So I found the meme above on a Facebook page called “Feminist Hypocrisy.”
I also found this familiar pic posted there as well.
And this highly edifying discussion underneath it:
Huh. I’m seeing some hypocrisy here, but it doesn’t look much like feminist hypocrisy.
All I glean from this “evidence” is that the person who doesn’t make anti-Semitic caricatures of her opponents is the better person.
Also, would love to see source for those two pie charts, if a source exists.
GOM, no, those are pretty obviously and blatantly Holocaust “jokes”, and I am seriously side-eyeing your attempt to make them into something else.
@ Taruhi
Are you kidding? Do you realize that you are on the internet, in a space other than the one in which these images where originally posted, talking about this stuff? Clearly it’s not necessary to visit the Facebook page to find this shit. This is not being kept away from her. Further, are you really laboring under the delusion that nobody who views this shit appreciatively is forwarding it on to Ms. Sarkeesian or that none of it was originally posted to show off what the poster had already sent to her?
Seriously these are Olympic quality mental gynmastics you’re engaging in here.
Also: Hi, everyone! First time posting. 😀
They aren’t sending her anything? Really? Because while I’m not too active on Twitter, I’m pretty sure adding @femfreq or #femfreq, #FeministFrequency, #AnitaSarkeesian, or #TropesvsWomen on any of your tweets would alert Miss Sarkeesian of what you’re saying about her or her work. The @ symbol followed by a username sends an alert to you that you’ve been tweeted at, and I’m sure Anita follows her hashtags to see if anyone has anything positive or constructive to say about her work, as any good researcher would do.
Unfortunately, assholes have swamped her notifications and hashtags with their very much direct bile.
She posted a week of this harassment, solely from twitter, where I imagine most of this is taking place. TW for rape and death threats, among ableism, sexism, and general nastiness for those who haven’t seen it:
This is harassment. And, as WWTH mentioned, even if it WAS behind her back, it’s still harassment and bullying.
And to further add:
Subtract Hominem, the Renegade Misandroid | March 7, 2015 at 8:59 pm
This too. It’s not hard to find anything anyone’s said about anyone on the net. Google can bring up all kinds of nasty shit if you Google yourself and aren’t careful about what you post online.
It’s kinda amusing to me that all the resistance to Anita Sarkeesian not only proves her points, but points she hasn’t even made (relating to gamer male entitlement culture, hostillity to diversity, and proof that their choice of video games seems to be reflective of or in aid of their overall misogyny).
And that’s fairly impressive, because her series isn’t really as radical as they are pretending it is. “Oh hey everyone, turns out video games suffer from the same over-reliance of problematic formulas as most other forms of media. We should be aware of that so we can become more creative in an industry that is oft criticized for being stagnant.” That’s not really anything far out, but their sustained backlash to even that minor of criticism reveals a far deeper rot.
And I think that is central to the rage. They disliked her calling attention and making them think about their media and they tried to destroy her and she didn’t just go away and be destroyed. In fact, other people found her work and liked it. And no matter how hard they scream, she refuses to be irrelevant just because they decided she should. And that’s the real spotlight in this and Gamergate. That there is a flotilla of entitled gamer douches who really do think that people should go away from existence if they don’t like them and another person refusing is a direct attack on them. It all reminds me of conservative “parents groups” who try and argue trans* and black people should be kept out of sight so that they never have to acknowledge their existence. Just an incredible level of entitlement.
And I think the extra irony is that their nightmare scenario has already come to pass. Her work is reaching people in industry and changing works. Last of Us creators directly credited her series with prompting them to improve their game. And it was beloved, even by the same terrorists who rant at her. So all the ill they are scared she will bring has already happened and they loved it.
Additional irony is that all the hate of gamers has ensured that a bunch more developers will be making a conscious effort in the future to include more diversity, tackle more social justice issues in the future entirely to stick it to these assholes who have been hurting their friends in the industry.
Okay, there’s 5 things wrong. With this.
1. This is from a FACEBOOK GROUP. A, once again, specifically sectioned off Facebook group devoted to “feminist hypocrisy”.
2. Anita’s NOT tagged in any of it. The only people who can and will see it are those who are IN the group and those who will SEARCH FOR the group, without a middle man coming in and screencapping and sending it to them or posting it in an article. For all intents and purposes, this wasn’t to be seen by Anita.
