I admit it: I enjoy schadenfreude so much that I can usually spell the word correctly on the first try. And there’s a lot of schadenfreude in the air these days.
Indeed, I’ve been reading through the YouTube comments of the Sarkeesian Effect breakup videos I posted earlier and chuckling quietly to myself, not just at the assorted skull jokes but at the unintentional comedy, including all the bizarre contortions some Sarkeesian Effect supporters are going through in order to pretend that this ridiculous breakup is somehow less ridiculous than it actually is.
As I can’t in good conscience ever recommend that anyone actually go read the comments on YouTube, I’ve collected together some of my favorite ones. Here are the Top 11 Most Unintentionally Hilarious YouTube Comments About the Sarkeesian Effect Breakup.
1) “This is good for bitcoin The Sarkeesian Effect.”
2) “Women like Anita are quite literally immune from criticism because of their gender,” he says, in the comments to a video about a “documentary” criticizing her.
3) “But mom, I love this bald White Nationalist On Paper with the skull fetish!”
4) Huh. Some of Aurini’s fans also seem to be White Nationalists, and not just on paper.
5) “In conclusion, women are bitches.”
6) By the way, before you criticise me, I’m a man.
7) “This could have an effect on the image of your documentary.” You think?
8) Yes, because “anti-Gamers” always side with racist, woman-hating PUAs over guys who criticize them.
9) “The enemies won’t be laughing when they have not one but two documentaries tearing up their shit.” We won’t?
10) Nothing to see here, move along!
11) Prove that Anita was wrong about the sexualization of women in video games and media generally by putting a porn star on the cover of your DVD!
BONUS COMMENTS: Here are a couple of comments that are actually funny on purpose. At least I hope the first one was meant as a joke.
Note: Comments 1-7, and the first bonus comment, are from here; the rest are from here. @PachiPortrait’s Tweet is here.
I just can’t stop laughing at the guy named “TNAfaackingsucks” (TNA is a wrestling company) with the WWE (which sucks mightily too) logo. He probably got his philosophy from watching too much Raw as a kid. I mean, what a tool…
The multiplex in my neighborhood screens locally made films on occasion, but I assume they have the manager or someone watch the movie first to make sure it’s well made and not offensive, and I imagine the Sarkeesian Effect fails on both counts.
“what they SHOULD do is spend their 20s developing feminine hobbies like knitting, cooking, and removing any stain from anything.”
So now we don’t have to worry about comics or rom coms, these know nothings will happily get their ideas about women from advertising on television?
Were they raised by wolves? Or perhaps they do have mothers and other relatives of the female persuasion who regularly dance through billowing white sheets and shirts on the line or gloat smugly about getting the grass stains out of toddler’s clothes. Anything’s possible in oppositeland, I suppose.
This is ridiculous. I read DA’s post about JO’s supposed reasons for the breakup. It’s a bizarre Roosh triangle, apparently.
DA has posted the transcript of some of the Skype conversations he and JO had. Is this high school? It might just be. Am I loving it a little? I certainly am.
DA mightily defends Roosh with such ironclad logical statements as “You also think he didn’t get laid in Norway, despite the fact that he got laid in Norway, and explained how to get laid in Norway.”
There are also pretty awesome exchanges such as
*cries with laughter*
This is delightful. What’s interesting to me is that DA published these thinking he somehow comes off as the good guy – it’s quite a peek into his thought process. He does not come off as the good guy. At all. Like, Gavin DeBecker should read this, it’s a case study in gaslighting and manipulation and all-around wow-you-suck-at-being-human-stick-to-skulls.
I also discovered my new favorite thing, Aurini’s Insight: Consultations & Custom Videos; a truly vital service where, for either $40 (1 video) or $75 (2 videos), he will put together a ‘University style’ video for you answering any question you may have about history, philosophy, politics or anything else. Includes multiple title cards, for that power point feel!
I expect we’ll see him on TED soon.
I know! It’s ridiculous. I mean, my hobbies are riding a bike when I have my period and riding a horse when I have my period. I also like to sit and smile at salad. Sheesh.
I have really feminine hobbies (knitting, weaving, crochet, spinning, beading–I just finished a cellini spiral bracelet last night, just need to weave in the ends) and… LOL. No.
Also, I am not a great cook and I hate cleaning.
This is a cellini spiral:
Tracy: I love it.
that bracelet is super cool, wordspinner!
Oooooh. What delicious twists and turns, going round in circles…
The bracelet I mean.
OH FUCKING FINALLY I’m not in the spam filter.
(WordPress apparently hates me for trying to put “with open writeathon” in my name. I need to figure out a way NOT to have that happen. Annoying as hell.)
“Feminists suck. Unlike those 90s era riot grrrls. Yeah. If only more women could be like them. P.S. I’m a man, so my opinions are very important”.