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"They want every man cuckolded as it undermines the patriarchy and sets up a matriarchy where men are simply drones" and other insights on feminism from the Men's Rights Subreddit

MRAs apparently watch a lot of Cheaters
MRAs apparently watch a lot of Cheaters

Is it just me, or are Men’s Rights Activists (and PUAs and MGTOWers) just a little bit obsessed with this whole “cuckolding” thing? From a discussion in the Men’s Rights subreddit today:

Demonspawn 6 points 8 hours ago       but third-wave feminists are worse in my opinion. They RUIN everything feminism originally stood for  Feminism was a movement that wanted men's rights while rejecting men's responsibilities. The only difference between then and now is that today it's harder to hide feminism's true intent as women have men's rights.      permalink     save     report     give gold     reply  [–][deleted] 2 points 7 hours ago*   Not only do they reject responsibilities. They want them removed entirely. For example marriage today has simply become a way to find out there's been another man balls deep in your wife and several of your kids aren't yours, but you need to pay for it all. This is something feminists are working to have be the new way of life. They want every man cuckolded as it undermines the patriarchy and sets up a matriarchy where men are simply drones that toil away for their female masters. On the other hand a man being unfaithful is extremely irresponsible and morally abhorrent. Even if it's just having your cock sucked like Clinton. It's a scandal.

Dudes, if you’re this, er, intrigued by cuckolding, there’s like a whole genre of porn out there that should keep you busy for a while. I will not be providing you any links.

H/T — r/againstmensrights

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9 years ago

There’s also the evopsych idea that seeing one’s mate with another man causes arousal and therefore a greater abundance of sperm with which to flood out that of the interloper.

Really? I wonder why we never mentioned that in either evolution or psych? I mean, we talked a lot about various methods for doing things, from penis fencing to barbed hooks to scrape other damselflies semen out, to serial monogamy for shorebirds…

Isn’t it funny how all the evopsych that suggests that women having multiple partners was not only normal but possibly even beneficial for early humans gets ignored in favour of the “Humans have always lived in 1950’s style nuclear families” evopsych? One of the most important rules of evopsych is that what’s natural for men is what (straight) men want to do, and what’s natural for women is something that women need to be taught.

9 years ago

Hi, first time commenter, long time lurker. But this nonsense finally pulled me out if the woodwork, since I simply cannot wrap my brain around this asinine ‘every woman wants to cheat’ concept. Obviously, people of every gender may cheat, as shitty people exist in all genders. But where are these guys getting the idea that women are just running around desperately looking for some bigger, better dick? Is there one guy who lives in some area where everyone cheats and is skewing the data? Or is it just that *le gasp* women aren’t fucking the guys who write this sort of drivel! *insert dramatic movie stinger sound effect*

Anyway, greetings to you all, and I hope to enjoy many future comments sections with you. 🙂

9 years ago

On the subject of cuckolding fetishism and sexual insecurities there is a whole bit in Red Dwarf where Rimmer, Lister and Cat all live out their fantasies in a game (Better Than Life). Rimmer is with the sexiest woman in the world who wears virtually nothing in public, and then she goes off with a super hot guy. When Rimmer finds out he is playing a game he realises that even in his fantasy he could not be without the sexiest woman in the world because he just doesn’t feel good enough.

I guess that that is what these guys are going through.

9 years ago

‘could not be WITH the sexiest woman in the world’

BTW Lister lives in Bedford Falls with Kochanski and the twins, every day is Christmas Eve. His fantasy is sweet and not ego based because Lister is portrayed as a man comfortable and secure in himself.

9 years ago

Hey folks, remember the car-crashing Brianna Wu’s stalker? Well.

I’m really upset about this, because dude was essentially using her as non-consenting/not-informed bystander for his “comedy”.

And NOW he has the nerve to whine when he gets a taste of what women are going thru?

9 years ago

Ugh, terrorising victims of harassment doesn’t sound like satire to me. And his actions add fuel to the arguments that the threats aren’t serious. I don’t get this kind of comedy. Even if he thinks he’s mocking the harassers, he’s doing it in a harmful way. This has to be illegal.
He could easily have mocked gamergate without threatening anyone specifically.

9 years ago

I thought you’re concerned with misogyny, but this isn’t misogyny at all. If anything, it’s paranoia and defensiveness (but only if it’s not true).

Criticizing a woman for being unfaithful to her husband is justified. Women do deserve a certain amount of criticism. Otherwise, they really are as bad as the “men’s rights” guys say they are.

Don’t just assume that women are infallible and that any criticism of them is “sexist” hate.

9 years ago

Also adding fuel to the demonisation of the mentally ill.

Fucking asshole. –#

9 years ago

Cycloptic smilie. Pretend that had two eyes.

9 years ago

Don’t know if I want to support cycloptic smilie erasure.

9 years ago


9 years ago

Here’s something about the whole “Alpha F**ks, Beta Bucks” Cuckoldry Evo Pych stuff that just occurred to me recently.

The whole thing is based on the supposed evolutionary advantages to genes that cause a woman to select a reliable “Beta” for a partner to raise children but a different “Alpha” to genetically sire them. Frankly, while there are reasons to doubt how this strategy would really work on an genetic evolutionary level (if these “betas” aren’t having kids, how does “Beta” behavior continue to propagate?) But, even if we look past this there is another large question that I never see asked.

