Fellas, make up your minds! Are feminist ladies wily seductresses out to entrap innocent men using the power of their sexiness? Or are they evil uggos who never get laid?
While the zeta males over at A Voice for Men lament their alleged victimization at the hands of an alleged undercover feminist honey trap, who allegedly lured them into skeezy behavior by, among other things, crossing and uncrossing her legs, our old friend Heartiste once again assures his readers that feminist ladies are icky fugs:
A powerful shiv to the bloated gut of feminism is to remind normal, attractive women of the gross, ugly, and deranged feminist women (and their effete male lackeys) who purport to speak for all women. Women are nothing if not herd followers, and if it’s made clear to the Normal Majority of women that feminists are unbangable fugs no worthwhile man would touch with a manlet’s micropeen, then the herd will change course and leave the losers in its dust.
Hate to break it to you, dude, but you’re not the first person to try to defeat feminism using the brilliant strategy of calling feminists ugly. It never works.
The thing is — as he might have learned by spending some time at WHTM — that armchair psychology isn’t a very good idea. I’ll quote my reply:
“I was adopted by an older couple who treated me like a little prince. If my parents did anything wrong, it was treating me too well. Or perhaps it was that they taught me to respect women — you think that was their mistake? You can take your armchair psychology and … rub it in your chest.”
And Attila’s reply shows that he still thinks I’m David. Like there could only be one man in the world that is pro-feminist and thinks the MRAs stink.
Is this that “cuckolding” thing I’ve been hearing so much about?
GrumpyOldMangina | February 27, 2015 at 7:05 pm
Nice job with the slight nym change. XD
And of course you’re David! You’re one of the business of ferrets that populates his faux human skin!
@PI My theory is that the neatest thing you can do with an intended insult is to wear it proudly — turn it against the people who thought they could intimidate you with it. If I could figure out a way of working Social Justice Warrior into my nym, I’d do it.
GrumpyOldMangina ,
Congratulations and well done.
It shows you exactly what the MRM thinks of male survivors.
I kinda want to barf in a bag and throw it at people who would try to trigger a child abuse survivor (which is what he was hoping you were GrumpyOldMangina) for a chuckle.
Hey, on the subject of Gloria Steinem, did you all hear about this?http://deadline.com/2015/02/marisa-tomei-gloria-steinem-ms-hbo-miniseries-george-clooney-1201379952/ I was a little surprised because Marisa Tomei is 50, making her more than 10 years older than Gloria Steinem would’ve been in 1971, but I’m a fan of hers so I don’t have too many complaints.
In the first place he was stating that he knew I was abused because he saw it in David’s class pictures. I don’t know anything much creepier than looking up the class pictures of someone you’re supposedly arguing gender-identity (or any other) principles with.
His basic argument, stripped of irrelevancies, is that only a man who had been abused as a child could be a feminist. There are so many kinds of wrong in this Doodlogik(TM) that I would not know where to start.
1) Bravo, GrumpyOldMangina, for how you handled that whole situation
2) How the hell do you tell from “class pictures” that a child has been abused? Does…does this guy not realize the creepy-ass implications of this?
3) If only a man who had been abused as a child could be a feminist…wait, even if that were true that still doesn’t necessarily say anything bad about feminism.
“2) How the hell do you tell from “class pictures” that a child has been abused? Does…does this guy not realize the creepy-ass implications of this?”
Remember we are talking about AVfM’s “Activism Director” here. His creepdar was amputated at birth during circumcision.
Heh. I’m pretty sure that I alone know more male feminists than there are members of AVFMorons on the whole, much less ones who do any actual activism.
And yeah, talk about “compassion for men and boys” in Attila, eh? Just his “Oh, you must have been abused as a child” as a rejoinder, rather than an argument based in facts and logic, proves that he lacks compassion as well as logic.
And while his fact-free diet may be great for pretending he’s some kind of Incredible Hulk, it’s not very nourishing for the brain.
(I will hereby refrain from making cracks about Attila being dropped on the head as an infant, as it’s a terrible insult to those who really did suffer such an injury.)
Still kinder than my temptation to make cracks about shaving Attila’s head and looking for the coat hanger marks.
Bina | February 27, 2015 at 7:56 pm
My little brother dropped himself on his head when he was a wee babby. He rolled off the doctor’s table when my mom bent down to pick up his binky after he threw it.
What I was doing on the GQ comments was not really meant to argue with them, refute their points, etc., but to goad them into replying because we all know they can’t keep themselves from saying horrible things that expose the hollowness of their organization. That’s basically what Jeff Sharlet did — just give them a chance to let them be themselves and leap onto his skewer and impale themselves.
Now that’s a good one. (I’m guessing they’re where his beard currently grows.)
Ow! I hope he wasn’t badly hurt.
Bina | February 27, 2015 at 8:08 pm
Nah, I think he was more shocked than anything. We joke in my family that at least he had the good sense to do that in the doctor’s office.
David’s cartoon says it all.
Feminists were “ugly” and unfuckable 100 years ago.
Feminists were “ugly” and unfuckable back in the 70s … when two of the best-known feminists were the USA’s lovely Gloria Steinem and the OZ/UK’s raunchy Germaine Greer, you know these people have some un-oiled cogs in their lojik machine.
Oy. I guess all the AVFMers are going through the childhood pics that someone in my family (not even sure who) posted on Facebook. (JudgyBitch posted one of them on her blog recently in order to suggest that I looked like a gay cannibal who was recentely arrested in Canada. I do not see any resemblance.) There’s one class pic featuring me in 5th or 6th grade. I have no idea how anyone could tell much of anything about me from it, much less decide that I must have been abused (which I wasn’t). Oh, AVFMers, you are creepy shitheads.
By the way, David, how is the Antichrist gig going?
Yeah, I realized about half a second after posting that comment that confirmation bias wasn’t quite the right term…maybe something more like perceptual priming, or whatever it is that causes our brains to resolve ambiguous images into one form or another (duck or rabbit, vase or faces, etc.). These guys see nothing but ugliness and cynicism everywhere they look.
Brains are fun. I did my senior college thesis on priming and fluency and its effect on perceptions of past events. People tended to misremember words being on a list (or not) based on how easy (or difficult) it was for them to conjure up the answers to word puzzles. The brain is a very unreliable recorder of events, especially when it’s on autopilot.
@GrumpyOldMangina Go you! Every time an MRA tantrums, an angel gets its wings. You’re providing a valuable public service, getting people like Vinczer to display their shittiness for the whole world to see…plus, keeping them busy in the GQ article means they’re not brigading some other innocent comment section somewhere else. You’re like a 419 eater for misogynists.
I’m having fun. I don’t get to use my talent for nastiness over here very much because there’s scarcity of people here who deserve it.
I’m just hoping that if there are impressionable young guys who read the comments, they’ll look at the crap the MRAs are spewing and say, “Wow, I sure don’t want to be part of that!”
How about “Grumpy Old Social Justice Mangina”?
That is some advanced creeptacular stalking right there. AVfM is a bottomless pit of awful.
I’m betting there’s a lot of young guys and gals reading the GQ article and the comments and going, “Nope, do not want!” Which is probably why they’re all losing their collective shit over it.
They can’t do much to try to “discredit” GQ as a feminist propaganda mag. They can try, but people aren’t going to fall for it.
Oh, of course. Of course she did. Always classy, JB. Always classy. I’m sorry; that is, as Lea said, creeptacular.
JudgyBitch performed a miracle in the GQ comments by writing a whole paragraph without calling anybody a whore. I can only imagine what the feat cost her.