The Washington Post recently ran a piece by Michele Goldberg about feminist women who’ve basically been run off the internet by rape threats and death threats and endless harassment.
Reactionary fantasy author and racist shithead Vox Day (a.k.a Theadore Beale) couldn’t be more pleased. After posting several quotes from the WaPo article on his Vox Popoli blog, he did a little victory lap:
#GamerGate has them on the run. They can’t take the heat. What they call “harassment” and “abuse” is seldom anything more than free speech answering free speech.
Uh, not so much. No matter how far you stretch and mangle the definition of “Free Speech,” bomb threats and death threats and SWATting isn’t free speech.
But in Vox Day’s mind, apparently, it’s all good, because the barbarians are at the gate.
Open up your hate and let it pour over them.
Yep. He really did write that.
NOTE TO IDEOLOGUES: When you find yourself excitedly rhapsodizing about the power of hatred, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re the baddies.
Don’t think for even one nanosecond that they don’t deserve it every bit of the criticism, of the contempt, of the disdainful dismissal that overwhelms them. They are trying to destroy Western civilization. They are trying to destroy marriage and civil society. They are advocates of child murder. They are advocates of a philosophy that makes National Socialism look merciful and Communism practical and Fascism coherent by comparison. Do not hold back. Speak back twice as hard. Speak back until they fall silent.
I think poor Vox is spending too much of his time reading and writing terrible fantasy novels. He may think he’s rallying the troops like Churchill or, I dunno, Hitler, but all I can think of is this guy.
Oh, but he’s not done:
Women are particularly susceptible to shame. So shame them relentlessly. Shame those who agree with them. Mock their white knights who rush in to save them. Above all, dignify their views and voices with all the respect you would show to a particularly noxious fart in an elevator.
I think Vox has inadvertently given us a perfect description of himself.
Actually, I take that back. He’s more like a shart, a shitstain on humanity.
I didn’t think it was the goblins who’s mouths gape open, I thought it were their victims.
The sheer ambiguity of the gaping mouth leaves it open to interpretation, does it not?
(Either that, or for some passerby to use it as a urinal.)
The only “context” that makes hateful outbursts like VD’s OK is the manosphere. When someone like Olli whines that a noxious MRA emission is being quoted “out of context”, what they really mean is it’s being quoted outside of its natural habitat, in a rational environment where it appears completely absurd and pathetic. These quotes can’t survive anywhere else. All of reality is out of context for these guys.
It’s the same sense in which shit-munching bacteria shrivel up and die when “taken out of context”.
Gaping mouth gaping open? WTF.
Can someone clarify? Was it gaping?
This kind of crap only shows us that they are scared. Why else the need to pour out the hate?! In the real world I continue to live my life as a feminist, and all this internet bollocks really needs context (THIS is where context is important Ollie). Yes, we know that your relentless vile trolling is meant as a silencing tactic Mr VD, and this confirms that YOU deny free speech and YOU want people to be continually threatened for their ideological beliefs. Just. Like. Fascists.
Ah – ninja’d on ‘context’, Buttercup!
Must have taken ages for latest comments to show on my computer.
I was thinking that it sounded like Vox was quoting the band Disturbed with that “Open up your hate and let it pour over them” line, and you know what? I think he listens to some Down with the Sickness because that’s what it sounds like. And most of those lyrics suit him.
The part that Vox Day is ripping off from within the main chorus;
“Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me”
Then there are these gems from the rest of the song;
“Drowning deep in my sea of loathing
Broken your servant I kneel
(Will you give in to me?)
It seems what’s left of my human side
Is slowly changing in me
(Will you give in to me?)
I can see inside you, the sickness is rising
Don’t try to deny what you feel
(Will you give in to me?)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me
(Will you give in to me?)”
Disturbed’s repitition of “Will you give in to me” just sounds like a PUA tactic to me now. And I kind of liked this song for reasons that I find hard to justify to people who haven’t been in a car with my sister, who sings it at the top of her lungs and makes me laugh.
The sickness is certainly rising in Vox’s followers.
This song also really romanticizes unleashing one’s inner demon on your enemies, so…Vox Day is definitely a Disturbed fan. Oh fans of (some of) the rock and metal that I like, why must you wreck things for me? Whyyyyy? I used to consider this stuff just harmless fantasy! I have a dark side as well, and some personal demons than can be allies when things get dangerous, but I’m not a shit to large swatches of the human race because they have parts I don’t like. Sheesh.
Oh Olli, settle down. As I say to my little ones – think about what you’re trying to say, because when you just blurt out half an idea it doesn’t make any sense.
And now for something I don’t say to my kids – I suspect that you only managed to spout half an idea because you have never managed a fully thought out idea in your life. So either troll properly or fuck off.
