So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a charming fellow with the charming name of FuckAllSJWs wants the world to know that
I’m not into music by women, because I can’t identify with getting my period in a business meeting, or sympathize with some waiflike chick strumming a guitar while singing weakly about her feelings.
Or one trying to use her tits to get airplay.
Thanks for your opinion! We are all better for having heard it.
Here’s Yoko Ono with a rebuttal:
If anyone knows where I could find songs about getting periods in business meetings, let me know, because I would really like to hear some.
I know I mentioned Yoko yesterday, but I’m pretty sure every time someone posts something non-abusive about her online an MRA angel loses its wings.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
MRA angels are not a thing.
Ani DiFranco’s ‘Blood in the Boardroom’ probably qualifies. But that’s a remarkable amount of niche knowledge for a non-listener to have.
That describes like 99% of the emo (and it’s subsequent spin off genres) music in existence. Also, why is that a bad thing? I’m pretty sure if that was a bad thing, Jimmy Eat World wouldn’t exist and be so successful. ( I <3 Jimmy Eat World)
Said like he has enough common courtesy to wait until he gets home or at least to a bathroom before he has his period. Oddly, also can’t identify with getting my period in a business meeting. That usually happens overnight and not at work *crosses fingers*.
Dude. That’s one song. By one woman. That was made like two decades ago (?).
I don’t like that one really annoying John Mayer song, therefore I’m not into music by men.
I doubt that poster is a MRA, it looks more like a joke at their expense.
I present to you; a waiflike chick strumming a guitar while another sings weakly about her feelings.
I bet he’s referring to Ani DiFranco’s “Blood in the Boardroom“
If you’ll take one in Spanish, here’s a song about menstruation while in a relationship (no business meetings mentioned) However, it’s a man singing to his (alleged?) damsel, not a woman about her experiences.
Also, it’s a very bad song from an artist who should step on all the legos forever for placing the bar of poetry and music so low that you need heavy equipment and a trained team to reach it.
But hey, it’s a song! About menstruation! By a male artist!
He is indeed!
[i]getting my period in a business meeting[/i]
It’s been awhile since I listened to Alanis Morissette, but I’m pretty sure that’s not one of her examples from Ironic.
@ Kirbywarp
I’ll see your ” waiflike chick strumming a guitar while another sings weakly about her feelings” and raise you an entire band of chicks strumming guitars and banging on drums and singing weakly about their feelings.
I also present to you: a waiflike chick strumming a guitar while another sings weakly about her feelings:
No wait, that isn’t it, hold on…
Nope, still isn’t it, just wait a minute…
There we go. That is surely what he was talking about, right? XD
Yeah. That’s why I could never get into Clapton. I can’t identify with people who ejaculate. I mean, what are they even about? It’s like they’re alien lifeforms that do not share my humanity.
Oh, wait. That’s not true.
You got me there. That’s practically a drum circle with flower power hippies compared to the rugged manly manliness of male music. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Conway Twitty!
This one isn’t about periods, but it does mention periods – does that count?
TW: Song may be about sexual assault (from victim’s POV)
Oops, link is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAptF-EN5PI
What drives me crazy about these sorts of comments isn’t the nature of the comment. It’s that dudes assume that the narrative is for them to understand and empathize with. Usually when I’m talking about my period, I’m not even talking to men.
I swear, dudes like that are the #1 Ear Hustlers and need to mind their fucking business. We aren’t even talking to you!!!
I love Steely Dan, and yet I can’t directly identify with gay social-climbing hipsters lecturing their boyfriends about not bringing homeless Brazilian boys to upscale events in spangled ponchos.
It’s almost as if music doesn’t have to be about me.
How about this weak-voiced waif?
…..because that’s what “Wrecking Ball” is really about. Hanna Montana’s period showed up in the middle of a meeting and ruined it.
@ Kirbywarp
I don’t know why but I read that in Conan O’Brien’s voice and I DIED laughing.
I need to go make some coffee and eat something.
This thread is going to be awesome.
More girls singing weakly about their feelings!
(But the lead singer is a girl! And the guitarist has short hair! And the drummer wears glasses! Etc)
I don’t know of any other songs about periods, but here’s one about shaving your legs (or, actually, NOT shaving your legs). Damn hairy feminists! *shakes fist, I mean, smashes guitar*
What about some solidly-built chick shredding like all get out while some waiflike dude with a keytar sings weakly about his feelings? Can anyone at all relate to that?