3. Yes, it’s easily searchable. However, you’d have to put in a rather specific search for this group to see these guys. I’m pretty sure that Anita’s a smart enough and responsible enough adult to not go delving into areas of the web where she’s sure to find hateful things said about her when she has plenty sent straight to her doorstep. She’s not a child, guys. I’m pretty sure she knows how to internet.
4. To bully, you have to directly badger or intimidate a “smaller, weaker person” on a regular basis. To harass, you have to pester, disturb, or trouble a person repeatedly. In this sense, yes, the gossiping girls is a bad analogy because, at that age, you can almost never do it without directly affecting them. However, we’re talking about a grown women and, debatably, grown men. What they say is more venting rather than gossiping. Releasing their hate in an area that the subject won’t hear or see, is a thousand times healthier than leaving it unexpressed and built up. No, that doesn’t allievate danger from those who might read it, but there’s always danger.
5. Anita takes literal months to get through emails through her site alone. She has to go through a lot of information just constantly, alongside research in games, appearances on TV and radios shows, interviews with X, Y, and Z newspapers and magazines, writing scripts and speeches, etc. There is a very literal inability for her to ever have time to search for herself, let alone in hives of bigotry.
Dear guys who don’t think things like “She should be killed” is a big deal,
There is a thing doctors’ call chronic benign pain. It’s chronic because it never goes away and it is “benign” because the doctor can’t feel it.
That’s what you are doing when you dismiss serious dangers faced by women and other minorities daily. Years ago I considered making a Youtube channel as a homeschool project for my daughter. Her grandparents would have thought it was cute and she’d have gotten tech experience while documenting her experiences and projects both for record keeping and sentimental purposes. How cool would it be to maybe make contact with other secular homeschoolers for once? That would have been a great experience for her, right?
Guess why we never did that? Guess why that was not a safe thing for my kid to do?
She can’t have a public Facebook page for the same reason. She’s 18 now. When does it stop? When does it stop being acceptable? Do you understand that this is not the only pressure she is receiving to stop trying to be a part of the world? Terrorists are trying to silence women and push them back into the kitchen and literally onto their knees in service of men.
Please enjoy this copypasta:
Women like Anita are being assaulted daily and many men shrug it off because it isn’t going to happen to them. They cannot even comprehend how it feels, how it hurts. So they treat it like no big deal. When they turd who made those pie graphs says she gets next to no harassment and the rest is just legitimate harassment he means that most of the daily assault is fine by him. He’s justifying abuse like abusers do and you are similarly dismissing this terrorism because the targets will never be you. After all, they don’t go after “neutral”, “logical” dudes like you who don;t make mountains of death threat molehills.
Allies like that I don’t need.
Why are you spending so much time and energy trying to convince us that this isn’t harmful?
Why is it so important that we not make a fuss?
Whether Anita ever sees this isn’t even the point. Take Lea’s example above. The internet is full of misogyny. Every time something like this is posted, it just reminds everyone female that we aren’t as safe online as men are. When you and other people brush it off, you not only aren’t part of the solution, you’re part of the problem. You contribute to the environment that allows this misogyny to thrive.
Ask yourself. Why do you want that?
Taruhi ,
You piece of shit, allcaps= yelling. Don’t you realize that coming here to yell at us instead of going there to yell at those “horrible” people who may be horrible but not so much as you’d call their death and rape threats assault is sexist as fuck? You fuck on off over there and get on it, OK? I’ll hold my breath.
Taruhi ,
By your rational it is not the people suggest to her gleeful abusers saying she should be put in a camp and then murdered (exactly as Elliot Rogers wrote in his manifesto) are not the abuser at all. You are suggesting that if she Googles her own name or someone else makes the info public, those are the real abusers. This is the same “Calling out racism is the real racism” attitude we constantly see from entitled assholes. You are drowning in your own ignorant arrogance.
So they’re doing her a favor really? She should send them a fruit basket for not sending these specific suggestion that she deserves to be murdered directly to her?
What are you suggesting they would be driven to do if they could not be antisemitic misogynists in anonymity? Do you here what you are saying? She has to let them abuse her a little to save her own life?
In what way are they not men who should be expected to behave with decency, yet she is a woman who is not seriously harmed by this, an aspect of the constant and sustained campaign of terror being waged on her and many, many other women?
