So I found the meme above on a Facebook page called “Feminist Hypocrisy.”
I also found this familiar pic posted there as well.
And this highly edifying discussion underneath it:
Huh. I’m seeing some hypocrisy here, but it doesn’t look much like feminist hypocrisy.
Our feminist friend Katie told me that the troll was tedious should be banned. I said that he was tedious and deserved to be banned. Thank goodness the troll turned up with the final ruling from Merriam-Webster, because before that I thought Katie and I were in agreement about the proper course of action. I didn’t realize that I was merely sending thoughts out into the universe while Katie was taking a firm stand. Thanks for the clarification!
Too bad that David decided that zie both deserved to be and should be banned. How will we ever know what words mean without zir wisdom?
Oops, a “he” sneaked into the the second sentence when I meant to use “zie.” Sorry about that, I don’t want to misgender anyone, no matter how tedious our feminist friend Katie thinks they might be.
The message I often see from misogynists is, “If it isn’t a big problem you can’t talk about it and I will never consider any of your problems anything other than trivial. Smile, Sweetheart. I’ll tell you when you can speak up.”
Our troll here was doing mental back flips to try to minimize a woman being terrorized. I’m sure all the guys who have harassed her or encouraged other guys to harass her will deny that they did anything wrong. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts this troll has done one or the other since he said he came here to look into David’s point of view aka “women are people”. Some of these guys better hope that the FBI never looks for them because they will find them and I have a feeling some of them may eventually do some time behind bars. They should.
Anita has been on the Colbert Report. She’s speaking in the Sydney Opera house. She’s been noticed by a wider world than the ‘Gaters seem to know exists. The authorities won’t put up with this online version of burning crosses on lawns for much longer. These men sending death and rape threats better get their stories straight because taking something off the internet is like taking piss out of the ocean.
I maybe should not have used that analogy.
Ugh. Yes, fuck off back to stormfront, taruhi. Or the red pill. Or both. Pretty sure it’s both.
Goddamn, Taruhi was still at it? That was a huge slab of badly formatted wordvomit right there!
Oh my god… I didn’t get the “gold star” thing until I read the comments. 🙁 Ouugghh. That gives me unpleasant chills. Something like that can legitimately be reported to Facebook as hate speech, right?
Yesterday I thought this thread was dead! I logged on to my email just then and saw a shit load of notifications. I made the mistake of clicking on one of them to find out what was going on…… URGH!! Taruhi is such an arsehole. Thank you David for banning him. <3 And well done to Paradoxicalintent, Lea, Sparky, Isidore13, Daisyrawks, Andiexist and others for dealing with him so well. I would have ran out of patience a long time ago. All of you deserve medals, seriously.
Taruhi-You do know that it is the hate that is the problem and that this toxic culture gets innocent people killed, right? It doesn't matter if the victims are aware of this vitriol at the time, it doesn't matter if the hatred is expressed in private, it doesn't matter if no one except that group can read this stuff. It doesn't matter at all. Do you know why doesn't matter? BECAUSE HATRED BREEDS HATRED AND IT STILL ENCOURAGES PEOPLE TO GO OUT THERE AND KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE! How many Eliot Rodger’s and Ben Moynihan’s do there have to be before you get that? How many innocent women, black people, gay people, Trans people, Muslims, Sikhs and Jews have to die for you to get that into your thick skull?
I thought this horrible shit was banned?