#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Is this anti-Semitic cartoon of Anita Sarkeesian harassment or legitimate criticism? You'll be surprised by the answer these dudes gave!

Yeah, let's see your data for this.
Yeah, let’s see your data for this.

So I found the meme above on a Facebook page called “Feminist Hypocrisy.”

I also found this familiar pic posted there as well.


And this highly edifying discussion underneath it:


Huh. I’m seeing some hypocrisy here, but it doesn’t look much like feminist hypocrisy.

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9 years ago

Sorry, the information is entirely public?

I was under the impression this was a closed tiny group having a completely private venting fest unrelated to anything at all and neither searchable nor easy to find.

9 years ago

… So, you’re arguing that because four dudes posted genocidal and nasty stuff to a Facebook hate page, there’s no harassment.


Look, I don’t know about you (because you seem kind of like a horrid individual, to be honest) but if I were to overhear some of the high school and college kiddos I work with make a joke like that, even in passing, to their friends, I would pull them aside and give them a stern talking to.

Because Hells no, that level of hateful rhetoric should not be tolerated in a civil society.

And they need to know that.

Because their buddies sure aren’t telling them…

… So yeah, take your ‘assholes gonna asshole’ and kindly relocate it elsewhere.

9 years ago
Reply to  isidore13

Well, I explained in another comment that I’m not a new reader to this blog. Just this once, I wanted to give my input. In the end, I guess I have ended up just playing devil’s advocate. But y endgame is still just to be able to leave the conversation with having given an alternate view and gotten more to think on and hopefully given others something to think on. Although I’m quickly being labelled as a poo-slinging asshat with a superiority complex, and and agenda for advocating propaganda. Oh, and a sea lion. That slipped right on in there.

9 years ago

Especially since my first comment, the one that sprang up this whole semantics game, was questioning how much they’re actually harassing and calling them out for being horrible assholes.

Then you said she wasn’t being harassed, to which I posted the tumblr link. Now you’re claiming it was irrelevant.

What’s the difference between saying “You make me so mad, that I could stab you” and “You make me so mad, that I will stab you”. Answer: Intent.

Intent isn’t fucking magical. Saying “I could stab you” is just as threatening as “I will stab you” when it comes from someone who you don’t know, because you don’t know how far they’re willing to go. I’m sick of all these “False flag!” bullshit arguments based on some absolutely bullshit semantics. Why is this okay to say at all? To anyone?

And WHY is it okay to just go “eh, they wouldn’t really do it.” when we’ve seen that some men, like Elliot Rodger and Ben Moynihan, actually fucking will do it, regardless of their fucking words?

How many times do we have to sit back and assume nothing will happen until it’s too fucking late to do anything about it and women are assaulted and/or dead before you and people who think like you are fucking satisfied that we’re fucking terrified and want something to be done about this shit instead of y’all sitting around on your asses hand-waiving our legit concerns aside because “boys will be boys” or “they need to vent”?

How many more women have to be forced from their homes out of fear for their lives, how many more women have to put up with this shit for simply existing while being a female and daring to have an opinion, how many more women have to die before you take this shit seriously instead of condemning these “assholes” out of one side of your mouth, and protecting them out of the other because their fee-fees are more important than someone’s right to exist without being harassed?

They are displaying a level of dangerous vitriol that -could- (not will or would) grow into something worse if unchecked. It’s lowering the -chance- for it to happen. Is that clear enough?

So, it’s just open season on everyone because these fuckers need to “vent”? What the fuck is wrong with you?

How fucking dare you throw someone to the wolves like that. You sit there and condemn their actions, saying they’re assholes and saying they’re terrible, but then you turn around and say “well, they need to say it or else they’ll hurt people instead! So, you go sit there and take it!”

Fuck. You.

No one deserves this. At all. No one deserves to be bombarded with rape and death threats. How fucking dare you try to say that someone should have to suck it up instead of checking the fucking problem at the source. You’re an evil, despicable person.

Para, I honestly have no idea what conversation you’re having anymore. Let me clarify. Your link meant NOTHING before your last comment. It was non-existent. It was never in the conversation. It wasn’t relevant to the conversation either. The conversation is, and this will require you to scroll up because you’ve apparently forgotten the content of this article, that singular Facebook group and those select 4 or 5 guys. Alright? No one in this conversation is denying that Anita receives harassment elsewhere, alright? That happens. That’s proven to happen. Alright? Can we get back on topic now? Or do you want to start talking about the harassment she recieves in her email next?

Bull. Fucking. Shit.

You said “Anita isn’t being harassed.”

I posted a link to her COLLECTION OF HARASSMENT OVER A WEEK. No, my link was addressing what you were saying at the time. Read what you wrote. Read what I wrote.

Which is why I claimed they weren’t harassing her. They are, by definition, doing nothing of the sort.

Who’s to say that these people aren’t the same people doing the attacks on Twitter?

It was absolutely relevant to the conversation, so kindly fuck right off with your condescending bullshit. I’m done with you.

9 years ago

I guess it’s just strange that you’ve chosen now to de-lurk, and chosen defending assholes joking about murder as the place on which to make your stand. It’s suspicious. This is how trolls work, which if you really aren’t a new reader you should know by now.

9 years ago

“She should be put in a concentration camp and then murdered” = just venting

Ever notice how all of the aggressions toward minorities never seem to add up to any real threat to their well being as if no harm is being done to them other than a few “isolated incidents”? Kind of like how every white man who goes on a murder spree is unrelated to the murder spree the white guy before him went on.