Then do you also think that white nationalist and Neo-nazi sites are no big deal? What about those sites with pictures of abortion providers on mock wanted posters? After all, people have to do pretty specific searches to get to those sites, right?
And why do you think that wishing someone had died in a genocide is no big deal?
And what do you think that the kind of people who follow Facebook pages like “Feminist Hypocrisy” do when thy’re not on Facebook? Where do you think all those rape and death threats come from? Memes and Facebook pages like the ones above are harmful because they provide support and encouragement to the people who are going out of their way to directly send Anita Sarkeesian threats and harrassment.
Taruhi | March 8, 2015 at 12:16 pm
Oh boy, can’t wait to hear this.
Actually, if you had bothered to click the link I sent (and you obviously did not or else you wouldn’t be arguing about fucking FACEBOOK), you would notice that it links to the Feminist Frequency Tumblr Blog itself, and all of the images posted were screencaps from fucking Twitter, not Facebook. Please get that through your head.
The link I posted:
If you’re going to say “there’s something wrong with your argument”, at least fucking read what I’ve written and linked before you put your foot in your mouth and try to make an argument about something I wasn’t arguing about at all.
Do I need to explain how Twitter works again? When you put “@femfreq” IN A TWEET, as all of her examples show, then she gets a message saying “Hey, someone tweeted at you!”
This is how Twitter gets your attention when other people are trying to get your attention. That’s how it works. ANITA WAS TAGGED IN ALL OF THOSE TWEETS. GO READ THEM.
Also, Anita tracks her tags because that’s how other people contact her or make comments on her work as well without directly addressing her.
She doesn’t have to go into shitty places on the Internet. They come to her. I.e. Twitter. As I showed you with the link I provided in my last post. Please go read it.
And no, it’s not that hard to “see these guys” who are harassing her (also, nice casual denial that women and people of other genders are doing the harassing too). All I have to do is Google “Anita Sarkeesian harassment”. Three words, and I get all I can see, and from blatant, hate-spewing misogynists who think Anita’s there to take away their precious video games.
It’s not that Anita’s going and looking for these people who are harassing her, they’re right there, in her face, all the fucking time, and they have been for a long time now. To say that they aren’t really shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation.
Did you just explain to me how bullying works? Really? You think I’m that out-of-touch that I don’t know how bullying works? You’re quite the condescending piece of shit.
I bolded a small bit that I found interesting. Because that’s exactly what’s happening to Anita, and you’re here trying to deny that it is, despite so many other people telling you that it is and providing proof.
You don’t think constant “I hope you get raped/killed/commit suicide” threats all the time on a daily, if not hourly basis isn’t harassment? Don’t ever become a lawyer.
For fuck’s sake, no one said she’s going looking for this shit. She doesn’t have to! It’s brought to her on a silver fucking platter every damn day!
It’s literally right there, in her face! She compiled a whole week’s worth of harassment in that tumblr post I linked you that you apparently refuse to read.
This is, actually, part of her research. The reaction to her TvW series is an integral part of why it’s so needed in the gaming community.
TL;DR: If you can’t comprehend that Anita’s not out actively looking for this shit, how Twitter works, or how to make a decent argument against what I’m actually saying, then please stop now and don’t waste any more of my time, or the time of everyone else here.
They have to talk about raping and killing women to keep from raping and killing but women can’t even complain about them suggesting they be raped or killed. Why, if we make them stop, they’ll start that raping and killing. Right? You still think that is not a threat to all women everywhere?
Because a community that condones talking about which women need to be killed and raped never actually made a man feel good about being a rapist, abuser or murderer of women or convinced men who are not yet those things but considering it would be justified in doing so.
Do you not even see what you are arguing and what it says about how you see men and women?
