a voice for men antifeminism evil sexy ladies internet tough guy memes memesplaining men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed white men red pill straw feminists

Memesplaining: Men being trod upon by women with feminism

Actual A Voice for Men meme

Pity the poor MRA meme-makers. It’s hard for them to find real-world images to illustrate their deeply held belief that women in general (and feminists in particular) secretly or not-so-secretly run the world.

Indeed, there seems to be a lot of photographic evidence that supports a rather different conclusion about women and power. Do women run the US congress? Nope.

11th Congress "freshman" class
11th Congress “freshman” class

The Supreme Court? Nope. (Dudes circled for easy reference.)


Corporate Boards of Directors? Nope and nope and nope and nope and nope and nope.

2011-Board-Photo board-of-directors content_corp_boardOfDirectors_fullColumnImage Board-Group-for-Web board-of-directors2 sampo_group_board_of_directors

Happily for MRAs there are still some options left – like stock photos.

The word of stock photos is a strange one indeed, one filled with women laughing alone with salad and cheering themselves while crouched on scales in their underwear.

Oh, and did I mention that stock photo sites like to make their pics of women sexxxxayy? And that they seem to have the same confusion between sexy and sexist as Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap?

Indeed, when Cate Savilla of Buzzfeed recently tried some common female-centric search terms on stock photo sites, these were some of the weirdly sexualized pictures that showed up in the results.


stockwomensports stockfemaleriendships stockfeminism


Apparently a lot of guys imagine feminism as some kind of session with a dominatrix. Never mind that in the real world, men getting trod upon on by women in high heels often pay quite handsomely for the experience. No, in the minds of the world’s MRAs this is a perfect image to represent the jackbooted high heeled stormtroopers of feminazi-ism.

Attach a vaguely threatening caption, and the URL for A Voice for Men, and you’ve got yourself a meme!

H/T — MUH Men’s Rights Activism and Philip Rose

UPDATE: I just realized that I featured this meme before. Well, the post still stands.

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10 years ago

“Do you really think we can fix this while always being polite and watching our “tone”?”

Mras, if feminists have nothing legitimate to say stop borrowing their (more well-placed) arguments about tone-policing.

10 years ago

You know what? There is no good way to say MRA ideas because MRA ideas are horrible. They are usually held by horrible people who say them in the most offensive way possible, but that isn’t the actual problem.

10 years ago

Hey guys. *waves* Been a few months, huh? I heard things maybe got a bit better here, decided to stick my head in.

Also, it’s so weird that the stereotype of feminists are people in ugly shoes, but the face-stomping pics are never Crocs or Doc Martens or something. I guess they need to insure it’s a LADY shoe with a LADY foot inside. Otherwise people might get the wrong idea.

10 years ago

Also, we’ve HAD very polite, civil MRAs come here. The problem wasn’t their tone. Their problem was they were advocating horrible misogyny. You can paint a turd gold, but it’s still a turd.

10 years ago

Kakanian | February 21, 2015 at 5:12 pm

I honestly think the high heels are there because they need shoes that clearly signify feminity to their buyers, especially in the closeups.

What honestly makes me giggle about the whole “High heels are for wimmens!” argument is that they were originally intended for men:

And now look at us, stealing men’s fashions from the mens. Misandry!

What really gets me about that first image, and someone else has mentioned this already: Is that the moment a feminist isn’t anything but goddamned saintly, the MRAs cry about how terrible we are. (And use stock images of men who may or may not be in the middle of a session with their dominatrix to do so.)

But, as per the usual: “Do as we say, not as we do!”

10 years ago

I still think it is because the MRA meme-ists don’t know where to look to find images of women that are sexualized, which tells you a lot about their browsing habits.

10 years ago

RE: wordsp1nner

A lot of them don’t even seem to realize what sexualization IS. NWO certainly didn’t!

10 years ago

Welcome back LBT! Hope you stick around.

10 years ago

To be fair, NWOSlave didn’t understand math, what an alphabet was, or “zero-sum game”, so sexualization was in good company there.

10 years ago

And welcome back!

10 years ago


Hey! I really hope so too. I’ve really missed you guys, and was glad to hear some changes had been made. In honor of Mammoth and Unimaginative, I come bearing a story about a MRA supervillain.

RE: wordsp1nner

Oh, NWO. Your name is digitally immortalized among the glimmering stars of the Internet, like the ooba-chaka baby and Foamy the Squirrel. Never forget, never surrender!

10 years ago

I’m watching the 90s Secret Garden movie. Thrilling Saturday night! Anyway,the pre life lessons Colin reminds me of MRAs.

10 years ago

NWO had something to do with…dairy? Or is that another troll?

10 years ago

Hi! ::waves:: We missed you too!

10 years ago

Yep, NWO was (at least by repute) a milking machine technician.

Welcome back, LBT!