9 years ago

Sorry, joking should be “joking”.

9 years ago


Kind of like how every white man who goes on a murder spree is unrelated to the murder spree the white guy before him went on.

But anyone who’s not a white, cisgendered, straight, Christian male represents the ENTIRETY of their group.

ISIS? All Muslims are killers and deserve to die!

Feminists? All women are bitches and deserve to be raped!

Michael Brown? All black people are thugs and deserve to be shot by good (white) cops!

Elliot Rodger? A mentally disturbed, misunderstood individual.

9 years ago

Honestly, if I felt like trolling, there are a lot better articles to choose from over the past few months. I just happened to have time to comment after reading an article and jumped in. However, at this point I’m getting 5 emails notifying me that people have replied before I can finish one reply on my little phone and I like to respond to everyone, so I think I’ll bow out at this point. Maybe continue later when I have access to my computer and can type faster. These old bones can’t work technology like it used to.

Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid
9 years ago

1. This is from a FACEBOOK GROUP. A, once again, specifically sectioned off Facebook group devoted to “feminist hypocrisy”.

Seriously? Posting something on a website that has the business model of “keep track of what is being said by whom, where, and how often so we can sell that information” is supposed to make us believe that a conversation is intended to be more private?

Does anyone have a splint I can borrow for my credulity? It seems to have suffered a strain.

9 years ago


Telling someone you are going to kill them is assault. No one knows your intent but you, so it’s pretty rich that you expect a woman to prove intent before she can call her assault and assault.

Don’t fucking tell me that the intention here is not to terrorize this woman by making her afraid everyday of her life. Telling someone you are going to kill them is not OK because it doesn’t scare you that men chased her from her home in fear for her fucking life. It never will be. In fact, you’re an apologist for them. They’ll never send death threats to your mom or your kids.

This isn’t a funny little prank. Christ, you’ve even stated that these men are all one banned death threat away from becoming rapists and murders. They are getting their jollies by imagining raping and murdering this woman and she should assume men like that don’t really mean it when they tell her they’re going to rape her to death because she’s a woman? You said it wasn’t a big deal because she was a woman and women should just accept this as harmless in order to be considered adults.

The two different standards you hold men and women to are obvious to everyone but you.

You came here a misogynist and you remain a misogynist. Fix it or fuck off.

9 years ago

I’m going to go play Minecraft for a while (I didn’t sleep at all last night due to allergies, so I’m cranky as hell), and when I get back, I sincerely hope this shit is dealt with. I can’t deal with this right now. I’m too goddamned angry.

9 years ago

Taruhi ,
Considering you’re condescending comment to me, your whining about how we expect too much of you is hilarious! If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time to write. You are not the star of a monologue here to enlighten the fuzzy-pink-lady-brained feminists. Show some respect to the people who bothered to read what you wrote. Then, don’t write. You do not need to write. You need to shut up and listen.

9 years ago

Yes, I’m on board for bannination. Zie admits zie is basically here to play devil’s advocate by sealioning everyone here, and that’s just… overdone.

9 years ago

Honestly, if I felt like trolling, there are a lot better articles to choose from over the past few months.

Did you just try to neg us?


9 years ago

So did other people miss that Taruhi said that white nationalist websites are a-ok as long as they don’t do anything? Because NOPE.


Though it was painfully obvious that you are here in bad faith, I was willing to engage with you in good faith. But no. Just no. Those sites are dangerous BECAUSE their awful culture makes the general culture worse. Not “until.” There is no until there.

Go stick your darn flounce.

Oh, and one more thing? People needing to get out excess rage is something video games are good for, not an excuse for awful behavior directed towards living beings.

And now you try to claim that you are NOT sea-lioning? Laughable, if you hadn’t come here to defend horrible specimens of humanity.

9 years ago

Ugh. Sorry for the teal deer, guys. People who think that racists are harmless just because they themselves are (maybe) not out there physically attacking minorities are just freaking horrible. And I get teal when I’m angry. :/

9 years ago


Don’t worry, you weren’t that teal. I made your post look like a tweet. >.0

9 years ago

Whew. Thanks; I just don’t want to fill up the comment thingies. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen a troll show up (aside from the one who released the Katies) and this just had to be one of the angry-making ones instead of the amusing ones. Where are the Woodies? Where are the ones like that one I hadn’t been around for that lived DIRECTLY ON THE BEACH?

I liked your posts, though, teal as they were. It lessens the rage to see other people tearing the troll-arguments apart. 🙂

9 years ago

You know, I think I might spend a little extra time discussing any death threats I received to. On account of the mortal danger.

9 years ago

I love reading the comments here, long or short.

repentantphonebooth ,
That’s up to you, but you should know that it definitely is not your job to stay silent.

9 years ago

So this has been disgusting.

9 years ago

…Katz, can I second that? I mean, “Hate speech should be a-okay as long as it’s between friends? And it’s totes not harassment if you don’t say it to their face! It’s just… healthy venting!”

Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. All the nope. Just, nope.

9 years ago

repentantphonebooth – yeah – really ‘nice’ that you are trivialising there. WHO exactly decided that the internet should be a vicious freeforall where death and every other kind of threat is the norm? Why do we all have to fight through all that shit to find a voice of reason?

In the UK you can go to prison for such things – I am not weeping for the infringements on their ‘venting’ behaviour at caroline criado-perez’s expense.

In case you haven’t noticed making a record of such threats does make for good evidence if at any time you acquire a harasser IRL too.

9 years ago

Me and my feminist friend Katie are jumping aboard the nopetrain too.