Propaganda demonizing people as evil inferiors and saying they deserve to be killed never hurt anybody. Just ask the Native Americans, black Americans, LGBT people, Jews and The Tutsi. Besides, the internet isn’t real like radio or print. So when terrorists post threats or videos of executions it is not terroism. /s
You haven’t been following have you? Okay… Here’s a rundown. First off, I’ve been a subscriber of WHtM for ~3 months now. My intent for being here is to read these articles and get David’s take and view on things. I didn’t come here to argue or yell at anyone. If you’ve noticed, I haven’t done any name calling and the one sentence I used all caps for was a sentenced addressed to everyone to make it clear that these guys are horrible people. It was one sentence thrown to everyone, so obviously I’m going to put heavier emphasis on it. I.E. Yelling. The rest of the individual words I’ve used all caps for have been for emphasis, not yelling. That’s just a restraint of talking through text in general. So you’re asserting a lot to come to the conclusion that I’m just here to tell at (and I’ll use dashes for emphasis, for your sake) -you- instead of them. Especially since my first comment, the one that sprang up this whole semantics game, was questioning how much they’re actually harassing and calling them out for being horrible assholes. I didn’t address you. I didn’t address WHtM’s readership. I just asked for clarity on it. Some people discussed the nuances of harassment and I gave my position back to them. That’s how a debate works. That’s how people learn. I’m having my beliefs challenged and challenging others beliefs so that, when it’s all said and done, someone, anyone, can leave here with something to think about.
With that set, alright, let’s move forward to your increasing number of replies. I’ll more or less summarize them with this: What’s the difference between saying “You make me so mad, that I could stab you” and “You make me so mad, that I will stab you”. Answer: Intent. The first one is a carefully worded statement saying “you are bothering so much, that I feel like this action is justified, but I know better and I’m not going to.” The second is saying “you are bothering me so much that I feel this action is justified and I’m going to act on it.” Y’know. Like Elliot Roger did. He didn’t just say that the people he killed deserved to die, he said he was going to act on it. And he did. These guys in these comments are making jokes that “this” SHOULD happen. Not that it would or will. They’re not threatening to enact on it. They’re not trying to incite others to act on it. At worst, they’re saying “If it happened, it wouldn’t bother me.” Are -ANY- of these statements -good-? Absolutely not. Are any of these statements doing any favors? Absolutely not. They are displaying a level of dangerous vitriol that -could- (not will or would) grow into something worse if unchecked. It’s lowering the -chance- for it to happen. Is that clear enough?
Stopped reading there, you ignorant, sexist, condesplaining little shitstain. Fuckith thou off.
No, there is no big deal about those sites, IF (and this is a big if) they have no intent to enforce or act on their beliefs. If that is there ideal, fine. As long as they aren’t acting on their dangerous ideals, then there is no problem.
However, keep in mind, these four or five guys are specifically te one’s that I’m addressing. -Could- they be moving onto directly harassing or sending death or rape threats to Anita? Sure, they could. We can’t definitively say that they -are- as much as I can say that Lea over there isn’t sending Anota death or rape threats. I can’t prove or definitively deny that they aren’t, although it’s statistically more probable that they would be a perpetrator than Lea. As far as evidenced by these screen caps, they have a probability to be harassers, but they aren’t -proven- to be harassers.
Para, I honestly have no idea what conversation you’re having anymore. Let me clarify. Your link meant NOTHING before your last comment. It was non-existent. It was never in the conversation. It wasn’t relevant to the conversation either. The conversation is, and this will require you to scroll up because you’ve apparently forgotten the content of this article, that singular Facebook group and those select 4 or 5 guys. Alright? No one in this conversation is denying that Anita receives harassment elsewhere, alright? That happens. That’s proven to happen. Alright? Can we get back on topic now? Or do you want to start talking about the harassment she recieves in her email next?
@Taruhi, it’s interesting to me that you think expressing these thing in a sounding chamber situation decreases the chance for violence, instead of creating a feedback loop that intensifies emotion and increases the chance for violence. Thoughts?
I don’t think that there’s a 100% rate that people will take the therapiedic effect. There’s definitely a chance that they’ll take more dangerous thoughts from it. Thankfully, the group isn’t entirely closed. The information is entirely public and anyone can join, so alternative thoughts and ideals are capable of entering the space. We’ve had a very small taste of the inner working, so these guys could very well be the minority and their dangerous ideas could be constantly challenged. But, to summarize, the risk isn’t gone. It would be irresponsible to say it is.
Don’t forget all the Muslims attacked and murdered by Islamophobes riled up by Fox News and other nationalistic right-wing bullshit peddlers. I’m sure they’d happily agree with Taruhi here! (That was sarcasm, Teal-Deeri.)
To chew on or to request a ban – that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The poo-slinging and displays of outrageous asshattery…
@Taruhi, then I have to ask why you’re here playing the devil’s advocate? What is the endgame for you?
Absolutely right.
I never fail to be astounded at exactly how horrible a person can be and how confident of their own superiority they can remain while they do it.