#gamergate anti-Semitism antifeminism empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs hypocrisy irony alert literal nazis memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA

Is this anti-Semitic cartoon of Anita Sarkeesian harassment or legitimate criticism? You'll be surprised by the answer these dudes gave!

Yeah, let's see your data for this.
Yeah, let’s see your data for this.

So I found the meme above on a Facebook page called “Feminist Hypocrisy.”

I also found this familiar pic posted there as well.


And this highly edifying discussion underneath it:


Huh. I’m seeing some hypocrisy here, but it doesn’t look much like feminist hypocrisy.

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9 years ago

Anita Sarkeesian isn’t Jewish though…

9 years ago

If I recall correctly, Armenians are the group that most closely resembles Jews genetically. I can’t find the Y-DNA migration map at the moment

9 years ago

RE: Taruhi

All of the 4, possibly 5 guys.

Yeah, I’m sure all that harassment on youtube is totally supplied by four or five total insomniacs with an army of spambots. (Also, how many jokes do you NEED about being a victim of genocide before it counts as harassment?)

9 years ago


I suppose that’s possible, but it seems a bit unlikely. Jews largely group genetically with other Levantine groups, while Armenians seem to be closer to other southern Indo-Europeans from Italy, the Balkans, and Anatolia (which is somewhat consistent with the idea that the first Armenians were descendants of Phrygian settlers in eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus).

9 years ago


Because saying that someone should be killed in a concentration camp as part of the systematic destruction of their ethnic group… is beyond just having their heads blocking their collective anuses? That’s kinda *really horrible,* you know?

Ugh. So much horrible. 🙁

9 years ago


… I’m not sure what your point is?

Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
Eliot Rodger Was A Terrorist
9 years ago

Interestingly enough, there also appears to be a genetic link between the Druze (another Levantine group) and the Ojibwe! They both have high rates of Haplogroup X, which is relatively rare elsewhere.

How this came about, I have no idea….but Joseph Smith probably would have found it intriguing.

9 years ago

Speaking of harassment, you guys might find this article interesting! It’s about one woman trying to take on a douchebag who hacked people for revenge porn.

9 years ago

Actually LBT that article is old. Mr. Moore will be starting his federal prison stay next month IIRC. The mom in that article is the awesome reason he is going to prison. I am pretty sure that Moore is sorry he ever heard of Kayla Laws.

9 years ago

@portlantio: well, I’d be willing to bet some of the Gators are Holocaust deniers. But even so, I think among many Internet users there’s a flippant attitude about the Holocaust–that it’s an “edgy” thing to joke about, not a real thing that happened to real people. (I mean no offense to punk fans, but I get really annoyed when bands like the Sex Pistols go all “Nazism is edgy!”–no, you can’t complain about fascism while wearing the symbol of one of the biggest literally fascist movements of the 20th century, you childish fucks)

Even the idea that Anita is signaling out video games for criticism is absurd. FemFreq’s earlier videos were mostly about movies and TV, much shorter with much less examples (TVWIVG uses literally hundreds of examples each video, and she still gets accused of cherrypicking), and her language is much, much feistier and more inflammatory. One reasonable criticism I have seen even among her supporters is that the video games series can be very dry and academic. She’s much sassier in her earlier work–you can tell she had to tone it down to avoid the “angry feminist” label.

Oliver Smith
9 years ago

I’m struggling to see how any gamer gater can claim to have the moral high ground when they put out content like this

9 years ago

RE: Kestrel

I couldn’t be more delighted. He really sounds like someone who thought he could do whatever he wanted without consequence. I’m glad to see him behind bars.

RE: suffrajitsu

I knew some really obnoxious people back in the day who seemed to find Nazism a kind of edgy humor. They… are not people I miss from my life. And it’s why I find Nazi kink absolutely repellant.

9 years ago

I’d be willing to bet some of the Gators are Holocaust deniers.

Well, given that some of them are literally Nazis…

9 years ago

@ Rapid Rabbit: Yeah, that hits on one of the creepiest things about all the antisemitism directed towards the gentile Sarkeesian: these people seem to really want an excuse to hate Jews.

@suffrajitsu: “Even the idea that Anita is signaling out video games for criticism is absurd. FemFreq’s earlier videos were mostly about movies and TV…”

Point that out to GG, and they’ll tell you that’s just proof of how she’s not a real gamer and should be condemned even further. You can’t win with GG.

9 years ago

On a slightly lighter note, I recently spotted this post on tumblr regarding the Nazi uniforms and their complete and utter lack of sense.

A short section of it says:

Virtually every element of the Nazi uniform made up for its smart styling by being ridiculously impractical. The officers often had it worst of all; their uniforms were expertly tailored to make their builds look trim and powerful, at the cost of being stuffy, uncomfortable, and difficult to move around in. Indeed, some officers’ uniforms were so smartly tailored that they couldn’t sit down without taking their pants off. Yeah, let that image roll around in your head for a moment or two.

The upshot is that whenever I see baddies in a movie or a TV show with clearly Nazi-inspired uniforms, my first thought is less “whoa, badass!” and more “these men are about to be murdered by their own trousers”.

Though apparently the source blog of the post has said that there was some misinformation in the original post, I still find it an amusing image to entertain of these neonazi trashbuckets being strangled by their own suspenders.

