#gamergate creepy dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey elliot rodger gender policing incel infighting irony alert men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian!

"Sarkeesian Effect" drama gets uglier: Davis Aurini compares Jordan Owen to incel killer Elliot Rodger

If you watch only one 15-minute interview with Davis Aurini about his breakup with his former Sarkeesian Effect collaborator Jordan Owen today, make it this one!

Ok, I realize that might not be quite persuasive enough to get all of you to click play, but, seriously, this is pretty primo internet drama here, especially when a very testy Aurini starts comparing Owen to Elliot Rodger and basically telling us that his former filmmaking partner has none of the skills necessary to make a film.

And yep, it appears that they really did have their big falling out over Roosh. Which is a teensy bit ironic, because criticizing Roosh is pretty much the only decent thing that Owen has done since he first started obsessing about Anita Sarkeesian.

Anyway, the whole interview is worth listening to. Honest. But if you’re in a hurry, or just can’t tolerate 15 minutes of Aurini, skip ahead to 8:38, where it starts to get juicy, or to 10:30, where it gets even juicier. Here’s a partial transcript, courtesy of CringingAtTheWorld on the GamerGhazi subreddit .

I give it 4 “Ethics in Games Journalism” out of 5.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi, and everyone else who pointed me to this video.

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9 years ago


Makes me think of “riceroni,” or some other of those words that go “X-erooni.”

9 years ago

@Robert – but he’s read about not being unbelievably horrible, and he doesn’t quite get the idea, but he does get that it’s probably useful when you’re trying to make yourself look less horrible than the other horrible person. Even if he’s not very good at it.

9 years ago


That’s exactly where I went with it. Jingle and all.

“Roosh-Aurini! The sexist douchebag creeps.”

9 years ago

Roosh-Auirini does roll off the tongue, which is why realism demands we change it to Aurini-Roosh — in honor of the dudes who will always choose the less euphonic of any alternatives.

9 years ago

We’re totally getting 2 versions of the same movie, aren’t we?

9 years ago

Now that I actually listen to this interview…

My god at the history-rewriting and the bitterness. Almost makes me look at this as a literal trainwreck rather than a figurative one, or like the airing of a couple’s divorce and dirty laundry.

“Jordan ‘fired’ me completely at random, I tried to be the saint but he was just too mean, so now I have to do all the work (that I was doing most of anyway) instead of partnering with him (even though he’s a complete incompetent with major issues and we were always enemies). Really, the film will be better for it.”

Christ. Aurini is just letting loose with every possible insult and character-assination attempt, while trying to save his own face.

9 years ago

Assination is now a word. It means assassination by an asshole. This is now a thing.

Judas Peckerwood
Judas Peckerwood
9 years ago

Good lord, listen to the venom — that’s some serious personal anger there. Am I the only one convinced that they were shagging and Owen kicked Aurini to the curb?

9 years ago

“Roosh-Aurini! The sexist douchebag creeps.”

You can also sing that to the tune of Rule Britannia.

9 years ago

Am I the only one who’s getting this feeling of bizarre empathy for Jordan Owen? We know about Davis’ abusive streak, and the terms he’s talking about him just feel abusive. Including when Davis ʼs insinuating that Jordan’s the abuser.

9 years ago


For what it’s worth, when they were still partners on TSE, Owen defended Aurini’s awful views a lot to the detractors. I believe this was in the comment section on one of Owen or Aurini’s personal videos but Aurini was basically saying that ugly women are disgusting and unworthy of love and physical affection. Owen started in on some bizarre, Obectivist/Randian rant about how beauty is indeed objective and he offered Andrea Dworkin as evidence, challenging anyone to claim she was pretty.

Also, Jordan Owen was one of the Youtube atheists who bullied an older teenaged, Christian fundamentalist kid with psychiatric issues. It got to the point where the kid’s dad had to get involved.

Owen is enough of a slimeball on his own.

9 years ago

taitaisanchez | March 4, 2015 at 7:22 pm

Am I the only one who’s getting this feeling of bizarre empathy for Jordan Owen? We know about Davis’ abusive streak, and the terms he’s talking about him just feel abusive. Including when Davis ʼs insinuating that Jordan’s the abuser.