The theory of this strategy pretty much presumes that a woman has access to lots of different, largely genetically different, men. This is definitely true in society today. But everything I have ever learned about prehistory says that is was definitely NOT true through most of human history. Up until the neolithic and the rise of towns, humans lived in very small groups that were composed exclusively of close genetic relatives. Remove the same-sex, children, and elderly of the group from the pool and you end up with Mrs Crood having a choice of maybe a handful of brothers/nephews/cousins to choose from. Since close genetic relatives the majority of genetic material (even beyond the 98%+ we all share a humans) the supposed “advantages” of going out of your way to select the most “Alpha” guy in the group would largely disappear …. he’s basically going to give you the same genetic material as his “Beta” brother would. Add in the fact that the entire group raised all the children – so there was no need to pick 1 “Beta” to be your hubby to cuckold to begin with,and there was no “Nuclear Family” among Cavemen, and the whole damn theory looks remarkably anachronistic to me.

9 years ago

@Maghaven: As far as I know (granted, I’m no history buff) it’s always been pretty common for women to marry outside their own group.

It’s still weird, though. If we imagine a primitive hunter-gatherer-society – why wouldn’t it be good to actually stay with an alpha male? Aren’t they supposed to be big and strong? Wouldn’t that make for a better hunter, and therefore a better provider? Or is it that the alpha refuses to provide because he’s so alpha and cool? And yeah, the betas would be bred out of existence anyway if they didn’t get any offspring…

9 years ago


I’m now imagining whiny cavemen drawing crude pictures on cave walls depicting how women are so unfair and how they’re going to get their own back by living on their own on in another valley.

9 years ago

They believe in alpha fucks and beta bucks.
They think they are the alphas.

It’s an excuse for why women always leave them quickly and often find long term love with another man/men.

9 years ago

I really don’t understand why “raising a child that you didn’t provide half of the chromosomes for” matters at all.

As a person raised in a family where not all of the children were genetically related to the parents, who married into a family where none of the children were genetically related to the predominant “father figure” I find the whole thing personally offensive.

I mean, get upset with your spouse for sexual encounters outside the agreed-upon boundaries of the relationship, but I don’t understand how the parentage of the children being raised in a given household has anything to do with… anything.

As far as I know, in at least some jurisdictions the whole “genetic relationship” thing doesn’t matter anyways – if you’re living in a household together and taking part in raising a child then you’re legally the parent regardless of whether or not you are genetically related.

9 years ago

Actually, in nature cuckolding generally tends to be betas and omegas mate on the sly, alpha bucks.

…at least for chimps and sea sponge amphipods! Not so much for bonobos or wolves.

…or cuckoos for that matter.

9 years ago

… Oh, my! I just realized that the guys who are like “yeah, I totally get to sleep with girls who are cheating on their bf/husband” are totes declaring themselves to be sneaker-males!

They’re basically screaming (from the pseudo-bio standpoint using the traditional sexual strategy hierarchy) “Look at me! I’m a Beta!”

Excuse me while I go laugh like a hyena for a bit.

9 years ago

As far as I can tell, being alpha depends on being percieved better somehow than other men. You can’t breed it out of the species, cause it’s not an internal thing, it’s an external message. If only people with strong alpha qualities reproduce, you get a generation that’s got more of those qualities in general, but variation will exist across them. “You’re 7 feet tall? Hah, I’m 7.2 feet tall, you pathetic beta”. A bodybuilder in a society of body builders wouldn’t be alpha, he’d have to be better than average for his society. It’s a never ending dick measuring contest inside MRA minds.

9 years ago

@ maistrechat | February 24, 2015 at 10:11 am
In many Common Law jurisdictions, there is a rebuttable presumption that the husband is the father. Parentage matters for establishing financial responsibility for extramarital children.

@Spindrift | February 24, 2015 at 3:26 am
Some PAU types claim that women are (less evolved/more emotional than rational/etc), and are still selecting for traits that would have been useful before the Neolithic.

9 years ago

I genuinely read that blue title at the top as “Heaters” with a heart in a frying pan to the left. Maybe I should have some lunch.

Also, the comedian who made someone believe she was in danger for the sake of making fun of the mentally ill? What a knob-end.

9 years ago

@Ellesar: Yes, the differences between Lister and Rimmer stem from how they approach their ambitions. Lister has modest domestic plans — open a restaurant on Fiji — that were probably supposed to seem ridiculous at first, but become kind of bittersweet three million years out.

Rimmer hates his job, constantly compares himself to his more successful brothers, doesn’t really want his ambitions, and is generally miserable.

I just feel the need to clarify that the bit with Rimmer’s cheating wife is in the first novel, not the television series.

9 years ago


Did you even read the post though? These guys aren’t critcizing a woman for being unfaithful – they’re saying all women are unfaithful and dishonest. That’s mysogyny.

But, either way, if they were in fact criticizing a woman for being unfaithful, it would still be pretty damn weird, since we know both men and women cheat at similar rates. Why target one specific woman for doing something that half the planet’s population do or have done? Maybe some misogyny in there after all?

Oh, and why comment on someone’s sexual habits like that? Ever heard about minding your own fucking business?

9 years ago

@skiriki: Just a prank, huh? He’d better hope someone doesn’t decide to prank him with a tire iron.