The Washington Post recently ran a piece by Michele Goldberg about feminist women who’ve basically been run off the internet by rape threats and death threats and endless harassment.
Reactionary fantasy author and racist shithead Vox Day (a.k.a Theadore Beale) couldn’t be more pleased. After posting several quotes from the WaPo article on his Vox Popoli blog, he did a little victory lap:
#GamerGate has them on the run. They can’t take the heat. What they call “harassment” and “abuse” is seldom anything more than free speech answering free speech.
Uh, not so much. No matter how far you stretch and mangle the definition of “Free Speech,” bomb threats and death threats and SWATting isn’t free speech.
But in Vox Day’s mind, apparently, it’s all good, because the barbarians are at the gate.
Open up your hate and let it pour over them.
Yep. He really did write that.
NOTE TO IDEOLOGUES: When you find yourself excitedly rhapsodizing about the power of hatred, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re the baddies.
Don’t think for even one nanosecond that they don’t deserve it every bit of the criticism, of the contempt, of the disdainful dismissal that overwhelms them. They are trying to destroy Western civilization. They are trying to destroy marriage and civil society. They are advocates of child murder. They are advocates of a philosophy that makes National Socialism look merciful and Communism practical and Fascism coherent by comparison. Do not hold back. Speak back twice as hard. Speak back until they fall silent.
I think poor Vox is spending too much of his time reading and writing terrible fantasy novels. He may think he’s rallying the troops like Churchill or, I dunno, Hitler, but all I can think of is this guy.
Oh, but he’s not done:
Women are particularly susceptible to shame. So shame them relentlessly. Shame those who agree with them. Mock their white knights who rush in to save them. Above all, dignify their views and voices with all the respect you would show to a particularly noxious fart in an elevator.
I think Vox has inadvertently given us a perfect description of himself.
Actually, I take that back. He’s more like a shart, a shitstain on humanity.
You can’t just say “That was out of context”; you have to tell us the correct context that makes what he said not as bad, or we’re just going to laugh and ignore you.
It’s been said here before, but it’s obvious men in the manosphere don’t think words mean things. Olli saying ‘out of context’ like that guy in the comments section of the GQ article a few days ago who kept calling everyone sockpuppets.
I am just waiting with bated breath for Olli to provide the context that makes “pour your hate out on them” and “shame them relentlessly” reasonable, rational arguments.
Yep, that context can come out whenever it wants! Olli olli oxen free!
Sorry, I should have said ‘manospherians’ because the women in the manosphere also do not know how to word.
I think manospherians just think context is one of those magic words. If they say it, the other person just automatically loses.
He’s a professional writer, if you mean that he actually started his own publishing company so he could publish garbage like “The dead goblin didn’t have any answers for him, and the gaping mouth gaping loosely open made it look about as stupid as Forex was feeling” and “The guide was very nearly as unfriendly as a dwarf too, the man who was presently calling himself Nicolas thought, vaguely annoyed at his inability to crack the man’s reserve.”
David really should do a misogynist story time for WHTM. He could preform dramatic readings of all the horrible fiction by JB, Paul Elam, Pox, and Doosh. Maybe he could make it pay per view or a live event? That would be a riot.
The sequel to A Throne of Bones will be 850 pages.
Jayzus. My kitty could eat a bowl of alphabet noodles and shit better prose than that.
Olli | February 27, 2015 at 3:53 pm
Screeched the manospherian: “Context!”
In what way would context make this sound in any way reasonable, hmm? He’s literally saying he wants people to harass and intimidate feminists and women so they’ll shut up.
Please, by all means, give us the proper context that makes this talk okay. Please give us the context to show us that maybe, just maybe, Vox Day isn’t a horrible shitstain on the human race who advocates for women to be intimidated, threatened, and harassed into silence. I want to believe that people like this don’t exist and somehow we’re taking this all out of context!
C’mon. (to borrow a phrase from Katz) Ollie Ollie Oxen Free~!
Aw, the Italics Mammoth got me. (Is that a thing?)
Everything after “Context!” is not supposed to be italicized.
yamamanama | February 27, 2015 at 7:25 pm
They know they’re supervillains, right? I mean, this is pretty much the Emperor’s speech to Luke in Return of the Jedi. They know that, right?
@ ParadoxicalIntention
OMG that gif is perfect for that! I’m laughing so hard. I’m glad I don’t have to pee, cause… ya know.
Wut. That’s not a real thing. Tell me that’s not a real thing.
… I need a drink.
Ooh, can we all join in with that? I have the most high-pitched voice I know; I think I’d be perfect. =P
If so, dibs on “Gaping gaper gaping gapely.”
THAT is Vox’s writing? This is the guy who got upset that he didn’t get some sort of award or something for his books? Oh for fucks sake…
kirbywarp | February 28, 2015 at 1:02 am
He sounds exactly like that guy who got pissy because the Ess-Jay-Dubbyas kept him from winning that film award for his shitty RPG, manfantasy, women-can’t-do-shit-without-men, “git gud” bullshit.
Maybe “gaping mouth gaping open” is supposed to be a lexical ambiguity example sentence, like “Wouldn’t the sentence ‘I want to put a hyphen between the words Fish and And and And and Chips in my Fish-And-Chips sign’ have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before Fish, and between Fish and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and And, and And and and, and and and Chips, as well as after Chips?”
@ yama
My brain. Stahp. Not done with my cup of coffee yet. I AM NOT CAFFEINED ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH VOX’S WRITING. *foetal position*
The amount of drugs you’ll need to deal with Vox’s writing is enough to kill you.
I’m starting to think Vox serves as a muse for birdsrightsactivist.
At least Birds’ Rights Activist makes some good points.
But a goblin’s mouth MUST gape loosely open, because it can’t gape tightly shut! LOGIC, yo! Don’t you people see that you are in the presence of an unheralded soooooper-jeenyus?