#gamergate antifeminism dark enlightenment drama kings empathy deficit entitled babies evil SJWs harassment hate imaginary oppression internet tough guy men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny no girls allowed oppressed white men PUA reactionary bullshit straw feminists vox day

Vox Day on feminists: "Open up your hate and let it pour over them … until they fall silent."

Vox Day:  If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!
Vox Day: If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!

The Washington Post recently ran a piece by Michele Goldberg about feminist women who’ve basically been run off the internet by rape threats and death threats and endless harassment.

Reactionary fantasy author and racist shithead Vox Day (a.k.a Theadore Beale) couldn’t be more pleased. After posting several quotes from the WaPo article on his Vox Popoli blog, he did a little victory lap:

#GamerGate has them on the run. They can’t take the heat. What they call “harassment” and “abuse” is seldom anything more than free speech answering free speech.

Uh, not so much. No matter how far you stretch and mangle the definition of “Free Speech,” bomb threats and death threats and SWATting isn’t free speech.

But in Vox Day’s mind, apparently, it’s all good, because the barbarians are at the gate.

Open up your hate and let it pour over them.

Yep. He really did write that.

NOTE TO IDEOLOGUES: When you find yourself excitedly rhapsodizing about the power of hatred, there’s a pretty good chance that you’re the baddies.

Don’t think for even one nanosecond that they don’t deserve it every bit of the criticism, of the contempt, of the disdainful dismissal that overwhelms them. They are trying to destroy Western civilization. They are trying to destroy marriage and civil society. They are advocates of child murder. They are advocates of a philosophy that makes National Socialism look merciful and Communism practical and Fascism coherent by comparison. Do not hold back. Speak back twice as hard. Speak back until they fall silent.

I think poor Vox is spending too much of his time reading and writing terrible fantasy novels. He may think he’s rallying the troops like Churchill or, I dunno, Hitler, but all I can think of is this guy.

Oh, but he’s not done:

Women are particularly susceptible to shame. So shame them relentlessly. Shame those who agree with them. Mock their white knights who rush in to save them. Above all, dignify their views and voices with all the respect you would show to a particularly noxious fart in an elevator.

I think Vox has inadvertently given us a perfect description of himself.

Actually, I take that back. He’s more like a shart, a shitstain on humanity.

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10 years ago


Sad news, sort of related: Leonard Nimoy, an important figure in sci-fi and also pro-feminist, has died. 🙁

Oh no! 🙁

10 years ago
10 years ago

Awh, not Nimoy! Why’d it have to be him? 🙁

10 years ago


Whenever I read/hear “no man is an island”, I instantly think “except for the Isle of Man”. Am I the only one doing this, or is it common?

10 years ago


I thought that exact same thing!

Vanir (@Vanir85)
10 years ago

Sad news, sort of related: Leonard Nimoy, an important figure in sci-fi and also pro-feminist, has died.

– skiriki

this… just became a very bad day

10 years ago
10 years ago

I’ve had a long, hard week at work. I do not have the patience for VD’s dumbarsery right now. It’s time for a glass of wine for sure.

Does teaching my sons the importance of consent and the value of respect count as destroying society and marriage? If not, I’m not sure I’m feministing properly.

Vanir (@Vanir85)
10 years ago

Does teaching my sons the importance of consent and the value of respect count as destroying society and marriage?

– NicolaLuna

It does if you’re vox. His idea of western culture, civil society AND marriage, are all things that SHOULD be destroyed – and preferably forgotten (except maybe as a warning).

Who Knows (@ShiraMK)
10 years ago

“Open up your hate and let it pour over them”

Did he get that one line from a Disturbed song?

“There is no turning back now
You’ve woken up the demon in me
Get up, come on get down with the sickness
Open up your hate, and let it flow into me”

10 years ago

…but all I can think of is this guy.

…Nah. Syndrome is smart and resourceful and, most of all, Syndrome is a master of the wisecrack. Just think, Syndrome, when matched up against actual superfolk, not phantoms of his own imagination, almost managed to wipe ’em all out* (even though he himself had no special powers other than those of the intellect) all the while snarking away without so much as a pause for breath. Syndrome against Vox in a physical battle would leave not even wet spot behind and Syndrome against Vox in a Battle Verbal would reduce Vox to muteness for life. Vox would probably have to switch nicknames, which would suck for Vox. {pitying sigh}

I can’t see Vox and Syndrome as allies. Too much of a coolness differential.

*not that that’s a good thing

10 years ago

I get on Tumblr yesterday evening and everybody’s flipping their shit about some stupid dress.

Yeah, but today it’s all about NImoy’s passing. Frankly I’d rather see (and ignore) the business about the dress.

10 years ago

@Nequam: Yes, O for the power to roll back the clock.

10 years ago

So Vox Day openly admits that goobergate is about harassment of women. I think that this blog post should be admissible evidence in a court of law, should this nastiness ever come to that (and it likely will).

10 years ago

What’s that Vox Day? You want the earth to open and pour lava over you? You can but pray, my dear.

10 years ago

Quoting people out of context. Why was I expecting anything else from you…

10 years ago

Every day, the moment he wakes up, Vox Day is wracked with pain over the fact that he will never, ever be John Scalzi. It’s eating him up inside. Bitter, angry man who will never be respected by his peers.

Lady Mondegreen
Lady Mondegreen
10 years ago

Gee, who peed in VD’s cornflakes this morning?

Whatsamatter, Teddy, your imaginary wife put the flaming sword in the dishwasher again?

10 years ago

@Lady Mondegreen Worse. She made him empty it and fill it again with dirty dishes.

10 years ago

They are trying to destroy Western civilization. They are trying to destroy marriage and civil society. They are advocates of child murder. They are advocates of a philosophy that makes National Socialism look merciful and Communism practical and Fascism coherent by comparison. Do not hold back. Speak back twice as hard. Speak back until they fall silent.

FEMINISTS, FEAR THE WRATH OF BEALE!!! >thunderclap, evil laughter<

Am I the only one here who snurked at that Nazi reference, from a guy who IS one himself?

Also, GamerGate is dead, and the only ones left are those arguing over where to plant the corpse. Who's fallen silent, again?

10 years ago

@ Olli

Quoting people out of context. Why was I expecting anything else from you…

Oh great and wise one. Please bestow upon us with the correct context in which to evaluate this post. Let it be known that quoting literally all but two sentences of VD and linking back to the entire article he was responding to is insufficient context. Quoting verbatim is misrepresentation! MISANDRY!!

10 years ago


What’s the context, then? Nearly the whole article was reproduced verbatim, I read the original. What’s missing that makes this all ok?

10 years ago

Quoting people out of context. Why was I expecting anything else from you…

Out of context? Really?

Flying Mouse
Flying Mouse
10 years ago

I don’t think there’s enough context in the world to make Vox Day look reasonable.