#gamergate creepy dark enlightenment davis aurini dudes who look like anton lavey elliot rodger gender policing incel infighting irony alert men who really shouldn't be making movies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny PUA red pill rhymes with roosh sarkeesian!

"Sarkeesian Effect" drama gets uglier: Davis Aurini compares Jordan Owen to incel killer Elliot Rodger

If you watch only one 15-minute interview with Davis Aurini about his breakup with his former Sarkeesian Effect collaborator Jordan Owen today, make it this one!

Ok, I realize that might not be quite persuasive enough to get all of you to click play, but, seriously, this is pretty primo internet drama here, especially when a very testy Aurini starts comparing Owen to Elliot Rodger and basically telling us that his former filmmaking partner has none of the skills necessary to make a film.

And yep, it appears that they really did have their big falling out over Roosh. Which is a teensy bit ironic, because criticizing Roosh is pretty much the only decent thing that Owen has done since he first started obsessing about Anita Sarkeesian.

Anyway, the whole interview is worth listening to. Honest. But if you’re in a hurry, or just can’t tolerate 15 minutes of Aurini, skip ahead to 8:38, where it starts to get juicy, or to 10:30, where it gets even juicier. Here’s a partial transcript, courtesy of CringingAtTheWorld on the GamerGhazi subreddit .

I give it 4 “Ethics in Games Journalism” out of 5.

H/T — r/GamerGhazi, and everyone else who pointed me to this video.

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9 years ago

Aurini always rails on about “decorum”, “honour” and “virtue” and the lack of it in the modern era, but like any good nitwit internet narcissist, he slings mud the minute his ego gets damaged. Of course, Owen will eventually respond with a 7 hour insult video of his own, and then the party will get really rolling!

Oh yeah, “there’s no paperwork” basically means alpha red pill was too dumb to sign a contract!

J. Schmidt
J. Schmidt
9 years ago

Usually I detest gossip blogging, but this stuff is just too funny.

(“Feminist hypocrisy!!!!” No, but seriously, I do feel a little conflicted.)

9 years ago

Manospherians get so mad when you compare them to Eliot Rodger but it’s okay for them to do it, apparently.

9 years ago

Why does Mr. Aurini sound like he is talking with a pot on his head? Also, I now want to send him a thesaurus so he has more synonyms for nonsense.

9 years ago

Episode of The Munsters

Lili to Herman:

“You know how I just can’t stand weird people

9 years ago

Well, I guess Roosh can claim one good deed: entertaining all of us with this hilarious break-up he instigated.

Doesn’t really make up for all the other things he’s done though.

9 years ago

Aurini has a point, for once. True, Rodger didn’t think strippers were his friends because they pretend to listen to him babble while he gives them money. I do fear for Owen’s favorite strip club if he ever hears what they say about him behind his back, though.

9 years ago

This is making me grin with schadenfreude so hard, and then I feel like a terrible person for enjoying their misery so very much. I guess it wouldn’t be *as* exquisite if they hadn’t been so smug about their experience releasing poorly-edited, poorly-lit, poorly-written youtube videos being sufficient to create “a completely professional and insightful feature length documentary film.”

9 years ago

“This is seriously the most important thing in my life”. That has to be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard.

friday jones
friday jones
9 years ago

“… releasing poorly-edited, poorly-lit, poorly-written youtube videos…”

You forgot to mention how horrible the soundtrack work was!

9 years ago

I also left out the inept camera work, complete lack of understanding of how two-camera interview shots work, and alla that, because I’m not a videographer, and I was feeling too mean already…

9 years ago
9 years ago

One thing I’m unclear on. They both say they are going to finish the movie individually. Aurini says he has the footage on his computer. Owen did the firing. Does Owen actually have a copy of everything too, or did he fire Aurini and keep the money without actually getting the raw footage first?

9 years ago

Shalimar: The best possibility is that they BOTH have a bunch of the raw footage, and therefore, in addition to everything else, get to accuse one another of copyright violations.

