So over on the Men’s Rights subreddit, a charming fellow with the charming name of FuckAllSJWs wants the world to know that
I’m not into music by women, because I can’t identify with getting my period in a business meeting, or sympathize with some waiflike chick strumming a guitar while singing weakly about her feelings.
Or one trying to use her tits to get airplay.
Thanks for your opinion! We are all better for having heard it.
Here’s Yoko Ono with a rebuttal:
If anyone knows where I could find songs about getting periods in business meetings, let me know, because I would really like to hear some.
I know I mentioned Yoko yesterday, but I’m pretty sure every time someone posts something non-abusive about her online an MRA angel loses its wings.
H/T — r/againstmensrights
Well, “music by women sux!” really is a very important men’s rights issue.
Thanx Kirby and others. Here is another video. Except the guitarist is a waif like male. 😀
Here are some more videos featuring a women singing ‘weakly’ about her feelings.
Sorry, block-qoute failed me there.
I know, right?! There are so many important issues that men face, but MRAs worry about this? (even though female music is actually awesome). It’s just dumb, really.
This song written and performed by two women is definitely about periods and not about how hyper consumerism is hurting the environment.
oh wait…
The female artists I really can’t live without are Kate Bush, Aimee Mann, Bjork and Suzanne Vega. None of these really fit the stereotype of waif strumming a guitar and singing about their feelings. They are highly literate individuals. You shouldn’t have to conform to either gender to be able to relate to intelligent lyrics. Male artists I relate to are Morrissey, Sufjan Stevens and Peter Gabriel. I don’t say I can’t relate to them because they are men and so don’t write about their swollen tits and menstral cramps!!! :0