Troll 2! Best movie ever! I especially love when that goblin woman rubs an ear of corn on her thigh and the kernels turn to popcorn.
@mistressoflarry – The problem, or at least one of them, is that the justice system is run by men, many of whom secretly (and not so secretly) agree with the hatred and violence directed at those of us who do not have penises. That is a crude way to say it, but the fact remains that the biggest thing separating the “real people” from the “not so real people” is the ownership of male genitalia. Add holding the overwhelming majority of the political, economic, religious and military powers to the mix and there you have it.
Many would add “white” to the list, and there is some truth to that, but men of every race hate women about the same. In fact, you could make a case for hating women being the common denominator for men around the world. Not each and every man, and there are some small cultures where women are held in somewhat higher regard, but…
Oh, and I also read Ms. Goldberg’s article and thought it very well-written. And honest and to the point
Always nice to see someone else with good taste in movies 🙂
Hey guys, check out this 50’s beauty manual. It has a section on what to do if a guy forces himself on you and how it’s your own fault for leading him on, you hussy.
Uh, Theodore? That wet fart in the elevator…is YOU. And it’s kind of hard for a shart to shame anyone, because if they’re not too busy holding their noses, they are bound to be too busy laughing their guts out at you.
And from the beauty manual comments section, we get:
If that’s not Beale, it must be one of his little disciples.
PopeRatzo – very good point. Scalzi v Beale reminds me of one of the things I tell my kids. In fiction, evil people are often interesting, even weirdly appealing, while good people can be a bit lackluster. In real life, evil people are almost always dull and unpleasant, whereas good people are typically fun to be around. Beale seems to think that he’s living in fiction, and his tedious and nauseating screeds should have his fans riveted. Being kicked out of the SFWA could have been a wake up call, but he chose to shove his capitum even further up his fundamentum. I cannot believe that he is enjoying his life, as I understand the term.
I really dislike how MRAs don’t seem to get the point of supervillains: yes, they can be interesting and tragic – but they’re still nonetheless wrong. They are also reflections of the heroes they fight, as they represent some aspect of their personality, to emphasize what would happen if said hero decided to go the other way and become a despicable person.
Forgot to say: every single fucking time “free speech” is brought up as a defense for everything now, I just want to Hulk out. It’s bad enough they misunderstand the entire concept – it’s even worse that, despite their proclaimed love of such, they don’t see how hypocritical it is to silence others for expressing views they dislike.
Theodore Beale has actually fantasized about beating the shit out of women. He seems to think that because the average man can beat up the average woman, that this justifies oppression of women, because if women deserved rights they would assert them without outside help (and especially without any kind of governmental help). So in other words, might makes right. I mean, it is true that he could beat the shit out of me if we ever met in person (goddess forbid) and he took it into his head to do so; not only am I 5’3″ and small-boned, I’m walking around on two bad knees. I’m not tossing some big guy over my shoulder. But by this reasoning, he should not object to abortion because a woman is always bigger, stronger and smarter than any fetus she carries. Not that I want to argue against abortion rights, but this just doesn’t make sense.
Quoted for truth.
So, women who are strong enough/skilled enough to beat the shit out of men should be allowed to as well because that’s just how you defend your rights in the brutish, short, and cruel life in nature in which he believes and that he appears to idolize, instead of arguing the brutishness of nature justifies government and social contracts, which upholds the rights of all, even the less physically strong.
Further thoughts. Theodore Beale looks pretty small for a man. I’m sure that there are plenty of men out there, as well as some women, who could beat the shit out of him. Does that mean that he doesn’t deserve rights either because he can’t defend them without outside help?
Bina | February 28, 2015 at 3:33 pm
“Why don’t you want us to say we worship you while we make you out to be nothing more than a house slave?! Your place is to clean up after me and have all the babies I want that I don’t want to have to help take care of!”
Yeah, because this asshat (who is most likely male and was born long after the fifties) totally knows that women were so much happier then and they NEVER wanted to live like a modern woman: Earning their own wages, making choices about their own bodies, choosing when and to whom they get married without having to worry about “Daddy’s Blessing” or people pressuring them to get married because becoming a SPINSTER was the worst thing ever…nah. Not a one of them wanted such silly things.
It also gets me that they whine about how men “dressed better” in the fifties, but they all wear ratty-ass clothes, idiotic t-shirts with bullshit scrawled all over the front, and top off their lack of fashion sense with a trilby that they call a “fedora”. Any man from the fifties would cringe at them and get as far away as possible.
Might makes right kind of stops working on an “individual beating people up” level the moment anyone starts to team up with others. And once you have teams you develope rules, and then you’re basicly back to government interfering in your freedom. And you can’t enforce a “no teaming up” rule, cause you’d need a team to enforce such a rule, etc.
And that shows just how evopsych logic can be used to justify government to the lolbertarians of the Dark Enlightenment.