Yeah, you’re not the only one.

theladyzombie has a good point as well though (an an excellent nym). Owen’s a slimeball, but even I have to feel a teeny bit sorry for him for being under this abuse for daring to think that Roosh is a terrible human being.

Eh, baby steps I suppose.

Back to building my blood altar in Minecraft then.

9 years ago

Welcome Jorji.

If you’ve been reading for a while you probably already know where the Welcome Package is. Anyway, look over there —> and click on the Scented Fucking Candle. Enjoy!

9 years ago

There’s an article on Reaxxion claiming that Jordan Owen criticized Roosh’s argument for making rape legal, and using that as evidence of Owen being jealous of Roosh. As ridiculous as Owen can be, he’s apparently not quite misogynistic enough for the likes of Aurini and Roosh, so they’ve turned on him.

9 years ago

I only listened to a few of the juiciest minutes, but I love when Aurini says that Sarkeesian benefits from this. Huzzah! The feminists win!

…Because two dudes couldn’t play nice long enough to make a documentary that probably would not have actually revealed anything new about Sarkeesian or feminism… Yeah, I think we were gonna win this round either way.

9 years ago


Back to building my blood altar in Minecraft then.

Saayyyyyy… I don’t suppose there’s a wehuntedthemammoth modded Minecraft server running, is there? Because there totally should be…

… I don’t know all the logistics behind hosting a server, but I do have a computer and my own apartment internet…

just saying…

9 years ago

Saayyyyyy… I don’t suppose there’s a wehuntedthemammoth modded Minecraft server running, is there?

If there is, I’m sure this is happening.

9 years ago

So is this Aurini’s real voice? He always sounds like he’s doing a fake radio voice. It’s as if he’s really struggling to maintain this false deep voice all the time.

This is the #1 reason I don’t listen to more podcasts: Smug Nerd Voice.


Ice and Indigo
9 years ago

Is that what’s wrong with Thunder00t’s voice too?? He sounds so clotted and weird I could never listen to him; after about fifteen seconds I start feeling like I’m gettin wax buildup!

Ice and Indigo
9 years ago

Getting, not gettin. Silly keyboards, I blame the feminist conspiracy.

9 years ago

putting together my kickstarter for The Sarkeesian Effect Effect. The shocking tell-all about the collapse of this shocking tell all documentary. Our innovative “sponsor a skull” funding method means you can actually see the result of your donation on screen!*

*funding does not guarantee production, please ignore the man loading bundles of banknotes into a hot air balloon, nothing to see here.

9 years ago

He described on of Owen’s videos as “an hour long, and very tedious”. ALL of Jordan Owen’s videos are long and tedious, yet Aurini thought “there’s the guy I want to create a documentary with!” Why??

Aurini’s Smug Nerd Voice sounds unintentionally really camp. Maybe this is that kind of a break-up, they just don’t realise it.*
I kind of want them to write terrible, over-wrought break-up songs, or maybe release a diss record.

I almost had a shred of pity for Owen, just because he had the tiniest speck of decency to balk at Roosh V, and as far as I know hasn’t been blatantly racist. But he’s still a sad-sack slimeball. I can’t wait to see how he responds to Aurini’s trash-talking.
Probably with a tedious, hour-long ramble about how Aurini was a mean poopyhead, whilst crying over a tub of ice-cream on his dad’s couch next to a pile of belts.

(* I feel like it’s probably inappropriate to insinuate that they have a gay relationship, is that inappropriate?)

9 years ago

>I almost had a shred of pity for Owen, just because he had the tiniest speck of decency to balk at Roosh V, and as far as I know hasn’t been blatantly racist. – in which he accuses Sarkeesian of “skin bleaching” and “learning to smile like a white person”.

(Sarkeesian is Armenian, i.e. literally Caucasian.)

9 years ago


Ewww, gross. I stand corrected. Never mind then, they’re both well on the way to Hell and I shan’t feel sorry for either one of them.

9 years ago

@AltoFronto – nevertheless, he still manages to be less utterly horrible than Aurini! And for people in the manosphere, that actually counts as an achievement.