think she’s a jerk, you don’t have to go out with her. If she does “look the other way” when the bill comes, you can suggest splitting it, or saying “I’ll pick it up this time” or “How about I pay this and you get the tip.” There are so many ways to deal with this, but if she turns out to be an ass about it, shake her hand and say good-bye.

10 years ago

1) Fuck’s sake, are these people twelve? “Ewww, girls have vaginas and vaginas are gross and they stink!”

2) Paul, if you’re looking for a woman with Traditional Values, one who makes it her goal in life to be an SAHM, she’s going to want you to pay for things. That’s one of the few things she gets out of that lousy deal. Do you want all the privileges of being an old-time patriarch, but none of the responsibilities?

10 years ago

insists on taking the softest, lowest paying job she can, uses that as the excuse for depending on men to finance her social life, and bitches endlessly that she is not being paid fairly.

Thems some big words from a guy who’s entire “job” is sitting on the internet begging for donations while his wife pays the bills.

10 years ago

Also, why is there so much obsession about the smell of vaginas? Maybe these guys are closeted gays – although I would not wish them on other men!

By the way, I don’t even want to try to imagine how horrible these douchebags’ crotches smell!!!

(sorry for the bad image – hope no one is eating right now – but I just find it weird they are obsessed by this and they have no self-awareness to think that maybe that area on them – as well as other areas are smelly – because, yo, you’re a human, and therefore have a body!)

10 years ago

What is it with the obsession that manospherians have with smelly vaginas? All genitals have a scent, but most people do not have genitals you can smell across the room. That would be indicative of a serious infection.

Sour grapes. If he can’t stick his face in it that pussy it must not smell delightfully of pussy. It must be stinking and awful and he didn’t want it in his face anyway.

What gives me the giggles is this guy thinks he’s clever. Can you imagine what a nightmare of a date he’d be? I wonder if he realizes that abusers frequently lavish gifts on their victims in order to use them against them the way Elam indicates he does.

If I thought he was smart I’d say he does and he knows his audience. I don’t think he’s smart. I think he’s an abuser with zero self awareness.

10 years ago

If a man invited me to dinner and I modified my schedule, got dressed up and went out looking forward to a night of good company only to be told what a useless whore I was, you better bet I wouldn’t pick up the check. I’d tip the staff and scoot as fast as I could.

10 years ago

On the “wants expensive things then says she’s not a prostitute” line I think Elam is missing out a vital piece of scenario here. I only imagine she says that when the following happens:

Man and woman go on a date. Man offers to pay for dinner and buys her a present. She didn’t ask for either but she accepts. Date comes to a close, man says “so, my place or yours for the sex?” Woman says “No thanks. I don’t feel I know you well enough for that yet. Maybe another time.”
Man: “wtf? I paid for your steak you whore AND I bought you that bracelet! I don’t do those things for free, why you got to be so entitled?!”
Woman: “…I’m not a prostitute.”

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
10 years ago

I don’t think he’s smart. I think he’s an abuser with zero self awareness.
I don’t think he’s got much outward awareness, either if he thinks that low paying jobs are “soft”. I doubt he’d last an hour in a retail or food service job, let alone picking cabbages or some such.

Hambeast (formerly twincats)
Hambeast (formerly twincats)
10 years ago

Happy St. Patrick’s day, blockquote monster!

Annie Squidface
10 years ago

Starting to think that they base their opinions about women on Bridezilla reruns and episodes of Cops.