Fellas, make up your minds! Are feminist ladies wily seductresses out to entrap innocent men using the power of their sexiness? Or are they evil uggos who never get laid?
While the zeta males over at A Voice for Men lament their alleged victimization at the hands of an alleged undercover feminist honey trap, who allegedly lured them into skeezy behavior by, among other things, crossing and uncrossing her legs, our old friend Heartiste once again assures his readers that feminist ladies are icky fugs:
A powerful shiv to the bloated gut of feminism is to remind normal, attractive women of the gross, ugly, and deranged feminist women (and their effete male lackeys) who purport to speak for all women. Women are nothing if not herd followers, and if it’s made clear to the Normal Majority of women that feminists are unbangable fugs no worthwhile man would touch with a manlet’s micropeen, then the herd will change course and leave the losers in its dust.
Hate to break it to you, dude, but you’re not the first person to try to defeat feminism using the brilliant strategy of calling feminists ugly. It never works.
Calling someone “ugly” is up there with the age-old elementary-school insult “stinky-poo” (as in, you smell like stinky-poo!). These poor effervescent lads are really showing their glory and brilliance over here.
Yes that’s all we women are just herd animals based on our worth of how attractive we are and how we can serve men. ‘-_-
Proving once again on why we need Femnisim
That doesn’t sound like it’s inciting violence using makeshift weapons at all, does it?
Why are my comments going into moderation? :S
At this point, I think that feminists are to them whatever makes their boners saddest at any given moment. We’re either unfairly sexy and seductive sluts who won’t put out or will only put out to use sec as a weapon it we’re committing the crimes of being fat and ugly.
Grr. Sex, not sec. Stupid phone.
Oh, FFS, this is just sad. They really got nothing. Does Heartiste really believe that women are going to collectively give up all their hard-fought rights and go back to being the property of men just because he calls us ugly?
Both, obviously! At the same time! Because feminist ladies are just that evil!
I know this is anecdotal, but my boyfriend is a feminist and he is very fuckable. Those MRA’s though, not so much.
You expect internally coherent arguments from these turds? That’s a bridge too far.
Because calling women “herd followers” totally makes sense as a way to win “normal” women over to the side of the manosphere. It’s not like such a comment demonstrates why misogyny still exists and why we still need feminism.
If men can’t get laid, it’s because they’re “nice guys” and we’re just evil and shallow. But if women can’t get laid it’s all “haha you’re fugly!!!!”
Did everyone hear that Leonard Nimoy just died?
🙁 🙁 🙁
Here’s a lovely tribute to him. http://io9.com/rip-leonard-nimoy-who-showed-us-what-it-truly-means-to-1688470007
Couldn’t mention male feminists without implying they have small penises, could he?
I did. 🙁 I had such a crush on him as a kid. Still do really.
Here’s some of his photography (NSFW):
He will be missed.
Huh. If that scare tactic were any more transparent, you could use it to wrap sandwiches.
These guys vastly overestimate their sticks and carrots (as it were). “Ugly” is simply douchebag-speak for “noncompliant”, and being permitted to touch Heartiste’s “manlet’s micropeen” really isn’t that much of a prize in exchange for a lifetime of control, abuse, and constant belittlement for failing to live up to impossible and ever-changing standards.
Sorry, PUAs. The herd is vanishing over the plain in search of greener pastures, and you no longer have any sway over them.
these guys are super, super bad at making predictions. They’ve been predicting feminism/progressivism/antiracism/democracy would implode for about as long as I can remember. Like it’s an organic thing that is somehow destined to happen no matter how ludicrous or unrealistic or vague or plain old unappealing the alternatives they present are.
Shoot, I remember homeschoolers back in the 90s who were sure that within ten years the public school system would have more or less completely collapsed as people saw the light and flocked to homeschooling en masse. They were just early adopters of the inevitable future.
Still waitin’ on that one, too.
Any day now!
According to family lore, when my older sister was about three or four years old, “You’re ugly and I hate you!” was her be-all, end-all of insults. I think she outgrew this by the time she was like five years old. So, I guess Heartiste is less mature than a five-year-old. That’s my takeaway, anyway.
These sorts of men seem to think only people with certain sorts of bodies deserve respect. It isn’t just that those bodies need to be male. They also need to be the right color, build and penis size. (…and nothing must ever, ever, ever go in that body’s butt. Ever.)
No wonder they live in such fear. The title of “Real Man” bestows all of their rights upon them and how can they know if they are ever being manly enough not to lose them?
So many misogynists messages to women boil down to: “If you think you deserve basic human rights men like me won’t want to fuck you”
That’s great news!
That’s why the same men then write PUA blogs about how hard it is to get laid and how you have to trick women into giving you a sex. Again, we see no self awareness.
I hadn’t heard of Nimoy’s death. That’s really tragic. I guess it’s nice that he died old rather than young, but still.
*sigh* Back OT I guess.
This works for all of about two seconds. Then feminists run campaigns like “this is what a feminist looks like,” and people start seeing feminists in person, feminists who couldn’t possibly be considered “gross, ugly, and deranged” or to have “male lackeys.” If you hinge your entire argument on looks, the exceptions will act as disproof.
Othering by looks only works if you never look at the others. That’ll be true of the anti-feminist crowd, but not of the rest of the human population. Not that looks mean anything with regards to validity of a movement anyway or can be measured objectively, but seriously; even on its own terms this approach doesn’t work.
I’ve heard that one too.
I hope they aren’t still holding their breath. 😀
Considering how much stock they put in penis size, I always just figured they were scared theirs might be small, and that’s why they need an untouched woman who’s not been “spoiled” and who can’t get away. Cause if she’s been with another man, there’s always that fear he may not measure up. Just seems like projections of their own insecurities again.
Let’s not compare Heartiste to a child that’s insulting to children.
“If men can’t get laid, it’s because they’re “nice guys” and we’re just evil and shallow. But if women can’t get laid it’s all “haha you’re fugly!!!!”
Ha ha QFT
Occasionally you hear right-wingers crowing that “conservatives are SO much better looking than liberals! Just look at Fox News anchors! Sean Hannity! Paul Ryan! Ann Coulter!”
Then someone brings up Hollywood, and they fall silent.
Evidently, they think people form opinions because they want to be on the same side as the Handsome Team.
The only thing you need to remember, is that it’s always the women’s fault. That’s their mantra. Men are never responsible, it’s always the women. If men make a bad choice, the women are to blame. If women make a bad choice, it’s women’s fault.
It makes so much sense, now doesn’t it?
Uh oh you guys, I think Mr. Luna might be a mangina. The other week I slightly overdid it on cocktails and instead of seeing this as an opportunity to please his boner he took off my jeans and bra and tucked me into bed.
If dating an alpha male means no more cocktails then no fucking deal.
Also, my sister is a feminist. She is also a model and professional domme. She’s beautiful on a level that makes people stop and stare. I’d like to see them call her fugly.