9 years ago

I really love how these MRA’s seriously believe that sexual harassment, death and rape threats count as “legitimate criticism”. Also, what’s up with the MRM and anti-semitism? They obviously hate the Jews and regularly use Nazsi propaganda in their ‘caricatures’, yet they call us femiNAZIS. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. I’m not really surprised, though. The MRM use projection and hypocrisy a lot. For example, they criticise feminism for focusing mainly on women’s issues, yet their movement focuses solely on male issues (while at the same time doing nothing to help men, except whining). They accuse feminists of being all extremists, while having extremists like Paul Elam and Warren Farrel as the face of the MRM. They accuse feminism of being a hate group, while they are actually a hate group. They accuse feminists of silencing them, yet they fill every remotely feminists video or article with hate and harass women like Anita Sarkeesian so severely (for daring to make videos critiquing computer games. OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!! ) that she had to go into hiding. It is acceptable for women to join the MRM, yet it is not acceptable for men to become feminists or show support female issues. They are so stupid that they won’t be able to recognise their own reflection in the mirror. ^^;

9 years ago

I started watching Feminist Frequency ONLY because it was the ONLY feminist channel I could find. When I found out how she is treated I understood why more feminists don’t have channels. I would love to do one, but I really don’t want to see death and rape threats about me online. Even if they are not ‘serious’ I just do not want that in my life.

I found them pretty interesting considering that I am a non gamer. AS is a good presenter. It doesn’t matter if I agree with her or not. I think she arouses so much hate because she is an open feminist – the gaming critique aspect is of course relevant, but if she had critiqued and never used the word feminist I bet the harassment would have been tiny in comparison.

9 years ago

I play video games and the closest thing I’ve seen to a legit criticism is that she sometimes picks bad examples to back up her points.

Everything else is just “oh no she’s a woman and she has opinions”

9 years ago


I have no idea why they hate her so much. Making videos about games is no justification for the abuse she gets, no matter how poorly produced they might be and her videos are excellent. These people act like she caused the apocalypse or something! O.O I heard a lot of bad things about her and began watching her videos out of curiosity. Just to see what the fuss was all about. I have to say that I was seriously shocked. All her videos are very well presented (although they are a bit dry and academic like you said) and thoroughly researched. She often studies hundred games or more to make each video, so the cherry picking accusation is complete garbage. I honestly can’t see what the hell they are talking about. It truly seems to me that her haters are pulling this bull shit out of their arse. All their accusations and hate have no basis in reality what so ever.

9 years ago

I play video games and the closest thing I’ve seen to a legit criticism is that she sometimes picks bad examples to back up her points.

Everything else is just “oh no she’s a woman and she has opinions”

So true, scott, so true…

9 years ago

@Ellesar and misseb47: the hate actually started BEFORE the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games series was even released, immediately after her Kickstarter campaign (which is also pretty tame They hadn’t even seen the product yet (even that is generous given most Gamergaters never watched any of her videos, but you know what I mean). Just the idea of a feminist woman talking about sexism in video games was enough to anger the mobs. So yeah. Whatever shit they will say about it, there is absolutely NO reason for the level of hatred towards her.

9 years ago

On a slightly lighter note, I recently spotted this post on tumblr regarding the Nazi uniforms and their complete and utter lack of sense.

Well, Hitler was right about one thing: Telogreika do make you look like you’re wearing a blanket. It is the Snuggie of uniforms.

Karl Winterling
9 years ago

There are people who voiced legitimate criticism of Anita’s series, but they typically don’t identify as being part of GamerGate and they tend to think she makes some good points.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if a subsection of GamerGaters are Holocaust deniers. Much of the stuff on 4chan’s /pol/ board promotes white nationalist and antisemitic views. I think a lot of it is serious and not just “trolling.”

Come to think of it, you could probably write a term paper comparing GamerGate’s attacks on “feminist” games to the Nazi party’s attacks on stuff like modernist art and “degenerate” culture.

9 years ago

I play video games and the closest thing I’ve seen to a legit criticism is that she sometimes picks bad examples to back up her points.

And even that is usually a really weak argument, since it’s always things like “It’s optional to murder and mutilate the hookers, so that’s not an example of violence against women!”

In fact, the whole idea that she picks bad examples is itself a mimetic idea. The number of people who actually watched her videos and went “hang on, I’ve played that game, that’s not a very good example” is rather small (I remember something from Bioshock Infinite that I would quibble with, but even so, it was fine when taken as part of the overall message she was presenting); mostly it’s people repeating the idea that her examples are bad, along with the same one or two questionable cases, as an easy way to discredit her.

9 years ago

the hate actually started BEFORE the Tropes vs. Women in Video Games series was even released, immediately after her Kickstarter campaign (which is also pretty tame They hadn’t even seen the product yet (even that is generous given most Gamergaters never watched any of her videos, but you know what I mean). Just the idea of a feminist woman talking about sexism in video games was enough to anger the mobs. So yeah. Whatever shit they will say about it, there is absolutely NO reason for the level of hatred towards her.

Thanks for pointing that out. I don’t really know much about her. All I knew was that was that she makes videos about games and that hated for some vague reason (other than being a moderate feminist woman who dares make videos, of course). The fact that this bullshit started before the project was even released and that many Gamergaters never even watched her videos makes their ‘criticisms’ even more unfounded. Hopefully these people will someday realise how ridiculous all this is and pull their heads out of their arses. I’m not going to hold my breath, though.