10 years ago

Welcome back, LBT! How are you doing?

10 years ago

Aw, thanks guys. Y’all’re the best.

Also, Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney flick, katz. BEST gif!

RE: childrenofthebroccoli

I’m doing… pretty good! We’re working on a low-res horror computer game about multiplicity. We’ve had a few bulk orders for our comics in Kansas and Texas, which is really exciting. And we’re moving back home to Boston, which I am REALLY looking forward to.

So that’s the good stuff. Less good is that it turns out our memory was playing a MASSIVE shell game with even more rape and trauma than I thought. We’re working through it though, and holding steady. Who knows, maybe Kid will even comment here sometimes. She’s all about the snark, as katz can attest.

Anne Mette
Anne Mette
10 years ago

It’s the same bloody show everytime we experience a economic recession – some part of the middle class gets spooked and start looking for scapegoats….Choosing 50% of mankind to blame is NOT the most trustworthy way to do it…

10 years ago

So, apparently, THIS feminism (according to MRAs:)



10 years ago


They should listen to Kirsty MacColl

Ooh ooh, I got this one! Gimme a moment to get into Misogynist Music Critic Mode, tralala…

(Trigger warnings for fat shaming, violent imagery, racism, and of course, virulent hatred of women.)

This singing female (and I use the term “singing” loosely, not to mention “female”) grunts out, or should I say oinks forth, descriptions of the rankest misandry, gloating about squashing the aspirations of any man who dares to dream. This is the feminist agenda laid bare–to crush any male with romance and novelty in his heart, the kind of men who settled new frontiers, made huge strides in innovation and built the very civilization that allows her to spew her filth in peace.

The cruel and unsurprising irony is that she would never be able to strut her revolting ugliness, both inside and out, if it were not for men–the same men who form the entirety of her band, docile castrated white knights who have been beaten down into plying their talent for her aggrandizement. Would it surprise anyone if any one of these men, or even all of them, decided enough was enough and smashed their fists and/or the instruments of their art into the fat mug that this lump of blubber calls a face? These men may even overcome their natural revulsion to her hideous physique long enough to show her they have their dicks back, make that cunt give the audience a real show. Though we at A Voice for Menbabies obviously do not condone violence, such an explosion of virile rage would be nothing more than a natural outgrowth of the feminist oppression that is stifling the life blood from men everywhere.

I found I had to turn off the video, which I had hitherto forced myself to endure, when this “female” started “singing” in Mexican. Here she was, flinging about another insidious item on the agenda of feminists and their allies–multiculturalism–and I was helpless to make her stop the bastardization of our once-proud American culture. What can be done to halt our descent into the muck shat out by feminists and their mongrel allies? I felt myself sink into the morass of helplessness that feminism has decreed as the only lot for men. What can we do? What can any of us do? All we can do is light a candle in the dark and act, individually and together, calling forth a new dawn of a cleaner tomorrow and knowing we are not alone in our disgust at the pollution of our civilization which will eventually be its ruin.

Egh, I need a shower. I think I hit the major MRA talking points, though I may need to turn up the bad writing and grammatical errors up a notch. I hope even AVFM-ers will find this drivel over the top, but given their actual material I’m not hopeful.

Seriously that’s a great song, funny and vibrant. As always the commenters here know how to turn turd into diamonds, and I’m enjoying the shoe-themed songs y’all are turning up.


Excellent to see you’re back! *waves* I’m a newcomer here but we know each other from elsewhere, I think I’ll leave you to wonder who I might be… :evil grin: (Never fear–I’m not a stalker or harasser, attempts at MRA ventriloquism notwithstanding.)

10 years ago

Crap! My HTML-fu has failed me. *facepalms at self forever*

10 years ago

RE: PussyPowerTantrum

…tumblr? Don’t keep me in suspense! *laughs*

10 years ago

lkeke35. 😀

Not only are they morons, they are also hypocrites. For example, they seems to be angry about how feminism is mainly focused on female issues, even though they know that feminism was created by women for women (even though it does benefit men). And they then go and create a movement that is only focused on men (while actually doing nothing to help men). XD They complain about how feminism is a hate movement and accuse us of misandry , yet they , spout violence and hatred for women on their sites. To the extent that they are labelled AVFM and the Spearhead as a hate sites by the SPLC. They complain about being silenced, yet they fill every article about female issues with misogyny and send rape and death threats to point that their victims have to leave their homes to protect their families (eg Anita Sarkeesian) They point all feminists with the same brush because of a few fringe extremists, and completely ignore the fact that the have got the likes of Paul Elam and Warren Farrell as the face of their movement. They also call male feminists ‘white knights’ and ‘manginas’, yet female MRAs are acceptable.It is ridiculous.

10 years ago

Anyway, here are some memes poking fun at the perceived misandry of feminism by Feminazis for Misandry. XD