Noted Men’s Human Rights Activist Paul Elam reported, in a statement earlier this week, that “female gynocentrics” are smelly, lazy prostitutes who assault men with their cleavage and expect men to pick up the tab. Elam believes we live in a “gynocentric” culture, and seems to believe that most women and possibly most men are “gynocentric,” which means (if I remember this correctly) that they worship gynecologists.
I may not be remembering that correctly.
It is believed that Elam’s mention of the alleged smell of female gynocentrists is a reference to vaginal odor. A Voice for Men illustrated his statement with a photo of a “Taco 12 Pack” from Taco Bell. Vaginas are sometimes casually referred to as “tacos” because they traditionally contain a spicy meat or fish filling, as well as an assortment of other foodstuffs that can include cheese, onions, lettuce, tomato, cilantro and/or salsa. (I may not be remembering this correctly either.)
In his statement, titled “12 ways to spot a female gynocentrist (other than the smell in the room),” Elam explains that the gynocentric female, among other things,
insists on taking the softest, lowest paying job she can, uses that as the excuse for depending on men to finance her social life, and bitches endlessly that she is not being paid fairly.
She talks to you while wearing a blouse cut so low you can see her navel, then leans over directly in front of you to indignantly point out where her eyes are. …
She spends 45 minutes at dinner reminding you she does not need a man, then looks the other way when the check arrives …
She expects you to lavish her with wining, dining and expensive gifts, just to spend time with her, then looks you in the eye and denies she is a prostitute. …
When you put a stack of irrefutable evidence and logic in front her that everything forming her worldview is false, she falls silent, starts to tremble, then suddenly turns into Captain Queeg.
Gynocentrism, Elam explains, is funded by a mysterious source known as “Daddums” — much as Elam’s blogging career has been funded in part by “Long-suffering Girlfriendums” — and enabled by gynocentric males who “are standing there with their thumbs up their butts, allowing it to happen.”
Elam and his collegues at A Voice for Men are not thought to have anything blocking their butts, which serve as the source for most of their information about the world.
Oops. I meant to schedule this post for later in the morning. But I guess it’s ok if you read it now.
Is Elam making a Red Dwarf reference?
You are a genius.
I really have to wonder where Elam gets his idea of women from, because everything he writes is so over the top and exaggerated. A woman like he describes WOULD be an awful person, but I am just not buying that these are common characteristics for a lot of women. I think Elam’s style is to take a TINY grain of truth, and cover it in bullshit.
That was my first thought too, but I think it’s a reference to The Caine Mutiny, which is where Red Dwarf’s Queeg got his name IIRC.
Yeah, feeeemale entitlement is totally out of control. Male entitlement is necessary because of, like, biotroofs or something.
Ben Moynihan has now been sentenced. I hope that while he’s in prison he gets some serious therapy.
So ladies, go on a date with Paul: he will stare at your tits, quibble about the bill and call you a prostitute. He is a catch this one. A keeper!
Looks like he missed the point of Queegs character, no surprise there.
But yeah, probably from The Caine Mutiny, cause Queeg in Red Dwarf is a hardass from day one. Queeg in TCM appears to be one but is actually a broken man, likely with PTSD from his service in the Atlantic. I wouldn’t expect Elam to have picked up on that, or even read the book. He probably watched the movie.
You know you watch too much South Park when you keep reading “Captain Queeg” as “Captain Queef”.
My feminist friend Katie is, like, so totally like this you guise.
‘then looks you in the eye and denies she is a prostitute. …’, so, has he been on a lot of dates where he’s asked the woman if she’s a prostitute? For me that would be a bit of a red flag, especially on a first date.
The bit where he mentions women looking him in the eye and denying being a prostitute; does that mean this boy actually straight up asks women if they are? Because I don’t know about anyone else, but I rarely feel the need to look people in the eye and say I’m not a sex worker, or any other profession for that matter unless they ask for some reason? Like, I’m not gonna go, “Just so you know, I am NOT, I repeat NOT a chartered accountant,” out of nowhere?
Unlike Elam, who… oh.
Katie really is the best at gynocentrism. Better than any of other feminist friends. Jealous!
finds it hard to get a highly paid job because men are favoured in this respect, or gets the same job and gets paid less for doing it.
I’m unable to stop staring at cleavage as I have no self-control, it’s all your fault woman. Go and put something more frumpy on. No, wait, now you look frumpy, put something revealing on for me. Okay, just pretend for my sake that you’re comfortable with me staring down your top.
For some reason I can’t stop giving my dates reasons to remind me they don’t need a man. There’s no way this is personal to me as it happens to all of my friends too. It must be a women’s problem.
Every time I accuse a date of being a prostitute for not paying for both of our meals she just flat out denies it and often seems annoyed.
When for no apparent reason during a date I explain that all women including her are lesser beings and should be subordinate to men she goes into a silent rage but somehow with great restraint manages to not punch me. But for the rest of the date she seems a bit pissed off.
What is it with the obsession that manospherians have with smelly vaginas? All genitals have a scent, but most people do not have genitals you can smell across the room. That would be indicative of a serious infection.
The projection and self-unawareness is just mind boggling, or it would be if it wasn’t coming from the projection master himself.
Gynocentrists also kidnap men, drag them back to their caves and feed on them slowly to last them through the winter. Or is that the Wendigo? I forget.
@WWTH ” All genitals have a scent, but most people do not have genitals you can smell across the room. That would be indicative of a serious infection.”
Sounds like a discription of Roosh V.
@A Mighty Teapot
My feminist friend Katie lives in a cave, but she wraps men in webs and disolves their insides before drinking them, so maybe she’s not a proper gynocentrist.
It’s a very nice cave.
Hand on heart, I can think of hardly any of the many, many women I’ve known over the last three decades who come anywhere close to fitting that description. Maybe one date that lasted a fortnight before she made it clear that she expected me to pay for everything on our dates “because that’s what the man does”, even though she knew I earned about half as much as she did. (A decade or so later, I found out that she had a very unhappy marriage indeed, which broke up over money troubles).
Granted, maybe it’s because I instinctively avoid women like that – but that still doesn’t explain why even in situations where I can’t choose who I hang out with (work, for instance), I’ve still hardly ever come across any real-world examples.
Same with these women who apparently shun “nice guys” in favour of “bad boys”, who apparently make up the vast majority of the female population in MRA-world. Again, I can think of just one of my friends who even vaguely fits that description, and even she ended up marrying a genuinely nice guy before she turned 25 – they’re marking their 20th wedding anniversary this summer, in fact, and the marriage couldn’t be more solid. So again, I’m calling bullshit.
So now even the “pink collar” phenomenon (where jobs that tend to be performed by women are paid less) is the fault of women? Seriously?
Hi everybody. First things first, I’ve only recently learned of this blog and have been reading older posts and I can’t get enough! I love it 🙂
You would think he has little experience with women, but actually I think it may have to do with this —
The picture he inadvertently paints of himself is appalling. Imagine how horrible his encounters with women must have been if he treats them all like that. Add an obvious sense of entitlement and self-worth and no wonder he thinks women are all out to get him.
I wonder if “bad boy” really means “fun”, meaning willing/wanting to do things that the woman actually enjoys doing? (rather than sitting them down for dinner, calling them a prostitute and telling them you know what’s best for them so they should submit).
As far as I can tell “bad boy” means “not me”, when said by these people.