9 years ago

So is this Aurini’s real voice? He always sounds like he’s doing a fake radio voice. It’s as if he’s really struggling to maintain this false deep voice all the time.

How do you not get a contract drawn up when you’re asking for tens of thousands of dollars? I know lawyers can be pricey, but you just add that to your patreon budget. And if Aurini didn’t “believe for one moment” that Owen could make this film, why was he working with him? Whatever. I seriously do not feel even a little bit bad for the life-failures who sent money to these jerks. They knew what trash can they were tossing their money into.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

MRA and redpillians are such drama queens that the sheer entertainment value of their (voluntarily exposed!) shenanigans makes them irresistible to follow. Sometimes.

I’ma make more popcorn now.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

@ rick:

“Aurini always rails on about “decorum”, “honour” and “virtue” and the lack of it in the modern era, but like any good nitwit internet narcissist, he slings mud the minute his ego gets damaged”

That’s pretty much the whole manuresphere in a nutshell.

Jorji Costava
Jorji Costava
9 years ago

Hi everyone! I’ve been reading and enjoying this blog for a little less than a year now, but this is my first post here, so I just wanted to start out by saying “Greetings!” and wishing well to everyone around these parts.

Anyways, I thought I’d add some additional context to the proceedings here: Smudboy himself specializes in making Youtube videos of Jordan Owen-esque length in which he dissects the minute plot and lore inconsistencies of roleplaying video games (especially those by the Canadian developer Bioware). He apparently was quite active on those boards before, but was eventually perma-banned because he could be quite belligerent with his postings. So it does add another layer of absurdity to the whole affair to have him cast here as the straight man passively on the receiving end of Aurini’s rantings and ravings.

9 years ago

“Business” ventures fail all the time. That’s completely expected. But failing because you can’t ignore the differences your two distinct forms of misogyny long enough to finish a crappy documentary? That’s just sad.

Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna
9 years ago

The comments on Aurini’s site are, as always in the manuresphere, priceless.

Here’s one classic example:

Nathan Metric March 4, 2015 at 05:13
“Even though I have put down 400 dollars on this documentary I wouldn’t want to fund the final month of this project if Aurini is to be shafted like this. I just couldn’t do it. I will only support the film with Aurini’s input in it.

If Jordan just lost some weight he would be fine at picking up women. He is already more than half-way to being full of Game. If he just lost some weight, put just a little more work into his appearance then he would be fine. He can even keep his long hair if he wants. It’s the overall appearance that matters. Also, if Roosh really is as “evil” and as “manipulative” as he claims then he is only attracting evil cunts. Why be envious of him? Know yourself. That is the first step toward virtue.”

Lordy Lord… “Know yourself. That is the first step toward virtue.” Sigh. The irony renders one speechless.

9 years ago

Does this mean at the end we get The Owen Effect by Aurini and the Roosh-Aurini Effect by Owen?

9 years ago

I am listening to Aurini in high dudgeon, pompously attempting to speak with some sort of awareness to public relations and trying not to sound like a horrible person. David is right: you must listen to this interview. THIS INTERVIEW IS COMEDY PLUTONIUM.

9 years ago

Does this mean at the end we get The Owen Effect by Aurini and the Roosh-Aurini Effect by Owen?

I don’t know, but I do know it’s really fun saying “Roosh-Aurini”. 🙂

9 years ago

Didn’t it take them a month just to get an unwatchable 7-minute teaser? (Suffering Sappho, just the phrase “7-minute teaser” is painful.) How the hell are these guys gonna shoot two separate feature length films on their own? Are they both going to only use the footage that doesn’t have the other?

Of course, all this speculation is just giving them the benefit of the doubt that the whole thing wasn’t a big scam.

OT but I saw this and thought of y’all:

9 years ago

Davidgerard – it is curious how much trouble some people have with appearing not to be horrible. And how easy it is to spot. What is he like in day to day life, I wonder?

But not very hard, because ick.

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